The game lasts 10 minutes.

Clid looked at his black screen and fell into deep thought.

Looking at the terrifying damage output structure of the Juggernaut on the screen, Clid silently took out his cloth shoes.

His prince didn't even make his own jungle knife, but he had to make cloth armor shoes first.

But can you bunch of little losers survive ten seconds under the sword of the sword master?

So what if there were tanks? !
Is it because the real damage of my Juggernaut's E skill is no longer strong, or is it because I can't fight Conqueror? !

Next to him, Faker was operating the clockwork to escape with his life, and returned to the line to continue developing and gathering troops. At the same time, he kept cutting the screen to observe the situation, and he was very busy at the same time.

But his brows also furrowed deeper and deeper.

This sword master was killing people randomly in his own jungle area. After killing everyone, he openly and openly went to the most important resource point, Canyon Pioneer.

Faker scratched his head and said distressedly: "We must find a way to restrict him."

In fact, FPX's thinking in this game is quite clear, and people like SKT can also see it.

All resources are provided to the Juggernaut, allowing the Juggernaut to take over the game alone.

For this reason, FPX even equipped two assistants!

No, it’s three assistants!
Teacher Big B’s Karma in the middle is also considered an auxiliary!
Unexpectedly, Karma's auxiliary equipment came out faster than Qinnu, and even Teacher Big B was a fool.

The line in the middle is also given to Juggernaut~
SKT did not develop any black technology in this round. It was a very conventional lineup, a very SKT lineup.

Jace, Prince, Clockwork, Kai'Sa and Titan, if you want to fight in team battles, you have to fight in the late stage.

This is a set that looks like a perfect design!

If FPX also uses a regular lineup, SKT will be right.

SKT plans to go head-to-head with FPX in this game
But at this time, facing FPX's incompetent lineup and Chen Mu's Juggernaut, SKT was confused.
All their arrangements were shattered to pieces!


The way to deal with this garbage lineup of FPX is very simple, just target the Juggernaut!

The FPX mid laner is Karma, and the bottom lane is Gems and Qin Nu. This means that there is no damage to the three of them in the later stages of the game.

FPX's actual output brother is only Juggernaut.

Everyone knows how to deal with the Sword Master, as long as the Sword Master cannot get up~
It sounds like nonsense, but SKT can't do it.
Chen Mu's Sword Master started slashing for some reason!
The perspective returns to the game.

At this time, the time had reached eleven minutes. After Chen Mu's Sword Master finished brushing the Canyon Pioneer, he did not release it directly. Instead, he got into the wild area again and began to sweep away.

At this time, the sword master was already at level ten!
With the refresh of the second dragon, there was no suspense. Lu Chen directly took doinb's Karma, Gem and Qinnu, and the three assistants stood next to the Juggernaut like bodyguards, making SKT look at it and shake its head.

This one is a fire dragon, and the balance of luck once again fell on FPX's side.

This extremely good attribute makes everyone in SKT a little desperate.

The damage of the Juggernaut has been so exaggerated, and coupled with the attribute buff bonus of the Fire Dragon, everyone in SKT already feels a chill in their backs.

And Chen Mu slashed at the little dragon one after another, and a moment later he pocketed the second little dragon!
The five members of SKT didn't even think about coming to the lower half of the jungle for vision, and they all worked hard to make up for their growth online.

After all.

The opposing SKT, whether it is the midfielder combination or the Kai'Sa Titan combination in the bottom lane, is simply not qualified to grab neutral resources.

As long as the sword master has a big move, even taking a second look is irresponsible for his own life!
This is the end.

The situation on the court has begun to tilt.

After taking the dragon, Chen Mu's Juggernaut is like an unreasonable gangster.

After clearing the neutral resources and clearing your own jungle area, you can easily use the troops on the line.

Anyway, Kennen on the top lane needs troops, but the middle lane and the bottom lane don't need it very much!
A Karma has already come out of the incense burner, what more troops are needed? !

Karma came out of the incense burner and took the piano girl's job, but Liu Qingsong's piano girl was "not to be outdone."

Since I can’t get out of the incense burner, I’ll just make a crucible~
Originally, in the FPX lineup, Karma and Qin Nu were required to use some output equipment, at least Qin Nu's Archangel Staff and Karma's Luden.

But now the two of them stopped pretending and went straight to a showdown~
The incense burner and crucible were arranged for the sword master first.

After Chen Mu took advantage of FPX's bottom lane duo, his jungle area was empty again.

You just can't stop playing the hero Juggernaut, you have to keep making money like a perpetual motion machine.

Whether it’s a teammate’s or an enemy’s~
Then Juggernaut dived directly into the SKT jungle!

