LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 400: The G2 Rehabilitation Team’s Rehabilitation Team

However, there is still a gap in hard power, although the heads were swapped at the beginning.

But while playing around, the economic gap has widened.
In the end, the game lasted for nearly 10 minutes and resulted in more than 40 kills.

In the end, Chen Mu's excavator, equipped with a full armor-piercing and violent output outfit, found an opportunity to kill the opponent's ADC alone, and then FPX won the victory with a perfect team wipeout.

But it also made the audience excited to watch it! !
However, the big BP that the Vietnamese team imagined did not work. The top laner was Stone Man, the mid laner was Ice Girl, and the assistant was Pike.
It looks like the ultimate attack is very powerful.

But the professional arena is different after all. Especially in FPX, there is Silas who restrains the PVB lineup to death.

FPX and others also had a great time playing.

It’s so fun to play the Brawl~
It’s just that the old buffalo guys were a little confused after being beaten, and they looked like they were distracted when they shook hands.

Chen Mu thinks this is normal. In a sense, the PVB team has insufficient professionalism and professional attitude because of the low intensity of the competition area.

The professional attitude here does not refer to the player's professional attitude, but to the execution of tactics and operations during the game.

They are very superstitious about personal strength and lineup ability.

But the operational capabilities are much worse.

Not just PVB, but the guys from the Southeast Asian teams all have the same character.

Compared with the South Korean team in terms of operations, they were fooled to death, and they couldn't beat the LPL competition in head-to-head battles. There was even a strength gap online in the European and American competitions.
However, in the early stage of this game, PVB and FPX had a lot of back and forth, and they had a great time exchanging heads.

But in the middle and late stages of the game, FPX made some small plans, including the baron, the little dragon, and the soldier line.
As soon as FPX started operating slightly, the whole rhythm of PVB was thrown into chaos.

In the end, FPX and Chen Mu seized the opportunity and took away the game in one wave.

However, the popularity of this game in China was completely suppressed by the interview news that Chen Mu had just accepted.

When the video of Chen Mu’s interview was sent back to China, the Vietnamese translation also became popular and remained high on the hot searches.

Fortunately, today's schedule is all over. After everyone laughed, they started to pack up their equipment and prepare to return to the hotel to rest.


FPX's PVB was a fun and exciting brawl, but SKT's side was a bit uncomfortable.

They were a bit stunned by FPX in the opening game.

Their last game on the first day was against G2, which meant that SKT had a devilish schedule today.

First fight the big demon king Chen Mu, and then fight the king Ah P!
There were only two Bo1s in total, pitting the top teams from the two strongest divisions against each other.

What makes Faker even more depressed is that they didn't win this game either.
As if they had agreed, G2 also picked up an invincible Qinnu gem combination in the mid-term. In the later stage, they used an unavailable lineup and beat SKT again.

It seems that SKT is saying, what kind of shit are you guys playing? !Let me give you a teaching game!

The result is that Khan on the road cannot suppress Wunder, Jonkos takes the initiative to set the pace, and Faker cannot limit Caps' support.

And G2's G[-] Gem Girl combination in the bottom lane was directly confused by Teddy and Mata.

In the end, a wave of team battles collapsed in the mid-term, leading to another defeat for SKT.

The losing streak on the first day of the schedule directly confused all SKT players.

If we talk about the first opening game, losing a game can be said to be in poor condition, and it can be said that the research and development of black technology has failed.

But in the second game, SKT used their signature Korean-style operation, but the opposite team, G2, came up with the Gem Piano girl group and defeated the Korean-style operation that they were proud of, which taught them a lot about how to behave. means.

This causes them to begin to suffer from self-doubt.

Is this style of play they are so proud of really outdated? !

Or is it that the hard power of the LCK division has declined? !

The next day.

On the second match day, the game continued.

FPX's first game is scheduled at 8 o'clock against G2.

The FPX players still came to the arena early, waiting for the game to start.

Sitting in the exclusive lounge backstage, watching the match between FW Flash Wolves and SKT that continues on the big screen.

And the current FW Flash Wolves no longer have the momentum of the once king of BO1 and the vanguard against South Korea.

Even facing the exhausted SKT, FW was a little overwhelmed.

In the end, FW Flash Wolves came to the rescue in time, allowing SKT to regain their confidence through an exaggerated 12-2 score.

The next game is FPX's game, against the entire team G2.

