LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 416 Classic 4 Over 2

FPX's middle and lower junglers all rushed forward.

Under Kled's path, all FPX members were running wildly, heading towards Kai'Sa.

Kled will collide with the first enemy hero hit, dealing up to 12/15/18% (+12% AD) of the target's maximum health as physical damage based on the distance traveled.

However, the prince and the Titan stood in front of Kai'Sa. Kled did not hit the C position in the first wave, and was controlled by the Titan and the prince.

But FPX is not just Kled.

The remaining centaurs, Xayah and Luo were aiming directly at Kai'Sa who was behind Prince Titan.

At this time, Prince Titan and Kai'Sa were crowded under the small defense tower. The location was too small!
It’s perfect for people and horses.

Aiming at the crowd, Chen Mu pressed his ultimate move without hesitation.

RShadow Strike!

Countless ghost cavalry were summoned by the troops and charged forward, causing high amounts of magic damage.

The damage is only secondary, but the key is the fear effect caused for 0.75-1.5 seconds. The fear time is based on the movement distance.

This big move from Centaur knocked three of SKT's bottom laners into the ground, and everyone fell into fear.

Captain Teddy’s Kai’Sa in this game knew that everyone in FPX would attack him, and his Kai’Sa brought Flash Purification.

The first time the men and horses were frightened, he DFed the second company.

Purify instantly eliminate fear, and then distance yourself.

But next second.
Luo is here!
Liu Qingsong's Luo is some of the best heroes he has played.

Liu Qingsong, as the most popular support player, certainly knows that he cannot do a taboo in low-end games, controlling repetition.

So at first, Luo didn't follow the control immediately, but kept his eyes fixed on Kai'Sa.

When Kai'Sa's DF second company came, his Rakan suddenly changed.

Dance lightly in pairs, using the man and horse as a springboard, instantly closing the distance with Kaisha.

Then the W skill accurately lifted Kai'Sa, who had no room to move.

At this time, although Chen Mu's men were unable to kick Ka'Sa back, they still kicked Ka'Sa to the wall.

Xia, who was following behind, was already going crazy!

The output space of Lin Weixiang's ADC is so good that no one can touch him or cut him.

He can do whatever he wants and whoever he wants.

Anyway, the three big men in front are also helping him carry the tower and bear the pressure.

Even Lin Weixiang's Xia Da waved his hand, and countless feathers were scattered under the defense tower.

Xayah's ultimate move has been used as a damage skill, so you can imagine how good the output space is!
And SKT's ADC is a bit miserable. Kai'Sa's DF second company, the ultimate move to purify and eliminate the cavalry is already very fast.

But FPX’s skills are all over the place, and Kai’Sa still can’t escape the fate of death.

It only took a second to turn into the first corpse, but Xayah's first death did not mean that FPX's tower jumping was over.

The remaining two princes and Tai Tan are stronger, but they have no output.

There really is no output at all!
The prince has used EQ [-]nd Company, where does the damage come from the support of Titan? !

At this time, Xia's feathers covered the entire defense tower.

At this time, a barb was suddenly pulled back, and instantly the prince and Tai Tan were controlled again.

Main E's Xayah, coupled with the feathers all over the ground, the damage was so explosive that it instantly reduced the health of Titan and the Prince to their remaining health!

"Hecarim, Shadow of War, killed the Demacia prince!"

"Xayah killed Nautilus, the Titan of the Deep Sea!"

After a second or two, a shocking tone sounded.

A perfect wave of zero for three.

In the end, Kled and Luo alternately fought against the tower. Although the two of them had residual health, they came out of the tower safely.

Big B's Kled just jumped over the tower without doing any damage, and was blocked by the prince and Titan on the outside.

But his role is to play out, just use a big move to start a team fight.

His Kled actually took the first wave of damage from the defensive tower, and it still had its effect.

A wave of zero for three, four over two, perfectly defeated SKT's jungle trio.

Among them, Renma got one head, while Lin Weixiang's Xia got two heads.

But at this time, Faker's clockwork was late to dribble the ball.

But looking at the four FPX people who were evacuating in a group, he didn't dare to go up alone.

Although both Kled and Luo, who were fighting against the tower, had only two to three hundred health remaining, he did not dare to step forward to operate.

Even if he could collect one or two residual blood, he would definitely end up dead.

But the next second, looking at the lonely Clockwork, he still wanted to guard the tower.

The four FPX people who originally wanted to evacuate immediately started to look back.

