LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 423: Not enough awareness, just make it up through operations

In four minutes and 20 seconds, first blood was born!

"Galio's field of vision was stuck in the grass, W flashed! Verus DF's second company! The prince's EQ took action, provoking two people, my God!! Verus should not be able to escape! Look at this Can the heads be divided and given to Kaisha?!" I remember everyone was dumbfounded and explained quickly.

Chen Mu's prince doesn't take action easily, but if he does, he will be killed!

"Ah!! In the end, it was Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa E that kept up. Cooperating with the prince's damage, AQ successfully took the kill and got the first blood of this game! Oh... this wave of Yesuke's cooperation is very good!" I remember I immediately exclaimed.

"Wow. Liu Qingsong played well this time. Galio was very decisive and confident in his shots!" Brother Zaozi also said with emotion: "After Galio entered the grass, he was stuck in a small field of vision, and he shot with W very confidently. , a very accurate extreme distance taunt to Verus and Bronn!! It is basically impossible to react to this situation. In fact, even if you react, it is of no use. As long as Verus appears in this position, he will die! !”

"Isn't this the most exaggerated thing! Now this Verus has mastered both double moves, and soon the prince will be promoted to level 6 and come to the bottom lane. I can't see any way for this Verus to survive!"

"And with FPX's temper, the prince won't be the only one coming next time. Nicole from doinb in the middle will also come~"

Uzi also "narrated" the despair of being an ADC from the perspective of an ADC!
Galio and the prince are stupid, the correct operation should be to take both hands off the keyboard!

Several commentators explained with excitement.

The audience was even more excited.

"What the hell?! First blood! Kasha got first blood!"

"Handsome, handsome! This wave of wild assistants' cooperation is simply invincible!"

"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

"This W flash is so cool!"

"What a confident prince! He doesn't have the vision of the Sword Lady in the grass this time, so he dares to directly attack eq?"

"Prince Galio, I don't know how to lose this round?!"

"Prince Gary Ocasa, I already have a three-piece winning set. Enjoy this game!!"

"I just traveled through time half an hour later. FPX won this round, no need to look! (Squint) (Squint)"

"Operation monsters! Both of them are simply operation monsters!!"

"FPX awesome!"

"Come on FPX! Try to win them!!"


For a moment, the entire Taipei Heping Basketball Stadium burst into enthusiastic cheers and shouts.

FPX successfully obtained first blood in just over 4 minutes!

The most important thing is that Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa got the kill! !
The FPX lineup actually depends on the development of Lin Weixiang's ADC. If Kai'Sa can take shape as soon as possible, it will mean entering the team battle period as soon as possible.

In fact, it is a lineup with four guarantees and one guarantee!

That’s why Uzi looks familiar to this lineup~
Everyone else is just a pendant, either resistant to damage or a team player. The output depends on Kai'Sa!
Meanwhile, on the other side.

Verus' life will be more difficult than imagined.

How on earth is a Verus going to live without the ability to move and without flash purification? !
However, with the emergence of the prince in the bottom lane, clid's excavator is not without its work.

In this game, Faker got a lane dominant hero like Syndra, and the horse deduction was a death order for clid.

There must be linkage around the middle!

In this game, clid came to the middle in 4 minutes.

W flashes over Neeko, trying to cooperate with Syndra's push to kill doinb.

But doinb didn't give him a chance, and he handed over Flash very quickly. He handed over Flash the moment he saw the excavator.

However, although Nicole escaped with her life, her blood volume was also very unhealthy!
Fortunately, he brings TP teleportation, so the loss of troops and experience will not be too great.

But at this point, the line rights in the middle were also seized by Faker's Syndra.

Syndra and Excavator took advantage of the crazy push of the line first, and then returned to the city comfortably to replenish their status.

But Nicole hurriedly came out to collect a wave of soldiers, and the gap was huge!
Now, the excavator can be considered as half liberating faker.

"Oh... the coordination between SKT's midfielder and jungler in this wave is also good! The excavator's flash top is bold and careful, and it is a very confident operation! Nicole's flash was played, which is not good news for FPX Ah!" I remember immediately couldn't help but admire SKT's almost simultaneous rhythm.

