LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 402: Encounter at Xiaolong Pit

"Wow! What is this Wunder doing?! Why is he dead again?!"

At the commentary table, Changmao gave a classic explanation.

"The damage of this excavator is so high. I just saw that Jace still had a lot of blood left, but he was directly killed by the excavator's ultimate move!" Guan Zeyuan said in agreement.

"The damage is high because of you Wunder. In fact, this wave of Jonkos's spiders has already counterattacked, but Chen Mu's handling was really good. His ultimate move not only avoided the control of the spiders, but also directly killed Jace. ." Wang Duoduo did not read a poem, but carefully analyzed the battle just now.

After this wave, Jace, who was on the road, was completely collapsed.

There is no last hit, and only about 9 last hits in 70 minutes of game time.

There are two heads per person, but it’s a negative number~
Tapitapi did not eat it, but was eaten by Digger and Kenan.

Under this situation, Jace's equipment was really stuck.

The equipment grids on his body are all full, and he is dressed in bulk, which is also an alternative "six god outfit".

And Jonkos' spider is half useless. The hero spider is used to gain advantage.

But after the first 10 minutes of play, Spider, in addition to the effective gank in the bottom lane, also used the double moves of the FPX bottom lane duo, but did not kill anyone. It can only be said that it gained lane rights in the bottom lane. , but it cannot be said that it has enough advantages.

On the top road, G2 was jumping up and down, with two waves of rhythm and even his own spider, which was a bit unplayable.

After Chen Mu's excavator returned home at 2-0-1, he directly made a field knife.

The hero Excavator is completely different from heroes like Qinggang Shadow Camille and Pike.

When heroes like Green Steel Shadow Camille and Pike return to the city, they are not qualified to clear the jungle if their first piece of equipment does not suppress Tiamat.

But heroes like the excavator are much more peaceful. The first piece of equipment can be directly upgraded to a jungle knife.

Chen Mu’s choice must be the red warrior jungle knife. Don’t ask why, it’s just cost-effective!
It only costs 60 gold coins to increase the attack power by 10 points and reduce the cooldown by 2600 points. It’s not that Endless can’t afford it, but the warrior jungle knife is more cost-effective~
Chen Mu decisively chose the warrior jungle knife, and the road to dominance in the jungle has just begun!
After finishing the warrior jungle knife, Chen Mu immediately became the first person on the field to make a costume.

The first ready-made Luden or something like that for the mid laner and ADC costs at least [-] oceans.
The game progressed to 9 minutes and 30 seconds.

Rek'Sai, who had once again scanned the wild area, turned on the scanner and squatted in the triangular grass in the bottom lane.

Chen Mu's move was not for gank, but for counter-crouching.

At this time, the performance of FPX's bottom duo has not improved yet, and it is not easy to gank.

On the opposite side, G2 has an auxiliary Pike. FPX doesn't dare to start a team rashly, otherwise it will give Pike a boost.

In fact, FPX's lineup only focuses on three people in the bottom lane, and there are no means to start a team.

It was all thanks to Chen Mu Reksai's flash.

Think about it in reverse, if you are Jonkos, the jungler of G2 now.

On the road, Jess was 0-2 and everything was shattered. He couldn't get up for the rest of his life.

In the middle, Silas directly took out the mercury shoes first and directly taught him how Spider and Zoe behave.

Then we can only target Verus and Braun in the bottom lane, and Verus and Braun don't have their double moves yet.

So I saw the spider driving the scan all the way from its own blue buff area to the lower road, touching the grass at the mouth of the lower road, and then stuck in FPX's field of vision, trying to give FPX an E-dodge combo without explanation.

But what he didn't realize was that a few hundred yards away from him was an excavator squatting.

The excavator in the underground state is surrounded by ripples like a radar scan.

And his spider is so clear on the radar.

"The spider is here!" Chen Mu remained calm and squatted in the triangular grass, then directly marked the spider's position and at the same time gave a dangerous signal to the bottom lane.

"Retreat first!" Liu Qingsong commanded.

Verus and Bronn then set off directly and retreated.

Chen Mu did not refute Liu Qingsong. Even if his excavator was squatting in reverse this time, he could not show off.

The opposite half of the jungle area of ​​G2 is obviously stronger in combat capability during this period, especially Spider's E flash and Pike's kill. Once they tie up anyone in the FPX bottom lane duo, they will be killed immediately.

Even Chen Mu's Rek'Sai was too late to save him.

