LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 422 Ye Fu cooperates and gets 1 blood

"Okay, everyone on site and in the live broadcast room, the game has begun!"

"What you are seeing now is the 2019 League of Legends MSI mid-season semi-finals. The two participating teams are FPX from the LPL division and the SKT team from the LCK division!"

"This is the second game between FPX and SKT. It is a very crucial game. Summoners on the scene, please cheer for FPX with the warmest applause?!" I remember excitedly and generously starting to control the field and mobilize The emotions of the audience before the live broadcast room.

Immediately afterwards, a barrage of barrages that covered the live broadcast room passed by, just like a burst of warm applause and shouts from the scene.



"Come on FPX!!"

"FPX gives me a chance!!"

"LPL, come on, FPX! We must win!!"

"Chen Mu, come on, you must beat SKT down for me..."

"LPL must win!!"


Off the field, cheers and shouts erupted one after another.

And the game also started amidst the cheers and cheers!

The ten players from both sides bought equipment and rushed out as quickly as possible when the barrier in front of their own spring disappeared!
Chen Mu's prince's talent in this round is of course the conqueror.

Generally speaking, there are not many talent options for jungle princes. You can bring electrocution, which is very easy to trigger for the prince. Just use EQ and hit A.

The explosive ability of the Electrocution Prince is stronger. If it is well developed, it is very simple to outlast the enemy's squishy hero.

But this version of Conqueror is still too perverted!

Not to mention the stacked attack power, after the stack is full, 10% of the damage will be converted into real damage and an equal amount of healing effect!

Too fierce!
It can be said to be the Alliance of Conquerors!

Then bring Triumph, a medical miracle; Joy ​​to increase the attack speed; a fatal blow, causing more damage to enemies with low blood volume. When the prince faces a squishy hero, EQ picks up the big move and can easily cripple him , the chance of killing the enemy with a fatal blow will be much greater.

Secondary straps are the slam and eyeball collector.

The prince's EQ double rush can trigger the armor-piercing effect of a sudden impact to deal more damage. You can collect eyeball stacks by rowing eyes and participating in kills to increase your adaptive attack power and enhance your damage capabilities.

At the same time, the prince chose the broad-bladed sword method for his outing outfit.

The prince who has learned the E skill at the first level to increase attack speed, has a high level A bonus, and when combined with the broad-bladed sword, level A comes with 35 points of magic damage, making the BUFF fast and causing little damage.

The five FPX people who quickly went out followed the established route and went to the designated position in the jungle to start guarding~
However, it is obvious that SKT has a first-level team design.

On the field.

A few people from SKT gathered together and headed straight to the lower half of the FPX jungle.

"Oh? In this game, SKT had a small design by a first-level team to directly invade the lower half of FPX's jungle area? The four of them were already in the grass in the river, were they planning to go towards FPX's blue buff?! Are you going to fight a first-level team?!" Guan Zeyuan looked at the scene on the field and suddenly became energetic.

Is it possible that the second game was so exciting right from the start? !

At the same time, everyone at FPX had discovered SKT's movements in advance.

The prince pulled out everyone in SKT with a flag, and then gave way to their positions in an orderly manner, but he did not withdraw from the jungle.

"Oh... FPX seems to have seen it here! But it doesn't look like FPX is afraid!" I remember exclaiming.

"That's right." Brother Zaozi nodded: "SKT seems to have the idea of ​​​​a first-level team, but it is actually just pretending!"

"SKT's lineup doesn't have any fighting ability at the first level! It looks like there is Braum who is the king of the first level team, but everyone else is useless!"

"There is a Galio here in FPX. If you are the mid laner Galio, you may have to learn the Q skill, but Galio is a support. You can learn a W skill at level one, and he is very strong in defensive counterattacks!"

in the game.

Chen Mu's Prince learned the E skill at the first level and directly planted a flag in the grass, discovering SKT's idea of ​​​​invading.

When SKT saw that their ideas were discovered, they immediately gave up the idea of ​​invading.

If they are caught off guard by Bronn's sudden attack, the first-level group can still have some fun.

But if FPX is fully prepared, it is "speeding up" itself~
FPX’s first-level team is not harmful, but SKT is not much better~
Verus, Syndra, Excavator, Sword Lady. Which one looks like a hero that can fight a first-level group? !

Let's just go back to our respective homes and find our own mothers. We'll be fine~
And watching SKT hit a wall, the barrage in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, just pretending~"

"Stop pretending~"

"This lineup of yours is a first-level team with a hammer!!"

