LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 408: Plateau Bloodline starts with a draw, how should you respond?

Chapter 408: Plateau Bloodline starts with a draw, how should you respond?
SKT has vision on the blue buff.

And Clid had just been promoted to the sixth level prince, and he could only watch helplessly as the sword master slashed at the blue buff one after another.

The prince is only at the sixth level, he doesn't dare to go there at all!
Cutting him with the Juggernaut's equipment is really like cutting melons and vegetables!
At this time, SKT was not just a freeloader. The auxiliary Titan was doing the same thing. Kai'Sa in the bottom lane was rushing to the upper half of the jungle after pushing the line.

SKT doesn't need this blue buff, but it definitely needs this Rift Herald.

For no other reason than that, Rift Herald's benefits to Juggernaut are simply too high.

The dragon can be released to the Juggernaut, but the Canyon Herald must not be released to the Juggernaut.

If operated properly, a Rift Herald can bring FPX benefits up to 14 economy in the first 1000 minutes.

"Can you capture this Juggernaut? If this Juggernaut dies, we can take the Canyon Pioneer directly!" Clid complained as he was stuck for almost 10 minutes.

The Juggernaut is running rampant in his jungle area, and he really can't stand it anymore~
"Come on, Titan will look for an opportunity to see if he can hook him. If he gets a chance, he can kill him!"

At this time, Faker hit the sword master with a mark on the head, and said calmly: "I will also go to the jungle!"

Just as he was talking, he finished collecting a wave of troops and went directly into the wild area.

"I'm coming too!!" Khan's Jace also rushed from the triangle grass to the wild area.

"Okay! I have a flash! I can definitely keep this sword master!" Seeing the brothers coming to support, Clid was trembling with excitement.

This sword master can finally be punished!
The two parties who were about to meet in the commentary box were also excited.

"We are about to collide, the two sides are about to collide!" Changmao shouted loudly: "Are we going to fight this time?"

However, Guan Zeyuan was worried about Chen Mu's Juggernaut: "SKT's support needs to be faster! Titan Clockwork Jays always moves first!"

"Yes, Chen Mu's Juggernaut is a little alone in going deep. Although Kennen and Karma are also moving towards the jungle, this is SKT's jungle. The support from SKT must have arrived first." Wang Duoduo looked at Carefully analyze the situation on the field.

His voice just fell.

On the field.

After Chen Mu's Juggernaut countered the blue buff, he met SKT at the entrance to the opposite lower half of the jungle.

At this time, Titan and Clockwork circled around the outer wall of the blue buff, intending to outflank them.

Clid's prince kept a distance from the blue buff and followed him. He didn't dare to get too close for fear that the sword master would kill him in turn.

next second.

When the prince and Titan appeared in the field of vision for the first time, Chen Mu had decisively pressed his ultimate move!
"The Tao of Promise continues in my heart."

The Juggernaut was like a mad dog that was completely out of control. Not only did he not find his teammates to join him, but he turned back and rushed straight towards the clid prince without any thought!
"Fuck! Slow down, slow down, Brother Mu, slow down!" Liu Qingsong shouted hurriedly.

His gems came with the Juggernaut, but he first went to the river in the upper half of the jungle to do some eye positioning, lining up the view on the opposite side, in preparation for the imminent arrival of the Canyon Pioneer.

But without paying attention, Chen Mu's Juggernaut had already run to the opposite jungle area to fight blue, and was chasing the prince like a mad dog with his ultimate move.

"I can't keep up~"

"Damn it, I'm still on my way! Jess will be there first!"

Teacher Big B's Karma and Aguang's Kenan also exclaimed, the Sword Master's position is too deep, they can't keep up for a while!


The moment he saw the sword master rushing towards him, Clid's pupils suddenly narrowed and the hairs on his body stood up!

How long has it been since he experienced this kind of scene?

Now there are only two choices before him. One is to hold the sword master and wait for Titan and Clockwork to kill the mad dog sword master together.

Or just EQ two moves in a row, but then the Juggernaut won't be able to catch it.

Although many thoughts flashed through his mind, in reality, in just a moment, Clid's prince had already thought about it.

Of course the Juggernaut who already has a bounty will be killed!

If Faker's clockwork can get this finishing bounty and then interrupt the Juggernaut's rhythm, this game will be a sure win!

And this wave is obviously coming faster than my own teammates!

Jace has arrived at the triangular grass, and there is an explosive fruit. Clockwork has followed Titan to the river!
The prince looked at the sword master coming close to his face and directly EQed him twice.

But next second.
I saw Chen Mu's sword master running as fast as a mad dog, but suddenly stopped and turned slightly to the side.

Evaded the prince's second EQ company.

Originally, Chen Mu's movement was just like a script, and with such a fast movement speed, it was still very easy for the Sword Master to move.

