LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 425 Teddy, the captain crashed in an instant

At this time, Kai'Sa and Galio used their skills together to push their troops into the defense tower, and the FPX bottom lane duo was also ready to provide support at any time.

Immediately afterwards, the prince walked around to the position behind Verus.

"What the hell? Are you messing with me again?!"

Teddy was a little angry when he saw the prince suddenly appearing behind him again.

But with three teammates ready to support him, he became much more courageous and even wanted to step forward and hit the prince twice.

With the support of his teammates, he wanted to use his positioning to try to deceive the prince's EQ.

But next second.
  The prince's EQ was indeed tricked out, but not by the dragon's impact.

But tangled barbs!

The prince also turned into Nicole in the next second!
  At this time, the SKT bottom duo also did the stupidest thing. Braum and Verus actually stood on the same line.

Bronn and Varus are both under arrest!
  "I've got it! I've got it, come on, come on, come on!" Seeing that he was just trying to pretend to be the prince, but he didn't expect Teddy to actually be fooled, his big B mouth was about to grin.

And why did Chen Mu's prince need his reminder?
  EQ had already taken action twice, provoking Verus again.

Varus and Braun, who are only at level [-], have no ultimate moves and no purification.
  Then they faced artillery fire that they shouldn't have to endure~
  Nicole picks up R and is in full bloom!

After a short delay, Neeko will leap into the air, knocking all nearby enemies into the air for 0.6 seconds. She will then land suddenly, causing high damage and 0.75 second stun to all nearby enemies.

Kai'Sa and Galio also followed, and Galio no longer even needed to take control.

A crispy Verus melts in seconds!

"Neeko, the Psychic of Ten Thousand Flowers, killed Verus, the Arrow of Punishment!"

The auxiliary Braum couldn't hold on for a second. After taking so much AOE damage, his blood volume was already miserable, and he was taken away by Kai'Sa AQA who came up.

"Ka'Sa, the Daughter of the Void, killed Braum, Heart of the Freljord!"

"Holy shit~ FPX took action, hey! This is not a prince, but a Neeko! Verus was charged, Verus was killed~" The commentators watched FPX take action at the speed of light, and they also spoke very fast. of explanation.

"Teddy started outputting, Teddy fell down" Brother Zaozi shouted with a slightly bitter tone, but for some reason there seemed to be a little joy in his tone~
  "Then this wave was too fast. Although Syndra and Jian Ji handed over TP as soon as they jumped the tower, FPX hit this wave too fast. Before SKT even landed, the bottom lane was already dead. "It's over"

In fact, Faker and Khan can't really be blamed for this wave. Their screens have been cut to the bottom lane. The TP teleport was pressed as soon as FPX took action.

Syndra teleported under the defense tower, and even Khan's Sword Princess teleported to a ward in the grass behind FPX, hoping to give FPX a fatal blow.

But it’s too fast!
  The transmission time of 3 seconds is so short and yet so long.

It only took three seconds from taking control of Neeko to the death of SKT's bottom duo.

However, the FPX quartet had already crossed the tower, and the four of them retreated from the bottom lane as a group.

But this is not the end.
  Faker's Syndra teleported under the defense tower, so nothing happened, but Khan's Sword Lady teleported to the eye position in the grass behind FPX.

No one in SKT expected that Verus and Bronn would die so quickly. At this time, Sword Girl fell into an isolated and helpless state!
  Originally, Sword Princess cut off FPX's retreat, but now she was surrounded by enemies from all sides!

Galio didn't even hand over the control skills just now, but now he gave them all to Khan.

Although Khan's Sword Princess W skill can block one skill, it can only block one!

Under the combined fire of the four FPX players, Sword Princess was unable to operate and died in battle.

At this time, Khan's record has reached 0-1!

But at this time, Aguang's Ornn was originally suppressed online, but now he is alive~
  "This. This SKT bottom lane has collapsed. Verus died again in this wave, and Kai'Sa got a kill again! Kai'Sa's strong period will be five minutes earlier in the team battle!" Remember to watch the storm The sudden change in the situation on the field began to be analyzed.

"Not only did the bottom lane collapse, but the whole line collapsed. The Swordswoman on the top lane was still suppressing Ornn, and even got the tapi. This wave of advantage was directly returned, and Ornn had a great development, directly I took a deep breath. Not to mention the rhythm in the middle and jungle, the prince was the perfect pacemaker, but Syndra and the excavator came too slowly, failed to accomplish anything, and also affected their own development! "Guan Zeyuan followed up with analysis.