This action shocked Faker.

Although his blood volume is very healthy, he is alone, and if he takes a little control, he will die.

Clockwork was so frightened that he immediately put a W under his feet to accelerate and pull him backwards.

At this time, the commentators were extremely excited as they watched FPX's perfect tower jump.

"Wow, this wave of FPX's four-over-three divisions is so clear. The first wave is doinb's Kled, the second wave is Chen Mu's men, and the last wave is Liu Qingsong's Luo. The pressure of this stepped attack is too great, SKT can’t handle it!" I remember being amazed by the cooperation of everyone in FPX, and said excitedly.

"Now is FPX's strong period. The midfielder and midfielder, Kled and Centaur, are so powerful now that they have their ultimate moves, and SKT has also been hit by a level gap. Without a level [-] prince, it's always a little bit meaningless. , the Titans don’t have a big move, and Faker’s clockwork in the middle is also suppressed, and the support is too slow!” Guan Zeyuan also carefully analyzed the strong period of both sides’ lineups.

"This is the shortcoming of SKT's lineup. Of course SKT wants to develop well and wait until the equipment is ready to play in a team in the later stage, but this lineup is too ideal. If you go to play against some weak teams, you can rely on your personal strength and operation to defeat them. It’s my strong period, but now you are playing against FPX, the number one seed in the LPL region, and FPX really didn’t give them a chance at all, and they started jumping over the tower in seven or eight minutes!”

"I'm telling you, I'm telling you, this is just the first time! There will be two, three, and countless times later!" After seeing the captain's treatment, Brother Zaozi felt as if he had found a confidant, and he quickly pulled the man next to him. The two commentators and the audience in front of the live broadcast room began to "complain"!
"Look, now Kai'Sa has flashed and Purge has been handed. The most important thing is that the person is still dead. If SKT can still play after this wave of defense, but now they play a wave of zero for three, I will tell you what to do next. This ADC is not super ghost, I. I will eat it directly!!"

"Haha, don't be excited, don't be excited, Brother Zaozi~" Yi Yi and Guan Zeyuan quickly grabbed Uzi, who had transformed into a "hateful woman".

But the audience in the live broadcast room laughed miserably~
"Hahahaha, it's so exciting. It seems Brother Zaozi is so experienced~"

"I'm laughing so hard. Why do you feel that the commentary is more effective than the game on the field?!"

"Brother Zaozi has gained experience after being killed by others!" "This predator's troops are so powerful in the early stage? The special troops are matched with Kelie's midfielder!"

"SKT's lineup is so passive. Chen Mu is invincible in the early and mid-term! It feels like all three lanes of SKT are being raised like piglets."

"No, no, no, Chen Mu's awesomeness has come true again!"

"Why do I feel that Brother Zaozi is a bit gloating! It seems that Captain Teddy is more happy when he dies than when he wins the game?!"

"Please remove the word feeling (smiley face) (smiley face)!"

"Haha, the corner of Uzi's mouth is now harder to suppress than AK~"


After crossing the tower, the situation seems to have become clear.

That means SKT's second half of the jungle has fallen!

Especially after Liu Qingsong's Luo level was raised to level six, he had a big move and flash, and his ability to start a group was really strong.

On SKT's side, Kai'Sa has just used his double moves. Even standing under the defense tower, he doesn't feel safe.

The auxiliary Titan no longer dared to go out to do vision work. The entire lower half of the jungle was dark in the eyes of everyone in SKT.

But Chen Mu's men and horses are just comfortable, and they have a great time in the jungle.

When the Q skill is stacked passively, the efficiency of the men and horses in clearing the jungle is still very good.

Although there are no precision-type runes, it does not mean that Chen Mu's troops are not powerful.

The main predator's talent is combined with the skill mechanism of the Centaur hero. His damage ability in the early stage is actually not very high, and if the people on his own line don't do enough damage, it will be difficult to complete the kill. The best he can do is flash. Or tp or something.

But the key thing is that FPX has a good midfielder combination.

Centaur and horse Galli, a two-fighter combination, the damage is enough!

But the most essential thing is Chen Mu’s jungle and gank methods.

Everything starts with the wave when Chen Mu's men caught Faker in the middle.

Originally, Clockwork was able to rely on his long hands in the early stage to bully Kled, who had short hands, and the damage burst was not enough.

But with Chen Mu's magical "switching the sky", when everyone in SKT was focusing on the upper half of the jungle, he suddenly jumped out of the lower half of the jungle, giving Faker a moment's notice.

