LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 410: In a team fight, I’ll cut 1 to 5

Chapter 410: I’ll cut five in a team fight
Chen Mu's Sword Master finally thought of attacking after clearing the jungle.

However, the Juggernaut strikes with a thunderous strike. He is already level 11 and has a level two ultimate move that poses too great a threat to the ADC.

At this time, ADC Kai'Sa is only two levels behind from level 9.

"SKT doesn't seem to be very easy to defend here?" Guan Zeyuan looked at the big screen: "Do you want SKT to let it go?"

To keep, or not to keep?

This is clearly a proposition!
no way.

In the end, Captain Teddy chose to follow his heart.

Seeing the Juggernaut repeatedly suppressing his position, his Kai'Sa could only retreat step by step.

As for the Titan and the prince taking the lead, that is impossible.

Now every control of SKT is crucial. Once a certain control is missing, Juggernaut will really start up again.

A knife!

Two knives!

Three knives!

Dangdang, double whammy!
Every blow from the Juggernaut seemed to hit the hearts of everyone in SKT.

The bottom tower without the protection of the tower collapsed suddenly and turned into a pile of ruins.

FPX’s full push has begun.

The first tower in the bottom lane was just the beginning, and then the Juggernaut moved to the middle lane again and began to target this well-developed clockwork.

At this time, although Clockwork's ability to clear lines was good, he didn't dare to step forward and use his skills!

His flash still had a little time to turn around. If the Sword Master seized the opportunity, both towers might fall.

There was another crisp sound, and a tower in the middle collapsed and turned into a pile of ruins.

At this point in the game, it seems that the suspense has been lost.

on the big screen.

The shot goes to Faker.

I saw that he was raising one hand at this time and scratching his eyebrows.

Although his expression was normal, his trembling hands betrayed his uneasy mood!
This is the highest mountain in League of Legends.

and the longest river in League of Legends.

At this moment, it seemed that I truly felt that sense of powerlessness.

If Chen Mu had played other heroes, he would have had room and ideas to operate, but he was a Juggernaut.
"Wow, Brother Li, your hands are shaking." Wang Duoduo looked slightly stunned and couldn't help but said.

It seemed like this was the first time everyone had seen Faker with this expression.

Changmao also paused and continued: "SKT's current situation is very bad, but at this moment, it seems that he can't do anything!"

see this scene.

Not to mention the commentary, even the audience at the scene and online were a little confused.

There has never been a moment like this that made them feel deeply that Faker is old!

His hands were shaking after being beaten!
This situation has never happened before!

Even in the S7 World Championship two years ago, when faced with being forced into the fifth game decider by RNG, his Galio held up the sky for SKT like an Optimus Pillar.

But at this moment, his clockwork can do nothing!
Of course, it also showed from the side the terrifying oppression brought by Chen Mu's Sword Master!

The audience in front of the LPL official live broadcast room was also confused. Who has seen this kind of Faker and SKT? !
"I'm so stupid, why is there so much pressure?!"

"Faker's hands are shaking. Are you pretending to be too loud?!"

"This Sword Master is so cool, but this trick is really cool. I'm going to do it now!"

"Don't go, you won't find the mid laner and ADC to be your dogs together!"

"Gan, Teacher Big B and Lin Weixiang are having a great time together. I feel like I can do it too."

"Pull him down, come on, you can't even understand his skills."

"I seem to have seen this sword master Chen Mu somewhere. It seems that a male gun anchor in the national server also plays this way! (Funny) (Funny)"

"There is also a certain number one ADC in the world who plays like this (squints) (squints)"

"I'll kill three lanes per person, and I'll lose nothing in a group fight. No, I'll kill them all in a group fight~"

"Can this sword master kill five times in a while?!"


Just as there was a lot of discussion on the barrage.

on the big screen.

In the camera, Faker is still talking and seems to be directing his teammates to do things.

It can be seen from his eyes that he is feeling quite anxious now.

No hurry!

Not to mention the top laner Jayce, who was already in ruins. He collapsed while playing.

Being pulled to a [-]-[-] level by Kennen on the opposite side, but having one Kennen in a team is much more useful than Jess!
The most important thing is that the sword master on the opposite side is almost invincible!

After the sword master Mercury came out again, he really couldn't control it!
But obviously.

Even in the face of such a situation, SKT has no intention of giving up its struggle.

The wilderness is full of their vision.

Since the clid prince cannot defend his jungle area, his vision must be in place.

This is also the advantage of a Korean-style operation team like SKT, which has always insisted on controlling the field of vision.

SKT's current strategy is to go to whichever side Chen Mu's Juggernaut goes, while Clockwork and Kai'Sa simply go to the other side.