If one person from FPX dies, the little dragon G2 will be in the bag.

The first little dragon is a fire dragon, very good attributes!
At this time, Jonkos' spider originally came to the bottom lane to do something while the FPX bottom lane duo failed to turn around.

However, the FPX bottom lane duo suddenly and inexplicably retreated, and Jonkos and G2 also realized that the Spider's position might have been exposed.

Otherwise, the sense of smell of the FPX bottom lane duo is too keen~
However, G2 was obviously anxious at this time. Their lineup was under offensive pressure.

Jace, Spider, Zoe, and Pike were not brought out just to delay the game.

You must frantically seek fights and accumulate advantages in the early and mid-term, otherwise the 5v5 team battles in the mid-to-late stage will not be on the same level.

Since no one has been caught, let’s directly control Xiaolong!
In fact, it took almost 10 minutes to control the first dragon. G2's dragon control rhythm was already much slower.

However, although the view of the river in the lower half of the jungle is occupied by G2, in Chen Mu Reksai's "radar chart", the movements of G2's people are like a big bright light bulb in the dark night.

"How to say?!"

"Do you still want this little dragon?! Our bottom lane flash hasn't turned around yet, so why don't we let it go!"

"It's just the first little dragon, you can fight the rest at will!"

Lin Weixiang said hesitantly. His Verus flash had not improved yet, so he was a little unsure.

Varus has no displacement, no auxiliary protection like Tahm, no fault-tolerant equipment such as magic resistance or resurrection armor, and no room for flash operation.

In a team battle, he will be the first target to focus fire on the opponent. You don't need to think about it. By then, all the skills of Pike, Spider and Zoe will be summoned to him, and Kai'Sa will also fly directly to him, Verus.

He has no room for maneuver and is completely resigned to fate~
"I think I can try it!"

Teacher Big B, who has been doing last-minute damage for 10 minutes, can't bear the loneliness!

His Sylas hasn’t even stolen a single ultimate move this round~
"In this wave, I can't reach the bottom lane without TP, and Jess can't go either!" At this time, Aguang, who was on the top lane, also gave timely feedback to his teammates.

At this time, the key to the problem was thrown to Chen Mu again, and Chen Mu needed to make the final decision!
Chen Mu browsed the overall situation while switching screens at the speed of light.

The spider is already in the dragon pit, G2's bottom lane duo is also pushing the lane towards the dragon pit, and Zoe, the hat king in the middle, is also leaning towards the dragon pit.

This is a 4V4 head-on battle.

"Hit!" The next moment, Chen Mu said calmly.

Is FPX at a disadvantage now? !Since it is not a disadvantage, there is nothing to dare to accept.

Although Lin Weixiang's considerations are reasonable, his Verus is not the main combat power in this wave of dragon team battles.

Even as long as he uses his ultimate moves and skills.The real combat power lies in his excavator and doinb's Silas. Chaotic battles are where these two heroes shine.

It would be "even better" if Verus could really seduce some firepower~
Following Chen Mu's order, FPX immediately unified their thinking.

Chen Mu's Rek'Sai was still squatting in the triangular grass, listening to the movements in the dragon pit. Verus's skills on the bottom lane were level A and pushed the line of troops.

And Silas, who was doinb in the middle, also covered him from above, and without saying a word, he first stole Pike's ultimate move.

This is also the only ultimate move he can steal in this round~
After seeing FPX's actions, several people in the commentary box immediately cheered up.

"Oh?! What do you mean?! Is FPX planning to take on this group?!"

"But the flash of FPX's bottom duo hasn't turned around yet?!"

"Yes, although Wunder's Jess in the top lane is terrible, from the economic panel, G2's bottom lane and mid lane are not inferior in economy! Especially the Caps' Zoe plays a bit like Earthbound Ling, Zoe has almost done more than 10 hits in 100 minutes, she is the king of last hits!"

"Silas has already stolen Pike's ultimate move. It seems that FPX is ready for this wave of dragons. It just depends on how to operate it."

While the commentators were analyzing, G2 was already impatient and directly aroused Xiaolong's hatred and began to deal damage to Xiaolong.

They also know that there is no point in fighting with FPX in the Xiaolong Pit. If the delay continues, Verus's flash may be about to turn around.

And Verus is also consumed with ordinary small skills.

Just when FPX and G2 were fighting left and right near the dragon pit, the spider who was holding the dragon suddenly turned around with E and successfully hit the unsuspecting Verus from the farthest distance.

