LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 407: Vampire, Vampire, Vampire Again

Seeing SKT's Jess and Prince, two crouching dragons and phoenixes, giving away the heads of two Juggernauts in a daze, the commentators in the commentary box couldn't help but laugh.

"Aguang and Kainan are about to hit the sword master on the head in the grass behind me, but this Khan can still be fooled!"

"Wow, this can be fooled?! Kenan has handed over the E skill inexplicably and is already very suspicious. Jace and the prince are still chasing after him!"

"But this wave of Sword Master Chen Mu chopped off two heads, and the situation has completely opened up!"

"Yes! The Juggernaut is 4-2 in 0 minutes. After this wave of lane push, it will go straight to level 5. It will soon go to level 5 in 6 minutes. In a while, the jungle will chase you and kill the prince. Clid!"

"Since when does this game kill people? Is it that simple?"

Several LPL commentators were suppressing laughter and wondering, does Chen Mu have some kind of intelligence buff?
Not only the commentators, but also the audience in the LPL live broadcast room were happy.

"Khan, a good friend from the LPL region!"

"Khan, LPL can't do it without you, FPX can't do it without you."

"Holy shit, Juggernaut started 2-0, this one is really going to start."

"Enjoy it, really enjoy it~"

"This Mad Dog Sword Master can come out of the mountain in 20 minutes!"

"When the time comes, the sword master in the six-god outfit will have the ultimate move with gems behind him, the mid laner Karma will have the RE shield, and the Qin girl will have the acceleration."

“The picture is so beautiful, I can’t even imagine it!”

"Is this really SKT?! I feel like it's not as good as the Bronze and Silver games. The Juggernauts in the Bronze games have to give away two first."


In just 4 minutes, the Juggernaut had already been killed, and countless cheers erupted.

"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"


"Juggernaut! Juggernaut!"

As for the original SKT fans, they also switched sides to FPX.

Sorry, it's not that Faker isn't strong enough, but Chen Mu's Sword Master is too awesome!

After all, who doesn’t want to see the Juggernaut slashing people like a mad dog on the World Championship stage? !
4 minutes 30 seconds.

After Chen Mu "helped" Aguang's Kenan push the line, he had already reached level five, while Kenan himself was only level four at this time~
Originally, Juggernaut was a fast 4 wild route, and I gained a little more experience on the road.

Then after getting two heads, he collected a whole wave of soldiers. The number of last hits on the level 35 sword master's panel has reached [-].

At this time, the clid prince on the opposite side was from level 22, and the number of last hits on the board was only [-].

After the sword master returned to the city with satisfaction, he looked at the dazzling old man's shop and started his "consumption"~
Looking at the huge sum of more than 1000 gold coins, there is nothing to hesitate about!
Just wear a pair of attack speed shoes first!

As a level-A melee hero, Juggernaut's movement speed is particularly important to Juggernaut. Only when he can catch up with people can he catch them.

What's more, the 35% attack speed bonus is also very important to the Juggernaut, making it more comfortable for the Juggernaut to move and slash.

After the equipment was released, the Juggernaut returned to his wild area, and the wild monsters just refreshed at this time.

The best way for Juggernaut to maintain his advantage is to clear the jungle!
Keep clearing the wild!
Start with Toad, then Three Wolves, F6, and finally Stone Beetle
Under the attack speed boots, the Juggernaut not only flies up in the jungle, but also runs very fast in the jungle.

After clearing your own wild area, directly invade the upper half of the prince's wild area.

At this time, Clid's prince had a bit of a difficult time. Although he and Jace killed Kenan on the road, their red and blue buffs were also given to the Juggernaut.

At this time, the prince's jungle farming rhythm was greatly affected, and it was a bit difficult for him to farm from the third level.

His prince cleared the two wild areas in the lower half of the jungle, while Chen Mu's Juggernaut had already cleared two wild areas.

At this time, he was still scratching at the toad, but Chen Mu's Sword Master had already touched it.

Countering the jungle is also the best way to expand the advantage in the jungle~
The clid prince was playing toad, but he was also very cautious. As soon as he saw the sword master, he had already climbed over the wall with EQ for the second time.

Once Chen Mu's Sword Master's Q skill Alpha Raid follows him over the wall, it is really possible to single-kill him, a prince who is only at level [-], in the jungle.

But this toad cannot be saved.

Chen Mu's Sword Master easily took over the toad that the prince had hit halfway.

Don't underestimate these two wild monsters!
As the wild monsters with the most experience in the wild area, the Juggernaut is getting closer to level 6 faster after this time, while the prince, who is only at level 6, is further away from level [-].

5 minutes 12 seconds.

After Chen Mu's Sword Master raided the prince's jungle area, it looked like there was still a little bit of experience bar left to reach level 6.

