LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 403 Abstract G2 lineup

A murder caused by a fire dragon soul~
Ten minutes into the game, FPX and G10 had a 2v4 decisive battle around a fire dragon, which looked like a decisive battle.

Although Lin Weixiang's Verus was hit by the spider first and was the first to die, the remaining three players in FPX were not timid at all.

The bottom duo of Pike and Kai'Sa died one after another, and Jonkos' Spider also died shortly after.

Only Zoe, the Caps king, is still alive. Although his output is very high, there is still a skill CD and skill hit rate after all.

It’s really just hard to support yourself~
Fortunately, with the summoner skills all over the floor, although Zoe of Hat King cannot change the situation of the battle, she can still protect herself.

The remaining three people in FPX stopped chasing, and immediately turned around to capture the fire dragon that had just been beaten halfway.

Guan Zeyuan from the commentary booth shouted passionately: "This wave of FPX played a one-for-three. Although Lin Weixiang's Verus was defeated first, Rek'Sai and Silas were too powerful at this time. ah!"

"FPX has won a great victory in this wave of small dragons. Even if the people are killed, the dragons also get it." Changmao also echoed beside him.

"Yes, the key thing is that the situation has also opened up. Wunder's Jess collapsed on the top lane, and now G2's bottom lane also collapsed! Chen Mu indeed killed both lanes again, leaving only Caps' Zoe who has not suffered. It's heavy!"

"The economic gap has also widened. After this wave of team battles, there will be an economic gap of almost [-]!"


After this wave of team battles, FPX, under the rhythm of Chen Mu's excavator, has revitalized its upper and lower lanes.

Eight minutes before the game, the Excavator was training Wunder's Jess, and the bad memories of last year's World Championship resurfaced in his mind.

And after a wave of dragon team battles, the rhythm of G2's bottom lane Kai'Sa and Pike was also interrupted.

The first wave of Pike and Spider's rhythm just disappeared, and it was really hard to pick up the rhythm after that.

Zoe, the Caps king, is actually developing very well this time.

Especially when it comes to last hit, there is no economy for attacking the jungle, but it is faintly beyond the timeline.

But it still smells like an earthbound spirit.

It is completely useless in driving rhythm and supporting the jungle wing.


At 11 minutes into the game, FPX Classic switched lanes.

The FPX bottom lane duo came to the middle lane to help the Excavator control the Canyon Pioneer.

Kennen, whose teleport TP has been transferred, will go to the bottom lane to replenish the lane first, so he can support the battle in the upper half of the jungle at any time.

As for G2, according to the lineup, it is impossible to give this pioneer to FPX and Chen Mu, but their early lineup has become a disadvantage until now.

The financial gap has reached two to three thousand~
Jace, Zoe, Spider and Pike also came to the upper half of the river, but looked at the FPX people who were on guard.

Jonkos has no intention of going in to grab the dragon.

In the end, G2 was still waxy!

Let go of this vanguard.

If you are embarrassed, FPX will give you a slap in the face.

After 10 minutes of playing, the economic difference was two to three thousand, but after winning the Rift Pioneer, FPX started a crazy snowball mode.

Verus and Bronn stood in the middle, while Silas and Kenan were on the sidelines, and began to eat tapis in three directions.

There was obviously a loophole in G2's defensive planning, and everyone in FPX began to eat up the tape.

Taking advantage of the break when A P Kasha went back to update her equipment, under the protection of Chen Mu's excavator and Braun, Lin Weixiang's Verus advanced directly without pressure.

Jonkos' spider was still in the jungle, and there was only one auxiliary pike, which was obviously unable to defend.

After Verus' attack speed increased, he hit the defense tower frantically.

Zoe, the original Caps king, played very well in the lane, and the health of the defense tower was close to full.

But at this time, one layer of the defense tower was not lost, and the two layers of the tower were divided equally among the three people.

When the rest of G2 came to support, Chen Mu's Canyon Pioneer was summoned directly, knocking down the defense tower with less than half health.

While waiting for everyone in G2 to close the mid lane, the three people in FPX standing in the middle began to switch lanes again.

G2's defense is already leaking everywhere.

The game progressed to 12 minutes and 30 seconds.

Aguang's Kennen is facing off against Wunder's Jayce in the bottom lane.

Wunder's Jace is already in a miserable situation. In order to deal with FPX's mid-jungle double AP, he even made a small demon-drinking knife first, and now he is still full of small parts.

As for FPX, they push the lane first and do things first.

