LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 404 FPX version of gems

Chapter 404 FPX version of gems

There was an explosive team battle in the bottom lane, and G2 lost both their wives and their troops.

If you don't defend this tower, you will only lose the economy of the defense tower, but now if you defend this tower, you will gain the economy of people.

Don't look at the fact that Caps' Zoe took two heads in the end, but it was of no use at all!
After this wave of team battles, G2 was in a state of disarray and could no longer organize any defense.

In 15 minutes, the first tower on the road was destroyed.

At 16 minutes, the second dragon was unguarded, and FPX successfully captured a water dragon soul.

At 17 minutes into the game, the second tower in the middle was pushed flatly by FPX.

Then the second Canyon Pioneer was won by FPX without any pressure.

In the 18th minute, Jayce was still enjoying economy on the bottom tower, but suddenly Kennen appeared with his ultimate move Push Stick.

Then Jace, who was dazed, hit a Q skill called Prey Search. In the next second, an excavator came out of the void and pounced on Jace and bit him to death in two bites.

Immediately afterwards, the second tower of G2's bottom lane was destroyed.

At 19 minutes into the game, the spider in the wild was directly arrested by the excavator and killed alone on the spot.

At the 20-minute mark, G2 looked at the dark dragon's field of vision. Waiting for the spider to resurrect, the five of them grouped together to explore the wild area.

However, an ultimate TP circle back eye was in the jungle of G2, and as Kainan TP circled back, he flashed his ultimate move.


Immediately after Silas's entry and Verus's explosive output.

Although Ah P tried his best to operate Kai'Sa in this wave, matching various summoner skills, plus using ultimate moves to avoid damage.

But there was a scream in the void, an excavator landed, and Kai'Sa, who still had one-third of her health, was bitten to death.

Looking at the black screen, Ah P fell into deep thought and looked at Rek'Sai's equipment panel again.

After looking at Chen Mu's excavator's equipment, he saw that after the warrior's jungle knife, he directly switched to the screen blade Youmeng. They were all equipped with such mind-numbing assassin equipment.

Oh, then there’s no problem~
As for the excavator, it didn’t come out with regular warrior equipment. Chen Mu didn’t come out with any of the warrior equipment that junglers often come out with, such as the Blood Hand Black Cut Resurrection Armor.

The only fault tolerance equipment of the excavator may be the stopwatch hanging on the body.

The main violent output!
Then everyone in FPX easily took down the Baron, and after sorting out the wave, they took the Baron buff.

By the way, Time Canyon Pioneer is coming soon.

Follow the canyon pioneers to conquer cities and territories along the way.

Everyone in G2 also symbolically threw away two skills and did not struggle hard.

They can't struggle with this lineup. G2 is a typical "three nothings" lineup.

No front row, no control, no output~
Even if you play a stone man in the top lane, you may still have the dream of being a big five, but Jace, Zoe and Spider can only watch the show in the spring.

As the Rift Herald "danced" in front of G2's crystal base, the final game was frozen at 22 minutes and 43 seconds.

Several LPL commentators in the commentary box watched FPX easily win G2. The atmosphere was very happy, and they even spoke half-jokingly.

"22 minutes, another [-] gold gap. FPX's current state is really unstoppable!" Guan Zeyuan said cheerfully, rubbing his chin.

"However, Chen Mu's excavator rhythm was also good. In the first 10 minutes, he penetrated Wunder's Jace, and in the next 10 minutes, Chen Mu penetrated the second half of G2's jungle!"

"G2's lineup is too abstract. I can't choose this lineup even in a super brawl!"

"Is this a lineup problem?! Or a people problem?!"

Seeing that a happy team like G2 was in decline, the audience in the LPL live broadcast room felt comfortable.

"Ah P is really doing it. When Chen Mu changes his position, he also changes his position. He thinks he is Chen Mu!"

"It feels like G2 didn't receive enough education from the Shepherd last year, but they are still so happy~"

"I think it's pretty good. I'm just happy, I'm in a good mood, and my mentality is really good. It will do wonders against teams with unstable mentality~"

"Big courage, little boy, who are you implying?!"

"I suspect you are hinting at a certain World Championship's No. [-] ADC (squint) (squint)"

"No, no, no, I want Hongwen~"

After FPX easily defeated G2, the MSI mid-season group stage started with a 3:0 start, and the situation was very good.

Moreover, in the first round, strong teams like SKT and G2 have already played against each other.

Compared with the strength of the remaining two teams, FW Flash Wolves and TL, they are a bit lacking.