But this situation obviously cannot be maintained forever.

18 minutes.

At this time, Chen Mu's equipment took a big step forward.

Not only is the mercury sash made out, but also a small scimitar is added to increase the blood-sucking ability and pursuit ability.

It seems that Chen Mu's plans for the third piece of Juggernaut equipment are ruined.

At this time, the third dragon was refreshed.

Still a fire dragon!
The rhythm of Chen Mu's Juggernaut's dragon control was also perfect in this game. It was the third dragon in 18 minutes, and it had four dragon souls steadily in more than 20 minutes!

"The third dragon is still the fire dragon! Luck is also on the side of FPX and Chen Mu~" Guan Zeyuan's voice suddenly rose, and he seemed a little excited: "In this case, SKT may have to take on this wave of dragons! Then! If FPX gets a dragon, it will have to enter the rhythm of Athlon again!"

The moment when I saw that the third dragon was a fire dragon.

The LCK commentator blurted out "Sibal" on the spot!

What are you most afraid of in a disadvantageous situation?
Isn’t this the case!
If you give up other resources, you will give up. How dare you give up the Fire Dragon Soul? !

The dragon mechanism at this time can still superimpose three dragons with the same attributes.

One fire dragon can permanently increase the AD and AP bonus by 8%, and three fire dragons can increase the bonus by 24%.

By then, I'm afraid the sword master will no longer be as simple as a mad dog, but will be able to perform a killing blow~
If you dare to give in, the base will explode!
This is why, compared to the previous version, the importance of neutral resources has been increased countless times!
Originally, we could barely maintain operations, but after more than 20 minutes, we faced Dragon Soul.

Looking at those exaggerated attributes, how can we still fight in team battles, how can we still fight for the dragon, and the game that could have continued suddenly fell apart!
On the SKT player bench.

"Are you going, Brother Xianghe?"

Clid couldn't help but asked aloud.

This time, he was quite frustrated.

Originally, it would be fine to just be a jungler and become a support.

As a result, he raised a "big daddy" in the jungle, and he chased his "big daddy" everywhere and chopped him down!
Both of them are pendants, but the Gem Kotina and Karma on the opposite side are very comfortable. Just put on the ultimate move and buff when the Juggernaut is about to attack, and wait for the assist!
And he not only has to be careful about being single-killed by the Juggernaut in the jungle, but he also has to use his only economy to buy real eyes for vision.

Who else would be able to stop feeling aggrieved?
Beside him, Faker stared at the screen closely, and then slowly said, "Fight." If he didn't, it would just be a slow death.

Wait until the dragon is refreshed in the 10th minute. At that time, every wave will be a disaster of life and death!

It's better to take advantage of the fact that the Juggernaut is not completely formed and try to fight.


On the field.

Under the gaze of countless people, the four members of SKT except the top laner began to gather towards the Xiaolong Pit, exploring down the river in the middle lane.

Khan's Jace also has teleportation TP and can be TPed down at any time.

However, at this time, Aguang's Kenan did not go to the road to defend Jace alone.

The most important thing for FPX now is to get this third little dragon. As for the top lane troops and defense towers, just give them to Jayce.

A teamfight between the two sides in Xiaolong's group pit may happen at any time, and Kennen's team control in the frontal battle is very important.

If Kennen also goes to the road and hands over TP, after 3 seconds, the team battle may be over.

"There may be a fight this time! SKT doesn't want to let this dragon go!" Guan Zeyuan's voice resounded above the stadium.

At this time, the five people from FPX had already arrived in front of the Xiaolong Pit and launched the dragon brazenly!
"Hitting so fast!"

Wang Duoduo exclaimed: "Juggernaut's output is too high! If SKT doesn't start again, the dragon will be gone!"

Chen Mu's sword master cuts the dragon while stacking the sheep's sword.

After stacking the sheep knives, the sword master can kill wild monsters at a speed that is no joke!

SKT is also aware of this.

The moment Xiaolong's blood volume dropped by one-third!
In the grass below the river, a burst of TP light lit up!
Above the river, the four SKT players stood in formation and pressed towards Xiaolong Pit!
For a time, there seemed to be a double-teaming trend!

"It's time to fight, it's time to fight!"

Changmao shouted: "SKT's positioning is very good this wave, Jayce TP is behind!"

"Uh-huh. But what's the use of having Jace's TP behind you!"

However, he was not finished yet.

next second.

The famous scene appeared.

In the grass behind him, the moment Jace landed on the ground, he died suddenly on the spot!
"Wuji Master Yi killed Jace!"

At the same time, a kill prompt appeared at the top of the screen.

