LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 415 FPX rushes up

Chapter 415 FPX rushes up
Faker's clockwork won't go away.

He had lost the initiative, and was stuck in the face by Centaur and Kled, and was also stuck by the red buff.

He simply stopped running and followed Centaur and Kled around in the grass.

After the troops enter the tower, it would be a good idea to let Kled take as few troops as possible!

"Goddess of Shepherd, God of Shepherd, you can eat this centaur! I won't eat it~"

Looking at the remaining health of the clockwork, Big B very wisely pressed the S key to stop the action and suppressed his greed.

Although he really wanted a head like Clockwork, Kled would play a mage like Clockwork, which was easy to fight as the level increased, but with a head nearby, the online strong period would be greatly advanced.

But Big B also knows his position very well. He can steal the heads of Lin Weixiang and Sima Old Thief, but he can't steal the heads of Chen Mu!
But next second.

"Eat it!" Chen Mu's faint voice came.

What he was playing in this game was men and horses, not a wild core like Juggernaut, so he didn't need so many heads.

Instead, this game requires Big B's Kled and other teammates to step up and perform.

He can no longer eat resources unscrupulously like other wild cores.

"Okay, Brother Mu, okay, I love you~"

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Doinb immediately grinned to the back of his head.

In the end, after the two sides struggled for two seconds, Clockwork's head was still captured by Kled.

Immediately, a kill prompt sounded slowly:
"The Furious Knight Kled killed the Clockwork Demon Oriana!"


"first drop of blood!!"

First blood was born directly!

"Oh... the sprinting of the predators of this wave of Centaur has done a great job! This movement speed bonus, coupled with the E skill of Centaur, the damage capability in the early stage is comparable to the ultimate move of some heroes! "

Watching the scene on the field, I remember I couldn't help but admire it.

"Yes, while the director is playing back, we can see that Chen Mu's men had already activated their predator effects when they just walked into Liuniao, and in conjunction with sprinting, it only took two seconds. I just ran from the six-bird hole to the middle line, and with the E skill, I kicked faker's clockwork!"

"This speed is indeed too fast!!"

At this time, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh.

"These are not critical. The main thing is that Chen Mu's men and horses have a good rhythm!"

"After swapping jungle areas with the prince, I only farmed two groups of wild monsters. After I reached level three, I didn't even farm the wild monsters in my own blue buff jungle area. I just went back to the city to buy a pair of straw sandals and started working!"

"This is very critical. Everyone in SKT is focusing on the upper half of the jungle. Khan's eye position is on the triangle grass. Faker's eye position is on the entrance to the upper half of the jungle. Faker's movement is also It was at the bottom, but Chen Mu’s men suddenly appeared from under the map, which can be said to have caught SKT off guard!”

Brother Zaozi views this wave of ganks from the perspective of a professional player.

A wave of visual field difference and eye position difference are the key.

At this time, even the audience at the scene was stunned.

I originally thought that SKT would develop steadily in this game and not give Chen Mu any chance in the jungle. However, I didn't expect that Chen Mu would already find a flaw and break it in just 3 minutes.

And it’s SKT’s mid laner, Faker!

"Turtle... Is it true that these predators are so powerful? I lead the conquerors every time!"

"What the fuck?! It's really fierce!"

"Oh my god, Mu Shen is really stable. He does things stably in 3 minutes every time!"

"It's still that familiar smell, it's still that familiar Shepherd!"

"Hee hee, looking at Chen Mu's Sima face, I knew he was stable!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Is that called Sima's face?! That's obviously a gold medal indifferent face! (Squint) (Squint)"


And the game continues.

Clockwork was hit with a blood loss, and Clid's prince hurriedly stepped down, only one step away from Clockwork.

But he couldn't save Chongzhong's life, he could only watch Chongzhang die.

After Chen Mu's men and horses worked together to kill Clockwork, they immediately disappeared into the wild area.

This wave of troops and horses did things, but two groups of wild monsters were sacrificed in the early stage.

After the troops went to the Prince Wild Area to slay two groups of wild monsters, the Red Buff and the Stone Man, they immediately returned to the city to do their work.

So now the two groups of wild monsters, the three wolves and the toad, are still there in the upper half of the wild area, and Chen Mu's wild area still has a lot of resources and economy.

At this time, Faker's face looked serious.

Although his Clockwork died once, his summoner skill was for teleportation, which would not affect his development too much.

But the key thing is that Kled on the opposite side gets the first blood economy.