Then the Juggernaut squatted directly into the grass in the middle.

Euphemistically called "anti-squat"~
As for Teacher Big B in the middle, of course he has no objection.

Is there any difference between level [-] Kalma and level [-] Kalma? !No difference!

5 minutes 23 seconds.

As the Juggernaut's brilliance rolls, it's level 6!

There is no way, facing a sword master who already has a big move, you still need to respect him more or less.

And such a result will inevitably lead to the Juggernaut developing too fast. He can perfectly control the jungle in his own jungle area, while the prince can counterattack the jungle at will in the jungle area. Occasionally, he still loses experience and troops online.

If I must say it, this is Da Sima’s legendary quadrangular jungle.

Like a wild horse running wild.

I can't stop it anymore!

At the same time, everyone in the SKT players' seats was frowning. Even Faker had a solemn look on his face. He also realized that something was wrong.

His Clockwork is pretty well developed. Although Mr. Big B’s Karma pushes the lane hard, the pressure on his Clockwork is not great.

His Clockwork CS has always been as good as Karma's. If this trend continues, his Clockwork's Clockwork will still be devastating in the later stages.

But now a jungle sword master is about the same level as him. Looking at it again, the level of his own jungler is already two levels behind.

This is too scary!

Then wait until 10 minutes

"Xi Bal'er, this can't go on!" Faker looked at Juggernaut's last hits which were similar to those of the middle and upper lanes, and even more than FPX's own Kennen's last hits.

"This sword master has developed so well!" Clid's prince felt an indescribable feeling of suffering.

However, there is no point in being anxious~
Although Juggernaut didn't find another chance online, this kind of suppression has already made SKT very, very uncomfortable.

6 minutes.

Although Juggernaut did not flash, it was difficult to find opportunities online, and everyone in SKT was very careful not to give Juggernaut a chance to catch anyone, but Juggernaut can control the dragon!At this time, it is time for the FPX bottom lane gem Qinnu combination to show its power.

SKT's Gem Qinnu was speed-passed in 15 minutes in that round. That was because FPX's bottom lane was Draven, and there was also Chen Mu's Pike beside him, which provided a suffocating rhythm.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the combination of Gemstone Qinnu. On the contrary, it is very useful against certain bottom lane combinations.

Both heroes, Gemstone and Kotina, have significant weaknesses. Kotina has strong poke ability, but due to insufficient continuous output, her ability to fight a wave is weak. Gemstone is difficult to attack in the lane and lacks initiative. After losing the line rights, she will be even more vulnerable. To feel uncomfortable.

These two heroes have one very unique thing in common.

It is very interactive. The three small skills of Qin Nu are all halo skills, and the gems have a unique binding mechanism in the alliance. These two heroes can complement each other when combined.

But when these two heroes are combined together, the continuous combat ability of the gem makes up for this combination to have a certain fighting ability, while the consumption ability of Qin Nu ensures that this combination can get the line rights, and the movement speed provided by the E skill can also Help gems not to be kited.

Although Qin Nu is extremely fragile online, with almost the lowest exit and growth health points in the league, she will be severely damaged if she moves a little carelessly. However, against a strong support like Niu Touluo, the Japanese girl, she will basically be hit by it. At least the skill was knocked out.

However, the armor and shield provided by Gem's W skill, as well as the backhand ability of E skill, allow Gem to survive Qin Nu's strong attack, and gain the advantage of exchanging blood through the excellent battery life of these two heroes.

The extremely excellent backhand abilities of these two heroes make it extremely difficult for them to be double-teamed by jumping over the tower. On the contrary, they have excellent ability to cooperate with their teammates in jumping over the tower.

Maybe in the first two levels, due to the incomplete skill set of Gem Kotina, these two combinations are obviously at a disadvantage.

But at level 3, these two people began to have a say.

And as the level increases, it becomes easier and easier to play online.

Kotina's flat A has a range of 550, but her Q skill can hit a distance of 825, and her ultimate has a range of 900.

Kai'Sa's average A-range is 525 yards, and Qin's range is 25 yards longer than Kai'Sa's.

Therefore, the combination of Kai'Sa and Titan is obviously one of the best combinations in the bottom lane, but they were disgusted when they encountered the combination of Gemstone and Qin.

Before reaching level 6, Kai'Sa couldn't touch the piano girl, and the Titan couldn't hook the piano girl, and it couldn't beat the gem after hooking it.

However, the essence of playing this combination is not to be greedy for overwhelming pleasure.

Manage the troop line well, get out of the bottom lane, team up with your teammates to take the dragon and push the tower, set up the rhythm, and expand the advantage of the bottom lane to the entire canyon!

