LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 401 Jace pretending to be Chen Mu

"Army attack!"

As an excited voice sounded.

The game officially begins.

Both sides started the game in a regular manner and had no intention of causing trouble.

Although G2's support took a Pike, FPX is not a gem-piano girl group.

You must know that FPX's support is Braum, the king of the first-level team!

Moreover, Chen Mu's excavator's ground listening skill is the trump card of the first-level position, and it is impossible for G2 to make a sudden attack.

What's more, G2 is also a garbage lineup.

Except for one Pike, the other Jace, Zoe and Spider are nothing~
However, in this game, Chen Mu's opening route changed. Instead of red opening, he directly opened blue alone.

After blue opened, he went directly to the upper half of the opposite jungle area.

However, the defensive eye in the upper half of the opposite field also saw Rek'Sai's movements, and Jonkos responded immediately.

His spider changed its jungle route after learning about the invasion of the excavator. After opening red, it ran directly to the lower half of the FPX jungle area.

At worst, everyone can just switch to each other's jungle areas.

Both sides are directly on the line.

The two teams had a tacit understanding.

Jonkos' spider ran to fight F6 after defeating the red buff, and kind-heartedly left one for Chen Mu.

The excavator on Chen Mu's side countered the red buff and stone man on the opposite side.

Originally, Chen Mu wanted to get another six-bird, but as a result, Cap King's first accessory eye was inserted directly into the F6 position, and the spider also returned to his jungle area.

This move directly dispelled Chen Mu's idea of ​​continuing to fight against the opposition.

It’s not good to be arrested on the spot for a wild monster~
No conflict broke out between the two sides in the first few levels.

Both sides counterattacked two groups of wilds and then returned to their own wild areas.

Chen Mu's excavator Reksai continued to return to his upper half of the jungle to farm river crabs, three wolves, and toads.

At this time, Jonkos' spider will not be able to fight with you when you take it out, but will come to do things.

His eyes were also on Kenan who was on the road.

3 minutes 30 seconds.

The troop line on the top road was slightly pushed towards the blue Fang Kainan, and Aguang controlled the troop line here.

"Are there any eyes here?!" Jonkos asked as he clicked on the grass at the intersection of the upper road and the river.

"No, I haven't seen him do vision." Wunder said confidently.

"Can this Kennan be killed by force?! The two of us can do enough damage!" He had already touched the spider in the grass and looked at Kennan and said with interest.

"You can try it!"

But what these two people didn't know at all was that Chen Mu's Rek'Sai was right next to the triangular grass that was separated from the spider by a wall.

The excavator located underground emits purple ripples like a radar.

The spiders across the wall are as bright as big light bulbs in the dark night.

And Aguang naturally knew that there was a spider squatting on him not far away, and his spirit was tense, and his fingers were already on the flash.

Just wait for the other side to drive you~
Then his Kennan boldly stepped forward and sold a flaw.

As expected, G2 was fooled. Wunder's Jace flashed directly and hammered him up. After Jonkos' spider came out of the shadows, he flashed directly and tied Kennan.

If there was a sudden attack, Aguang might not be able to react.

After all, he is not a top laner who is good at operations and reactions.

But the opponent had already announced that they were on the road, and his fingers were on the flash. It would be unreasonable for him to fail to react.

clang clang-

In one second, three flashes occurred almost at the same time.

Kennen, who was not tied up by the spider flash, was not killed by Jace and the spider's combo. He still had about half health and was still in a healthy state.

Chen Mu's excavator also immediately drilled through an E-skill tunnel in the triangular grass.

Then W flashed directly to support Jace, who had no skills.

Jonkos' spider has a flying state, which can avoid a lot of control and damage.

But Jace, who also didn't flash, suffered a serious blow. One second of control time was enough to do a lot of things.

What's more, Rek'Sai's early combat effectiveness is too strong.

The excavator in the surface state used the Q skill and shouted with three slaps.

And Aguang's Kenan directly hits the output with his face.

In the end, Wunder's Jace couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground and died, and his head was taken by Kenan.

At this time, Jonkos' spider came down from the flying state, although it jumped on the minions and wanted to run away.

But Chen Mu would definitely not give him a chance.

The red buff sticks directly to him, and he gets A all the way.

Aguang's Kenan skills have also improved. EQW has a set of small skills that can stun the spider.

In the end, when Chen Mu's excavator was on the surface, a furious E skill Wild Bite directly killed the spider that still had a lot of health left.

