LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 397 Mata: Alas, where is my ultimate move? !

Chen Mu browsed the status of the three lines while switching the screen at the speed of light.

At this time, the first tower of SKT's bottom lane has been broken.

The Gemstone Girl Group has been destroyed to the point where it can no longer be eliminated. They are shivering in front of the second tower in their own bottom lane. There is no need to target them at this time.

What a waste of time~
Then the only target for gank is the upper midfielder.

At this time, Aguang Mouse's Kennen and Khan's Gnar were developing peacefully on the road.

Both sides are long-handed singles, and no one can say that they are absolutely suppressed.

Especially after leveling up, it is too difficult to kill alone, so for two people, you push a wave of lanes and I close a wave of lanes.

And just at this moment, Khan's Gnar was in the form of a small Gnar again, pushing out the army line again.

Chen Mu also seized the opportunity and did not go from the entrance of the river on the upper road. Instead, he circled around the field of vision and went directly to Longkeng from Dalongkeng E.

Then Pike circled deeply in the SKT jungle area for a while, until Pike appeared behind Gnar.

Brother Gongzi's Kenan has already opened up his face and controlled Gnar.

At this time, Khan's flash of Gnar is meaningless.

Although Pike does not have a ultimate move, his equipment is too luxurious.

Much more luxurious than his Gnar~
Cong's sword slashed three times, and Gnar's blood dropped sharply.

Khan still wanted to operate, and Gnar jumped back, but was accurately hooked back by Pike's Q skill bone-penetrating spike.

"Blood Harbor Ghost Shadow Gnar killed Gnar!"


"Bloodhaven Ghost Gnar has dominated the game!"

This was only 8 minutes, and Chen Mu's pike had already killed five.

From the bottom lane to the top lane, I kill one every one and a half minutes on average~
Of course, as a jungler, Chen Mu’s number of junglers is less than half that of Clid’s blind monk~
At this time, Clid's blind monk was running around in the jungle like a headless fly. Apart from being a "miracle walker" in the jungle, there was no rhythm.

Chen Mu's pike was in the upper half of the jungle, but he didn't dare to come.

He didn't even dare to go to the Dragon Pit in the lower half of the jungle. Draven's equipment was too exaggerated.

As for the trouble of finding Lin Weixiang and Delevingne again?
Draven gave him a head-on axe, directly cutting off one-third of his health.

Fortunately, Clid was quick at touching his eyes. Otherwise, if he was hooked by Titan again, he might have to give away another one.

But Bao Ge and Qin Nu were not qualified to take a look.

As for Mr. B’s Ryze in the middle, Bing Xin is about to make it.

Bah ~ disgusting!


"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

In just 8 minutes, Chen Mu scored the fifth head of the game. When he began to dominate the game, the fans in the audience burst into unparalleled cheers.

Although not many LPL fans came to MSI this time, Chen Mu now has many fans abroad.

The outstanding performance throughout last year has gained countless loyal fans around the world.

I originally thought that using Pike would have miraculous effects, but I never expected that in less than 10 minutes of game time, Chen Mu's Pike had already broken the "team record" set in the previous Pike game!
He is worthy of being the "top laner" devil, no, now he is the devil of the jungle. Even playing as a Pike jungler, he can play smoother and smoother than others, making him invincible!
And just as the audience was cheering, Doll Miller in the official LPL commentary box was smiling.

Because they also never expected that the SKT team would make such a serious mistake in the early stages of the game.

During the BP, when the SKT team took out the jeweled Qin Nu, they were still a little nervous, thinking that SKT had prepared some kind of decisive battle.

result?That's it? !That's it? !

"After playing these two waves, SKT was a bit too explosive. Pike had five kills. Wearing the five-speed shoes, we were killed in three directions. This Draven was too fat. He took out the blood-drinking sword in 8 minutes. This is too uncomfortable.”

"The main thing is that it was too easy for Qin Nu to die at the first level. FPX didn't have any skills, but Qin Nu's double moves are gone. This is like saying to Pike, come here, come here! "

"SKT's Gem Piano girl group seems to be out of control. It's completely useless!"

"This is useless, this is purely a side effect!"

Miller almost laughed. What does it mean to steal the chicken but lose the rice? The SKT team is stealing the chicken but losing the rice!
SKT chose a female gem group in the bottom lane, but they were treated as a cash machine.

Although it is only the first game of the group stage, it is not harmful at all.

But seeing SKT and Faker being beaten violently made Miller a little excited just thinking about it.

