LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 406 You can also catch fish with a straight hook

SKT is obviously naughty~
Originally, their lineup was obviously capable of invasion at level one, but disrupting Chen Mu's jungle farming rhythm at level one basically meant winning the game.

If Juggernaut can't use C, can FPX still count on Karma, Gemstone, and Qinnu C? !

But SKT got this kind of lineup that can be played in the early and mid-term. They don't want to make a living, but think about stable operation and development.

The two sides maintained a tacit understanding of the defensive formation in the jungle and did all the necessary eye positions.

1 minutes 30 seconds.

The buff is refreshed and the army lines are about to converge.

Chen Mu's Juggernaut did not engage in fancy opening routes in the jungle. With the help of his teammates, he honestly opened up the blue field in the second half of the jungle.

His Juggernaut reaching level six earlier would be the greatest help to his teammates.

And Chen Mu also chose the most greedy jungle route.

After blue is opened, go directly to the toad.

Then the Juggernaut did not brush all the way up, but went to the river in the lower half of the wild area and pocketed the river crab that had just been refreshed in 2 minutes.

What he has to do at this stage is not to cause trouble, but to try his best to defend his jungle area.

In the early stages of the game, for the jungler, the river crab is the focus of competition in the jungle.

The experience gain and gold coin gain given are too high.

The junglers of both sides use the fast four jungle route. At level 4, if you lose the Twin River Crabs, that is, there is a difference of two River Crabs between you and the opponent's jungler.

At this time, the opponent will probably be 0.65 levels higher than you, which also means that you will reach level 6 2-3 groups of wild monsters later than the opponent.

This is too fatal for the sword master!
Therefore, how to grab a group of river crabs from a weak jungler is also a profound knowledge.

Chen Mu's Juggernaut is not easy to control the River Crab in the upper half of the jungle. If you want to fight for the River Crab in the upper half of the jungle, your teammates in the upper and upper lanes must have lane rights and can call your teammates over at any time.

Chen Mu didn't want to do this, so he took advantage of the time when the river crabs were refreshed and directly controlled the river crabs in the semi-wild area.

In the lower half of the jungle, FPX can call people at any time.

It doesn’t matter whether the Baoshi Qin girl group goes out with double auxiliary equipment or not, and whether they take the line or not.

Kalma in the mid lane is also prepared to be a dog and can support at any time.

This is also the reason why Chen Mu dares to fight for this river crab.

And sure enough, after clid's prince got red, he brushed all the way up and controlled the river crab in the upper half of the jungle.

One person at a time, peaceful coexistence.

After controlling the river crabs, Chen Mu's Sword Master returned to the jungle area again, starting with the three wolves and working his way to the upper half of the jungle area.

Clid's prince wanted to invade Chen Mu's red buff jungle area, but after looking at the army line in the middle, he could only give up this plan.

Although the hero Karma was criticized for being weak in the later stages, he was beaten and scraped.

However, in the early and mid-term, the laning pressure is strong, the damage is high, and there is a shield.Especially heroes like Clockwork who are weak in the early stage.

Teacher Big B also knows that the focus of his game is the jungle area, so his Karma doesn't want to consume Faker's clockwork when it comes up.

Direct RQ is used to push the line fiercely.

The clid prince looked at the line in the middle and sighed helplessly.

The prince is not an invincible hero in the jungle. Without the cooperation of his teammates, it would be good if he is not countered by the Juggernaut.

The hero Prince still needs to be paired with teammates. After all, EQ's two-hit ultimate move is a combo that even the Juggernaut can't keep up with.

In the first 3 minutes, the two sides fell into a strange peace. Whether online or in the jungle, everyone was pushing the lane and finishing the attack.

The game progressed to 3 minutes and 50 seconds.

After Chen Mu cleared the wild monsters in the first half of the wild area, he reached level four.

Chen Mu looked at the empty jungle area with nothing to do. One round of wild monsters spawned quickly, but the next round of wild monsters had not yet spawned.

As for the level [-] sword master, it is too difficult to catch people. This is a professional arena, not a bronze or silver game.

If you are successfully ganked by a level [-] sword master, you will basically be infamy for eternity.

Chen Mu's Sword Master had nothing to do anyway, so the Sword Master just stayed close to the top road and followed the troops on the top road directly to the top road. He quietly squatted in the grass on the top road with his vision blocked.

It happened that Kenan had a push back on the road, and Aguang needed to finish the push and go home to make equipment. Chen Mu's Juggernaut could just do a counter squat.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t squat with anyone, as long as you can gain experience~
At this time, clid's prince did not brush the stone man in the bottom lane, and it is still in the third level state.