"Let me just say this. After a while, this Kai'Sa will fly into Verus's face!" Uzi also said happily, as if he was in charge of this Kai'Sa~
  The commentators in the LPL official live broadcast room are still concerned about face, and have already saved enough face for SKT.

But some of the second-line commentators are completely hilarious.

Deyunse live broadcast room.


"Hey hey hey hey"

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

A series of sinister laughter rang out in the live broadcast room.

"This Khan is pretending to be the one he is pretending to be!" Xiaoxiao directly started to "order" the Khan: "Khan is like this, he will always fulfill his filial piety to the shepherd father!"

"Hahaha, this wave of SKT is more than one thing. This SKT's bot lane is also a beast. This Verus, you can just hide under the tower. Why are you so stupid and go to A?!" Sika was helping SKT in the bot lane. Double team on intensity.

"Let me tell you, this wave of fakers is not clean either. If you want to T, just TP down early. You wait for others to cross the tower before T. Even if Verus doesn't use skills, he won't survive for three seconds!" Sit down! The child wandering in the back started to find problems for Faker~
  "In a word, no one is clean~"


"Hey hey hey hey"

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

Another series of sinister laughter rang out in the live broadcast room.


  The barrage at the scene and in the live broadcast room was also in an uproar.

In about eight minutes of the game, FPX had successfully caught Verus twice!

And they all follow the rhythm of the prince.

In the wave of overcoming towers just now, the heads of Verus and Bronn were taken by the middle and jungle.

In the end, Khan's Sword Lady head was specifically given to Kai'Sa ADC!

8 minutes, 3-0 Ka'Sa!
  It can be said that SKT's bottom lane has collapsed.

In this game, the first thirty minutes most likely have nothing to do with Verus.


Teddy looked at his gray computer screen and said with a depressed expression.

Verus is one of the basic skills of the ADC in the LCK division, and as SKT's ADC, he is naturally very confident in this hero.

It can be said that he is a very skilled hero.

In the early matchup, he was very confident that he could handle it well and was definitely no weaker than the 3-0 Kai'Sa.

But he was caught to death twice by the damn prince across from him...

Verus's score is 0-2, and Kai'Sa's score is 3-0!
  How is this still playing?
  "That wave just now was mine. I didn't expect that it was Neeko. My bottom lane collapsed. You don't have to worry about me. I'm just being wretched. You can go swim away, Broon. Come on!"

Teddy started to shut himself up after saying these words.

"You develop first, and I will help you after I gain an advantage in other lanes." Clid comforted you.

Although his excavator also sucks, he must do something!

He also knew very well that it was too late to help now. From the wave just now, the laning in the bottom lane is destined to become very dangerous.

If we try to catch him by force now, let’s not talk about the opposite jungler coming to counter-crouch or something.

Moreover, after Galio reaches level 6, he can use his ultimate to protect him at any time, and Kai’Sa’s double moves are at hand.

With this fat Kai'Sa, it's not impossible to fight two against three after reaching level [-]!

At this time, clid's excavator can't even go to the bottom lane to gank, and even the Sword Girl on the top lane can't help.

Originally, Sword Lady had blasted Ornn, so he could find another opportunity to try to see if he could jump over the tower.

But at this time Orn Shuang developed a wave, and the last hit followed suit.

Small anti-armor and small slag!
  Anti-armor bullets, fire armor is hot!
  Focus on a mixed word!
  But what surprised Clid the most was the jungle prince on the opposite side.

Clid must have known about Chen Mu before the game.

It can be said that he has studied the videos of basically all games.

This person always doesn't play by the rules.

And he seems to have his own unique understanding of card vision.

Add to that ceiling manipulation and near-perfect awareness.

At that time, I felt nothing when watching the video.
  When he personally fought with this jungler, he truly understood the horror of Chen Mu!
  This man is simply a monster!

No, it should be said to be a robot!

Ruthless killing machine!
  But in this game, Chen Mu's prince gave clid a new understanding.

In Chen Mu's previous games, junglers needed resources and had a high status.

Let’s not talk about the troops and experience in the line. The resources and monsters in the wild area, FPX’s double C, do not dare to move around, at least with Chen Mu’s permission.

This is something that most teams cannot do!

But in this game, Chen Mu's prince played in a completely different way.