It looked like a 3-second teleportation, and a corpse came over!

The visual effects of this scene are obviously quite explosive.


The public screen in the official live broadcast room was filled with question marks.

Even the three commentators on the commentary desk froze.

If they hadn't taken the identity of the official commentator into consideration, they might have asked: "Comrade Khan, you must pay attention to protecting your identity. LPL cannot lose a good comrade!"

Nothing more than other reasons.

Jace landed on the ground and took advantage of Qin Nu's flash move.
As Qin Nu flashed out, Lu Chen's Sword Master had already activated his ultimate move!

Plateau bloodline, start!

After the Juggernaut has the second-level ultimate move, he can gain 45 movement speed and 35% attack speed, and is immune to the slowdown effect for 7 seconds.

Each kill will extend the duration of this skill by 7 seconds.

While Highland Blood is active, Juggernaut can ignore the collision size of units.

After participating in a kill, the remaining cooldown time of Master Yi's normal skills will be reduced by 70%.

Coupled with Karma's RE shield and group acceleration, and the acceleration of Qin Nu's E skill

Ah ah ah ah ah
Faker is also about to let out a powerful soul cry.

At this time, Aguang's Kenan had already entered the field with his ultimate move of flashing and pushing the stick, and at the same time, the golden body was delaying time.

At the same time, Liu Qingsong's gem also activated the dazzle of his ultimate move and E skill.

After Jayce was killed, Juggernaut immediately turned his gun and aimed at the four people in front of SKT.

The air flow blew around the body, and the Juggernaut was like a god of war, rushing straight towards the four SKT players!

Faintly, it seems that you can hear the sword master's lines.

"Although there are many enemies, they will be cut with one blow!"

"It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!" Guan Zeyuan stood up directly and shouted loudly: "The Sword Master is out! The Sword Master has entered the scene! The Sword Master is hacking like crazy!"

on the screen.

The four members of SKT were obviously a little shocked at this time.

"Don't panic! Don't panic! Stand firm!"

Faker's eyes narrowed slightly. Although this sword master looks very scary, they must not run away at this time. If they run at this time, they will only be defeated one by one.

"Concentrate the fire! Control him, and kill him instantly when the gem's ultimate move disappears!"

next second.

Titan's ultimate move locked the Juggernaut!

The impact of the deep sea is coming towards the Juggernaut!

But the next second, Q skill Alpha attacks!

When Titan's ultimate move is about to come to Juggernaut, Juggernaut's Q skill Alpha Strike is unselectable.

Crucible and Quicksilver can't catch Titan's knockback, but Juggernaut's Q skill can.

Moreover, the glare of the gem was also triggered at this time, directly knocking Titan to the spot!

One sword, two swords, three swords, passive double strike!
At this time, what kind of effect would a level 13 swordmaster with a stack of sheep swords have if he slashed a titan that was only level 8?

The most intuitive feeling is that as soon as the Juggernaut landed, Titan's blood volume was only half left!
At this time, Mata's breathing almost stopped!


Facing the sword master's unpretentious chops one after another, it seems that any operation is redundant at this moment!
The little control he has left over the Juggernaut is nothing more than a crucible and mercury instant solution!

The next second, clid's prince directly EQed his second combo to cover his ultimate move!
The ball hanging on the prince's body was also hurriedly pulling out his ultimate move, and the captain's Kai'Sa also wanted to come up and do some damage.

But so what? !
Karma's shield, Kotina's breasts, and Gem's breasts and buffs
Chen Mu's Juggernaut does not seek to cut through the back row. If he blindly pursues cutting into the back row, he will only be separated from his teammates. Without so many buffs and milk, the Juggernaut's combat effectiveness may be reduced by half.

The sword master simply stood in the middle of the prince's ultimate move and fucked with others, without any fuss.

Another two slashes.

There are no surprises.

The auxiliary Titan looked tall and big, but inside it was so weak that its health bar was emptied on the spot!

"Master Wuju Yi killed the Deep Sea Titan Nautilus!"

And then, the embarrassment came.

SKT lost two people in a row. Although Juggernaut only had half health left, it was not something that SKT could defeat.
Clid's prince EQR was used, and it was like a super soldier.

Seeing that his blood volume could no longer support him, he quickly flashed his ultimate move.

But the next moment, Chen Mu's Sword Master followed up and used the prince's ultimate move.

At this time, Chen Mu's Sword Master was already standing in front of Clockwork and Kasha!
Really showing his fangs
Faker and Teddy, the two double Cs of SKT, took a deep breath and looked at the sword master in front of them.

His brows were almost knitted into a ball, and the corners of his eyes were twitching!

(End of this chapter)

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