Seeing the prince approaching, the sword master, who was already like a mad dog, instantly found his target and became even more out of control!
One knife, two knives, three knives!

Passive double strike, four knives, five knives
With his attack speed boots out and his ultimate move on, the Juggernaut is like a mad dog.

Attack speed jungle knife, attack speed shoes, the talent has an attack speed bonus, the rune fragments also have an attack speed bonus, plus the attack speed bonus of the ultimate move, the sword in the hand of the sword master can be cut out quickly Afterimage!
The Juggernaut with the red buff, the jungle knife in his hand is enchanted with the blood blade, and each hit of level A is accompanied by a percentage of the maximum health value of physical damage.

How could a prince who was only level six have ever suffered such a crime? He couldn't even last three seconds under his hand, and his health was already in danger!

Seeing that his teammates were only one step away, Clid gritted his teeth!

Directly build the big move on the spot!

The prince and the sword master were framed in place at the same time, and then the prince's limit flashed out.

But the next moment, Chen Mu's Sword Master pressed his Q skill Alpha Strike at the same time.

Following the prince's flash, the world was shattered, and then he struck again with a knife, triggering the fatal blow talent.

This wave can be called simple and unpretentious, with no eye-catching extreme operations at all.

"The Infinite Sword Master Yi killed the Demacia prince!"

"Killing Spree!!"

"The Infinite Sword Master is killing people!!"

The system's kill prompt appears.

But it was such a simple kill that made SKT even more terrified!

The prince's body slowly fell to the ground.

"It's time to chop!"

On the commentary stage, Guan Zeyuan seemed to be Chen Mu's most solid believer, shouting: "Sword Master! Sword Master has been activated!"

At this time, the support that clid had been thinking about finally arrived.

Jace arrived, as did the Titans and Clockwork.

"Three people from SKT have come over. Can they kill this Juggernaut?! Can Chen Mu still perform miracles?!" Several commentators in the commentary box were also worried about Chen Mu's Juggernaut.

Jace, Titan, and Clockwork are all about output and control, and control!
Although Chen Mu's output is very high, his body is also very fragile.

The unexplained combos of these three people were enough to kill the Sword Master!

And this time.
Titan's ultimate move has been hung on the Juggernaut, locking the Juggernaut, and there is still a clockwork ball hanging on Titan's body.

As long as this control is obtained, the Juggernaut is basically unable to move.

But Liu Qingsong’s gem also arrived at this time. Is the distance not enough? !
Flash directly!

After reaching enough distance, Liu Qingsong pressed his ultimate move without hesitation.

The glory of the universe!At the same time, the W skill Fortitude is contracted to the Juggernaut, blessing the Juggernaut and equipping him with a shield that lasts for 2.5 seconds. The shield can absorb damage equivalent to 8% of the target's maximum health.

If you can absorb a little damage, it counts!
Although Gemstone tried his best, Chen Mu knew it was not enough.

A little bit!

Gem's ultimate move has a full 2.5 second delay
But Titan's ultimate move has 1 second of control, Q skill has about 1 second of control, and normal attack passive has [-] second of control.

Clockwork's ultimate move still has close to 1 second of control time!

This time is enough time for the three of SKT to drop themselves before the gem's ultimate move comes down!
Chen Mu glanced out of the corner of his eye!
The gem had just flashed close to the sword master's ultimate move.

without any hesitation
At the moment when Titan's ultimate move was about to knock the Juggernaut away.

There was a flash of golden light, and the Juggernaut flashed behind the gem.

And Titan's ultimate move, Deep Sea Impact, follows the Juggernaut like a shadow!

While knocking away the sword master, Liu Qingsong's gem was also knocked away!

It was obvious that Gemstone couldn't use this ultimate move, but Chen Mu's Sword Master tricked him into using this ultimate move.

But Chen Mu’s flash was not to deceive his teammates.
Because at this time, Mata was dumbfounded.

His Titan can't hook the Juggernaut!

Originally, Titan used his ultimate move first, followed by Q skill, and then tied A.
Although Faker's clockwork is followed by a big move, Jayce follows the output!
Before the gem's ultimate move comes down, a set of combos that will kill you!

There is no possibility of mistakes.

But now with the gem blocking the way, the Titan can't hook the Juggernaut! !

Even the wind-up ultimate move can't reach the Juggernaut.
Titan's ultimate move can only be controlled for 1 second, which is fleeting!
Chen Mu's Sword Master only paused in the air for 1 second before resuming action!

At this time, SKT is in a dilemma and cannot stop riding a tiger.
But the situation did not allow them to think too much, 2.5 seconds later.


The light of Gem's ultimate move, Cosmic Glory, emerged in mid-air and slowly fell.

At this time, FPX's midfielder also came to support.

