LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 399 Treat teammates as warm as spring, treat enemies as cold as winter

Chapter 399 Treat teammates as warm as spring, treat enemies as cold as winter

15 minutes 55 seconds.

When Faker came to consciousness, the last bit of blood in the crystal was cleared, and the scene froze.

Looking at the numbers in the upper right corner, Faker's eyes were still misty and he couldn't believe it.

He even rubbed his eyes twice, as if he thought he was still asleep, but no matter how much he rubbed, he couldn't change the time in the upper right corner.

"Wow, FPX pushed SKT flatly at 15 minutes and 55 seconds. I can't believe my eyes. Is this true?!" Wawa exclaimed.

Wawa made the same move as Faker. He couldn't imagine that the game ended in 15 minutes. The opponent was still SKT: "This FPX is a style of play we have never seen before. It seems that Khan's Gnar is the only one in the whole game. Still like a person~"

"Anyway, let us congratulate FPX!"

I remember also saying right after: "Congratulations to FPX for winning their first MSI mid-season victory and a good start!"

"FPX is just showing off their skills. You, SKT, are using black technology to show off their routines. Sorry, my FPX Little Phoenix's black technology is even darker, and their showy routines are even more showy~"

Miller was also surprised and said: "It's too violent. It's completely a violent aesthetic. Just look at the head count in this game. SKT was suppressed the whole time! There was no chance to fight back, and it was still One Linglong Tower, Zero Dragon and Zero Tower, if not for two kills, SKT would not have had a kill in the entire game!"

Wawa clapped his hands and joked: "Yeah! I didn't even realize that this round was a Linglong Tower unless Miller reminded me! Beat SKT to a Linglong Tower?! Is this still SKT?! Is this still LCK?!"

The doll still couldn't believe it: "Brothers, I still feel like I'm dreaming. I feel like I haven't woken up yet. Am I dreaming?! Punch me twice, Miller!"

At this time, the LPL audience in the live broadcast room also became noisy:

"Guigui, are you really going to kill SKT in one wave? Who is SKT in the end~"

"Mata and the captain are taking the blame. They are too passive. Khan is ordering four dishes."

"Do you like playing piano girl?! Do you still want to play?! Do you like playing with gems?! Do you still want to play?!"

"Oh my god, I actually led the clever Draven to win. How good is this Pike!"

"Chen Mu: I said, you can win as long as you know how to draw A~"


"Looking at the whole game, SKT seems to be just the same person on the road with Khan, and everything else is just a mess!"

"Khan: It's broken, I feel like I've been fooled again~"

"Khan: It was supposed to take 15 minutes to order, oh, it's over in 15 minutes, then it's okay!"

"Sooner or later I will die laughing in the comment section~"


At this time, Chen Mu stood up and looked at the time in the upper right corner with a playful smile.

This is two seconds faster than SKT’s 1557 in the previous IG speed run.

Ah Shui also took out Draven in that round, but Ah Shui's Draven and Lin Weixiang's Draven were two heroes.

Among them, the clever operations made Liu Qingsong next to him almost suffer from cerebral hemorrhage~
Turning around, he found that his teammates had gathered together, talking and laughing.

It turned out that when he stood up, everyone had already lined up and stood behind him, waiting to shake hands.

FPX has developed a habit as skillfully as IG, and skillfully lined up behind Chen Mu, like an old hen followed by a group of chicks~
Chen Mu naturally took the lead and took his teammates to the SKT player bench to shake hands.

In the SKT players' box, Khan, who was a little numb, saw someone coming and subconsciously turned his head to take a look. After seeing the person's head clearly, he trembled slightly and stood up immediately.

Even when he extended his hand, he lowered his head and did not dare to take another look, for fear that he would explode.

All kinds of bad memories from last year’s MSI Mid-Season Invitational came to mind~
Chen Mu didn't notice anything was wrong. After shaking hands, he patted the other party's shoulder with a smile.

Khan couldn't hold himself steady and slumped back on the chair. The studio didn't hold back when he saw Khan's submissive scene.

The baby was surprised and said: "Wow~ What is Khan doing? Why do I feel that he is afraid of Chen Mu~"

"Yeah, I think Chen Mu is a gentle big brother in his daily life. He treats his teammates well and is even a little funny. Why does Khan have such an expression?" Wawa also looked confused.

