LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 421 The ultimate swing

"Prince Galio, do whatever you want to combine?!"

"Prince. The prince has made a good choice!"

"This version of the prince is pretty good, especially the one-handed slag-killing prince, which is pretty good!" The commentators spoke highly of FPX's first two hands.

"That's right, the prince jungler seems to have never seen Chen Mu use it, but with Chen Mu's style, he will definitely drive the rhythm crazily in the early game, just like the hunger-striking prince in Mala Xiangguo... "

Now the pressure is on SKT again.

This move of Prince Galio really made things difficult for the SKT coaching staff.

In the past, FPX liked to put the midfielder in the second round to select, but in this game, the midfielder was directly determined on the first and second floors at the beginning.

It is indeed a bit underestimating the enemy!
But it's not too late now.

Half of the BP has not arrived yet!

After hesitating for a moment, SKT finally decided to play Syndra's mid laner first.

Sylas and Ryze have already been banned. If Faker doesn't get a hero, he will definitely be banned in the second round.

You can't give Faker any Kled the Crocodile mid laner!

However, the midfielder combination of Syndraga Excavator is also very powerful!
Immediately on the third floor, SKT confirmed the ADC hero Verus!
Active first-hand functionality, combat effectiveness in the early stage, and protection in the later stage!
On the third floor of FPX, he quickly locked Ornn.

In fact, SKT's move of Kennen was to ban FPX's pain points.

Don't look at the fact that there are still many top lane heroes out there, such as Jace and Dao Mei.
But they are not suitable for Aguang and Jin Gong. The only useful one, Kenan, has been banned.

In desperation, War Horse could only help A Guang lock down an Orn in advance.

Take a beating and get a beating!

It can’t be a breakthrough!
"Oh? It can be seen that the LCK division is very obsessed with Verus, a functional ADC with strong online capabilities! Almost all Korean teams are very partial to these heroes." Remember looking at SKT Choosing people, analyzed.

"Yes." Miller nodded: "I have to say that heroes like Verus are indeed very suitable for their style of play. It's just that there is no Tahm in this game. Otherwise, SKT's bottom lane is indeed the best. Best choice!"

"But FPX's single-handed move, I... I still hold a conservative view!" At this time, Brother Zaozi frowned as he looked at FPX's Ornn.

"It's true, Ornn is a hero that's a bit unplayable in this version so far. It's hard to play until the late stages!" Guan Zeyuanhe remembered and nodded in agreement.

Looking at FPX's first three choices, the early laning ability is not necessarily strong.

But most importantly, there are lots of controls!Lots of group openings!

This is also a major style feature of the LPL division - group start!
If you are in doubt, start a group!
But the corresponding online dominance has dropped a lot.

This is also the balance of the League of Legends game. Riot Games does not allow heroes who are good in the lane and who are good in team fights!

Otherwise it will be weakened!

If you can't cut it once, then cut it twice until you can't play anymore~
Meanwhile, BP continues.

With this BP, to be honest, FPX has regained a victory.

Don't look at FPX's top three players, Prince, Galio and Ornn, they are invincible in a team fight!

But the pressure online is too great~
FPX's BP in the first three moves put their side at a disadvantage.

If the subsequent BP is not adjusted well, problems will easily occur.

Especially since SKT's top lane hero has not been released yet, they are afraid that Khan will use some black technology to counter Ornn, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Immediately afterwards, the second round of BP has begun.

In the second round, SKT's BP decisively targeted the bottom lane position that FPX did not play.

Send the Titan and the Bullhead to the ban position.

The mainstream hard assists in the current version have almost been banned, and the soft assists are not in line with the current version.

FPX’s auxiliary selection is also in trouble!

On the other side, FPX pressed down Dao Mei and Victor.

In this game, FPX's top laner has already chosen Ornn. If Khan is chosen to choose Victor and Dao Mei, there will be no pressure to develop.

That's the adoptive father!

"Oh? SKT is starting to target the support position! Tahm, Rakan, Titan, and Niutou are all banned! Then Liu Qingsong has no support to use... If FPX's support is abolished, FPX's midfield support will be eliminated The linkage can't be started!" Guan Zeyuan suddenly exclaimed.

In this game, the BP game between both sides can be said to be full!

From the first round to now.