Facing G2, which was reinforced by the Cap King, Ah P moved to the ADC position.Without Chen Mu's special reminder, everyone in FPX also knows that this is a tough match, and they even value g2 as much as SKT in their minds.

After all, the S8 second-part laugh that was a classic chant last year directly destroyed a giant e-sports team.

Now, although FPX has the trend of Phoenix Nirvana, it can't fall on G2 and follow the old path of RNG!
Although Chen Mu tortured Wunder to death in last year's World Championship, this year's G2 has changed a lot.

Compared with the Korean-style operation of SKT, which plays slowly and slowly wears you to death, G2, a team that beats the master to death with random punches when they get interested, these two teams have completely different play styles.

Several SKT players visibly breathed a sigh of relief and retreated backstage.

After a while, Chen Mu and his FPX teammates walked to the stage.

What happened to be that everyone in G2 was also walking beside Chen Mu.

"Hi, Muchen, I'm a big fan of yours, don't come to catch me later!"

Ah P is indeed the boss of the whole job. When he saw Chen Mu, he greeted him familiarly. He didn't know where he learned a Chinese sentence and said it in a strange way.

The other people in G2 also had different expressions.

Wunder's big face turned red from holding back, and he wanted to take revenge, but his enemy was invincible, so he changed his career~
Jonkos is gearing up and wants to compete with Chen Mu in the jungle.

Caps said I have nothing to lose when it rains
"Hi" Chen Mu responded with a polite smile.

But my heart is filled with excitement. You just like to live a busy life, right? !

You wait!

After a few minutes of equipment debugging, wait for the referee's order.

Soon the game between FPX and G2 officially started.

FPX on the blue side, G2 on the red side.

FPX banned Akali first when they came up. Doinb banned Akali first because he didn't want to play. Gongzi also doesn't play this thing. We can't just give it to Caps for no reason.

Then G2 banned Ryze. They didn’t know whether they were afraid of Ryze as a hero, or because they were afraid of Mr. Big B’s aggressive Ryze~
The first move of both sides is aimed at the mid laner.

In the second move, FPX pressed down Syndra first and continued to target the Cap King.

G2 banned Leopard Girl here. Although Chen Mu only took out a handful of Leopard Girl, it was too shocking.

In the third hand, FPX knocked down a Sword Demon and did not give Wunder a chance to play.

G2 banned the hero Prince, and Chen Mu has not taken out Prince so far, but I don’t know what G2’s considerations were.

This wave really hurt each other. Although the two opponents met for the first time, they seemed to know the basics, and every move was a sure-shot.

FPX targets G2's upper midfielder, while G2 targets FPX's midfielder.

"Their purpose for banning is very clear. Now that Silas is outside, do you want to take it?!" Head coach Zhan Ma glanced at the small notebook in his hand and smiled.

"Then what are you playing in this game? Chen Mu, Silas wants to play?"

Doinb asked carefully after considering Chen Mu first.Now as more and more Silas is developed, the gameplay on the competition field is even more diverse.

Some are in the middle, some are in the jungle, some are on the road, and there are even weird support ones.
Chen Mu was the first to bring Silas to the jungle position, so Doinb asked.

"If you want to play, you can just take it?! I can play with anything, or you can swing it first!"

"Really? That would be great."

Doinb smiled and pretended that his question had not happened at all.

Although the hero Sylas has been slightly nerfed, his strength is still too high.

The next moment, FPX grabbed Silas on the blue side.

And after G2 saw FPX grab Silas on the first floor, they didn't panic.

G2 also has its own confidence in not banning Silas.

Then G2 first came out of Jace on the first floor. It seemed that Wunder had already thought about it.

Last year, he was hung from the ceiling by Chen Mu's Jayce and beaten wildly in the World Championship, but at this time in the MSI mid-season, he also took out Jayce and made a long hand.

He doesn't want to prove anything, he just wants to say that what he has lost must be taken back with his own hands!
Then the second floor of G2 confirmed the next hero, Zoe.

As soon as these two heroes appear, it is immediately clear.

Jess and Zoe are originally a classic double poke combination in the mid-to-upper level, which is very powerful in the mid-term.

And Tenxelas!
Whether it's Jace or Zoe, Silas's stolen ultimate is a waste snack.

Then the option came to FPX.

On the second floor of FPX, they first helped A Guang, who was on the road, to determine Kennen. This hero A Guang was also very good at playing, and he could get it continuously!