"Yes." Guan Zeyuan also nodded: "Actually, Doinb's handling of this wave is already very good. His flash is already fast enough. If it were slower, his Nico would be dead!"

After the replay, in the game.

The Excavator ganked in the middle, and after playing Neeko's flash, he dived into the lower half of his wild area, preparing to clear out the remaining groups of wild monsters.

On the other side, Chen Mu's prince has returned to the city to replenish his status.

At this time, he was on his way to his upper half of the wild area.

Verus, who had just been resurrected after being killed, had also returned to the bottom lane.

There is no way, since his ADC has Blink and Purify, there is no way to use Teleport.

Moreover, the position of the troop line was a bit awkward. A wave of troop lines was pushed in by Kai'Sa, and Braun alone could not help block the troop line.

After all this time, his last hit was already about 10 points behind Verus.

Coupled with the first-blood economy, Verus's level and development have fallen a lot.

His tension suddenly rose!
And Kai’Sa’s double moves on the opposite side are all there,
Even if the excavator at this time brushes away the wild monsters in the lower half of his wild area, there is no way to help him relieve the pressure.

This time, clid's excavator could only go all the way to the dark side, and merged with faker's Syndra again.

Although the Sword Lady on the top road is suppressing Ornn, this Ornn is too stable.

I haven’t finished eating Bu Jia Si Hong yet.
He could only take the initiative to link up the middle and jungle and decisively go to Chen Mu's upper half of the jungle.

Prepare for another invasion!
As an excellent jungler, and a jungler from SKT, clid is certainly up to par.

It is the most basic operation to roughly guess the refresh time of the opposite wild monster.

Being able to grasp the movements of the opposing jungler is also an important difference between an excellent jungler and an average jungler.

Moreover, Chen Mu's prince's movements are also easy to guess, almost all of them are well-known.

In 4 minutes, he was able to appear in the bottom lane, with a red buff and a pair of small straw sandals hanging on his body.

This must be the opening route in the upper half of the jungle.

So at this time, the Prince's stone beetles and six birds in the upper wild area were almost refreshed.

At this time, Clid was communicating with Faker while comforting his teammates in the bottom lane not to panic and to stabilize their development.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to run to the opposite wild area and invade.

And it’s a prince with a blood assist!
If the excavator wants to move, it must link up with Syndra in the middle. And just in time, Faker's Syndra had already obtained the lane right in the middle due to Neeko's flash.

Push the line first and move first~
Clid's excavator has already circled towards the upper half of the jungle area of ​​FPX, preparing to crouch near the six birds.

"Oh? It seems like Clid has an idea this time!"

I remember taking a look at the situation on the court and couldn't help but say: "Does clid want to go to the jungle to fight against the prince? Or does he want to squat in the jungle?! At this time, SKT's midfielder should be more powerful."

"It seems that it is indeed possible." Guan Zeyuan nodded: "At this point in time, the excavator's combat effectiveness is still acceptable! Moreover, Faker's Syndra is already approaching the prince's six birds. In this wave, if the prince's jungler hands over EQ Skills. Once you come here to brush the six birds, you will probably be squatted to death!"

"I have to say that clid's calculation of the refresh time of wild monsters this time is still very accurate. He has already calculated the refresh time of the prince jungle!" Uzi said with emotion: "As a jungler of SKT, you really shouldn't be underestimated. After all, he is a top jungler! In this case, Chen Mu’s prince is really in danger!"

Several commentators analyzed the situation one by one.

At this time, even the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room were worried.

in the game.

After Chen Mu's prince finished his work in the bottom lane, he boldly planned to farm all the way down from Stone Beetle, learning from Da Sima's square jungler~
It seemed that he didn't know that the excavator and Syndra were squatting near him near the six-bird position.

After swiping his own stone beetle wild monsters, he was strutting towards F6.

"Ah... it's over! This wave of princes don't know the position of the opponent's midfielder. It's going to be really bad!" I remember watching the situation on the field escalate and wailing immediately.

The next moment, Chen Mu directly EQed F6 in order to speed up his jungle clearing.

