LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 395 Gem Piano Girl, Cash Machine Combination

Chapter 395 Gem Piano Girl, Cash Machine Combination
"I'm a turtle, what kind of opening script is this?!"

Seeing Chen Mu's third-level Parker, he started a hunger strike, and happened to capture the piano girl's gem.

"Arrested at the second level?! Arrested at the third level?! Why does this scene look so familiar?! I seem to have seen it somewhere before?!"

"Uzi: They slandered me, they slandered me~"

"Damn it, you really can't blame Uzi when you look at it. He did it all. It seems like Chen Mu has never failed to catch him at the second level or even at the third level."

"But let me tell you something, Lin Weixiang's very smart Draven is really awesome! Fortunately, Pike was too strong this time, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to kill anyone!"

"If you say the clever Draven is a dishonest person, he might smile; but if you say he is a smart girl, he might be really jealous with you~"


At the same time, in the game.

After Chen Mu's Pike finished killing people in the bottom lane, he happened to help Draven push a wave of troops.

Of course I got a few soldiers dirty~
Seeing the smart Lin Weixiang and Delevingne being too tired to last the last hits, Chen Mu became "kindhearted"~
“Eat one layer of tart crust”

Then Chen Mu marked the opposite bottom defense tower again.

A large wave of soldiers are entering the tower, how can you sit on the treasure mountain and not buy it!
Anyway, the opposite bottom lane duo was sent back to the spring, and SKT's top, middle and jungle were miles apart.

Ding Dong!

Dozens of oceans per person are accounted for
However, Chen Mu's Pike did not return directly to the city, but directly invaded SKT's lower half of the jungle.

"Wow, this wave of Chen Mu's pike is so bold. Draven and Titan have already returned to the city, and his pike dares to invade the jungle alone." Miller looked at Chen Mu's actions and was also surprised. I lamented Chen Mu's courage.

"Yes, SKT's Gemkoto girl is already online, but she doesn't seem to have any intention of entering the jungle!"

And Chen Mu's daring to be so presumptuous was certainly not without purpose.

From the view of the upper half of the jungle, we have seen Clid's blind monk invading FPX's blue buff jungle.

According to this time point, the blind monk has reached level three.

Clid's blind monk must start with the blue buff, six birds, and red buff.

Chen Mu certainly predicted this.

伱Parker speed 3, the gank in the bottom lane was successful.

If Clid's Lee Sin can give you double buffs to start the game, then he is not worthy of being SKT's jungler at all.

At this time, Chen Mu's upper half of the wild area must be empty.

Even if Pike returns to the city, there is already no wild field to farm, so Chen Mu's Pike directly invades the lower half of SKT's jungle area.

There must be one of the toad and the three wolves.

This is also Chen Mu's consideration to maximize the efficiency of brushing the jungle.

As for his own safety, the blind monk was in the upper half of his jungle, and the sword girl was watched by Ryze in the middle.

And Qin Nu and Gem Tower have a large wave of lines. If they give up this wave of lines and come to the wild area to find Pike, even if Pike is caught and killed, Qin Nu Gem will be out of the game.

The difference in level and experience is too big~
Chen Mu's Pike was indeed the greediest choice, beating SKT's toad in the second half of the jungle.

Then they captured the river crab in the lower half of the wild area, and Chen Mu's pike chose to return to the city.

Although they know that Chen Mu's Pike may be in their own jungle, SKT has no choice. If they forcefully go to the jungle to find Pike, they will inevitably lose their line of troops and experience.

It's okay if you catch it, but if you can't catch it, it will explode~
"Good guy, this Chen Mu is really a very brave man. Pike has never replenished his status or updated his equipment, but he still dares to invade the Clid blind monk's wild area?"

"And he really succeeded in countering it!"

"Wow, Chen Mu's Pike is too greedy. It turns out that the toads are not enough, and even the river crabs are not spared!"

Miller was quite pleasantly surprised and said that he never expected Chen Mu's Pike to be so powerful.

The third level sent the opposite bottom lane duo back to the spring water, and also brushed two groups of junglers.

In this way, Chen Mu's jungle experience is not far behind, he just lost a set of blue buffs and three wolves.

In fact, in the final analysis, Chen Mu was short of money.

The most important thing for Pyke jungler is Tiamat.

Without Tiamat, Pike's jungle clearing efficiency is too slow.

Maybe while Pike was farming a group of wild monsters, the other jungle heroes were already farming two groups of wild monsters.

The most important thing about jungle is brushing efficiency.

Whoever clears the jungle area first can do things first!

If the previous gem heads were not given to Draven, then Pike's economy would be just enough.

With three heads, a first-blood economy, and a few groups of wild monsters, I could just go back and buy Tiamat out.