"Next, SKT will probably avoid the war, but once you avoid the war, all neutral resources will be released."

"Yes, Xiaolong, Pioneer, Tapi."

The subsequent situation was exactly as analyzed by the commentators.

This is how the teams in the LCK division start to operate once they are at a disadvantage.

But FPX can't play any operations with you. Get all the neutral resources first.

Facing a disastrous battle loss, SKT had a tough time.

The good news for all LCK fans is that in the next few minutes, the SKT team seemed to finally realize the importance of the sentence "As long as you don't do things, you can make no mistakes", so the overall game rhythm once again fell into In a relatively calm state.

However, within a minute, I heard several times that neutral resources had been taken away.

At 8 minutes and 34 seconds of game time, Pike finally controlled the first earth dragon.

After taking down the dragon, Chen Mu's next strategic target was naturally the Canyon Pioneer.

SKT has no intention of coming out of the tower to fight with FPX. At this time, Pike's ultimate move is almost ready. Let's take a look at Draven's equipment.

At this time, leaving the tower to fight means the game speeds up~
But such a rhythm is actually a kind of torture for Chen Mu's Pike. He is here to kill people, not to clear the jungle.

9 minutes 30 seconds.

The two cash machines, Baoshi and Qinnu, were shivering at the second tower on the lower road.

Lin Weixiang's Draven has gone completely crazy. Without any auxiliary protection, one person suppresses two people and beats him wildly in the bottom lane.

But look at Draven's equipment.

At level 8, Draven has the blood-drinking sword and attack speed boots~
With one strike, Mata's gem cut off one-third of its health.

Look at the grade of the gem again, it’s only level 5!
It's alright~
And this time.
The game screen suddenly went black~
It turns out that SKT applied for a small timeout
The commentators just took this opportunity to start blowing water to relieve the excitement and excitement just now.

"Well, there is still no problem with the rhythm of the FPX team. As long as in the next game, whether it is playing steadily or continuing to target this gem piano girl, there will be no big problem."

"The only thing that SKT needs to pay attention to is that the SKT team really must not let Chen Mu Pike use his ultimate move again, otherwise the SKT team's economic backwardness will become bigger and bigger."

"It's just not enough if you don't get killed by Pike's ultimate move, and you can't let Draven continue to get kills, otherwise the economic gap will be even greater!"

"Yeah, I guess Lin Weixiang's Draven will perform a knife attack later!"

The audience in the LPL live broadcast room was even more happy.

"My turtle, SKT won't play dirty tricks, right? Unplug the network cable~"

"I guess I really lost my memory after being beaten!"

"Good boy, Lin Weixiang is so smart and Delevingne can play it. I really don't accept it, QAQ!"

"Really, I can do it. With this Pyke, I, Draven, can do it too (funny) (funny)."

"xswl, it's almost 10 minutes, and the support is not level 6 yet. This Mata is really going to be retired." "Mata: Report to the referee, why does my hero have no ultimate move? Referee: You are only level 5, you have Ni Ma’s big move!”

"Mata: Oh, where is my R button?! It's been deducted?!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

And just as the commentators' words followed the paused shot, FPX continued to take action.

At the 10-minute mark, FPX firmly won the Rift Pioneer.

Then FPX advanced in three directions.

Doinb's Ryze leads the lane in the bottom lane, and Kennen also eats Tapie in the top lane.

And Draven in the middle is even more arrogant. He stops directly in the middle and no one dares to come over.

In 12 minutes, although SKT did not lose any more kills, all the first towers were destroyed, and the economic gap reached an exaggerated 7000.

And the key thing is that Chen Mupike still has a useless Canyon Pioneer in his hand.

This is another big rhythm point.

If FPX Canyon Pioneer is used well, it may directly break the high ground!

"How should we separate the lines next, or should we continue to push the tower?!" Liu Qingsong asked in confusion after pushing the first tower in the middle of SKT.

Now it's FPX's turn to be a bit confused. The advantage is too great, and it's a bit incapable of playing~
Soldier line, tapi, dragon, vanguard, and heads. If you get them all, you are the anchor entertainment bureau.

And it’s the kind that the opponent won’t fight back.

Since it is the anchor entertainment bureau, there is nothing to hesitate about.

"Keep pushing!" Chen Mu said calmly.

If the anchor bureau has an advantage, don't show off to the opponent.

Anyway, it’s okay to have nothing to do now. It’s better to spank the child on a rainy day~
"it is good!"