It completely disrupted SKT's midfield rhythm.

Even Kled's Tiamat was completed in 7 or [-] minutes, but after Clockwork returned to the city, he didn't have any spell-power equipment at all.

This gives Kled the power to push the line, while Clockwork can only passively bind spirits locally.

SKT's selection of Viktor, Clockwork and Kai'Sa obviously gave up on the early fight. They chose to avoid fighting. Anyway, they couldn't beat FPX in the early stage, so they might as well choose a three-core late-game lineup.

This also led to the fact that SKT's lineup was very passive in the early stage. No one could withstand the early pressure. It was not easy to fight in a team fight and couldn't fight in the lane.

The upper, middle and lower lines are all big cores, and they are all heroes that require development. Moreover, it is impossible to develop them just by relying on the development of online and jungle resources. They must have heads!

In addition, SKT made big mistakes in early decision-making and avoided fighting!
Although this tactic can be delayed for a long time, maybe four or 10 minutes is not impossible. When the three cores are developed, they will instantly melt FPX in a head-on team fight.

But FPX's lineup, plus their team itself is a team that is very capable of finding opportunities in the early and mid-term. It can be said that with Chen Mu's presence, FPX is the most aggressive offensive team in the first two 10 minutes!
How could FPX let their opponents go and develop with SKT for four and 10 minutes?
That's why Chen Mu opened up the gap between SKT's midfielder and jungler in the early stage, so he could successfully cross the tower later!

And this wave of bottom lane jumps is just the beginning.

In this game, from the perspective of the commentators, there was a problem with SKT's BP thinking from the beginning.

They chose three heroes who can only be effective in the late stage, which means that they have to give up all their resources in the early and mid-term.

And this is exactly why FPX locked in a rush system lineup in the early and mid-term.

If FPX's lineup can have a huge advantage in the early and mid-term, then SKT will not be able to survive in the later stage.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, you can get your tickets!
Soon, SKT suffered the consequences of their wrong choice!
When the game reached 10 minutes, Canyon Pioneer had just refreshed.

However, no one from SKT dared to take a look at the Dalong Pit.

Their lineup is too passive!

Our jungle prince is only at level 7 at this time, but the jungler on the opposite side has already reached level [-]!

Since the last wave of FPX tower jumping ended, clid's prince collapsed again while playing.

And the most terrifying level collapsed!

If the equipment and economy are not good, there is still a chance to save, and maybe a wave of team battles will come back.

But if the level collapses, even the gods can’t save it!

The prince, who is already two levels behind the troops, has no capital to win even if he just fights for punishment!
In addition, SKT’s lineup is basically full of late-stage heroes. How can it compete with FPX, a hero that develops in the early and mid-term?
And everyone in FPX still got the advantage!

Therefore, SKT simply pretended to be confused, didn't care about anything else, and just kept focusing on development.

Of course, Chen Mu's men won the first canyon pioneer of the game without any pressure and headed directly towards the top road.

At this time, Khan also received the retreat signal from his teammates early. In fact, there was no need for his teammates to send signals. With the loss of Canyon Pioneer, everyone knew that this team was on the way.

And Khan also learned the decisive battle of Gongzige, and the second tower closed in the grass.

But just before his Victor went to the closed grass on the second tower of his top lane, he directly ERed the line of troops without any hesitation.

This is also Victor's advantage, clearing the line too quickly.

Then Victor remained motionless in the closed grass, waiting for FPX to push the line of troops over.

But Clid's prince knew very well that he had to defend this wave on the road.

Otherwise, we will be at a major disadvantage in the third line and can wait for G.

In this way, this round will be more difficult.

In any case, the development of three lines cannot be guaranteed, but the development of one line must be guaranteed at least!

Therefore, he had to help Khan get on the road and squat.

"Oh? Clid's cover has also come up! He and Khan are both squatting in the autistic grass. Not to mention, if FPX rushes in, they may really suffer!"

"Furthermore, this wave of faker's clockwork is also moving up, and doinb's Kled has returned to the city. This wave of SKT's midfielder and jungler will be linked up!"

Looking at the scene on the field, I remember exclaiming in surprise.

"Yes, Faker chose to stand up between the Earthbound Spirit and standing up! If he can really take down the two heads of Centaur or Kennen, then at least he can bring back some money financially. Centaur can't. Summoner skills!" Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan also said.

But why would Chen Mu play such fancy tricks with you? ! (End of chapter)

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