But Lin Weixiang had already begged like that, so of course Chen Mu had to give in to Gemstone's head.

In this way, if two people add one assist, the economy will be a little worse.

That's why Chen Mu chose such a risky jungle route.

4 minutes 30 seconds.

Pike has reached level four, and Tiamat has also taken out~
With Tiamat, Pike finally has some qualifications for jungle farming.

In fact, Pike's gameplay is very similar to Qinggang Shadow, even more extreme than Qinggang Shadow Camille.

They are not heroes born to clear the jungle, but are the ultimate hunger strike heroes.

After Chen Mu's Pike released Tiamat, his W skill, Deep Pond Stealth, was activated.
Pike slips into stealth mode and starts causing trouble!

It just so happened that two groups of wild monsters were refreshed in the bottom lane. The main thing was to refresh the wild monsters first. It was just in time to try out the newly purchased Tiamat.

Chen Mu was swiping the field and switching screens at the speed of light while browsing the overall situation.

There is no way to go down the road, and Gemstone Qinnu is already stuck under the tower, unable to move.

In fact, FPX can jump over towers even if it really wants to.

It's just that there is no need for this anymore, and Chen Mu was also scared when he saw the last wave of Draven's operations.

What if Draven didn't even have an ax when crossing the tower, then he would be dumbfounded!

The troop line on the top lane is not very good, and Kennen has no room to match up with the jungler.

So it’s just you, Teacher Dafei~
At this time, Faker's Blade Girl and Mr. Big B's Ryze were having fun brushing each other's lanes in the middle.

At this time, Clid's Blind Sin couldn't help but start fighting around Faker's Sword Girl.

Originally, the combination of Qin Nu's gems was selected, and the blind monk was to focus on the lower half of the jungle.

But now that Qin Nu’s gem has such virtue, no one can go!

FPX knows about Draven's level, but SKT on the opposite side doesn't!

Originally, Draven got a kill in the last wave and was already equipping himself very quickly.

Fortunately, Draven's bounty is not large, so it's not too exaggerated.

But if Pike counter-crouches again and gets another head from Draven, the base will really explode!

Encountering love at the corner, the two sides engaged in a 2v2 chaos in the middle.

Ryze used EW first to immobilize the sword girl, and Pike, who was wandering nearby, was immediately ready to take action.

At this time, the blind monk happened to squat down.

They concentrated their fire on Ryze first. Although Mr. Big B handed over his Flash, he was still killed by Mr. Da Fei's Sword Girl and Flash.

However, after the sword girl carried the defense tower, Pike arrived in time to collect the head.

The two sides played one for one.

After Pike and Blind Sin saw that both sides' mid laners were killed, they immediately clicked on them and immediately ceased fire.In this wave, it’s hard to tell who will gain and who will lose!
However, Chen Mu's Pike added another head.

When Chen Mu saw it, he realized that the opponent's midfielder was quite powerful in combat!
Sword Girl and Blind Sin are really powerful in the early and mid-term.

On Chen Mu's side, Pike is only at level four, not even level five, and his harvesting ability is still a bit lacking.

At this time, it would be a bit irrational to go head-to-head with the Blade Sister Blind Monk.

Forget it~
Yes, we have to continue to bully the Gemstone girl group in the bottom lane.

The game lasts to 5 minutes.

With the help of Draven and Titan, Chen Mu directly invaded the opposite side's field of vision in the lower half of the jungle.

At this time, Qin Nu and Gem were almost knocked unconscious by Draven.

Although the operation of the smart Draven is touching, the sword in Naihe's hand is too intimidating.

With just one strike, Qin Nu lost a quarter of her health.

On SKT's side, after clearing the line of troops under the tower, Qinnu and Gems still wanted to help Clid guard the jungle.

But the two of them had just passed through the triangular grass.
gurgling lurking
Parker is here with his W~
Without any hesitation, E skill Phantom Wave, Pike suddenly sprinted forward, leaving a drowned Phantom behind him.

The distance of the E skill was not enough, but Pike also came to the gem.

Then a charged Q was triggered but not fired.

But Mata was shocked, and met love at a right angle~
Mata was so frightened that she directly handed over her own treatment, hoping to retreat quickly due to the movement speed bonus of the treatment.
Then Mata's gem began to twist the snake skin back and forth, retreating towards the defense tower behind him while thinking about avoiding Pike's hook.

And Pike's goal is not to focus on the piano girl hiding behind, but to hit the gem in front of him.

Although Gem's body is harder than Qin's, it's not that hard~
next second.
Take action with fully charged Q!


The Q skill's bone-penetrating spike hits the gem at the extreme distance, and the harpoon stably hooks the gem that is moving on the snake skin.