But his prince was not selected to compete with the sword master in terms of jungle clearing speed. He still had to rely on his own control to set the pace.

At this time, clid set his sights on the top road.

At this stage, it's not easy to get to his prince in the middle lane. Clockwork doesn't even have level 6 or a big move. So what if he goes? !
Karma, who has a shield, acceleration, flash, and RW skills, may not die even if she is offline for two seconds!

Then the only choice is to hit the road and look for opportunities.
It just so happens that Kennen has a pushback line. If Kennen doesn't handle it well or is too aggressive, it will be a good opportunity to open up the situation. At least he can catch a flash!

When the prince squatted at the mouth of the grass on the upper road, Kenan was still struggling to push the line.

His prince did not miss it first, but clicked a signal and asked the Khan: "Do I have eyes here?!"

"No, no, Kenan didn't have his eyes done there!" Khan said decisively.

At this time, Aguang looked at the sword master who had been taking advantage of his experience, and said helplessly: "The two of us pushed the line of troops together, let's just go back?!"

"It's okay, you sell it and I can harvest it~" But Chen Mu said directly and calmly.

It’s not that he has a unique way of playing, it’s that the hero Juggernaut was chosen to play like this!
After hearing Chen Mu's words, Aguang was also decisive.

His understanding is very clear~
Although it seems that Kennen is the only DPS on FPX, he is still just a tool after all.

The entire FPX team serves Chen Mu, the sword master. If it weren't for the fact that the current version couldn't use Lulu in the top lane, War Horse would have forced him to use Lulu in the top lane.

In this case, if the big daddy in the team needs it, he is of course willing to carry it out.

Anyway, Big Daddy is in charge of this round!

As for how to seduce him? !

Kennen stepped forward with his E skill and shocked the soldiers.
"Kenan's E skill has been used, his E skill has been used~"

After seeing Kenan's actions, Khan's passionate voice immediately came from the game headset.

His Jace has also been trying to seduce Kenan forward, but Kenan is too steady and doesn't give him this chance.

At this time, Kennen suddenly used his E skill, and Khan suddenly became high-pitched.

At the same time, Wang Duoduo watched Chen Mu Sword Master squatting in the LPL commentary box.

"No problem. In this wave of Kennen's push back line, Chen Mu Sword Master has already counter-crouched Kennen and used his E skill?! But it's a bit obvious. SKT shouldn't be fooled!"

Changmao also nodded and agreed, "That's right, the Sword Master hasn't leaked it until now. Clid's prince and Jace shouldn't be involved,"

"What if?!" At this moment, Guan Zeyuan beside him said: "We know that Kenan is acting, but SKT doesn't know. What if they think that Kenan is panicking?!"

Guan Zeyuan just finished speaking.

"Coming, coming~" After Clid heard Khan's call, he walked directly to the road without thinking.

Clid's prince originally wanted to leave, but Juggernaut has not missed it so far. He doesn't know if he is squatting on the top lane, so he doesn't dare to rashly lead the road rhythm.

But after seeing Kennen use his E skill, he felt that an opportunity had come.

And in the eyes of everyone in SKT, Aguang's Kenan plays very similar.

After his Kennen released his E skill, he seemed to realize his mistake and retreated quickly.And as soon as you retreat, Jace and the prince will chase you.

But Khan and Clid didn't notice a sword master squatting in the grass.

If you chase him and run away, they will not be able to escape.

Aguang's Kenan ran backwards with all his strength, while Jace and the prince chased after him desperately!
But none of them noticed that there was a bigger trap behind Kenan~
At this time, Khan's signal was already corrupted by the PIN.

"Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him!"

And clid also knew that he couldn't delay. Kennen handed over the E skill, leaving only a flash.

As long as he is controlled by his prince, it will be a certain death situation.

Even if Kennen flashes again, it will be too late. The red buff and the slowdown of W skill will stick to death. Jace still has flash and acceleration gate, so he can just keep up and add some damage.

Jace didn't have the skills to retain people, so he, the prince, could only take the lead.

At this moment, he looked like a panicked little white rabbit. Kenan wanted to follow Jace and the prince and pull him away into the grass.

Without any hesitation, Clid's prince aimed at Kenan with a light-speed EQ twice.

And Aguang also knew that if he wanted to seduce, he had to give something. The moment the prince poked him, he immediately pressed his flash.

At the same time, Clid's eyes flashed, his hand speed suddenly increased, and he pressed his flash button at the same time.

Prince EQ flashes.

The next second, Kenan was provoked into a cross-dodge.