"Ah, that's not good. The prince handed over the EQ skill to clear the jungle! In this case, the six birds' pit position has SKT's vision, and faker and clid can clearly see it!"

"It's over. This wave of princes should be confessed here. I hope this head will not be given to Faker's Syndra. If Syndra takes over, then SKT's midfield rhythm may take off in the early stage!" Guan Zeyuan He also let out a long sigh.

"Sigh... Syndra's EQ is pushed, and the excavator still has the control of W to fly up. It's very dangerous for the prince to flash!" Uzi also sweated for Chen Mu.

"It's over, it's over! Don't go there, Goddess!"

"Oops! This wave of excavators and Syndra, who the prince didn't realize at all, are squatting in the grass."


For a moment, the audience in the live broadcast room all booed.

The audience at the scene held their breath and watched every move that happened next on the field.

At this time, in the game.

The prince seemed completely unaware of the danger and was still happily brushing the six birds.

"Get ready, get ready!"

The excavator's radar map clearly showed the location of the prince.

Seeing this, Clid quickly said hello to Faker.

Seeing that she had entered her attack range, Syndra decisively fired two rounds of EQ to stun the prince.

But right now.

I saw the prince who was brushing the six birds suddenly stopped.

It was as if he was already aware of the danger at the dividing wall.

Immediately afterwards, while Syndra cast EQ twice, an inexplicable small right-angle movement suddenly moved in a 90-degree direction to the left of Syndra's push!
next second.

Syndra's EQ Second Company passed by the prince in front of her.

Syndra's EQ knocks enemies and dark orbs back, dealing magic damage to them and any enemies they touch. The dark orb will stun all enemies along the way, and the stun effect lasts for 1.5 seconds.

At this time, the damage of Syndra's E skill came out, but the dark ball of the Q skill did not hit the prince.

Twisted off! !

"Axi? What the hell?!"

Faker looked at the scene in front of him and was dumbfounded.

There should be no view here. How could he know that?

"Sindra's second shot of EQ is going to hit me!! What the hell is this?! The prince moved and suddenly avoided this fatal second shot of EQ!!" Looking at the scene on the field , I remember that the whole person suddenly looked in shock.

"What kind of positioning is this! And FPX has no field of view in this position. Chen Mu reacted so quickly!!" Guan Zeyuan was also shocked. No matter how many times he watched this unparalleled operation, he was still shocked.

"I can only say that the God of Shepherd is still the God of Shepherd. This reminds me of the days when Chen Mu used to play top laner. Although Chen Mu has moved to the jungle position, the jungler is not as strict in controlling the details of the operation as he is online. , but that doesn’t mean he can’t do it!”

"I just want to say one thing, you can always trust him!" Uzi also said with unfinished words.

At this time, clid's excavator never thought that Syndra's EQ would be empty!
His excavator could no longer handle that much. The moment Syndra took action, he had already dug a tunnel and drilled through.

This wave comes with the determination to kill the prince!
However, the prince, who clearly had no vision, relied on his position to twist off Syndra's EQ and did not fall into dizziness!

And this scene also surprised everyone!
Including faker and clid
But the arrow has to be fired!

His excavator has already dug a tunnel through, and there is no way to go back.
The excavator, who was already on the verge of getting off the ground, could only use the W skill to knock the prince flying and start outputting.

But this also gave Chen Mu too much time to react.

At this time, SKT's Syndra EQ skill has been used, and only the W skill is left.

The excavator control skills in front of me have already been handed over.

The prince still has half of his health and flash on his hand, why should he panic? !

The prince calmly activated his W skill Golden Holy Shield first.


Do some damage first.
Just now.


A crisp sound came from next to the wall of Liuniao Pit.

At this time, although doinb's Neeko had lost the line rights, she started fighting next to his defense tower in the middle.

No matter what he says, he will always support you!

Across the wall, Nico and QE were placed side by side.

The E skill entangles barbs, and Neeko throws a ball of barbs to tie up the excavator, causing imprisonment.

Q skill blooms seeds, and Neeko throws a seed to cause damage. If the damage of this seed kills a unit or causes damage to a hero or a large monster, the seed will bloom again~
moment! The offensive and defensive momentum is different! (End of chapter)

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