LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 417: Killing people across the 2nd tower!

Victor has already cleared the line of troops. Without the line of troops, the most the Canyon Pioneer can gain is two layers of tower skin!

But with the Canyon Pioneer in hand, how could Chen Mu be satisfied with a mere two-layered tower skin? !
Well, since you, Victor, have cleared the army line, I can just leave. There is no need to worry about your way forward!

Anyway, my troops have the Rift Herald's enhanced return to the city and their movement speed. Where can I go? !

With the effect of strengthening the return to the city, the troops returned to the city in four seconds to replenish their status and equipment, and then went straight to the lower half of the prince's wild area.

At this time, the lower half of the map already belongs to FPX.

Chen Mu's Predator troops are also very suitable for the current lineup. Many jungle heroes have difficulty invading and catching people in the early stage.

In this case, the advantages of the Predator's troops are revealed. Whether it is invading or capturing people, they move very quickly. This can also very effectively improve the overall rhythm of the team.

After all, the efficiency of jungle clearing is also an important indicator of jungle!

FPX's lineup is focused on the early and mid-term, focusing on small-scale team battles in the early and mid-term, which require snowballing, and the Predator troops are very suitable for FPX's rushing lineup.

For example, right now, SKT's top, middle and jungler are fully defending the upper half of the jungle, while Chen Mu's men simply don't bother you in the upper half of the jungle.

He turned around and used his enhanced recall effect to lead his midfielder to invade the opposite half of SKT's jungle area!

Even the red buffs and stone men of their own were not eaten by Centaur and Ma, and they were given to Xia to eat, allowing Lin Weixiang, the ADC, to accumulate equipment advantages faster.

The hero Centaur does not have the ability to end the game, and ultimately needs his own C position to step up.

If Xia can set up a three-piece set earlier, FPX can use the baron earlier!
Although it had only been 10 minutes at this time, one of SKT's three towers was still there, and even the top of the tower had not fallen much.

But SKT's entire second half jungle area completely collapsed.

The reason is naturally very simple. SKT's lineup is too passive. Clockwork in the middle and Victor in the top lane need resources too much!
SKT's midfield and jungle combinations were poor again in the early and mid-term, and they have no coordination at all until now.

The competitiveness in the jungle is not proportional to FPX's midfield combination.

At this time, SKT's map resources were compressed again. The men and horses had already opened a gap in the lower half of the jungle, and it was more difficult for clid's prince to develop.

Only a limited number of wild monsters can be developed, especially the lower half of the wild area has become the back garden of humans and horses.

Kled and Luo, who were able to quickly push the line, followed Chen Mu's troops to invade at every turn.

Therefore, clid's male gunner must defend his upper half of the jungle no matter what.

This is the only place where he can develop safely.

At this time, Clid's prince was feeling very frustrated.

I just gave the lower half of the jungle to the troops for free...

But unfortunately, the predator man and horse on the opposite side are really unreasonable.

In just two seconds, he flew directly from his own wild area to another wild area to farm.

At this speed, which jungle hero can keep up?
"Eh? If I had known I would have cleared the lower half of the jungle just now."

clid was a little annoyed. In order to relieve the pressure on Victor, the Khan in the top lane, the wild monsters in the lower half of the jungle rushed to the top lane without brushing them. This made his jungle brushing rhythm very difficult.

When he saw the people and horses from the lower half of the river, he immediately regretted it.

"Hey, the movement speed of the men and horses is too high! You must be careful for a while, his support is very fast."

"Just don't get caught in the early stage, otherwise we won't be able to make it to the later stage."

While faker carefully reeled in the line, he kept reminding his teammates repeatedly.

In this game, SKT's first priority is to develop late.

"Oh... you can see that Clid's Prince is planning to give up the lower half of the jungle! Although Prince is a rhythm hero in the early and mid-term, SKT's play is too conservative!" At this time, I remember couldn't help but say.

"That's right." Colonel Guan nodded: "This is not only releasing all the neutral resources, but also releasing all the resources in the wild area. If this game continues, the economic gap between the two sides will only get bigger and bigger!"

Hearing the sound, Uzi also added.

"This is not the key. Now there is a Canyon Pioneer on the horse. This is the next wave of rhythm of FPX. Although the prince just defended the top lane, your bottom lane is the breakthrough!"

"Brother Zaozi's analysis makes sense." I remember nodding my head and agreeing: "Now let's see if SKT players can realize it!"