FPX Kenan is single on the other line. He has the teleportation TP and can T to the front at any time. The other four people directly group up and start pushing.

"Wow, FPX is making trouble for SKT! If they don't leave after pushing one tower, they will continue to push the second tower!" Watana sighed.

"The anchor bureau, the entertainment bureau! It's too fast~"

"You really don't regard SKT as a human being! Come on, Faker's knife girl TP is behind you."

While the commentators were analyzing the situation on the court, Faker's knife girl directly TPed a lane in the middle and made a super bypass.

But the next second.

Brother Gongzi's Kenan also pressed his TP teleport.

It’s the frontal battlefield!

Chen Mu also summoned the Canyon Pioneer on his body.

A wave of 5v5 team battles is about to break out.

However, although Faker's Sword Girl TPed early, the TP's position was a bit far away from the battlefield, so he needed to hurry up as soon as possible.

But Jin Gong's Kennen is different, directly TP the front of the battlefield.

The moment it landed, R push stick flashed!
Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prisoners!
And Mata finally reached level 6 Gem Knight, and immediately pressed her ultimate move, Glory of the Universe!

However, Gem's ultimate move requires a 2.5 second delay before emitting a beam of cosmic energy to nearby friendly heroes, making them immune to damage for 2.5 seconds.

This 2.5 second delay is too fatal~
After Kennen, the big group control, entered the field, Draven didn't say anything, and first threw out a big move.

As long as these two waves of AOE spread, others will be fine.

But Gems and Qin Nu are too difficult!
At level 6, they were too fragile, and their blood volume dropped instantly.

And he had already used the W skill to sneak into the deep pool, and he was wandering around the edge of the battlefield.

After seeing a hero reaching the kill line, there was no hesitation.

ER starts!

Crossing a distance of nearly a thousand yards, he struck directly at Gemstone's head.

In an instant, before the gem's ultimate move could be unleashed, he fell to the ground and died.

Chen Mu's Pike then struck directly at Captain Teddy's piano girl again without any pause.

The captain had just turned over the flash that he had just turned over and could only hand it over like this.

But it’s useless to hand it over~
Lin Weixiang's Draven followed up with a flash of sword.

Ding Ding Ding ~
Countless gold coins are beating on Draven's head!

The two crouching dragons and phoenix chicks of SKT's bottom lane gem Qinnu were killed instantly within two seconds of the start of the team battle.

Didn't even wait for Gem's ultimate move.

SKT's Gnar and Lee Sin jumped back immediately, especially Clid's Lee Sin who lifted the Titan away with one kick to save his own life.

At this time, Gem's ultimate move came down, but it was of no use~
The team battle has been decided!

But then Faker's sword girl arrived at the scene.

But my teammates are already running to death and running!

Faker was left alone and messy in the wind.
Then Faker's next operation was very cool. R flashed his hand and hit four FPX players.

But Tai Tan was a flat A and taught him to behave where he was.

Then countless skills came to Dao Mei's body.

Chen Mu's Pike ultimate move was interrupted, and he no longer had the ability to grab kills.

And Draven's damage at this time is too explosive!
Ding Ding Ding!
Countless gold coins are beating on Draven's head again!

"Glory Executioner Dravennar killed the Blade Girl!"


"Glorious Executioner Draven has dominated the game!"

Even the brilliant Lin Weixiang's Draven has already dominated the game!

After three people from SKT were killed, only Blind Sin and Gnar were left unable to stop FPX's advance.

At this time, FPX's Canyon Pioneer still existed. Although its health was low, the Canyon Pioneer with remaining health still hit this head.

This time, it wasn’t the second tower in the middle that was hit, but SKT’s high tower in the middle!
Then Draven, who came out with the Blood Drinking Sword, walked forward and destroyed the highland tower in the middle with a few slashes.

"What do you say?! Why don't you retreat first!" Seeing that he had already made money and could no longer make any more, Doinb thought about retreating back to the city to replenish supplies.

"Keep this highland crystal in the middle. There's no need to push it now. It's only 13 minutes!" Liu Qingsong also said.

Pushing the Highland Tower at 13 minutes means that the troops in the middle will never be able to come out, which means that it gives SKT time to develop.

But the next moment.

"Push it, finish it quickly!" Chen Mu's faint voice came.

It's been like this for 13 minutes, and the economic gap after this wave is almost [-].

Is it still difficult for SKT to hold on until the 20th minute when Baron is born? ! (End of chapter)

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