LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 394 Pike’s Level 3 Killer

Chapter 394 Parker’s third-level kill

"Captain Teddy's first blood was knocked out by Pike?!"

"how can that be?!"

In the LPL commentary box, Miller followed the director's camera.

The five FPX people signed up for the group directly at the first level, but when they walked through the river crossing on the lower road, they discovered that the person doing the vision was actually the captain’s piano girl.

If there are other heroes, they may still have a little health and tankiness.

Qin Nu is currently the most fragile hero in the League of Legends, and there is no other hero. She may even lose half of her health with a single skill.

If he was hit twice by Draven, he would probably be disabled.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the captain's piano girl being hooked by Titan, and then died under Pike's Q!

And it was still a case of death flash.

"Ah?! This?! How did the SKT team do this?"

"Did Captain Teddy not notice the invasion of the FPX team at all?"

"This mistake is too big!"

"To be honest, this death is a bit easy. FPX did not give a single flash, and even the blood volume is full. This death is too easy~"

"Although we still don't know how effective the jungler Pike will be, Chen Mu's first-blood kill is definitely not good news for the SKT team."

The game continues.

Teddy scratched his head in embarrassment. The first-level death was resurrected for a short time.

After being resurrected, Qin Nu also rushed down the road as soon as possible.

After FPX got the first blood, everyone immediately got back online.

At exactly this time, top laner Kennen rushed to the top lane in one minute and 30 seconds, without missing a single soldier's experience and level.

Chen Mu's Pike also made a success with the help of the bottom lane duo.

The hero Pike must have teammates to help clear the jungle, otherwise the jungle will be too hurt, and even level one has to be punished to clear the jungle.

"Although the jungle battle in this game is still full of highlights, Chen Mu's Pike is very flexible and seems to be easier to catch, but the jungle speed is definitely very slow, and it is definitely not Clid's blind monk in the competition for resources in the jungle. opponent."

"The focus of both sides in this game is actually the bottom lane matchup. Whether it is Draven who is effective or the Gemstone Girl combination is effective, then whoever has a very high winning rate in this game will have a very high winning rate."

Miller nodded and said, then looked towards Summoner's Rift.

Because at this moment, both junglers wiped out the first wild monster almost at the same time!
For the SKT team, although Clid had an offensive vision in the upper half of FPX's jungle at the beginning, he would certainly invade the jungle as a blind monk against Pike.

Therefore, the blind monk brushes directly from the lower half of the jungle to the upper half of the jungle.

As for the FPX team, after Chen Mu's Pike took the red buff, he also chose the most damaging jungle route of six birds.

Because Pike's jungler was injured and slow in the early stage, even though Chen Mu Pike had an extra long sword, his efficiency was still very impressive.

That's right, after Chen Mu got his first blood, he went back to the city and bought a long sword, and then he got the red one.

But Chen Mu's pike, after spending a long time to kill the six birds, immediately turned around and headed towards the stone beetle.

And Chen Mu also wanted to do quick three. Compared to the blind monk, Pike is simply a weak jungler.

Although Pike got first blood, he wanted to fight SKT in the half jungle.

The combination is too weak!
After Pike took down the stone beetle, he was successfully promoted to level three.

Then without even thinking, he continued heading down the road, heading straight for the Koto Girl's gem on the opposite side.

Pike is originally a hungry jungler. If he really wants to clear the jungle, Chen Mu doesn't need to play Pike!

At this time, SKT's bottom lane combination knew that Qin Nu did not show up, and it must be the target of FPX's public criticism and a thorn in the flesh.

Therefore, even the SKT duo, who were the first to go online, did not dare to push the line quickly, and you must know that Qin Nu Ge is a double salary to pretend to go out.

Draven Titan, plus jungler Pyke, this must be a tactical routine captured by the jungler at the second or third level. I don’t know how many times it has appeared in the game, so it is impossible for the SKT team to give the same thing again in this game. Opportunity.

Moreover, the two vision fields have been inserted into important nodes at the mouth of the lower river.

No matter how around you Pike, you can't get around these two fields of view.

SKT has also studied Chen Mu's game videos and seen Chen Mu's various god-level bypass visions in the jungle.

Therefore, in order to prevent Chen Mu's vision from being blocked, the angle of Chen Mu's vision was specially blocked.

But if you can’t escape from the jungle, then just go online!
Of course Chen Mu knew that the intersection of Xialu River must be within sight every step of the way.