"Oh?! Chen Mu's side has planted a flag for everyone in SKT, so that SKT will not continue to invade!" At the commentator's seat, I remember also nodded, looking at the situation and analyzing the situation: "In this case, both sides should It’s a peaceful jungle path. I wonder if SKT is aware of Prince’s jungle path?”

On the field.

Due to Chen Mu's alertness, no first-level regiment conflict broke out between the two sides.

Upon seeing this, SKT withdrew into its own jungle and did not stay any longer.

One minute and 30 seconds, wild monsters refresh.

Clid's excavator is red with the help of the duo.

Take a jungle route with a red buff, six birds, three wolves, blue buff, and river crabs on the road.

On the Prince's side, after the first-level team did not break out, they left a field of vision at the blue buff in the lower half of the jungle, and then came to their own upper half of the jungle.

Choose a solo wild route with red opener, six birds, and stone beetle.

"Eh? The prince's way of opening the jungle is a bit strange. He chose to clear the entire upper half of the jungle. Is this because he wants to catch the third level?" Guan Zeyuan looked at the scene on the field and suddenly asked with some doubts.

"If you do it this way, there is indeed a possibility of being caught at level three." Remember nodded.

in the game.

But after Chen Mu finished clearing the upper half of the jungle, he went directly back to the city to make a simple shoe, and then went straight to the river in the bottom lane.

I didn’t choose what to grab and hit the road!
Because Ornn faced Sword Lady on the top lane, it was really difficult to fight, from resisting pressure in the early stage to resisting in the late stage.

Originally, this version of Ornn was not very good, and Aguang's hero pool was too limited.

Once Kennen is banned, he can only get him one Ornn!
But this version is not a tank version. The tank is purely a character that takes beatings on the top lane!
But this version of Sword Girl is different.

What's more, Khan is leading the Immortal Sword Lady, and QQ Sword Lady is really a scumbag.

Even if the Q skill is good, it can come up and poke you. It doesn’t require any operation, and it can be played even with disabled hands~
Moreover, the excavator uses a jungle path from top to bottom, and Faker plays Syndra in the middle.

The pressure in the upper half of the wild area is too great. It is almost impossible for Chen Mu's prince to fight for the river crab in the upper half of the river.

The prince is not an operational hero.

Therefore, Chen Mu must avoid SKT's edge in the upper half of the jungle to compete with the river crabs in the lower half of the jungle.

River crabs are really cost-effective. It’s so important for junglers in the early stages!

If a jungler does not have a river crab in the early stage, and the opposite jungler starts with two river crabs, his level experience will drop by more than half.

This is equivalent to being nearly 1 minute behind in reaching level six!

This is a very exaggerated number!

And sure enough, in this round Khan got Sword Lady, and Aguang played Ornn again.

As expected, Khan gave Ah Guang some strength, and when Sword Princess Immortal was ready, he immediately came up with Brainless Q for blood.

And the bulky Ornn's ability to fight back is also very limited.

However, Aguang also played very smartly, choosing cloth armor and four red colors for his outing outfit.

I plan to suppress the small anti-armor first, since Ornn can buy equipment online.

Just stay with you like this~
But of course Sword Girl got the lane right to the top lane.

However, Aguang is not in a hurry. Even if your Sword Lady eats two or three layers of tapioca, it is a trivial matter, but he must not collapse on the road!

We must not give Sword Lady and Excavator a chance to make a breakthrough!

After having a very clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of both sides, Chen Mu's prince's idea of ​​​​clearing the jungle is also very clear.

You can't kidnap Ornn who is on the road!
The excavator's early combat effectiveness is even stronger than that of the prince. If he fights in the upper half of the jungle, he is kidnapping Ornn!

It's "temperature control" for Ornn!
FPX's top lane is at a disadvantage in laning, but the other two lanes are fine.

Syndra in the middle is the dominant laner, but this version of Neeko is also very strong in the lane.

Especially the ability to push the line, as the level increases, the line is cleared quickly.

This kind of gameplay is also very suitable for Big B. You expect him to beat Da Fei in the lane, which is a bit unrealistic!

But if you let him push the line and wander, it's still no problem.

The middle lanes of both sides are constantly pushing the line crazily, using skills to level A to clear the line of troops.

The middle lane has lane rights, whichever side of the middle lane can move first means which side of the jungle has the advantage~
As for the bottom lane, assisting Galio's ultimate swing can be said to be quite beyond SKT's expectations.

In terms of linkage, Galio is stronger than Braum!

In order to help Chen Mu control the river crabs in the lower half of the river, Galio even came to the river to take a look.