There is also a gem knight accompanying him~
In this round, Chen Mu didn't even bother to bring his Sword Master Lai's real eye, so he just used Liu Qingsong's gem to help him with his vision.

And SKT can only watch helplessly!

Even though Clid's prince could clearly see Chen Mu's Sword Master dominating his own wild area, he could only marginally OB.

Although cloth-armored shoes were produced, they were of the level and equipment of Sword Master.

He'll explode at just one look!
And Faker's Clockwork and Khan's Jayce can't help him in the jungle. The prince's jungle is completely bad, but it can't be bad online~
After all, Juggernaut took a lot of the online economy in this game, and FPX's online was not fat.

The game lasts 13 minutes.

Another "good news" came from SKT.

"The Infinite Sword Master Yi killed Jace!"

At this time, the field seemed to fall into an eerie calm.

As soon as the camera turned, Khan's Jace was killed under the tower, while Chen Mu's Juggernaut was running around like a mad dog. After leaving the tower, he still had half health!

It turns out that after a wave of team battles in the Rift Pioneer, Chen Mu’s Juggernaut frantically swept away the online and jungle economies and had no time to do anything.

But after a crazy wave of brushing, Chen Mu's Sword Master really had nowhere to go.

Their own jungle is empty, and SKT's jungle is also empty. They can't stay online forever, otherwise they won't be able to share experience and level up.

So since you have nothing to do on a rainy day, let’s spank the child!

Of course, the only unlucky guy is Khan, who is on the road~
Moreover, with the current equipment of Sword Master Chen Mu, as long as he and Kenan were not two elementary school students playing around, it would be easier to jump over the tower.

Kennen entered the field with his ultimate move, while Chen Mu's Juggernaut activated the plateau bloodline, started with flat A, and ended with Q Alpha's surprise attack.

So relaxing~
"Let's hit the road! Another tower jump has been completed!" Changmao shouted: "Hey, wait, does it seem like Jace has collapsed without knowing it?"

On the side, Wang Duoduo also adjusted his glasses and squinted at the big screen. He was obviously a little shocked in his tone: "Wait, this doesn't seem to be over yet. There is also a Canyon Pioneer on the Juggernaut?!"

At this time everyone noticed this problem.

"It's now 13 minutes and 30 seconds, and there are still 30 seconds until the end of the tower. The key point is that this is a five-layer defense tower?!"

"How many levels can the Sword Master take in this wave?!" Guan Zeyuan suddenly became excited, as if he was the Sword Master.

Chen Mu and Kenan were also very detailed and did not take the lead first.

Instead, eat the tower skin first. Don’t demolish the tower too quickly with the equipment of Juggernaut, not to mention that there is a Kennen assistant next to him.

Within ten seconds, the two layers of tart skin had been pushed away.

But then a shocking scene happened.

When Chen Mu's Juggernaut summoned the Canyon Pioneer, Aguang's Kenan turned back and left the range of the defense tower.

At this time, FPX’s team voice, Aguang’s voice that moved people to tears came: “Brother Mu, you eat, you eat, I eat two layers of tapioca, it’s enough, you can eat the rest~ "

Chen Mu was not polite at all and said calmly: "Okay!" Although his voice was very flat and a bit cold, eating these tapioca and economy also meant that he had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of carrying the audience.

The Canyon Pioneer crashed out, stuck at the 14-minute mark, and a tower on the road suddenly fell to the ground and turned into a pile of ruins.

"Your team has destroied an turret! (Your team has destroyed the opponent's defense tower!)"

One blood tower, got it!

14 minutes.

But it was Chen Mu's Sword Master who ate up the remaining tapi and one tower's economy.

Ding dong ding dong!

Sword Master Chen Mu's pocket instantly resounded with the sound of countless gold coins beating.

This time, if you go on the road and do some things, Chen Mu will receive at least 1000 gold coins.

Jess's head was 300, and he and Aguang's Kenan shared two layers of tapas. One person ate three layers of tapas, plus the economy of one tower.
Oh, by the way, there’s also Greedy’s army line~
It’s not surprising that Chen Mu’s Sword Master is fat, but Khan’s Jace has already achieved zero points and three without even realizing it!

Aguang's Kennen was sucked madly by Juggernaut, and he only managed about 14 last hits in 110 minutes.

But Khan's Jace only has more than 100 swords so far, and his last hit is not as much as Kenan's.

Even the level is one level behind Kenan.

The Sword Master's fat will return to fat, but his own development is another matter.

For example, for Faker in the middle, the number of last hits has been steadily following the timeline. In 14 minutes, the last hit was almost 150.