Clockwork itself is a mid- to late-stage mage hero. Although it has acceleration and shield, it has no displacement ability.

Facing Kled, who had gained the first blood economy, Clockwork not only did not dare to press the line, but Kled took the line rights instead.

This means that, as expected, faker's clockwork will be bound to the spirit in this round.

But after Kled reaches level six, he can swim away without any pressure.

Clid himself doesn't want to bear this.

"Do not worry."

"Oke Oke!"

At this time, both the middle and lower groups responded.

In the next 3 minutes, Chen Mu's men disappeared into the wild area.

In a 3-minute wave, he used his predator and sprint. He was not at level [-] yet, so it was too difficult to do things.

And SKT didn't give Chen Mu a chance.

After everyone in SKT suffered a loss, it was obvious that the SKT players played very steadily.

I would rather not step forward to capture the troops than give my opponent any chance to gank!
At the same time, their defensive eye positions are all full.

No matter where the team goes, SKT's eyes are everywhere.

Simply, the centaur replaced the artificial eyes with scanning ones, and also brought two real eyes.

Chen Mu played quite a team game in this game. The main responsibility of his troops was to start the team and rush into the formation. He was not the main force of the output.

The men and horses eliminated all SKT's defensive wards in the upper and lower jungles, and continued to fight back and forth with clid's prince in the jungle.

Clid's prince also played very conservatively in this game. The only chance in the early stage was the bottom lane.

But FPX’s bottom lane is not Brother Zaozi, and they must decide the outcome with you.

If Xia Luo's combination is stable, if he doesn't exchange blood with you, there will be nothing you can do against him.

"Oh? It can be seen that every position of SKT played very steadily. Except for a head in the first wave, they did not give FPX and Chen Mu any help in the next three minutes. Opportunity!”

I remember blinking and saying. "The main reason is that the Korean team's play style and style has always been like this. They tend to focus on the late stage and operation, and just wait until their lineup reaches its peak period. But now it is obvious that it has not yet reached the peak period of their lineup. "Looking at the situation on the field, Colonel Guan couldn't help but say.

"Khan's Victor in the top lane, Faker's Clockwork in the mid lane, plus Kai'Sa in the bottom lane, the standard three cores, plus a prince and Titan can start a team fight. The team battles in the later stage will be fierce, but they all need to be developed. He won't be able to take over the game until later, so now we can only let him go." Brother Zaozi also expressed his opinion.

And with the arrival of Kled's strong period.

The situation on the court has changed dramatically.

Although Chen Mu's men did not continue to take action, the pressure on Clid Prince in the jungle was increasing.

Not only were all the river crabs in the upper and lower rivers controlled, but the first small dragon was also controlled.

Simply speaking, the attributes of the first little dragon are not very good.

It's a wind dragon soul.

The improvement of SKT's lineup is not that big, so SKT has no desire at all.

But Fenglong is different for FPX.

Wind Dragon's movement speed is too comfortable for heroes like Centaur, Kled, and Kennen.

The game lasts 6 minutes.

Single lanes such as the middle lane and top lane have been upgraded to level 6.

Kled, who has a blood economy, doesn't care about 21 and makes Tiamat first.

It is very important to have the ability to push the lane in the middle!
At this time, the troops were only at level five, but Kled, who was at level six, still needed to cooperate with Chen Mu to enter the jungle.

But the faker in the lane has a hard time playing.

Kled, who has a blood economy, can make Tiamat first, but it is more useful than Clockwork.

At this time, I returned to the city once, but there was no clockwork for any magic-power equipment, and there was no ability to push the line at all.

He could only watch helplessly as Kled pushed his troops into the tower and then disappeared into the jungle.

After Kled finished pushing the line, he directly cooperated with the troops to forcefully invade the opposite lower half of the jungle.

It just so happened that the prince's blue buff was refreshed.

And the other side.

Clid's prince can't beat the troops in the early stage, plus there are two people from the middle and the wild who invade.

He had no choice but to run towards the upper half of his wild area, and then kill wild monsters.

Of course, as a qualified jungler, he cannot learn from Chen Mu, such as helping his good brother push the wave line and gain experience.

Otherwise, Faker and Khan will be carried off the stage with chairs and others.

Moreover, the prince’s extra money is needed to buy real eyes and vision, so the prince’s finances are not good.

"Oh... clid's prince feels more and more uncomfortable as he plays this game! The two river crabs were not controlled to the point of not mentioning it, and even the lower half of his jungle area was lost!" Looking at the situation on the field, Guan Zeyuan analyzed .