Teacher Big B is a RE!

A desperate shield appears on the four FPX players!

Khan was making explosive fruits, and Jess was dumbfounded when he came down.
This? !

What about the invincible comb that was promised, and the instant sword master? !
After Chen Mu's Sword Master killed the prince, the delay time of his ultimate move was not over yet. After escaping the fatal control, it restarted.
Khan, a squishy Jace, facing a Juggernaut charging in his face with his ultimate move?
Regardless of the flash and full skills on his body, or the Titan and Clockwork next to him, it seemed that they could not give him enough sense of security at this time.

What's more, all the FPX teammates have come to support at this time, and FPX is the side with the most people!

Soon, when the distance is enough.

Juggernaut's Q skill Alpha Strike jumps directly in the face!

There was no surprise. As soon as he landed, he was knocked away by Jace's hammer.

This is of no use.

Chen Mu's punishment had already fallen on him first.

The jungle knife's passive Deep Cold Punishment hangs on Jace's body, causing some real damage and stealing 20% ​​of the movement speed for 2 seconds.

A Juggernaut with a gem ultimate moves close to his face, and Karma's shield is as thick as pigskin.

An electric rat is about to rush into the crowd with his E skill and receive electrotherapy!

At this time, SKT had no idea of ​​counterattack. Taking advantage of this control period, SKT turned around and ran away!
The Q skill that Titan didn't use just now is now used, and he can directly hook onto the wall and run away.

And Faker's clockwork is even more decisive, directly dodge
But Khan's Jace also appeared, but he who was running at the back suffered a serious blow.

FPX has spent so many people, there must be something left behind!

The Juggernaut was hammered away by Jace, but he caught up with him in two or three steps.

A knife!

Two knives!

Three knives!

"The Infinite Sword Master killed Jace!"

"Oh my God! What kind of operation is this?! SKT's combo didn't connect!" In the commentary box, Guan Zeyuan watched Chen Mu's wonderful flash and screamed.

"Yes, the Titan had no angle at all to hook out. It was blocked by the gem, and the Sword Master started slashing again and again!"

"I can only say that the combination of gems and sword master is simply..." Wang Duoduo pursed his lips and continued after a while: "It's simply too exaggerated!"

“FPX has all come to support, this wave of FPX is making huge profits”

The commentator originally thought that this wave was the result of a jungler swap, but he did not expect that Chen Mu and Liu Qingsong would have such coordination.

The Juggernaut who scored another double kill is now unstoppable!

Well known.

The reason why the hero Juggernaut can only dominate the low-end rounds is due to two reasons.

One reason is that it is difficult for high-end Juggernauts to develop enough to give Mad Dog a chance to emerge.

Another reason is that high-end games will not easily give you the opportunity to harvest Juggernaut. Even Silver and Gold know how to target Juggernaut in team battles.

However, the idea of ​​​​playing a team in the high-end game is too clear. Something like the Juggernaut cannot give you a chance to enter the field. Once you enter the game, you will inevitably get a control combo, and then be killed instantly by the concentrated fire!

And SKT also targeted Chen Mu's Juggernaut in this way.

Clid's prince held off the sword master with his life. As long as Titan and Clockwork could catch the combo, it would be difficult for the sword master to survive.

But I didn't expect that Chen Mu would use his teammates as a shield and forcefully broke SKT's combo.

And this wave of rhythm is not the performance of Chen Mu Sword Master alone, FPX’s top and middle assistants are all here.

And the goal is very clear, the Juggernaut cannot fail!
Especially Liu Qingsong, who flashed to the ultimate move and blocked the skill with his body, which delayed the ultimate move.

With the invincibility of Gem's ultimate move, Chen Mu's Sword Master can not be afraid of counterattacks, and can go completely crazy and deal brainless output!


The simpler and unpretentious something is, the harder it is to counter it!

This is also the reason why Faker just turned around and ran away without even trying to operate the clockwork, or even trying to pull off a big move.

Because there is no room for maneuver at all!
I admit that Faker is very strong. You have conquered the world by winning the Triple Crown.

But if, I mean if.
I, the Infinite Sword Master, have developed to the sixth level and started with plateau bloodline A. How should you deal with it? !
At this time, SKT's players were on the bench.

The expressions of Clid and Khan were obviously a little stiff.

"This sword master."

You want to say what kind of leopard girl, what kind of blind monk, what kind of prince is on the other side.
They can also try to avoid the leopard girl's target and the blind monk's Tianyin wave.
But this is a sword master!
Again, I, the Sword Master, activate the plateau bloodline and start with a flat A, how should you respond? !
And he is also a sword master with the invincibility of the gem and the shield of Karma.

Invincible with gems, RE with Karma, equivalent to a mobile spring base.

(End of this chapter)

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