We should always remember that these two are team heroes. The economy of 1000 yuan can only be used for 900 yuan in the bottom lane, but when together with the middle and jungle daddy, it can be used for 1500 yuan.

Especially in the team battles in front of the first tower or the dragon pit, the combination of double skin and milk can bring their characteristics to the extreme.

Once they fight together, the two heroes fighting each other will be even more disgusting.

This is it at this moment~
Gemstone Qinnu didn't care about the military line and directly helped Chen Mu's Sword Master to deal with Xiaolong.

Gemstone and Qinnu stood next to the sword master like two perpetual motion machines, constantly feeding and buffing him.

Seeing this scene, SKT didn't really want this little dragon.

Although the water dragon's attributes are very good in the early game, the lineup really can't beat it!

It's better to give Kai'Sa and Clockwork time to develop, level and equip. Their lineup will be played casually until the late or late stages.

And SKT doesn't want to give Juggernaut another chance to attack.

As the little dragon neighed, the first water dragon was safely controlled by FPX.

Then Chen Mu's Sword Master went straight into the jungle without looking back and continued to clear the jungle.

His development cannot be stopped~
Brush the jungle, counter the jungle, and attack the enemy line.
Brush the jungle, counter the jungle, and attack the enemy line.
Chen Mu's Sword Master plays like a child eating alone.

I want them all!
Do your teammates have any opinions? !

You've already played a Karma in the middle lane, and you've taken out the Gem Piano Girl in the bottom lane. What other troops are you planning to capture? !

Lin Weixiang and Teacher Big B wished they could put the upper and lower bells into the Juggernaut's pockets. They wished the Juggernaut could use the Six Gods in 15 minutes, and each of them could kill 5 enemies.

The time went to 9 minutes.

There was a very exaggerated scene on the field.

At this time, the bottom lane duo of both sides, Kai'Sa and Titan, Gem and Qin Nu, have almost reached level 6.

Faker's Clockwork is already level 8.

Doinb's Karma, Aguang's Kenan and Khan's Jace are level 7.

And clid’s prince has just reached level 6, so he was miserable in this round~
But when I looked at it again, Chen Mu's Sword Master was already level 9!

Of course, the price is that FPX's mid-to-high level players are on average half a level lower than their opponents!

However, under the "feeding" of the other four people in FPX, it was not without results.

In just 9 minutes, Chen Mu's last hit count on the board has reached more than 100, which is the highest in the game.

Even in a single lane like this, the number of last hits is only about [-].

The opposing prince's last hit was only over 60, and in less than 10 minutes, the sword master had nearly doubled the last hit from the opposing jungler.

At this time, the first piece of Juggernaut's costume has been completed.

Level three jungle knife, enchanted with blood blade.

Increases attack speed by 50%, plus normal attacks cause physical damage equal to [-]% of the target's maximum health.

There is also a unique passive, Deep Cold Punishment, which can be cast on enemy heroes, causing some true damage and stealing 20% ​​movement speed for 2 seconds.

The equivalent of a little rundown.

But it's cheap!
It only costs 2600 gold coins, including the Juggernaut 350 starting equipment, which is nearly 1000 gold cheaper than the ruined one!
"My old swan!" Changmao looked at the big screen, his voice full of excitement: "This sword master has already reached level 9 in only 9 minutes. It seems that he is about to come out of the mountain!"

Obviously the head difference in the game is only 2:1, but in fact the economic difference between the two sides is not even that different.

Although Juggernaut is fat, he did get a little blood sucked online.

According to common sense, this should be a close battle.

But everyone who watched this game became more and more excited and enjoyed it more and more!
The level of Chen Mu's Sword Master is increasing one level after another, the number of last hits is increasing one after another, and the equipment is increasing one after another.
All of this is like a sharp sword in the hand of a sword master, slashing at the arteries of SKT and Faker one after another.

Everyone is looking forward to when Chen Mu's Sword Master will be launched? !When will you leave the mountain? !When did you turn into a mad dog? !

But soon, Chen Mu's Sword Master took action.
After updating the equipment, Chen Mu’s Juggernaut played even crazier!
The Sword Master's flash has already been reversed, it's time to go do some trouble~
After clearing his own jungle area, Juggernaut once again invaded the upper half of the prince's jungle area to counter the newly born blue buff.

Moreover, Chen Mu did not act alone.
After Liu Qingsong's gem reached level 6 in the bottom lane, he immediately left the line and followed the Juggernaut to the upper half of the jungle to help with the vision of the upper half of the jungle and prepare for the battle for Canyon Pioneer.

And SKT is also bound to win the Rift Pioneer!

Mata's Titan also had the same idea and came to the upper half of the jungle in advance to gain vision.

The two sides are about to meet! (End of chapter)

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