Originally, this version of Rek'Sai was greatly strengthened. The level 50 E skill biting a target would cause 1.0 points of physical damage and an AD bonus of nearly [-].

The key thing is that when the excavator is full of rage, its bite will cause 100% more damage and be converted into real damage.

Plus the Excavator's Conqueror talent and critical strike.

Killed the spider instantly!
This is the level [-] combat power of Reksai!

A series of passionate voices came from the upper road, and everyone's eyes were focused on the upper road.

I thought that both sides would go through it smoothly in the early stage, when both junglers could not find any rhythm.

Good news came on the road, and FPX won a double kill.

"Good fight. G2 was too hasty here. Jess flashed and hit him! I think it was a bit too rough!" In the commentary box, Guan Zeyuan directly and boldly commented on G2's performance.

Changmao also nodded: "Yeah, it's indeed a bit rough to play. Although there is no field of view in this grass, Rek'Sai's listening is like a radar and can see you clearly. And you can directly cross-dodge with spiders." , but I’ve never seen Jace directly cross over with his flash hammer.”

And Wang Duoduo started the group directly: "Wunder, he may have mistaken his Jace for Chen Mu's Jace!"

The audience in the live broadcast room are also fun people.

"xswl, pretending to be Chen Mu, was arrested on the spot!"

"Like playing Jace?!"

"Chen Mu: Wunder, although I am no longer playing on the top lane, you still can't eat~ (squint) (squint)"

"G2 is a garbage lineup that you don't want to play at first glance. Jace, Zoe, and Spider are three of them without a big move!"

At this time, FPX’s team voice.


"Well done, Shepherd!" Teacher Big B ignored Sanqi 21 and started licking directly.

"Jungle daddy, you did a good job!" Aguang is also a true disciple of Brother Gongzi, so he just licks it and that's it!
Crying children get candy~
If you lick a few words now, maybe Chen Mu will come again next time.

At this time, FPX also gained an advantage in the bottom lane.

Pike is a hero that works wonders when bullying Gem Kotina or playing soft support.

But don’t look at what combination FPX has in the bottom lane, Verus Gablon.

A security door is placed in front.

Pike doesn't even have the desire to take the bait!
Moreover, Ah P was still playing Kai'Sa, and was hung up and beaten by Verus in the early stage.

Both the upper and lower lanes have advantages, and there is no need for Silas, the big teacher B, to play so hastily in the middle lane.

Just hit it slowly!
The game progressed to 4 minutes and 50 seconds.

After Chen Mu cleared a group of wild animals, he continued to work.

Perhaps he was moved by Aguang's words "Jungle daddy" before, so he came to the upper road again and squatted directly in the grass at the mouth of the upper road river.

At this time, Jess's push line was on the top lane, and Aguang's Kennen controlled the line of troops in front of the defense tower.

And Wunder’s Jace is just uncomfortable.

He had previously done a video inspection in the grass where Chen Mu's excavator was squatting, and he could clearly see Chen Mu's Rek'Sai squatting on the ground.

But what can be done? !
Since the disastrous 2v2 defeat in the last wave of top and jungle, it is impossible for Jonkos' Spider to come back to play 2v2 in the top lane.

He can only temporarily return to the road as an "orphan"~
Looking at the military line in the distance, he didn't even have the experience to hear it. He could only fire artillery from a distance and collect two small soldiers as a token~
Of course Chen Mu knew that the grass had a field of vision. Looking at Jace's position from a distance, he could tell that the grass under Reksai's feet had a field of vision, but what did it matter? !
Don't eat~Don't eat~
In the past, when Chen Mu was playing top lane, playing Jace, Viktor, Vayne, or Lucian would keep you from taking advantage of the situation.

Sorry, now that I have switched to the jungle, I still ask you not to eat or eat~
But at this moment, the alignment in the bottom lane changed.

As for the top lane, Jonkos' spider can't be caught. If he can't beat the top lane in 2V2, he can only go to the bottom lane.

It happened that Verus and Braun pushed a wave of troops to the opposite tower and were eating the tower skin!
At this time, the spider had come over.

After seeing the spider in his field of vision, Bronn immediately blocked a security door in front and escorted Verus back.

And G2's support also wants to play a cool guy.

W comes up invisible, Q dodges past Braum's security door, hooks Verus back, and then uses E skill to catch and control him.

Come on, come on, can’t I hand over this flash? !
Without saying anything, Lin Weixiang directly pressed his flash button without any hesitation.

Liu Qingsong's Braum immediately flashed, and then the W soldier retreated to a safe position.