In particular, the strength of FW Flash Wolves has declined rapidly in the past two years. Karsa, the original wolf leader, went to RNG, and soon other teammates also left the team and went to other competition regions.

The original lineup of FW Flash Wolves is gone and scattered!

The current FW Flash Wolves, except for the familiar names of top laner Hanabi and ADC Betty, all others have unfamiliar names.

Although the TL in North America has familiar names, the taste is too strong.

The top laner is Mr. Impact Oki, the jungler is a newcomer, the mid laner is Jensen Jianhuang, the ADC is a well-known North American doublelift master, and the assistant is the former three-star champion corejj.

Logically speaking, this lineup configuration is very good.

Impact Oki's teacher is the first generation top laner of SKT, and Jensen Jianhuang is also the last leader of the mid laner in North America. The big brother is the only real phantom god in North America, let alone the support.

There must be old players and old players, and there must be newcomers and newcomers.

However, although this configuration defeated all teams in the North American Division, it has reached the stage of the World Championship.

Not to mention competing against teams like SKT and FPX, they were directly beaten by the feuding G2 in every possible way.

They have even played with wild card teams like PVB.

In the following games, after FPX defeated G2, the other two opponents were TL and FW Flash Wolves.

However, the gap in strength lies here. FPX directly played a three-way flower. Chen Mu still dug a hole in the three-way with an excavator, and the rhythm of the whole game took off.

The excavator is indeed a strong jungler in the version, and it is even more impressive in Chen Mu's hands.

In this version, Rek'Sai itself has received epic enhancements. The originally unpopular jungler Rek'Sai has instantly become a popular jungle choice in various servers.

The Q skill can add 25 points of rage when it hits. At the same time, the R skill can only be avoided by the target unit flashing to a far away position. Without flashing, it is almost equivalent to waiting for death.

The winning rate ranking first in the jungle is enough to show that this hero is very suitable for the current jungle and rhythmic version.

But in this version of jungle, the opponent will not ban.

Not only is it not banned, but the excavator is released to you, and Silas is also released to you.

The midfielder selection of Excavator and Silas directly allowed FPX to win more than half of the BP.

Originally, in this version, Sylas achieved a certain peak in the mid lane position, and Rek'Sai also dominated the wild area of ​​the version, and the two versions of the hegemons were linked together.

FPX is simply a sure winner!
Even FPX's head coach Zhan Ma can't understand the BP of these North American Happy teams. Can Silas and Digger be put together? !

Since you dare to let go, of course I dare to choose!
FPX easily won all five games in the first round, leading the game with 5-5 points.

Ranked second is the G2 team. Although they lost to FPX, they unexpectedly overturned SKT and taught Faker a good lesson. With 4-1 points, they temporarily ranked second in the group.

The third one is SKT. Although they lost to G2 and FPX, they still managed to win against TL and FW Flash Wolves, not to mention wild card teams like PVB.

The subsequent rankings are FW Flash Wolves, TL and PVB.

Although FPX is temporarily leading, it is only temporary.The group stage of this MSI mid-season tournament is a double round-robin group stage, and now we are only playing the first round of group stage.

The second round of the intra-group loop of the competition was in full swing.

However, the strength and status of each team, as well as their understanding of the version, have been seen from the first round of group circulation.

PVB, TL and other teams couldn't beat FPX in the first round. Can they beat FPX in the second round? !

There are 6 teams in this group stage, only four of which will advance to the knockout rounds.

As the group stage schedule continues to advance, some teams have turned into water ghosts or asked others to go into the water, and some teams have steadily advanced to the knockout rounds.

Time passed quickly to May 5, the last day of the group stage.

FPX Little Phoenix won eight out of eight games, leading 8-0.

But the points of the other teams are very low, all around five or six points.

And PVB is the water ghost mentioned, who bit FW Flash Wolves and SKT respectively.

This is going to make several commentators in the LPL commentary booth laugh~
Soon the final game of the group stage came. The opening game was between SKT and FPX, but it was also ended by these two teams.

Although the number of qualifying spots has been determined, it is still a battle for SKT's dignity.

In the opening game, FPX passed SKT in 15 minutes, leaving SKT not even qualified to surrender.

Although it is partly related to SKT's lineup, SKT chose a bottom lane combination of Gemstone Girl, and the development of black technology failed.

But it’s still too embarrassing after all~
This is the last game of the group stage, although it has nothing to do with victory or defeat, it only concerns face!
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, sports center.