Basically, as long as whichever side has the advantage first, the other side will be able to respond successfully.

"In that case, there is still Braum outside, so Liu Qingsong will most likely take Braum! But what kind of ADC can the support be paired with?!!"

As the most professional commentator in LPL, I remember that this analysis makes sense.

Just when I remembered the words fell, I saw the field.

FPX decisively locked a hero in the fourth move.

But not Bronn!
But ADC Kai’Sa!

"Oh, instead of taking Braum first, take ADC first?! Then the support is gone too! In this case, what kind of support will Liu Qingsong use?!"

After a moment of hesitation, SKT also bought the last two heroes one after another.

Heart of the Freljord - Braum!
And the peerless swordswoman Fiona!

At this point, SKT’s lineup has been completely locked.

Everyone has already guessed the two players, Bronn, but the final swordswoman was honestly a bit beyond everyone's expectations.

The hero Sword Princess is too risky.

In the normal ranking, there are all kinds of Sword Queen's unique skills, and various collections are already all over the street.

However, in professional competitions, there are few famous scenes of Sword Princess, but there are many ghost scenes~
Khan is naturally the latter.

This kind of person is also called "Sword Queen Lover"~
But having said that, with Sword Lady, Excavator and Syndra, SKT's top midfielder is at full strength!
Especially this sword chosen by the Queen, I instantly felt the smell of gunpowder!
Just being stubborn, just being dissatisfied, just having fun~
"Wow! Sword Lady, Excavator... Look at this posture, SKT is going to have a hard time with FPX in the early and mid-term!" I remember being very surprised by SKT's choice.

"Then let's see how FPX will respond? FPX gave the auxiliary position the last move! This is a bit strange!"

"But one thing to note is that there are really no good options for the auxiliary position now!" Guan Zeyuan was also very surprised by FPX's choice: "Should we take the soft auxiliary position?! Or is it difficult for Liu Qingsong to do this during this time? What secret weapon have you practiced?!"

"FPX's lineup is a bit lacking in damage. Galio's output is actually just that. Do you think Liu Qingsong will use something like a hot man?!"

Several commentators analyzed the BP on the field one by one.

At the same time, the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room are also very much looking forward to what hero FPX will choose in the next fifth round.

Suddenly, the director's camera turned and showed several FPX players.

It can be seen that the players are talking fiercely to the coach.

At this time, a "monkey" nodded very confidently.

However, the coach still looked a little hesitant.

It seems that this last counter is a bit difficult.

Finally, wait for the last few seconds.

Only then did FPX reveal the fifth hero.

I saw an avatar suddenly appeared in the selection box on the fifth floor:
"Hello, bad guys!!" The psychic flower - Neeko!
As a young and beautiful female voice sounded.

The audience at the scene also collectively became excited!



There was an uproar at the scene.

Not to mention the audience, even the commentators had their eyes widened and were a little dumbfounded.


Guan Zeyuan was a little surprised when he saw the hero's portrait displayed in FPX's fifth hand.

Immediately afterwards, FPX decisively locked Nicole in the fifth move! !

"Locked! FPX actually took out Neeko in the fifth hand! Oh my God?!" Miller shouted in shock.

"Niko?! At home?!" the commentator was excited.

"In that case, Galio is not the mid laner, he is the support, and Neeko is the mid laner!" At this time, everyone suddenly realized.

"No wonder, when I looked at the camera just now, doinb has been communicating with the coach. It turns out that he is doing the ultimate swing!!!" Brother Zaozi said eloquently.

"Yes." Wawa nodded and continued: "This move is really unexpected. Even SKT was deceived. BP was determined to ban the support in the second round, but it banned Lonely! "

The hero Neeko actually came online at the beginning of the year.

But this hero is also a bug king, no less than Sylas.

By the time the bugs were finally fixed, the version was not suitable for competition.

At this time, after Neeko has strengthened a little, her strength can fully compete in professional competitions.

"In this case, FPX's lineup will be completely revitalized!" Guan Zeyuan analyzed while rubbing his chin.

I originally thought it would be Prince Galio and Ornn in the upper midfield, but this combination is very powerful in team fights.

But the hands are too short, and it is difficult to survive online in the early stage.

But at this time, FPX has a divine swing, Galio is the support, and Neeko is the mid laner!
This hidden swing revitalized FPX's lineup.