Not to mention other things, Chen Mu’s appearance and strength are so impressive that he has harvested countless female fans and even male fans in the LCK competition~
But Khan's reaction was indeed strange.

On the contrary, Miller saw something and said with a smile: "Everyone must have misunderstood. Khan must have thought of something else. Otherwise, with Chen Mu's "affable" character, I don't think anyone would dislike him."

"???Amiable? Khan's head was screwed off by a faun last year. This is the legendary "nuclear" goodness, right~" The audience in the live broadcast room was instantly amused by Miller.

"Khan: Don't come here, don't come here, there are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

"This is the legendary saying of treating your teammates as warm as spring, treating the game as enthusiastic as summer, treating the game as if you are sweeping away fallen leaves in autumn, and treating your enemies as cold as winter~"

"Damn it, I was strongly opposed to Your Excellency withdrawing from the literary world back then!"

"Show, it's so showy!"

“My whole life depends on this generation of netizens~”

Chen Mu was stunned when he saw Khan's overreaction and couldn't help but touch his cheek.

Am I so terrible? !
As for Khan, he was so stingy, so I just beat him up. Is that all? !
If Khan could hear Chen Mu's mental activities, he would vomit a mouthful of blood. "Did you beat him? How many times has it been!"

Starting from last year's MSI, it has been a nightmare that lasted a whole year!
Past Khan, behind is jungler Clid.

Although Clid didn't have as big a stress reaction as Khan, his face was really ugly.

In this game, his jungler was completely destroyed, but was completely destroyed by a Pike jungler.

Not to mention that Chen Mu played so enthusiastically in the Pike game and even scored five kills!

But the hero Pike is really not suitable to be a jungler. He is even more extreme than Qinggang Shadow Camille.

In his usual rank, he destroyed not only [-] but also [-] pikes.

But the Parker I met today seemed a little different!

Then he came to Faker. At this time, Faker still didn't react. He saw the base crystal explode, and then looked at the game time in the upper right corner. Faker sat on the chair for a long time and did not come back to his senses.

This is already over. After a wave of team battles in 15 minutes, the team was wiped out, and then the family was gone?

The two people at the end are Captain Teddy and Mata, who are also SKT's biggest war criminals in this round.

The two of them also secretly swore in their hearts that if they touch Qinnu and Gems again in the future, they will twist off their heads and use them as balls~
After the much-loved handshake and torture session, when everyone in FPX bowed and walked off the stage, the MVP of this game was also selected.

There is no doubt that it is Chen Mu who has an explosive presence throughout the game.

Especially the last five consecutive kills, which shocked the audience.

The LPL invited the funny Doinb to the interview booth. They didn't dare to ask Chen Mu, the black hole, for an interview anymore, and the main stage in Vietnam naturally invited Chen Mu, the MVP, to be interviewed.

Chen Mu walked onto the stage under the introduction of the host, and the audience suddenly burst into cheers.

"Chen Mu!! Chen Mu!!"

"Ahhhh, Faun, Faun!!"

"Ah ah ah ah, hubby, hubby, I'm here!" This was no less lively than the lively atmosphere at large domestic events, and Chen Mu was stunned.

This time the MSI mid-season tournament was held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Not only domestic fans came to the scene, but fans from all competition regions around the world came to the scene.

Chen Mu's performance throughout last year was really explosive. He won the championship and MVP in all world events.

That is to say, Chen Mu debuted late, but even so, he can be on par with Faker.

But no matter what, such a hot scene made the atmosphere tense.

The Vietnamese hostess spoke fluent Vietnamese that Chen Mu could not understand, stirring up the atmosphere at the scene. Then her beautiful eyes turned to Chen Mu, showing a sweet smile, and kept mumbling.

The venue is located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, so of course the host is a local host in the Vietnam competition area.

Fortunately, Riot Games is quite reliable and has a translator on the side.

The key thing is that the translator seems to be a local.

After the host lady finished speaking, she raised the microphone and said with a confused look on her face:

"That's right. There are a lot of statistics such as mvp and kda. Will these make you the strongest top laner in the world?"

As he listened, Chen Mu's originally cold face became even colder.


What's the mess? !
Looking at the microphone that the young lady held out, Chen Mu had an indescribable expression. Everyone on and off the stage was waiting for his answer.

