LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 396: In 10 seconds, the economic gap changes from 2 to 4

Chapter 396: In 10 seconds, the economic difference from [-] to [-]

Mata's gem is dead, and Clid's blind monk doesn't dare to go to the bottom lane.

But Teddy's piano girl didn't dare to guard the tower alone and went back to the city.

The empty defense tower is already open to the three FPX players.

Originally, the three of them didn't intend to be greedy, so they just ate one layer of the tart crust and left.

But in this case, I can only feel sorry~
Chen Mu's Pike relied directly on SKT's bottom defense tower. You slashed at me and I demolished the tower without any pressure.

Ding Dong!

The three of them split it equally, and another few dozen yuan arrived.

"Damn it, I've imagined countless scenarios, but I've never imagined this kind of opening. It's only been a few minutes, it's only been 6 minutes!" I remember looking at the three FPX bottom laners who were inhumane. Exclaimed directly.

Wawa nodded and echoed: "Yes, these three people are completely bulldozers. SKT seems to be out of luck with this gem girl group!"

Miller also shook his head and said with a smile: "It exploded, it exploded, it exploded completely. If you keep playing like this, Draven will go back and ask for the blood-drinking sword!"

But Chen Mu's Pike, along with Draven and Titan, turned out to be even more inappropriate than the commentators imagined.

Parker, who had already eaten two layers of the tower skin, took the Titan to the front, leaving Lin Weixiang and Delevingne alone to push the tower alone.

Pike and Titan stood directly between the first and second towers of SKT's bottom lane.

It blocked the troops from entering the tower, and also blocked the route of Gem and Qin Nu.

FPX starts the second tower laning!

But Mata's resurrected gem and Qin Nu looked at Pike blocking the door, but there was nothing they could do.

There is really no way to play!

No matter who was hooked, they were under a series of controls and couldn't move at all.

What's more, there is a Draven who is watching eagerly not far away. As long as there is any movement, he will rush to the battlefield shaking the ax in his hand.

"Brother Xianghe, Clid, can you come to the bottom lane to support us? We can't take the lane anymore!" Teddy had already begun to pitifully ask for help in the middle and jungle of the team.

"Can the jungler come and help with the line?! The two of us will stay under the tower and not get out." Mata also spoke.

The captain is a newcomer to the team and has a low status.

But Mata is different. He has a higher seniority in the LCK division!

In the entire auxiliary position, Mata has a high say.

"Okay!" Clid said reluctantly.

His blind monk has only reached level 5, and he can't do anything at all!
In this game, his blind monk was having a hard time due to the collapse of the bottom lane.

Although he started with 3 buffs, he was running around in the jungle like a headless fly.

Kennen on the road is very stable, giving him no chance to gank at all.The middle road is even more exaggerated
When he passed through the game bar and saw Ryze's Little Bingxin made, Clid felt so sick that he just wanted to feel sick to his stomach.

You are the C position mid laner~
How to play Ryze? First make Bingxin, then the first piece of equipment is Bingxin. Aren’t you a pure JB bastard?
nausea!Ugh, disgusting!
Clid also often competed with Doinb in duo queue. In the past, he found this kind of mid laner to be a dog game very interesting. At least he was quite comfortable playing in the wild.

But now when he sat across from Teacher Big B, he realized how disgusting it was~
Especially since he and Faker are both AD heroes. Facing Ryze who started to pile up armor from the very beginning, he had no interest at all!
It’s just a waste of time!
And the bottom lane is even more difficult to access. This gem piano girl has purely side effects. If he goes down to the blind monk, he will only get one more!
And it just so happened that Chen Mu's Pike was not clearing the jungle, so his blind monk had nothing to do and was running around in the jungle.

It’s fun to play in the wild~
But when the bottom lane combination summoned him, the "Miracle Walker," he couldn't ignore it.

After everyone in FPX saw the blind monk supporting the bottom lane from their field of vision, they also retreated calmly and calmly.

Judging from the fact that Gem Kotina is not yet at level [-], SKT has no chance of retaining anyone.

It's lucky that the blind monk can keep the gem Qinnu and take the army line!
But at this time, SKT's bottom tower only has one layer of skin left!

Chen Mu's Pike finally "temporarily" let Gem Qin Nu go, and symbolically returned to the wild area to kill two groups of wild monsters to replenish his experience level.

Of course it is only "temporary". How short is this temporary period? !

30 seconds later.

The game time went to 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Chen Mu's Pike was rubbing on the left and right, and with the experience of several heads, it was full of brilliance and reached level 6.

At this time, SKT's defensive tower in the bottom lane only had one layer of blood skin left.