Chen Mu's excavator and bottom lane duo, after pushing deeply into the middle lane, moved directly to the bottom lane to continue to eat tapis.

The bottom lane tapis are still full.

There is no way to defend Jace alone.

Spider and Pike all came to support the bottom lane, and Ah P's Kai'Sa also hastily closed a wave of troops and moved to the bottom lane.

In this way, the troops in the middle and the resources in the wild area are leaked again.

FPX's lane change can be said to have disrupted G2's entire rhythm. G2 still wanted to be steady after the team battle with Xiaolong.

Development, although their lineup is not very good in the later stage, at least there is hope.

However, FPX is now quickly switching lanes to take advantage of the tap-rolling economy, and they can no longer defend it.

In just one minute, the economic gap increased by another 1 yuan.

If the defense tower and tower skin on the bottom lane are eaten again, there will be another 1000 economic difference.

And they can’t change the economy, which is the scariest thing!

Therefore, we must defend, at least for 14 minutes, until the defense tower skin disappears.

G2 has completely fallen into a situation of exhaustion.

At this time, looking at the three people in FPX who suddenly gathered in the field, Wunder's Jess could only return to the second tower position, firing cannons from a distance, waiting for the support of his teammates, for fear that the opponent would jump over the tower and kill him.

In fact, FPX has no such plans.

He just came to the bottom lane to eat tapioca.

The game came to 13 minutes.

Other teammates of G2 had already come to support, and Jace finally arrived at the tower.

"How to say?!"

"Do you want to fuck them?!"

Lin Weixiang regained his energy again. Although he didn't get many kills in this game, he took up too many team resources!

At least it's much better than the opposite Ah P's Kai'Sa.

It’s only now that Kai’Sa on the opposite side has made the first piece of equipment, Arashiri, and the shoes he wears are still a pair of small straw sandals.

"Are you so excited?!" doinb's Silas is leading the lane on the top lane. His Silas also brings TP teleportation and can T down at any time.

He was also leading the lane while cutting the screen to pay attention to the situation in the bottom lane.

"Come, kill!"

Chen Mu said these two words calmly, not caring that the opposite spider Pike had already arrived at the tower with support, and Kai'Sa was also within the range of her ultimate move. "Good!"

After hearing Chen Mu's words, Lin Weixiang first used a charged Q to force everyone in G2 to move.

As expected, Wunder's Jace began to twist left and right. Although he twisted Verus' poke, the next moment, Verus's R skill Corruption Chain came out and hit Jace from the extreme distance.

After seeing Verus succeed, the next moment Chen Mu's excavator took the lead!

Chen Mu's excavator drilled directly into the ground and lifted Jace up.

After seeing the actions of everyone in FPX, the commentators in the commentary box became excited instantly. As expected, everyone watching Chen Mu's game was passionate.

Changmao shouted passionately: "What?! Has the tower attack started already? This is less than 14 minutes! Oh my God!"

"Silas and Zoe's TP teleportation has also come on. This is a 5v5 team battle, but it's only 13 minutes!"

And Guan Zeyuan didn't know when he was overturned: "This is FPX, this is Chen Mu! I won't push you too much if I say I want to fight with you."

Seeing Chen Mu's excavator leading the charge, the rest of FPX immediately took action.

Especially the front-facing Kennen, Aguang's Kennen drove in with R without any thought and hit explosive AOE.

Seeing that the team battle has begun, Caps' Zoe leads the lane on the top lane. He brings the unsealed secret book, which happens to be teleported on him, and he immediately TPs the bottom lane and a tower.

And doinb's Silas was also a minion under the TP defense tower at almost the same time.

A 5V5 team battle starts instantly.

At this time, the captured Jess Jess still has Varus' R skill, and the corrupting vines will spread to nearby uninfected heroes.Although the other people in G2 were nearby, they could only avoid it for fear of being spread and could not get close to Jace in time.

Although Jace has a small demon-drinking knife and mercury shoes, the excavator is too fat now~
Jace was instantly melted in the face of everyone's concentrated fire.

However, Zoe and Silas's TP has been lit up, and this wave of team battles must continue.

Although Jace died, FPX also used Verus's ultimate move and Kennen's ultimate move, two important team control.

When Kennen's ultimate move ended and Verus's ultimate move spread, the rest of G2 rushed over instantly.

However, FPX is not timid at all at this time.

The one carrying the tower was Chen Mu’s excavator.

Although the team that had just started was started with Verus's R skill, it was Verus who stood outside the defense tower and hit Jace with his R, and it was Chen Mu's excavator that aroused hatred first.