One second

Two seconds
Time passed slowly, and the scene fell into an eerie silence.
Looking at Chen Mu, whose face was as cold as frost.

The fans who jumped over to the official live broadcast room to watch the interview also exploded instantly:
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"

"What is this translator talking about? Can Riot Games do something serious?"

“xswl, this guy’s translation is really amazing~”

"Hahahaha, look at Chen Mu's expression! Hahahaha, it's so funny. The black hole of interviews meets the black hole of translation!"

"Chen Mu: Waibi, Waibi, Waibi Babu!!"

"It's really awesome~"

"Yu Shuang: Hahahaha, you didn't expect that Chen Mu would have this day too!"

Fortunately, it only lasted a few seconds of embarrassment. The Vietnamese host realized what was wrong and immediately began to whisper to the translator to ask the question again.

The translator seemed to be even more nervous. He couldn't help but rub his nose and asked, "Will you become the strongest top laner in the world?"

This is understandable!

Chen Mu said calmly: "I used to be the number one top laner in the world, right? But this year I moved to the jungle position. I don't know what will happen this year~"

The translator nodded confidently. He was very confident that he understood what Chen Mu meant.

So he said to the host: "I used to be the number one top laner in the world. Although I moved to the jungle position this year, I have always been!"

Although he didn't understand several of the words clearly, they must be harmless!
The translator translated confidently while comforting himself in his heart.


The audience in the audience suddenly burst into uproar, and then burst into loud cheers.

Looking at the excited audience, the audience in the LPL live broadcast room couldn't help scratching their heads. What they just said didn't seem to be better than Bo Ran, right?

Why did you scream?
But the ubiquitous old guys on the Internet came into play. Someone who was proficient in Vietnamese immediately translated the dialogue in its original voice.


"xswl, this is okay~"

“This translation is amazing, it’s exactly the same as the translation question when I took the CET-[-] test~”

"Invisible imagination is the most deadly!"

The person in charge of Riot Games also noticed that something was wrong with the translator, and quickly controlled the background to directly simplify the interview process.

I originally prepared several "wonderful" interview questions for Chen Mu, but at this time I could only end them in a hurry.

After receiving the news from the headset, the Vietnamese host could only keep a stiff smile, quickly asked a simple question, and ended the interview.

At this time, the translator still looked confident~
Hey, why did the interview end so quickly? The translation I just made must be correct!
After the opening match between FPX and SKT, they returned to the lounge to rest briefly.

There are a total of 6 games in the group stage today, and they will be played for a total of five days, with a double round-robin BO1.

So there is still a long way to go in the game!
IG's remaining game today is against the Vietnamese PVB team. There is no suspense in the outcome of this game.

Although they are the new Vietnamese army and gangster junglers are coming, PVB showed their dominance in the previous MSI mid-season playoffs.

But as we all know, wild cards and the five major regions are completely different concepts.

After the game starts.

PVB has won the true inheritance of Vietnamese jungler, and BP is even more bold!

When grabbing Pike, of course he plays the auxiliary position.

Then he brought out an extremely fierce jungler like Jungle Spider. He just refused to accept Chen Mu and wanted to confront Chen Mu head-on in the jungle.

There is no skill in other positions either, they are all top-notch~
Top lane stone man, mid lane ice girl
The player is said to be fierce, hoping to defeat the old master with random punches in a round of FPX.

But FPX naturally has no intention of being afraid. If they are afraid of a wild card team, there is really no need to return to China.

Silas, the first hand of War Horse, directly taught PVB how to behave.

Pike's ultimate move, Ice Girl's ultimate move, all are top-notch ultimate moves.

As long as Silas takes out this game, no matter what position he plays, whether it is jungle, mid lane, or jungle, it will be a great game.

In the end, Silas was used by Teacher Big B in the middle.

Doinb's Silas has also been trained.

Chen Mu's wild area even directly brought out the T1 level excavator.

Don't you like head-on confrontation? !

Is the middle and jungle combination of the Sierra Excavator enough? !
The lineups of both sides were very violent, and it was more like a big brawl.

But entering the game, it is actually a big fight.

Starting from the 1-minute first-level group battle, the two sides began to merge at the first level!
Fight from the wilderness to the river.
Then there was a fight all over the map!

(End of this chapter)

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