"My E is here, one second, one second first." Jonkos suddenly roared in the headset.

Without him having to say anything, others in G2 had already taken action.

1.6 seconds of stun is enough for G2 to do a lot of things.

Caps' Zoe directly pulled a flying star and hit Verus who was stunned.

The auxiliary Pike had already fallen into a stealth state and pulled over with his E skill, while Ah P didn't hesitate at all. He went straight to Verus' face and started to deal with it.

"Fuck!" Lin Weixiang exclaimed, what he was most worried about happened.

But there was nothing I could do, my hands began to leave the keyboard!

But the operations of other people in FPX have just begun.

Liu Qingsong's Braum immediately jumped to Verus' face with his W skill, and set up a shield to block Verus's front, ignoring Kai'Sa who was already in the face.

Instead, he firmly blocked Zoe who pulled a super-far flying star.

At this time, Zoe's damage is the most explosive!

Chen Mu's excavator also found the right opportunity to hit the pike who wanted to enter the field.

Teacher Big B also had a clear understanding, and EQAAWA cooperated with Chen Mu to output Pike.

Although Pike has unparalleled harvesting ability, he is also the most fragile one on the field, even more fragile than ADC!
He couldn't handle this set of skills. Looking at his health, he couldn't hold on any longer, so he could only use his ultimate move at will.

But the effect is not ideal, and Verus has not even been killed~
Braum's shield has helped Verus block most of Zoe's damage, and although Kai'Sa rushed directly to Verus's face, Kai'Sa only had a big sword on her body after only 10 minutes, and had no other equipment. Really limited.

For a while, Varus actually survived Pike's ultimate move, although he was quickly killed by G2 Kai'Sa and Spider.

But before dying, Verus released his R skill Corruption Chain.

Varus throws a corrupting vine, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hero hit and rooting the target for 2 seconds.The corruption vines will then spread to nearby uninfected heroes. If the corruption vines come into contact with an uninfected hero, they will suffer the same damage and be imprisoned.

This is too deadly!
This is the time for doinb Silas to show off, especially Silas who stole Pike's ultimate move.

Immediately afterwards, Silas launched his first ultimate move!
Pike, who had no remaining health left, died instantly.

Another 3v3 chaotic battle.

But at this time, Silas, the excavator is too powerful!
Especially Liu Qingsong and Bron, the king of chaos!

Although G2 has killed FPX's ADC Verus, their formation is also in chaos.

The cheeky Kai'Sa has been passively put on by Braum, and she can activate her passive instantly when the fire is concentrated.

Seeing that Kaisha's blood volume has reached a killing line.

Teacher Big B's Silas jumped high in the air and was about to kill him.

But Ah P recovered at the last moment of dizziness, and his keyboard was almost smashed by him.

He finally activated his flash the moment Silas landed.

Silas killed an enemy!

"Fight, I can counterattack, I can also operate!" Ah P has transformed into crazy little P, yelling crazily into the game headset.

But the next second, a scream came from the void.

Chen Mu Rek'Sai's ultimate move has locked him.

Although Rek'Sai's ultimate move can also be avoided, Kai'Sa without flash obviously has no room to operate.

The damage of the newly strengthened Rek'Sai is too high. Just the level one ultimate move can cause 100 points of basic damage, plus an AD bonus of 1.75.

The key is that there is also physical damage plus 20% of the target's lost health.

Coupled with the real damage of the Conqueror, there is also rune damage such as critical strike.

Kai'Sa, who still had over 300 health points, was instantly bitten to death by Chen Mu's excavator!
The situation on G2's side instantly became one-sided.

In the bottom lane duo, Kai'Sa and Pike, the two heroes with the strongest ability to harvest the battlefield, fell. Although Zoe's damage was high during this period, there was a skill CD and skill hit rate after all.

And FPX handles it really well!

First fight Pike, the strongest harvester and also the most fragile.

Then play Kai'Sa as the ADC.

Both of these two men were killed, and then the remaining three players from FPX set their sights on Jonkos' spider.

Just now, the spider tied up Verus with a prediction limit E, but now his spider is a little embarrassed.

He was chased and beaten by the remaining three people from FPX.

Especially the two heroes Silas and Excavator, double conquerors, so powerful!
While fighting, blood is returned at the same time!

In the end, the spider was tied up by Silas's E skill and took the head. (End of chapter)

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