FPX's duo in the bottom lane almost all had flash healers, but at least their lives were saved and Pike didn't get to play.

Returning to the top lane, Chen Mu switched the screen while watching the operations of the bottom lane, but the top lane was still squatting in front of his eyes.

Even his excavator has already eaten a QE second company from Jess.

Wunder is equivalent to saying, I have seen you here, I have eyes here, please stop squatting here!
But Chen Mu's Rek'Sai seemed to be offline, squatting here motionless.

This is almost equivalent to saying: "No, don't eat it~ don't eat it~"

5 minutes 30 seconds.

When Jace was stuck in at least one artillery cart, nearly ten soldiers later.

Chen Mu's Rek'Sai suddenly emerged from the ground and jumped on Jace's face, startling Wunder.

Then Rek'Sai left calmly~
"Ah?! Jiang Zi is playing games?!"

"I really want to punch you to death, you excavator~"

Wunder was really furious inside, but Jace who didn't flash could only be bullied like this!
In this way, his Jace is not only one kill and one assist behind Kennen, but the last-hit difference has also been narrowed.

The most important thing is that there is also a gap in experience.

When Kennen reaches level 6, there is even a risk of killing him alone if he is stuck by one level.

The unreasonable excavator squatted on the top road for almost a minute. Although he failed to catch Jace, Jace was basically half broken.

As long as Aguang's Kennen doesn't send away, the advantage in the line has basically been established, and it's just waiting for him to show off in team battles.

Then Chen Mu's Rek'Sai began to cultivate his own wild area.

At 8 minutes and 20 seconds, Rek'Sai finally reached level 6.

At this time, Jess, who was on the road, showed that he still had a little time to turn around.

In that case, at the last moment when you feel better, eat another set meal!

Chen Mu's excavator rushed towards the road without stopping.

At this time, Wunder's Jace seemed to have sensed some danger, and his Jace had shrunk under the tower.

"Just jump over in a moment! His flash hasn't improved yet!" Chen Mu's Reksai mark had already hit Jace's head under the tower.

On the public game screen, Teacher Big B was still typing, writing about the situation of the summoner in the opposite Ueno.

"Okay!" After hearing Chen Mu's command, Aguang's Kennan directly handed over the skill and quickly pushed the lane.

At this time, Jonkos' spider also came to the top lane. He was not here to catch people, but to squat.

The spider brushed all the way to the top lane, taking advantage of this gap to help the top lane counter-crouch.

But although his spider was indeed able to counter-crouch, its damage and combat effectiveness were by a different level.

In order to restrain Silas, the G2 lineup chose a lineup of Jace, Spider, and Zoe.

Although there is no ultimate move to steal, after reaching level 6, others have made a qualitative leap, but there is no improvement on your side.

Apart from adding one level, there is no improvement in skills.

This is also the drawback of transforming heroes.

The two sets of skills in the early and mid-term can be transformed. It is refreshing to bully others with one set of skills, but the ultimate move is useless~
It is said that the excavator QWE also has two sets of skills, but his ultimate move is also very useful!
At this time, Kennan and the excavator had already pushed their troops forward.

"Let's do it! I'll fight the tower first!"

Then, without any hesitation, the excavator directly drilled the ground with the E skill and came to the vicinity of Jess, and lifted up with the W skill.

Then he activated his Q skill and slapped his hands.

After seeing FPX take action, Jonkos was ecstatic that his opportunity had come.

And Jace, who was still alive, didn't plan to live anymore, so he just allied with Chen Mu's excavator.

The spider immediately came out from behind. If not hitting others, it would hit the excavator that was resisting the tower. The E skill was tied to the excavator.

But Chen Mu was not afraid at all.

Looking at the spider's E skill, he immediately pressed the ultimate move!
Chen Mu's Rek'Sai disappeared directly into the void.

A moment later, the excavator jumped out of the ground and headed straight for Jace.

Rek'Sai's level 100 ultimate move causes 1.75 points of basic damage to Jayce, a super high AD bonus of 20, and physical damage plus [-]% of the target's lost health.

Coupled with the natural damage, Jace was killed instantly.

"The void burrowing beast Rek'Sai killed Jace!"

But then, both Rek'Sai and Kennen carried them to the tower. Their health status was not very good. Although a spider with no fighting power was still under the tower, they could not move.

And Jonkos' spider doesn't even leave the tower to chase Rek'Sai and Kennen.

The world of Wunder, the only victim, is achieved~(End of this chapter)

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