There is a wild dad at the top of the tower, so why are you being cowardly?
FPX means everyone is swollen inside.

Although Jace fell to the ground, with the presence of his father, in the eyes of everyone in G2, this was still a 5v5 team battle!

Therefore, the remaining four members of G2 still want to fight back under the protection of Ta Daddy.

But they thought too much, and they didn't notice that their output environment was still too bad after all.

After Verus of the Broken Attack Speed ​​Shoes killed a Jace, he violated his own passive. Every time he completed a kill or assist, he gained 40% + 40% additional attack speed.

Although there is only one piece of equipment, Lin Weixiang's Verus has already started to move like crazy.

Jonkos' spider just wanted to come up and deal damage, but Verus took a breath and hit anyone he saw.

On the opposite side, Ah P's Kai'Sa is completely different. She has no output environment and doesn't dare to move forward at all.

At this time, both Zoe and Silas landed at the same time, but even Caps' Zoe retreated first after landing.

Looking at the one-sided team battle, Caps was stunned.

ah? !this? !
It only took 3 seconds, how come it was so dead and scattered? !
And a Zoe is of no use at all in this kind of chaos!

But Silas is completely different. This kind of confused chaos is simply a paradise for heroes like Bronn, Silas and Verus.

Jonkos' spider just wanted to come up to deal damage, but after taking a big move from Braum, it became passive.

Under Verus's devilish attack speed, he activated his passive instantly, and then his blood volume started to look wrong.

You can only distance yourself by flashing.

At the same time, Chen Mu's Rek'Sai's blood volume dropped sharply after carrying the defense tower twice.

G2's auxiliary Pike also saw the opportunity and struck directly with a big move.

But Chen Mu had been waiting for a long time. He directly used his R skill to pounce on the spider that was far away, and at the same time avoided Pike's ultimate move.

The R skill hits the ground like an explosion and kills the spider directly.

What followed was a great rout.

Especially after Silas joins the battlefield, he is much more useful than Zoe!

And Ah P’s Kai’Sa is a completely marginal character.

I want to enter the field and output, but there is no room to enter the field.

He could only watch from a distance as Braum played an AQ, and then after seeing Silas rushing towards him, he could only pull away with the E skill from a distance, and then symbolically released a W skill.

Still empty~
Then I could only look at the teammates under the defense tower, being eaten away one by one.

A wave of two for four!

Chen Mu's excavator was the first to resist the tower, but after carrying the tower twice, he ran quickly. He directly attacked the spider with a big move, and at the same time diverted the defense tower's hatred.

Finally, the blood volume continued to flash to create a safe distance.

Playing is the limit~
But Kennen and Braum, who were left in FPX to carry the tower, just carried the tower until they died.

Then the remaining three FPX players directly pulled up the bottom lane one tower at a time, and suddenly the economic difference between the two sides reached 5000.

Watching the passionate brawl of FPX Little Phoenix, the commentators in the LPL division were also excited.

"Oh my god, how did this become a big brawl again?!"

"This is so unreasonable! It's less than 14 minutes, a direct 5v5 team battle, just to surpass your tower!"

"But let's face it, G2's lineup is indeed too abstract."

"Jace in the top lane, Spider in the jungle, Zoe in the middle, and Pike in the support lane. Is this a lineup that anyone can come up with?!"

The LPL commentators ruthlessly complained about G2's lineup.

Although Jace Spider Zoe really restrains Silas, Teacher B's Silas basically didn't use his ultimate move except for stealing Pike's ultimate move once in this game.

But correspondingly, G2's overall lineup was simply untenable when faced with FPX's charge, and fell apart as soon as it rushed.

You can only stand at attention while being beaten, and you can't even say a word~
The remaining three people from FPX quickly dismantled the Luyi tower, then swept a circle of wild areas again, and then evacuated directly.

The Caps king looked at the black screen and leaned back on the gaming chair with a tactical move.

His Zoe plays well online and is developing quite well.

But Jace, who was having fun on the road, received "good news", and then another "good news" came from the second half of the jungle.

After this wave of team battles, his Zoe TP teleported and was trapped by FPX.

Although he was already trying his best to operate, he had no room to operate as Zoe. However, he defeated Kennen and Braum and cooperated with the defense tower to take away the two heads.

But the overall situation has collapsed.

This is a little fun~
At this time, even he felt that his lineup was too abstract.

If their lineup could achieve a matchup advantage online, that would be okay, but so far it's just torturing their own mentality. (End of chapter)

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