"Yes." I remember also nodded, and then said: "Now Clid is probably three groups of wild monsters behind the centaurs, and he is almost reaching the first level of experience!"

"The most important thing is that after the troops are promoted to level six, and Kled's ultimate move is added, that wave will most likely go to the bottom lane. It will be difficult for SKT to defend this wave!" Uzi is a human being. Not being on the court, my mind is much clearer.

From the perspective of a professional player, I have already seen through the next game process.

Remember, Guan Zeyuan and Uzi were talking to each other one by one.

7 minutes 20 seconds.

The troops who have been deeply cultivating the wild area were the first to reach level 6, while clid's prince was only level 5 at this time.

At the same time, as Brother Zaozi said, four over two in the bottom lane came as expected.

The entire lower half of the jungle is also filled with FPX's vision, and some wards have even penetrated deep into SKT's blue buff jungle, even at the first and second towers.

These are all offensive eye positions. Once the fight starts, Kennen, who is on the road, can also teleport.

And it’s very deep behind the eyes!
In this game, the top laners of both sides played very restrainedly. The first teleport was in their hands and did not pass it to the line.

However, SKT was also very prepared. Clid's prince also stood behind a tower early and squatted.

Uzi can see that FPX wants four for two, and SKT can certainly see that too.

But if you can see it, so what? !
No idea!

The clockwork in the middle has become an earthbound spirit. This is a dead end!
And it's a clockwork that uses the twin moves of flash and teleport.

Kled's set of skills and Tiamat pushed a wave of artillery trains, and he ran directly down the road, accompanied by a man and horse!
This is a well-known thing in the eyes of everyone in SKT.

But so what? !

Clockwork has no teleportation, so we can’t lose a wave of artillery trains to support the bottom lane!

At this time, FPX's bottom duo also showed their fangs. Liu Qingsong, who had been developing steadily and was more capable than Captain Teddy in last-hitting, suddenly started to attack.

Xia directly used her skills to push the lane.
And Luo also frequently moved forward, occupying the opposite position.

Everything is ready to go!
Seeing the changes on the field, the commentators also became excited.

"It's coming, it's coming, the four-yue-two I mentioned is already here!" Brother Zaozi was already getting angry, as if he was doing it himself.

"In this wave of FPX, the midfielder and jungler have reached level six, all have big moves, and their combat effectiveness is very strong. However, SKT's prince is only level five, has no big moves, and the support speed of Clockwork is a bit slow!" I remember in the objective Analyze the situation on the field.

"FPX's signature tower jump! It's activated, it's already activated!" Guan Zeyuan shouted excitedly as he looked at Kled on the field who had activated his ultimate move.

At this time, Kled, who was already in position, pressed his ultimate move without hesitation.

Rush ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !
The cry of "Sur! Sul" resounded throughout the Summoner's Rift.

Kled's level 6 ultimate moves to charge toward a location, leaving a directional acceleration trajectory that lasts for [-] seconds.

The charging distance of the level one ultimate move is a full 3500 yards.

Chen Mu's men also pressed their predators and sprints.

The sprinting CD is much faster than flashing, and it has already been converted.

Moreover, the river crabs in the lower half of the wild area were also captured by the centaurs, whose talent is to walk on water.

Under the multiple movement speeds, the double figures behind the men and horses could no longer be seen clearly.

But Chen Mu will not be the first to charge the tower. His troops have no defensive equipment and are still a bit too fragile.

When Kled charges, he will gain a shield that continues to grow. The shield's health can reach a maximum of 200 + 3 additional AD, and lasts for 2 seconds after the charge ends.

Great for fighting towers and starting groups!

After hearing Kled's roar, SKT also realized that FPX had taken action.

However, everyone in SKT is also panicked and doesn't know how to deal with it.

Although Viktor and Kennen on the top lane both have teleports, they have a tacit understanding that they have not been handed over to the bottom lane.

In the middle lane, Faker's clockwork cleared the troop line and immediately rushed to the bottom lane. For this reason, the wave of artillery cart line also lost two soldiers.

At this time, although the prince and Titan immediately stood in front of Kaisha, the prince and Titan had not yet reached level six, so their countermeasures were limited.

SKT's three players in the jungle have become a mess. Some are talking about retreating, while others are talking about fighting.

The goal here in FPX is very clear!
(End of this chapter)

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