"Oh? Both sides are playing very steadily! On the top road, Orn is planning to withstand the pressure to the end. The four red cloth armors are out. You can be as strong as you want. I will put on my little anti-armor plus cloth armor shoes first! But Khan The Sword Princess still has something, this time she was the first to break the flaw with her A, and then use her Q skill to pull her body up and hit the flaw again!"

I remember watching the exchange of blood between the two sides on the road, and I was a little bored explaining it.

In this game, Chen Mu rarely set the pace in the early stage, but chose to farm steadily.

"But Ornn has a lot of health bottles, so it doesn't matter. Just keep the health. As long as you don't get jumped over the tower, the excavator can't do it in the upper half of the jungle. Anyway, Chen Mu's upper half of the jungle has been emptied. Digging The opportunity can’t be counterattacked!!”

Uzi said nonchalantly, he was too familiar with this routine!

"In this game, Chen Mu's prince should focus on the lower half of the jungle and the bottom lane!" Brother Zaozi directly predicted.

"Oh?! Why?! What does Brother Zaozi understand?!" Guan Zeyuan asked curiously.

"It's very simple! Look at FPX, the assistant Galio, the jungle prince, plus the ADC Kai'Sa, and Neeko in the middle can also roam. This can be easily linked to cross the tower."

Uzi looks at FPX's lineup from his own perspective.

At this time, in the game.

After Chen Mu's prince finished brushing his jungle area and reached level four, he really set his sights on the bottom lane.

Galio's ultimate swing is to link up with the jungle auxiliary!

Knowing that SKT might have vision in the lower half of the river and jungle.

The prince simply took a deep detour from SKT's jungle area and got stuck in the position of the stone man on the opposite side. SKT had no vision here.

Then the prince gradually blocked his vision and approached the bottom duo who were facing each other.

At this time, the military lines of both sides are still almost at the center line.

Teddy's Verus knew that he was under a lot of pressure in this game, and it was Galio and Neeko's, so Verus's summoner skills brought flash and purification!
But faced with FPX's multiple controls, Teddy still played very carefully, not giving FPX a chance!
But what he faced was not ordinary support.
If it is a hook assist such as Thresh, Titan, or Robot, you can still say that your positioning is good and you don't take the hook!

But Galio’s W flash is unstoppable~
Although now Riot Games also feels that Galio's W flash as the first mover is too shameless, which affects the balance of the game.

And Chen Mu clearly knows that this sword will not be cut until version 9 of the S7.2 season, which means that Riot Games will not remove Galio's W flash mechanism until July this year.

But it’s only May!
This shameless mechanism was even used by FPX in the bottom lane to bully the ADC~
At this time, Liu Qingsong's Galio was stuck in the grass on the wing, and SKT had no vision here.

Seeing Verus's opportunity to step forward to replenish his tail blade, Galio W began to charge up.

When the charge was full, Liu Qingsong instantly pressed his flash.

In an instant, Verus and Braun, who were moving slightly forward, were controlled by the edge of Galio's W skill at the same time, and fell into ridicule.

When Galio's W skill is fully charged, it can taunt nearby enemy heroes for 1.5 seconds!

At this moment, Chen Mu's prince also emerged from the shadow of the mountain behind Verus.

Teddy was so frightened when he saw the prince carrying the flag that he subconsciously activated his DF second battery.

If it were just the FPX bottom duo, the early output of Galio and Kai'Sa would not be able to kill Varus.

Teddy doesn't even need to pay for flashing!

But the prince is here!

Verus immediately used purification and flash at the same time!

But it’s of no use!

The prince's ultimate wave of retreat has blocked Verus's retreat position. If Verus retreats in advance, there is still hope of escaping.

but now
Chen Mu's prince's lightning-fast EQ second company provoked Verus again.

Not only that, but he also picked up Bronn on the way!

Braum played badly in this game. Verus was ganked. He didn't help at all, and it was a pure side effect.

Then Liu Qingsong's Galio rushed forward with a strong force, and his E skill hit Verus again, knocking him away for 0.75 seconds and causing a little magic damage.

At the same time, fearing that the damage would be insufficient, Ignition was also hung on Verus' head.

With so many control links, it would be really unreasonable if Lin Weixiang’s Kai’Sa could no longer connect to the output.

Kai'Sa's easy E skill accelerates to close the distance, leveling A, and then leveling A again.
Seeing that Verus' health was almost low, he directly used the Q skill Ekasia Heavy Rain to finish.


"First blood!!" (End of this chapter)

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