If that's the case, I just won't leave from there!
I'll go straight from the line!
At this time, when SKT deliberately released the lane in the bottom lane, Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang pushed the lane without pressure.

The line of troops is maintained at the wall in front of the opposite defensive tower.

This is the best position for SKT.

The troop line will not enter the tower, giving Draven the opportunity to eat the tower skin.

It is also an extremely safe position and can be retreated at any time. It is not far from the defense tower.

At this time, Chen Mu's pike had followed Xiaobing and touched the second bush from the grass on the roadside.

And all of this, SKT’s bottom lane combination is still unknown.

At this time, looking at everything on the big screen, several commentators in the commentary box also analyzed it one after another.

"Huh?! This wave of Chen Mu's pike is intended to be captured at level three! And he didn't choose to go from the river mouth. He also knew that the river mouth must have a field of vision, so he walked directly from the lane. Anyway, Draven was also pushing the lane. Yeah, Qinnu and Gemstone don't seem to realize it yet!" Miller exclaimed when he saw Chen Mu launched a gank in less than 3 minutes.

"But this wave, FPX still has a hard time making moves. The captain and Mata's Gem Piano are a little confused. It seems like Titan can't take the lead, they are all minions!" I remember saying worriedly.

"No matter what happens in this wave, Chen Mu's Pike must start as soon as possible. Clid's blind monk has finished the red and blue buffs, and he will go to the upper half of the jungle to find Chen Mu's Pike. If you find that you have blue in the upper half of the jungle, Since all the wild monsters in buff are there, they will definitely know that your Pike is in the bottom lane!" Wawa also expressed his worries.

"Yes, this wave of Pike must take action, and it must be done, otherwise the upper half of the jungle will be given to the blind monks, and the entire jungle is almost in ruins. If you can't do anything at this time, then you can't do anything." The whole game will be suppressed by the blind monk!"

"Even though Chen Mu's Pike got first blood, the subsequent jungle area is terrible and it's still hard to beat!"

The commentators kept talking, and it seemed that Chen Mu’s wave of ganks was already the decisive battle that decided the entire game!

At this time, in the game.

"You do it first, or do I do it first?!" Chen Mu asked lightly.

"I'm not very good at taking the initiative!" Liu Qingsong's Titan was already looking for various angles.

But on the opposite side, Qin Nu and Gem were blocked by minions, so Titan couldn't make a move.

"Then let me do it first!"

Since it is difficult for the bottom lane combination to make the first move, Pike can only take the first move.

However, Pike is a jungle hero that is very suitable for starting. He is originally a support player.

Without any hesitation.
W skill Deep Pond Stealth is activated
gurgling lurking
Pyke immediately becomes invisible and gains a 40% decaying movement speed bonus for 5 seconds.

Pike's stealth camouflage form can be hidden from sight, provided that the enemy hero is always outside his detection radius. Attacking or casting skills will end the camouflage state.

That's about a 600-yard range.

600 yards is neither short nor far.

At this time, Qin Nu and Gem were only at the second level.

By the time the two discovered Pike's whereabouts, it seemed a bit late.Especially when Qin Nu didn’t show up~
Pike's E skill is Phantom Wave. Pike suddenly sprints forward, leaving a drowned phantom behind him.

In an instant, he was in front of Qin Nu.

But Teddy was already in a state of death, and without flashing, he retreated crazily.

"Control him, control him, Brother Mata, come on, come on, come on, Gem Q." At the same time, Teddy shouted.

"Good good!"

And Mata is obviously old, and his operation can no longer keep up with his brain.

The gem in his hand walked straight towards Pike's face, blocking his piano girl's Q skill.

At the same time, he activated his own gem's Q skill, Dazzle, trying to control the Pike in front of him and provide some time for Qin Nu to retreat.

As long as this wave of gank, Pike did not catch anyone.

FPX is losing blood.

Jungler Pike only has a red buff, which means that he has not even passed the upper half of the jungle.

If Pike can't catch anyone, Lee Sin will definitely wipe out his upper half of the jungle.

And Pike, who was defeated in the jungle, is equal to a water ghost~
But the next moment.
Just when Gem's Q skill glare is about to take effect, it's also when Pike's E skill Drowning Phantom is about to pull back.

Gold light flashed.

E flash!
Pike moved forward again.


Parker flashed E as fast as lightning and immediately came behind Qin Nu.