"Nice! Nice! Kill! Kill! Kill quickly!"

After Khan saw Prince EQ flash provoking Kenan, he turned into a monkey and started screaming strangely.

Then his Jace also started to operate, QE fired a cannon, then passed the acceleration gate, and hammered up with Q skill.

Although Kennan's blood volume dropped very low at this time, he was not killed instantly.

Because the prince's EQ flash can control flying, but it does no damage.

The damage the prince dealt was just a passive A, and the Q and E skills didn't deal any damage at all. In order to follow the burst, Jace didn't hit the combo right away.

So much so that Kenan was not eliminated instantly.

This is enough~
Khan's strange scream was not over yet. The next second, a man wearing a mask with six light bulbs on it came out from the grass, holding a sharp sword with a cold light.

The sword master with E skill activated first slashed at the prince, each slash carrying additional real damage.

Then start by moving A smoothly.

A knife!

Two knives!

Three knives!

Passive double whammy.

Four knives and five knives followed!

The blood volume of the prince, who was only at the third level, dropped drastically.

At this time, Kenan, who had received Flash, stopped pretending and acting.

He immediately started fighting with Prince Jace on the spot.

I, Kenan, can die, but your prince must die here even if he gives me Flash!

At this time, SKT was also riding a tiger in the jungle, and it was now impossible to retreat.

Jace and the prince can only deal with Kennen with all their strength.

But Aguang was determined to die.

At the last moment, he launched a QW combo. Under the third level of passive, he immobilized the prince and at the same time launched his own set of small bursts.

"First blood!"

Kenan died in the next second, but he had already won enough things, and the prince, who was only at level [-], was already running out of health.

Jace quickly used his E skill to knock the Juggernaut away, but the moment he knocked it away, the Juggernaut's Q skill Alpha Strike was already pressed.

The sword master transformed into countless phantoms and danced on the battlefield, killing the prince with his final sword.

At the same time, the red buff also stuck to Jace, and began to chase Jace all the way and slash.

A knife!

Two knives!

Three knives!

Level A, level A, level A again, smoothly moving and slashing Jace, while the red buff stuck to Jace.

Khan quickly handed over his flash, but Chen Mu's Sword Master flashed with light speed.

Continue to draw A one after another.

Although the Sword Master is only at level [-] at this time, after triggering under the Conqueror.

It's real damage, and it's recovering blood while fighting.

Too fierce!
"The Infinite Sword Master Yi killed Jace!"

"Double kill!!"

Although Jace escaped all the way back to the tower with remaining health on foot, Chen Mu's Sword Master's last Alpha attack.

Juggernaut's attack reduces the cooldown of Q skill Alpha Strike by 1 second.

I have used so many knives, and my Q skill has improved.

After the Juggernaut jumped over the tower and took away Jace, at the moment when the defense tower attack came, he pressed W to restore blood and at the same time add double resistance, withstand the damage of the defense tower, and walk out of the defense tower with the last step.

In the end, the bloody Juggernaut still stood in front of Jace's body.

And it's not over yet.

Seeing the approaching wave of artillery and carriage troops, Chen Mu's Sword Master was not polite at all and directly clicked on the troops' line.

At the same time, he said to A Guang: "Let me push this wave of soldiers for you, just to save you a flash~"

Then, without waiting for A Guang to respond, the sword master with the red buff began to level A.

The key thing is that this is still a wave of cannon carts. Seeing that Jace immediately resurrected TP and came up, Chen Mu punished the cannon carts mercilessly, speeding up his own lane push.

Although Ah Guang was about to shed tears watching this, he still endured it in order to win the game~
At the same time, Aguang did not forget to comfort himself: "Brother Mu is absolutely right, it can help me save a TP."

"Isn't it just a wave of troops?! What's the difference between me and Brother Mu?!"

Originally, Kennen's army line was very bad. He had to pay this TP to push this line. But the sword master pushed it for him, and for a while, the line of soldiers couldn't be pushed back. Kennen could simply save TP. Walked back to the line.

But a wave of artillery trains entered the Juggernaut's pocket inexplicably.

Seeing a sudden wave of ganks and counter-crouching on the top lane, the commentator was surprised.

"Ah?! This straight hook fishing is too obvious! Can you be fooled by this?! What is SKT doing?!" Wang Duoduo was shocked by SKT's straight hook behavior of biting bait.

Aguang's acting skills are considered an Oscar in the eyes of everyone in SKT, but in the eyes of the commentators from the third perspective, it is simply like Jiang Taigong fishing with a straight hook!
But Khan and Clid were able to fall for this trick and bite this bait! (End of chapter)

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