Gemstone and Qinnu, who were only at level [-], were trembling. They had lost too much experience and levels.

On the FPX side, Titan is already at level 5, and Draven also has more experience and is about to reach level 6.

At this time, Chen Mu's Pike used the W skill to sneak into the deep pool, grunting, grunting, grunting
He was saved from SKT's triangle bush again.
But this time SKT was well prepared.

Clid's blind monk is hiding in the closed grass in the bottom lane, waiting for everyone from FPX to jump over the tower.

Even Faker's sword girl feinted a shot and took advantage of the opportunity to return to the city. Instead of going to the middle, she ran straight down.

I just want to take advantage of the opportunity that FPX wants to demolish the bottom tower to do something!
"The sword girl is gone, the sword girl is gone, the sword girl is gone"

Teacher Big B said the important things three times in a row, and also marked the signal for the bottom lane.

"Faker may have left, so be careful!"

"Would you like me to go down the road? I can come!"

"Why do you need to come here?! I'll cut them all by myself!" Lin Weixiang swelled.

The K on the left and the Titan on the right stood on both sides like two bodyguards. He felt that his Draven was good again.

"It's okay, you can eat the tapi!"

"If it doesn't work then, just sell this dish to force Delevingne!" Liu Qingsong also calmly mocked.

FPX played this round very easily, without any pressure.

The atmosphere within the team is getting weirder and weirder.

"Get ready, get ready"

Pushing a large wave of troops is about to enter the tower, Draven, shaking his axe, can't wait.

Looking at this wave, the LPL commentator couldn't help but sweat for the three FPX players.

Because it can be clearly seen from the third perspective that Gem Piano is shivering under the tower, Draven and Titan are pushing the line of troops to cross the tower, and Pike is squatting in the triangular grass and taking back roads to kill people at any time.

But not far behind Gemstone Qinnu, the Blind Monk and the Sword Girl were crouching down, blocking their field of vision.

"Hey, FPX needs to be careful this time. SKT's midfielder is crouching behind!" Miller said worriedly.

I remember nodding my head: "Yeah, this wave of blind monks haven't reached level 6 yet, but Sword Girl has already reached level 6!"

But Wawa doesn't think so: "But there is one thing to say. Even if FPX fails this wave, even if all three people die, it is actually harmless. The situation in this round has actually been settled. This gem Qin Nu has come up not coming!"

next second.
As the troops entered the tower, FPX began to take action.

Liu Qingsong's Titan found the right angle to hook out, and accurately hit the gem standing in front.

At this time, he was not obsessed with seducing the piano girl in the back row. The gem piano girl who was only level [-] could easily hook up with anyone, and they would all die!

Then the Titan immediately set fire to the gem, leaving no room for blood recovery.

SKT's Blind Monk Blade Girl was also shocked when she saw that FPX really dared to take action.

Immediately follow to the defense tower and start to fight back.
At this time, although Lin Weixiang was stretched by Draven's operation, he still had the details of being an ADC.Drawing A with a minion with residual health, Draven was promoted to level 6 the next moment.

Lin Weixiang learned the ultimate move in seconds, and then without any hesitation, he stood outside the tower and swung two axes.


Cause huge AOE damage to everyone in SKT standing in a line.

Chen Mu stood in the triangular grass. Although the Blind Monk and Sword Girl had already arrived on the battlefield, there was nothing to worry about.

He is Pike~
Watching the gem's blood volume drop rapidly.

The time has come!

Pike started directly with ER.

The gem with residual blood was killed directly!

Pyke's ultimate attack will strike all enemies within an

Enemies that have not reached the execution conditions will suffer physical damage equivalent to 50% of the execution threshold.

Everyone in SKT was crowded together, and Qin Nu also suffered AOE damage from Parker's ultimate move.

The entire blood volume has reached an extremely unhealthy state.

The talent of Liu Qingsong's Titan is explosion, and the countdown has already started when he enters the tower.

After the Titan hooked the gem, he did nothing else. He waited until the explosion was completed and directly A-hit the defense tower.

The bloody defense tower collapsed instantly.

It's another 3v3 situation.

Without the worries of defense towers, FPX has full firepower.

But at this time, SKT's Qin Nu was too weak in combat!

He also inexplicably ate some AOE and his entire blood volume reached a sensitive state.

Pike stepped forward, A, Tiamat and Draven to make up for the draw.

The blood volume has reached the killing line~
Then Pike leaped high again!

The crispy piano girl was beheaded to death instantly, without any ability to fight back.

What was originally a three-on-four situation instantly turned into a three-on-two situation.