After avoiding the control of Gem's Q skill glare, he also controlled Qin Nu.

As luck would have it, Mata's gem always stood in front of Qin Nu in order to serve as a hook for Qin Nu, and the two of them were on the same line.

Parker's E flash directly controlled the two gems and Qin girls.

Then came 1.25 seconds of dizziness.

At this time, Draven and Titan can also crawl over.

Although the gem blocked the front of Titan, Liu Qingsong still made the hook, hitting the gem first and coming to the front of the two of them.

Then, regardless of anything else, light it and offer the incense to the piano girl first.

The disgusting thing about Gemstone Qinnu is that the blood regeneration is so disgusting.

The piano girl can restore blood, and the gem can also restore blood, and it also brings healing.

This ignition was simply the straw that broke the camel's back for Qin Nu.

At this time, Parker slashed out with three swords.

And Lin Weixiang's Draven is indeed good enough to compete with Uzi. With this kind of pressure-free positioning, he can even catch a missed axe.

But it doesn't matter, Draven learned the E skill at level two.

The smart guy can't catch the ax accurately, but he can throw the skill accurately.

The E skill opened the way and the sharp ax once again caused control and slowdown on Qin Nu, coupled with the flat A control of Titan's follow-up.

The most vulnerable Koto girl in the league, but a Level [-] Koto girl, how could she withstand such an attack.

Finally, after Pike's draw, he fell into a pool of blood.

But now Mata's gem was the only one left, and he panicked a little.

The gem looks very hard, but it is only a second-level gem!
He had suffered a little damage just now, and his health was not at full level.

The most important thing is that Chen Mu's Pike has just handed over the E skill, but the most critical Q skill has not yet been handed over.

next second.

Pike took action. He just raised the harpoon in his hand and began to gather momentum.

No, no, this has to be a cross-dodge!
Then, Gem directly pressed his flash and ran towards the defense tower.

But at the moment when the gems flashed, Chen Mu's Pike made a hook at the same time.

The harpoon in Pike's hand hit the gem as accurately as a bone-piercing spike.

Predict the flash location!

Moreover, Pike's charged Q not only caused a high amount of physical damage, but also pulled the gem back, and also caused a 90% slowdown, which lasted for 1 second.

Slowing down by 90% is equivalent to dizziness!

And the gem, which had no means of escape, was killed by the three FPX people who had no skills.

But Mata saw that Draven didn't even have an axe, so he took a step abruptly and hit A.

Even this kind of Draven can cut off his own head.

Mata really feels like a very old man~
So humiliating!

He looked at the bloody Gem, but then looked at the harpoon that Pike had raised, wanting to accept Gem's head.

"Mu, Mu brother, Mu Shen, Mu dad."

Lin Weixiang, the wise man, became anxious and shouted loudly.

"Daddy, wild daddy, give me the head, give me the head, I can do it!"

And Chen Mu just watched Lin Weixiang Delevingne's operation, but he really didn't want to give him the head.

If Draven had an axe, he would have killed them all in this wave!

But now that the word has been shouted.

okay then~
The S key stopped, and the harpoon just raised in Pike's hand also stopped.

Then Draven, who still didn't have an axe, simply killed the gem that had reached the bottom of the tower with a simple A-stroke.

"Thank you, Wild Dad~" Seeing that the head was obtained, the wise man smiled happily.

"Looking at your dog-licking look, is your Draven operation worthy of eating a human head?! I even want to rob your head!"

Liu Qingsong directly hit with a critical strike.

But the head has already been eaten, no matter what you say!
"FPX Blood Harbor Ghost Pike killed the piano fairy Sona!"

"Glory Executioner Draven killed the Gem Knight!"

Two passionate female voices spread throughout the venue.

"Oh my god, what on earth is Teddy doing? It lasted more than two minutes and less than three minutes. He died twice in a row. Even the auxiliary hero is useless!" I remember seeing Chen Mu's rhythm, He shouted out passionately.

The doll also agreed: "Wow, this Pike is so decisive. He caught it directly at level [-]. His E flash is also very beautiful. This means he has already convinced you! I am sure you will die."

"That's right, your Gem Piano girl group is good at everything, but you are afraid of the forced lineup, and my Pike and Titan are just to make you doubt your life." Miller was also pinched by Chen Mu's Pike at the beginning. A sweat.

But it turns out.

Chen Mu, you can always trust me! !
(End of this chapter)

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