"The two upper lines of both sides here have TP transmission. Once this wave of battle starts, it will be 5v5!"

"Oh, sure enough, it's here. Let's see if SKT can defend the first tower in the bottom lane. Chen Mu's men came directly to the triangular grass of the first tower in the bottom lane, and they have a good view behind them. Lin Weixiang’s Xia is also pushing the troops in the bottom lane. This meaning is very obvious. I don’t dare to pull out the first tower of your top lane, but also kill your people together!”

At this time, Chen Mu's men became interested in SKT's bottom lane again after clearing the opposite jungle area.

However, SKT's bottom lane also realized the problem at this time, and immediately gave up the bottom lane and retreated to the closed grass in front of the second tower.

This time, it doesn’t matter how many troops are lost, or how many layers of tart skin Xayah can eat~
Keeping the green hills, you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood~
This is SKT's only belief now!
After seeing that SKT temporarily gave up its troops in the bottom lane, FPX naturally started to enjoy tapi.

This is a gluttonous feast~
As for the bottom tower with four layers of tower skin left, a wave of soldiers and a canyon pioneer are not enough.

Chen Mu's men simply took a step forward and began to cut off the line of troops.

"Brother Mu, you must be careful in that bush, there might be someone inside." Liu Qingsong clicked on the grass in front of the second tower.

Although the men and horses were still some distance away from the closed grass at this time, FPX still felt a sense of danger.

Now the centaur has been scanned, and there are no accessory eyes.

Moreover, centaurs and horses don’t have any skills that can detect grass!
At this time, from God's perspective, there is a great deal of knowledge hidden in this small autistic bush.

Not only were Kai'Sa and Titan squatting inside, Clid's prince also touched this place at some point.

"Well, it's okay~" Chen Mu just responded lightly.

The positioning of his men and horses is also very particular, standing at the extreme distance of the closed grass.

The skills of the prince or titan seem to be able to hit them, but they seem to be unable to hit them~
Swinging back and forth to test, like a seductive little goblin!
"I'm coming!"

Seeing the junglers on the opposite side walk to the first and second towers to cut off their troops, Clid and Mata became nervous.

Seeing that the men and horses seemed to be a little aggressive, clid realized that the opportunity had come!

"Get ready, get ready!"

"Nesness! Here we go!!

"Come on, come on! Kill him!!"

At this time, SKT fans were all surprised when they saw this scene on the court.

This is a rare opportunity for a desperate counterattack!
If he can successfully kill the enemy, he can still defend his top tower.

Even if the defense tower can hold on for one more second, it will be good!
If you can delay it for one more second, you can add a little more equipment to Clockwork and Kai'Sa.

Even the second dragon is about to refresh. If SKT can take advantage of the situation and control the second dragon in this game.In this way, SKT's entire early and mid-term rhythm has been revitalized again!
However, the position of Centaur is really stuck in SKT and everyone in SKT feels uncomfortable. The feeling of trying to get up but not being able to get up makes them feel itchy in their hearts~
"This won't work, let me drive!"

It is impossible to expect the troops to go further~
SKT’s Prince and Titan must start the team first!

next second.
I saw Clid's prince EQ taking action directly, poking at the men and horses from the ultimate distance.

But the next moment, what surprised everyone was not SKT's group start.

But Chen Mu!

I saw an instinctive and subconscious reaction between the man and the horse, and suddenly they twisted their positions!
It passed by the prince's flagpole.

At this moment, Mata's Titan made a hook at the moment when the men and horses moved.

But the next second, the men and horses twisted again and missed the Titan's anchor hook.

Successfully evaded the first wave of control from the prince and Titan!
"What the hell?! This is okay, Chen Mu's reaction was too quick!"

Seeing the scene on the court, Uzi's eyes suddenly widened and he was dumbfounded.

Then I suddenly remembered that this was still live broadcast and quickly stopped.

"Oh my god...the reaction speed of this wave of people is so fast! The first wave of control from the prince and the titan was staggered, but the shepherd was actually able to react quickly..."

"What does this mean? It means that Chen Mu has been mentally prepared for a long time, or Chen Mu's reaction speed is too fast!"

"I think there is another reason. The movement speed of the centaur is too fast. With shoes, sprinting and skill talents, the movement speed of this centaur is no slower than Blink!"

At this time, Remember and Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but admire him.