Although Faker's sword girl wanted to create a miracle, his sword girl performed a dazzling operation, and the ultimate move reached three people.

Then there was another wave of dancing in the crowd.

But it’s of no use!

His sword girl has no income per head, and her equipment is just like that!
The operation is gorgeous, but the damage is far from enough.

What's more, his sword sister also ate a lot of AOE just now, and her blood volume is not full.

The fighting between the two sides continues.
After Chen Mu killed Gem Qinnu, he was not in a hurry to continue his output.

The hero Pike is like this. His body is not much stronger than Qin Nu. He just suffered a wave of damage from the blind monk and the sword girl, and his health is only about one-third.

Simply Pike turns on W immediately, Gulu, Lulu,
With an explosive movement speed bonus, Pike first kept a certain distance from the blind monk and the sword girl, wandering on the edge of the battlefield, allowing Lin Weixiang's Draven and Liu Qingsong's Titan to stand up for a while.

Later, it doesn’t matter if Lin Weixiang’s Draven is not good at controlling it, he will just stand and jerk off with you!
The Titan's blood volume was low, but he could still hold on for two more times, helping to stabilize the Blind Monk and Sword Girl in front of him.

At this time, Clid's blind monk skill had also been used for one round, and his combat effectiveness was finally a little bit behind.

Seeing that the blind monk's blood volume was about the same, Pike jumped high again!
This time Pike did not kill.

Even though Clid handed over his flash, he avoided Pike's ultimate move.

But this time Lin Weixiang's operation finally became normal.

After seeing the blind monk dodge, he immediately followed suit.

A after A, super high damage, but still took away the blind monk's head instantly.

Three consecutive cuts in one wave!

In an instant, Faker's sword girl was the only one left on SKT's side.

Faker hurriedly collected the head of the Titan with residual health and immediately retreated.

Faker's sword girl is very fierce when she comes, but she flashes and makes enemies quickly when she leaves!

However, FPX has no skills here and cannot catch up.

Ming Jin withdraws troops!

Looking at this wave of chaos, several commentators in the LPL commentary booth were speechless and even froze for two seconds.

"Oh my God, should I say that FPX played too well, or SKT played too poorly~" I remember reacting first, patting my forehead and saying with a smile.

"It's so cool. Pike really slashed. He chopped SKT into pieces with three consecutive slashes!" Miller's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Wow, it's incredible. Did you pay attention to the economic difference just now?! Ten seconds ago, the economic difference between the two sides was still 2000, but after ten seconds, the economic difference between the two sides was 4000!" Wawa found another way, I was shocked by the economic snowball of FPX.

But think about it, this is normal.

When an enemy hero dies within the range of Pike X, an assisting ally will also receive an additional bonus equal to the full kill gold coins.

This is equivalent to killing one person by Pike and killing two people!

In addition, Draven beheaded the blind monk and withdrew the bounty he had saved.

Plus a tower of economic money.
In an instant, there was a wave of explosive economic growth!
In less than 8 minutes, the economic difference reached 4000!

The most unacceptable thing for SKT fans has finally happened.

When Lin Weixiang and Delevingne took out the Blood-Drinking Sword in less than 8 minutes, everyone realized that this game was a bit unusual.

What makes SKT fans even more disheartened is that after Chen Mu's Parker returned to the city, he did not buy other equipment, but first bought a pair of five-speed shoes!

Good guy!
This is because you don’t want to kill enough. Do you want to buy a pair of five-speed shoes to fight from the bottom lane to the top lane? !
After buying the five-speed shoes, coupled with the W skill of Stealth in the Pool, which gained more than 40% of the constantly decaying movement speed bonus, Pike ran too fast.

In 5 seconds, he ran directly from the spring to the wild area.

Then Chen Mu's Pike hastily brushed two groups of wild areas and began to look for prey.

How can I have the motivation to kill people in the jungle? !

Then Chen Mu's Pike directly marked several points in the jungle.

"There are several groups of wild monsters in the wild area here. If you want to eat them, just eat them!"

His Pike does not farm the jungle, but his teammates can supplement their economy at will in the jungle.

Teacher Big B's Ryze in the middle can also hit the three wolves and six birds. Anyway, Ryze clears the line quickly.

After Lin Weixiang's Draven Blood Drinking Sword came out, he could clear the jungle without any damage.

Just before, Chen Mu stole some of Lin Weixiang's soldiers, so here he is returning a favor with a wild monster~
Randomly swiping two groups of wild monsters, Chen Mu's Pike W skill was activated, and he was buzzing.
Go kill someone~
(End of this chapter)

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