Of course, this is also because the pressure given by Kalma, the big teacher B in the middle, is not enough.

Jace, who made more than 14 dollars in 100 minutes, is not broken, but has exploded!

Their attention throughout the game was attracted by FPX's Juggernaut, and they didn't pay much attention to the two outer and outer lanes.

Suddenly looking back, I realized how miserable SKT's top laner was!


Jace basically doesn't have much effect until now.

When facing Chen Mu's top laner, Khan was beaten to the point of being confused. This is understandable. After all, there are countless top laners who were beaten by Chen Mu.

But facing Aguang, he was beaten to a five-to-five order.

You must know that in the past two years, Aguang was praised by LPL fans as the "Big Tree, Maokai, and Twisted Tree Spirit" brother.

bottom right corner of the big screen.

The shot of the players' bench happened to show Khan.

At this time, he was staring blankly at the gray screen, his expression was very stiff, as if he didn't know how he died, and he was at a loss.

On the previous VCR, Khan's strange monkey-like cry had completely disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the comments in the official live broadcast room were all happy.

"Like playing Jace???"

"Is this the beauty of Jess lovers?!"

"I suddenly discovered that huni is SKT's strongest top laner in the past two years~"

"Huni, I'm sorry. I used to say that you were SKT's shortcoming, but now I realize that you are the most stable one!"

"xswl, I thought King T was good enough last year, but I didn't expect SKT to welcome Khan this year!"

"Where did SKT find this talent?"

"My evaluation is, LDL level~"

"Pretend to be a professional player~"

"I don't allow you to say that about Khan. This is not a crouching dragon and a phoenix chick. This is clearly a good comrade from our LPL division!"

"Even if SKT only needs to pay social security once, they will find that Khan's social security has already been paid (funny) (funny)"


no doubt.

SKT's top lane has completely collapsed!
And this is something that happens unconsciously
When the Juggernaut finishes pushing one tower on the road, he goes home.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp when they saw his equipment column.

Attack speed boots and attack speed jungle knife have already been released, and then a big item was made directly.

Sheep knife!

You know, Chongzhang and Kasumi, who are the most developed on the opposite side, only have a pair of magic shoes and Luden, or cloth armor shoes and Lanqi!

The changes in this version of Sheep Knife are also very large.

The bonus to attack power and magic power has been removed and replaced with double penetration and fixed magic damage. The attack speed at each level has also been greatly improved. It can be said that the current Sheep Knife has stronger tank-cutting capabilities.

The most critical change is the price reduction. Instead of 200 gold coins, it only costs 3000 gold coins.

This allows the formation time of many heroes to be greatly improved, and the strong period can be advanced earlier.

In fact, the price of equipment is very important to heroes, and the price-performance ratio is a true saying everywhere.

Then I used the extra money to buy a small magic resistance cloak, which seems to be mercury!
The most important thing is to have the Sword Master after Mercury, plus the crucible made of Qin Nu's first piece of equipment.

It’s the same as being free of control!
Coupled with the gem's ultimate move.

Then there is really no solution!
This is equivalent to the fusion of Juggernaut and Olaf~
"This sword master is simply trying to eat people!" Changmao's eyes widened: "How can we fight like this?"

I'm afraid that even if he takes a glance at it, he will be chased and hacked to death by the Sword Master, right? !

Later, Chen Mu's Juggernaut still adhered to the principle of never stopping development, either farming in the jungle or going to the prince's jungle to counter the jungle.

Occasionally I still go online to gain experience and troops.

And this is not the worst situation!
If Juggernaut continues to develop, SKT will forget about it.

Anyway, without the baron or ancient dragon, SKT is determined not to leave the defense tower.

But Chen Mu will not give SKT the chance to delay in the late stage. He will brush the jungle and push forward.
Juggernaut went to the bottom lane to take advantage of the gap in the army line, and began to advance SKT's bottom lane tower.

It has been 14 minutes now and there is no tower skin anymore, but the corresponding defense tower is also much crisper.

The sword master led his troops directly into the tower, while Gemstone and Qin Nu stood beside the sword master like two bodyguards.

Keep giving milk and buff~
And looking at the sword master and the jeweled piano girl who are about to make a move.

Captain Teddy had cold sweat on his forehead.

His Kai'Sa only has one piece of equipment. He has always been wearing attack speed shoes, but now he has put on cloth armor shoes.

But the pressure put by Juggernaut was too much.

Even though Titan was standing nearby, Clid's prince also came to support him.

But he still couldn't help but beat the drum in his heart
Put a gem on a big move and become invincible for 2.5 seconds~
Can he last 2.5 seconds? ! (End of chapter)

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