In a place with no vision at all, two people suddenly jumped out.

But Chen Mu's men and horses were actually able to move into position and make the optimal choice in the first place.

This awareness and reaction speed are undoubtedly incredible!
"My goodness!"


"Is this the Shepherd?!"

"Chen Mu Niu Pi!"

"Has Chen Mu ever played Centaur before?! It seems that he has never seen it before. Are you so stunned when you take it out for the first time?!"

"You are stupid. The hero pool of the Shepherd is bottomless. How many times can you ban him?"

At this time, not only the commentators were shocked, but also the audience was dumbfounded.

Tens of thousands of spectators cheered one by one, and the atmosphere was even more enthusiastic than the opening game.

"You can fight back! You can fight back!!"

Chen Mu smiled slightly and said calmly to his teammates, while marking a teleportation eye position next to him.

The next moment, Kenan of Aguang in the top lane and Kled of doinb in the middle lane pressed their teleport at Chen Mu's signal position! !

In fact, during Chen Mu's wave just now, he had already predicted that there might be someone in the grass, and seemed to have already understood everything about SKT.

It is reasonable for him to successfully avoid the opponent's sneak attack in the grass.

At the same time, there is another important reason. Centaurs and horses move too fast, and it is too easy to dodge skills in the divine state!

The moment Titan's hook appeared on the screen, his men and horses moved and sprinted away while activating the predator's active effect.

In an instant, he was like a wild horse running wild, running as fast as lightning!

The panel movement speed information of the centaurs and horses even reached 700!

Not to mention Titan's Q and Prince's EQ, maybe even more perverted operations are possible!
The ability to respond to every detail makes Chen Mu feel like he can control everything in the game!
"Let's go, let's free the tower this time!"

"If you can fight, I can teleport!"

"I also have TP teleportation. I can teleport a tower and directly cut off their escape route!"

Seeing that this wave of sneak attacks failed, SKT seemed to be in disagreement.

clid's prince EQ didn't pick anyone, but he did.

He was a little exhausted, so he had no choice but to call his teammates to retreat to the second tower and just release the first tower.

But faker didn't think so. SKT's first tower in the bottom lane was still there, but everyone in FPX didn't even break the first tower, so they ran to the second tower and disconnected.

Now the three FPX players have been sandwiched between the first and second towers. Even the TP ward position of Kennen and Kled is a very dangerous position to enter.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Once the cooperation is good, it is not an extravagant hope to defeat FPX as a team!
But coincidentally, FPX also had the same idea!
next second.
FPX took the lead. Liu Qingsong's Luo immediately danced in pairs with his E skill, using the man and horse as a springboard, and then used his R skill to charm the prince in front of him.

At this time, even SKT, who had different opinions, had to make a decision.

The next second, Chongzhang and Victor pressed their TP transmission at the same time. It was impossible not to fight!
There is a second tower that teleports to the front, and a first tower that goes around the back.

Want to surround FPX.

But at this time, SKT's lineup has no strength or damage at all, and it will fall apart as soon as it rushes!
Chen Mu didn't care about Sanqi 21, the defense tower and Victor behind him, he just hit the person in front of him and used his big move R Shadow Blast!

I saw the ultimate move of the men and horses, with a huge shadow of war impacting towards the position of the prince and Titan!
For a moment, both Tai Tai and the prince were frightened!
Seeing this, Liu Qingsong's Luo once again cooperated with the W skill to lift the two of them.

Since Kennen and Kled teleported first, they would naturally have the right to move first.

After landing, without saying a word, he hit his face with his big move!
Even if the Titan and the prince surrendered their flashes, they still could not escape the fate of death.

Kenan landed and flashed the push stick to add Wan Lei Tian Lao Yin, giving SKT a good lesson in electrotherapy and hitting a lot of AOE!

"Kenan the Furious Heart killed the Prince of Demacia!"

"Hecarim, Shadow of War, slew Nautilus, Titan of the Deep!"

In an instant, SKT's only two team starters fell to the ground and died!

After Faker's clockwork landed, he could only use a hasty ultimate move to limit the pursuit of everyone in FPX, and at the same time cover the retreat of Kai'Sa on the edge, otherwise not even Teddy's Kai'Sa would be able to leave!
But everything is in vain!

After Kled landed, what didn't he do first?
Make a big move!

"Come on, ah, ah, ah!"

All FPX members burst into action again! (End of chapter)

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