Neeko meets the needs of the mid laner in the current version. She has fast lane clearing, high burst, strong ganking ability, and is very useful in team battles.

Such a hero will be every jungler's dream partner.

In a team battle, as long as Neeko starts the team first or defends with a backhand, she may produce terrifying damage and control effects in the team battle.

"Well, but it depends on the performance in the subsequent games. Again, you can always trust Chen Mu!" Guan Zeyuan said with confidence.

The moment FPX locked Nico on the fifth floor, it completely ignited the audience's emotions.

At this point, the second round of bp between the two sides has ended.

FPX vs SKT semi-final game [-]
FPX is on the red side, SKT is on the blue side
Top laner: Ornn vs Sword Lady
Jungler: Prince vs Rek'Sai

Mid laner: Neeko vs Syndra

ADC: Kai'Sa vs Varus

Support: Galio vs Braum
Immediately afterwards, the countdown to the game appeared on the big screen.

At the same time, the coaches from both sides also stepped onto the center of the stage and shook hands with each other.

"In this game, the game between the two sides in the BP stage can be said to be very exciting!" I remember taking advantage of this gap to say with emotion: "Both sides have very offensive lineups in the early stage, and both have obtained lineups and lineups that they are better at. system."

"SKT's lineup has very strong laning capabilities in all three lanes. FPX may be at a slight disadvantage in the early laning period, but FPX's lineup also has good linkage! It's easy to win the team in mid-term team battles."

"That's right." Guan Zeyuan nodded and continued: "FPX Nico's one-handed swing and Nico's lock on the fifth floor were very surprising. On the other side of SKT, Khan dared to play Sword Princess as well. It’s beyond all of our expectations! I believe this game will be very exciting!”

Several commentators are also analyzing the lineups on both sides.

The audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room were suddenly enlightened when they listened to the commentator's analysis.

I also have a clearer understanding of the game situation.

Just like the narrator said.

The selections of FPX and SKT were very unexpected, but they did get what they wanted.

Prince and Neeko in the middle and jungle of FPX can easily link up, and with the support of Galio, the linkage is also very good.

Especially after level [-], when everyone has the ultimate move, they can invade the opponent's wild area and catch them all accurately.

At the same time, it can also put a lot of pressure on the sidelines and can easily jump over the tower.

Very proactive!

But correspondingly, the FPX lineup's online fighting ability will definitely be slightly weaker.

SKT has all lane domination heroes, Syndra, Varus and Sword Queen.
Especially the Sword Lady on the road, with Immortality, she really bullied Ornn casually.

Syndraga Excavator's midfield strength is not lower than that of FPX.

It is also easy to carry out a tower-crossing kill with the excavator.

Moreover, SKT's lineup is very LCK-style. In the middle and late stages of the game, if Sword Lady is brought alone, FPX will have no control at all.

After all, not everyone is Chen Mu, and Ornn's version is not yet a tank version.

In this round, War Horse has passively banned Victor and Jace out of fear of their foster father.

So in this game, it still depends on the performance of both sides~
"Brother Zaozi, which lineup are you more optimistic about?" I remember looking at Brother Zaozi next to me with a smile and asking.

"Well...actually, I personally prefer FPX's lineup. It's invincible in a team fight!"

After Uzi hesitated for a moment, he didn't know whether he should say it or not, but he hesitated.

Still smiling, he joked: "Also, there is Khan's Sword Girl, everyone knows about it~ This person will give it to you at critical moments, Khan can still rely on it!"

After hearing Brother Zaozi's words, the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned for a moment, but they reacted the next second.


"Khan's Sword Lady, you have to understand everything (squint) (squint)~"

"I found that in key games, I can't win with Jace and Sword Queen!"

"xswl, it's over, Comrade Khan's identity has been exposed~"

"I don't allow you to say that. Comrade Khan will not be able to lurk in this way~"

"It's so funny, it was Khan who was responsible for last year's MSI mid-season!"

"Qingshi, the puppy's first championship was helped by Khan. How can he not remember it deeply?!"

While several commentators were analyzing, the director's camera turned.

On the screen, the game has been loaded.

Immediately afterwards, ten summoners appeared in their own spring.

The game officially begins. (End of this chapter)

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