Pulling the gem back and forth is accompanied by a 1% deceleration for 90 second, which is equivalent to a penalty station.

The next moment, Draven and Titan sat in front of the gem while sitting on the explosive fruit.

Titan hooked again, hitting Gem, and then pinned Gem again.

But this time, the clever Lin Weixiang's Delevingne didn't miss the mark.

The ax in his hand was very exciting.

Lin Weixiang's Draven just doesn't play well, but that doesn't mean he can't play it.

Compared to Delevingne's unique skills like Ah Shui or Vincent, he is naturally outrageous.

But I played it after all~
Now the gem is like standing still and being beaten passively by him. Even a silver and gold player can play it, and if he gets out of it again, he may really be a "big smart".

One knife, two knife, three knife
Pike's three blades and Draven's three blades instantly took away the gems.

A level [-] gem flashed and was still in the CD, and he instantly fell into a rage in front of his own defense tower.

There was only one Qin girl left at the bottom of the defense tower.

At this time, the blind monk was still brushing his three wolves and did not dare to come over at all. It would not be of much use for him to come over with a blind monk without a big move.

There is no output, you can't expect a level [-] piano girl to do output!
"Charge, charge, charge, kill this piano girl, charge!"

And Lin Weixiang's Draven was killing it to the fullest.

Unexpectedly, one day, his Draven would also be able to kill.

But the next second, Chen Mu's Parker and Liu Qingsong's Titan were already eager to jump over the tower.

But the next second, Draven's ax was broken.

"Uh uh."

"Wori, I'm sorry, it was a mistake."

Lin Weixiang awkwardly explained a few sentences.

Okay~ nothing happened!

Without an ax, Draven's output is reduced.

At this time, Titan and Pike, who are only at level [-] or [-], are still too fragile. If Draven's output explodes, there is still room for maneuver when taking turns to top the tower.

But Draven has no axe. I'm afraid these two people died under the tower, and Draven can't even kill the piano girl.

Qin Nu's summoner skills include flash and light shield, while Gem's summoner skills include flash and healing, just to prevent being forced open.

The CD of Light Shield, the second company of DF that Qin Nu first met, has been transferred.

Chen Mu also saw that the line of troops was not very good, so he marked it directly.


"What's the use of you?! I really should have known that I would be the only one to play Draven, you could just go and assist!" Liu Qingsong was unable to complain.

"Haha, my, my, my!" Lin Weixiang scratched his head in embarrassment again.

"Forget it, I'll come back at level 6!"

Chen Mu is not in a hurry, this game has just begun.

However, even though Chen Mu said this, the movements in his hands did not mean to leave at all.

A wave of red square cannons came to the line, and Chen Mu's Pike directly used his skill level A.

At the same time, he said euphemistically: "Let me help you push the wave line. This taper can still eat one layer. This piano girl can't defend it. If this piano girl doesn't move away, she can continue to cross!"

Lin Weixiang also knew that he dared to be angry but dared not say anything about the bad guy in the team!

However, the ax in his hand was swinging faster and faster, and the speed of grabbing troops was getting faster and faster.

But after all, Chen Mu's Pike was superior, and he just stood firmly close to Titan.

The auxiliary equipment on Titan, a melee soldier, and a gun carriage were all taken by Chen Mu's pike.

Plus two ranged soldiers.

A wave of soldiers, six soldiers and an artillery cart, Chen Mu ate more than half.

"Crooked day~"

"That's too much!" Lin Weixiang glared at him.

"Eat the tapi, eat the tapi"

Chen Mu directly changed the topic~
But this scene was clearly recorded on the big screen.

"Wow, this is Chen Mu's position as a jungler! I want to eat melee soldiers, I want to eat long-range soldiers, and I want to eat artillery vehicles. This jungler must be killing his own family!" Watana laughed out loud.

"I guess the voice in the FPX team at this time must be like this, Chen Mu: push the line quickly, push the line quickly, I'll help you push the line, let's eat tapioca together~" I remember seeing that the situation was great, and also started Just kidding.

"But this wave, FPX's rhythm is too good. This tight linkage is really suffocating. After Chen Mu's Pike got the advantage, he started a hunger strike~"

"But Parker's behavior still reminds me of a male gun player in the Chinese server~"

"Body odor and body odor~"

"I don't have time to mess with you anymore!"

"Chen Mu's status as a bully in the team has been shattered!"

"I can kill three of them on one person, I can make no mistakes in a group fight, I can kill them all on my own in a group fight!"

"But let me tell you something, Lin Weixiang's Draven is indeed a bit abstract. If Ah Shui comes, he will really kill them all!"

"Do you understand who is at C? My Shepherd got two soldiers and started to tremble~"

(End of this chapter)

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