Moreover, Jess on the opposite side is already on the road. At this time, if you give Aguang a short-handed laner, isn't he a foster father?
Simply Kenan is a good choice.

At this time, Chen Mu had many heroes to choose from.

War Horse also smiled after seeing the opponent's choice. Jace and Zoe were indeed able to restrain Silas.

"The opponent's midfielder already has a clear card, so Chen Mu, what do you want to use in this game?"

"Do you want to take it in the first round?! Or wait until the second round?! How about taking it directly? In the second round, the opponent may even ban the jungle hero!" War Horse asked.

"Just take it, or use the excavator!" Chen Mu said directly and firmly.

This version of the excavator has been greatly enhanced and is the absolute choice for the T1 level.

In the last round of PVB, Chen Mu used an excavator, and the effect was very good!

"Okay, let's use the excavator."

Just like that, FPX locked the excavator on the third floor.

Moreover, FPX’s mid-to-high Sylas and Kennen have both been confirmed as dual-AP heroes, so the jungler must add an AD hero.

Otherwise, FPX’s AP output in this round would be a bit too much.

Then in the first round of G2, BP made the last move, adding a Kai'Sa.

After all, Ah P’s life has been sorted out, so we have to give Ah P some room to perform~
Next, in the second round of BP, both teams targeted positions where heroes were not selected.

FPX banned Titan and Niutou, and banned G2 for its team-building ability.

Judging from the first three lineups of G2, they have no ability to start a team at all. Since it is the weak point of the opponent, then tear open the wound,

G2 eliminated Xayah and Tahm Kench here. One is that Xayah's self-protection ability is too strong and she can play alone, and Tahm Kench's fault tolerance rate is too high.

Then G2 didn't know what they were thinking, and planned to go all the way to the end.

The spider jungler was selected for the jungle position on the fourth floor.

Although the spider jungler and Jace Zoe are the same, they are very restrained against Sylas, and the strength of the version is also very high.

But the overall lineup looks a bit like a chopper team~
Moreover, G2 also released Braum. You have so many Poke heroes in your lineup, but you released Braum.

Since you are like this, War Horse can't be polite anymore.

Verus Gabulon's combination was taken out without any hesitation.

The last floor of G2 is in trouble.

Now that the BP is going on, G2’s coaches and players have also discovered that they made a mistake.

After playing a game, I came out~
what is it now? !

The last second of the countdown is approaching.

"Ah?! This?!" Coach War Horse laughed when he saw G2's choice.

Jace, Zoe, and Spider can all be used in order to restrain Silas.

Although G2's assistant is a unique skill of Pike, he has already brought Pike to the competition stage.

But in this game, when FPX played Silas first, the assistant took a pike to steal Silas's big move. Doesn't that mean that the front, middle and jungle are all white BP? !

"Uh-huh. I think this move was a bit ill-considered."

In the commentary box, Guan Zeyuan also questioned.

For today's game, the commentators for the LPL division are Guan Zeyuan, Chang Mao and Wang Duoduo.

"It's true, the G2 lineup is completely different. Jace, Zoe and Spider are completely a chopper team!" Changmao also nodded.

"The support is also a Pike. If we encounter this kind of lineup in ranked, I just want to say 15 points~" Wang Duoduo also spoke.

Because G2's lineup is really a bit abstract.

Not only the commentators were watching the abstract, but also the people in the official live broadcast room were enjoying it.

"Happy, so happy~"

"Is this the idea of ​​Team Europe?!"

"xswl, I took Jess, Zoe, and Spider in the first hand, but ended up with a Pike. What kind of BP is this?!"

"Like playing Pike?!"

The BP between the two sides has ended, and the coaches of both sides simply shook hands before leaving the field.

FPX vs G2
FPX is on the blue side and G2 is on the red side.

Top laner: Kennen vs Jayce
Jungler: Excavator vs Spider
Mid laner: Silas vs Zoe
ADC: Varus vs Kai’Sa
Support: Braum vs Pyke
The game starts and enters the loading screen.

The rune talent of Chen Mu's excavator is Conqueror.

This version, Conqueror has been revised!

This version is the serious "conqueror" of later generations!
When causing damage and attacking enemy heroes, it will provide 3-15 attack power, which lasts for 3 seconds and can stack up to five times.

After the stack is full, part of the damage caused will be converted into real damage and an equal amount of healing effect.

This is too much!

It’s just that the more you fight, the stronger you get!

It is also very suitable for the hero excavator! (End of chapter)

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