The atmosphere at the scene is still very hot, although the qualifying teams in each major competition area have been determined, and the local Vietnamese team PVB has been determined not to qualify for the knockout rounds.

But many local audiences still brought the atmosphere to its climax.


This is undoubtedly a much-anticipated showdown.

One is a little phoenix that has been reborn from nirvana, and the other is a legendary team.

SKT, triple crown champion Faker, the most difficult mountain to climb, the most difficult river to cross, will always be a legend no matter when and where.

FPX, Chen Mu, has fought all the way from last year's MSI Mid-Season to this year's MSI Mid-Season, winning every battle, rarely losing once, and a demon king with full dominance.

In the opening game, there are suspicions that SKT will be cheating, but now all SKT players are in full condition.

Faker sat in the middle of the player bench with a serious expression, and the young teammates next to him were also enthusiastic.

"FPX Little Phoenix, charge the duck!"

"Chen Mu, you are the best, husband, I love you~"

"SKT, come on!"

At the scene, countless fans from both teams began cheering and shouting.

In particular, the group stage will be held in Vietnam, but the knockout rounds and finals will be held in Taipei.

Therefore, the Vietnamese fans at the scene cherished this opportunity to watch the game live.

And right now.

The BGM on the scene stopped, and everything was displayed on the big screen.

The final BP game of the group stage begins, with FPX facing off against SKT.

In this round, FPX is on the red side and SKT is on the blue side.

In the commentary box, the commentators also began to stir up the atmosphere.

"SKT seems to be serious in this game. I see that SKT's expression on the player bench is very serious. Do they want to get back the venue for the opening game?!" Wang Duoduo said with a smile.

"Then we must get the situation back. We didn't even have a chance to surrender in 15 minutes. It's so embarrassing~" Guan Zeyuan also said with a smile.

"Come on, let's take a look at the BP of both sides in the last game of the group stage!"

As soon as they came up, SKT first banned Chen Mu's excavator.

SKT is not stubborn and has no plans to improve. Chen Mu's excavator has been obvious to all in these games.

You have the operational monster and the consciousness monster, and you have got the jungle hero of the OP version, so what else can you play? !

FPX directly bans the blind monk here.

SKT then continued to ban Silas, and the OP hero in the middle version was not released to FPX.

SKT is really serious~
FPX's second move was to ban Pike!
In the end, SKT banned Ryze.

FPX's last move was to ban Draven.

Looking at FPX's BP, the commentators in the commentary box seemed to have noticed something.

Changmao looked at the BPs of both sides and said suspiciously: "FPX's move was to ban Pike and Draven. Why do I feel like I want to make a living?!"

Wang Duoduo nodded and agreed: "Yeah, it looks like it to me. When Pike and Draven ban, it kind of means taking down the Luffa Core!"

But at this moment, Guan Zeyuan, who was standing next to him, suddenly said: "Isn't it because FPX wants to play Gem Piano Girl?!"

"Uh uh."


Guan Zeyuan's words were immediately silenced by the two people next to him.

At this time, SKT's first-hand selection came.

Without hesitation, top laner Khan directly showed his hand Jace, and then confirmed it directly.

"Hey, Jess?! SKT snatched Jess directly from the first floor?!" Changmao said in surprise.

"Although SKT Jayce can be used to swing, Khan can play Jayce, and Faker can also play, but after so many games in the MSI mid-season, it seems that Jayce is not an easy hero to win the game!" Changmao expressed his opinion.

"Yeah, these people's Jace, even Khan's Jace always seems to have an indescribable smell. Compared with Chen Mu's Jace in last year's World Championship, he seems to be two heroes. Ah!" Guan Zeyuan made a stab.

As soon as he finished speaking, FPX directly locked onto the hero Kennen on the first floor.

Kennen is a good choice for top lane in this version, and one of the best choices against Jayce.

Your hands are long, and so are my hands.

But on the second floor of FPX, with the determination of the hero.

The audience exclaimed.

ah? ? !
Gem Knight locked!

"This?! Are FPX going to play Jewel Piano Girl themselves?!" The LPL commentators were dumbfounded.

At this time, even SKT was surprised. Is FPX teaching about forehand and backhand? !It’s so disrespectful!
But with the BP going so far, SKT can't possibly steal the girl in order to destroy FPX's gem girl group. They can only follow their own ideas.

Then the bottom lane combination of Kai'Sa and Titan was determined on the second and third floors.

Immediately afterwards, there was an instant selection on the third floor of FPX.

Qin girl!

The FPX version of Jewel Piano Girl is here!
(End of this chapter)

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