Be a dog online~
  Try to give away the heads you can, and take the heads you can't give up. Even if you die, you must make the line fatter!
  At this point, the game has gone to 9 minutes.

The heads of the two sides were 6 to 1.

FPX currently leads SKT with an economy of about [-] yuan.

This is already an exaggerated number.

The most important thing is that this economy is not concentrated on the prince, but on FPX’s double C, that is, Kai’Sa and Neeko!
  In the next five minutes, SKT seemed to have a bigger problem!

In the early stage, through several waves of spiritual gank by the prince.

FPX's double C can be said to be very comfortable.

Even the hero on the top lane has a Counter relationship, and Ornn is not very easy to fight in the lane.

But with a wave of "spiritual" support from Khan, Ornn "beat" them all back.

In the period that followed, Sword Girl still held the initiative.

This is the hero of Sword Princess. Khan made Tiamat and Vampiric Scythe, and now has lane control and recovery ability in the top lane.

But Aguang's Ornn is also very comfortable to play, not as uncomfortable as in the early stage.

As for the bottom lane, Teddy is SKT's ADC player, no matter how deep his laning ability and understanding are.

But there is no way to make up for the disadvantages in equipment and level!
  Now he can no longer come out of the tower to hit the target, and can only passively close the line under the defense tower.

When he uses this equipment to last hits, as long as he is hit by Kai'Sa's W skill, Void Search, he will definitely be greeted by Kai'Sa and Galio who are jumping up and down!
  However, fortunately in the follow-up, Wuxian was under the tower. Although Kai'Sa suppressed some last-minute hits, he did not die and failed to allow Kai'Sa to expand his advantage again.

However, in terms of development, Kai'Sa has fallen behind quite a bit...

This is also impossible.

Clid said that he wanted to help him, but in actual actions, he always hovered next to the mid laner Faker, with no intention of going to the bottom lane.

In the early stage, the prince desperately supported the line, but now it was also the turn of the line to give back to the jungle.

9 minute and 30 seconds.

The next five minutes were definitely the darkest five minutes of the game for SKT!

After FPX has sorted out the troops on the line, it’s time to return to the city to update the equipment, and it’s time to improve the vision.

Then, he directly helped the prince win the first dragon.

The first little dragon is a fire dragon, perfect attributes!
  Immediately, the prince walked openly and openly in SKT's field of vision.

Seeing the prince standing brightly in the triangular grass, Teddy's Verus' heart skipped a beat.

"You won't mess with me again!"

Hesitating for a second was disrespectful to the prince. Verus gave up the first tower and the army line and retreated to the grass.

Chen Mu looked at Verus's movements and knew that there were eyes in the grass, so it didn't matter~
  Just stand here!
  It's like a nuclear deterrent!
  Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa had already started to hit the defense tower with A one after another, but the tower skin still started to eat.

Seeing the passing of the army line and Tapi, although he felt distressed, Teddy still held back.

It wasn't until his teammate excavator arrived that he dared to step forward to take the line.

But in such a short period of time, two layers of tapestry had already entered Kasha's pocket.

The economic gap is still widening.

The game lasted just over ten minutes.

The excavator was forced to the bottom lane by the prince, but at this time the Canyon Pioneer in the upper half of the jungle was refreshed.

After seeing that his goal had been achieved, the prince standing guard in the triangular grass directly carried the flag and went to the upper half of the wild area.

Seeing this, within twenty seconds of the excavator arriving in the lower lane, he was led by the nose to the upper half of the wild area.

But what if we get to the upper half of the jungle? !
  If we only play 3v3 in the middle and jungle, SKT's Syndra, Excavator and Sword Lady can still go all out and give it a try!
  But right behind the prince are Kai'Sa and Galio!
  In this wave of FPX, five people gathered together as Canyon Pioneers.

The prince helped the bottom lane so much in the early stage, so of course Kai'Sa must give back neutral resources for team fights.

But at this time, SKT's bottom laner Verus was still on the line, and only support Braum came.

Varus's line of finishing blows has begun to be blocked by Kasha, and he really can't come to support this wave.

Otherwise, no matter whether the team battle is won or lost, his Verus has already lost first!
  But how to fight a 4V5 team battle? !
  Looking at Kai'Sa's equipment again, Aashiki already has the first piece of equipment.

The most luxurious in the whole place!

There was no way to fight this team battle, so we could only watch helplessly as FPX took over Rift Herald.

And clid no longer has the energy to fight~(End of chapter)

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