LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 426 The explosive lineup

"Prince Jarvan IV of Demacia defeated the Rift Herald!!"

Under the watchful eyes of SKT's Sword Lady, Syndra, Digger and Braum, five FPX players gathered to win the Rift Herald.

But the four members of SKT didn't even dare to try to grab it!

In fact, it’s not that clid doesn’t have the courage!

But the chance of him going in to grab the dragon was too small. Galio's taunt control, Neeko's control, even if anyone took a little control, he wouldn't be able to hand over the punishment.

What's even more pitiful is that Prince Chen Mu's level and punishment damage are both higher than Rek'Sai's!
  After Pioneer wins, FPX will not give SKT any pace to ease its development.

After FPX won the Rift Herald, they immediately placed it in the middle and put pressure on it from five people.

And the pressure came to SKT again, and they were faced with a dilemma.

Should we defend the middle tower or not? !
  Look at the five FPX players gathered in the middle lane, and they also brought the Canyon Pioneer with them. They are planning to "unbreak Loulan and never return it"!

But if the middle tower is not defended, SKT's defense will be ripped open in the middle, and the entire jungle and neutral resources will be lost.

But if you want to defend the first tower in the middle, you only need one or two people. Syndra, who relies on faker alone, cannot defend it no matter what.

Not only could they not hold on, they would also be forced to open by FPX.

To defend this defensive tower, SKT needs at least four people.
  But with such a single-band Sword Lady, Verus, who is frantically replenishing his development, will give up his troops and move to the middle.
  Looking at his miserable ADC Verus, faker could only sigh helplessly.

"Forget it, just defend the middle lane if you can, and continue to develop each line!"

As he spoke, Syndra in Faker's hand also leaned back.

Hearing Faker's words, Clid, Khan and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If the big daddy in the team gives his word, they will carry it out no matter what.

But now that faker has relented, Excavator and Sword Girl must either get into their own jungle area or rush to the road.

Sindra immediately retreated from the first tower on his home road to the vicinity of the second tower.

Aguang's Ornn is right in the front, and he has a strong front-facing ability.

A distance of one or two thousand yards can be opened casually~
  In the end, it was just a matter of a wave of soldiers. With the combined efforts of the five FPX players, they successfully knocked down the first blood tower in the middle of the game.

But in this wave, faker sacrificed himself, but also bought about a minute of development time for his teammates.

Khan's Sword Lady took another layer of tapioca in the top lane, while Verus grew up in the bottom lane for two minutes.

The team’s economic gap is still around three thousand!
  After Verus returned to the city, he finally took out his first piece of equipment, Desolation.

But FPX's offensive is just the beginning.

One tower fell down in the middle of FPX, and the entire middle gate was wide open!

Clid’s jungle area no longer distinguishes between you and me, anyone can enter~
  As the skills of the prince and Neeko have improved, Galio has also been promoted to level 6, and Ornn's TP teleportation has also improved, FPX's combat effectiveness is extremely strong!

Fortunately, all neutral resources have been taken by FPX, and there are no neutral resources at this stage.

But this is not good news for SKT's bottom lane duo.

Xiaolong is not there, and Rift Pioneer is not, so this also means that the people from FPX are coming to find them again.

But they can't switch directly to the top lane, which makes life difficult for Khan's Sword Lady.

Khan's Sword Lady is meant to be worn alone, not to withstand pressure.

At the same time, when FPX decided to push the bottom lane, SKT also shifted its focus to the bottom lane.

"Oh? Both sides are moving towards the lower half. FPX wants to push the first tower in the bottom lane, but it seems that SKT wants to take over the group in the bottom lane!" I remember saying excitedly while watching the scene on the court.

"Oh, but in this wave of FPX, Orn went back to collect the line first. He has teleportation on him, but Khan's Sword Princess teleportation is still in the CD?! Sword Princess will not be there in this wave!" Guan Ze Yuan couldn't help but wonder.

At this point, in the game.

FPX seems to have begun to attack SKT's bottom lane tower!
  "Verus and Bronn's ability to defend the tower is too weak now, and adding an excavator won't do it! The speed of clearing the line is too slow..." Guan Zeyuan shook his head helplessly.

"The key thing is that FPX's initiative ability is too strong, and Neeko and Ornn are casual supports~" I remember also giving SKT a death sentence.

"I found that the LCK seems to like Verus or Ice."

Brother Zaozi also started his own analysis: "Functional ADCs like Verus and Han Bing are very suitable for the LCK's style of play. They have high laning intensity and can also play a role in starting a group first, but Once you are at a disadvantage, it will be difficult to recover the situation!”

"That's what I say, but the problem is that SKT has to defend the bottom tower! Otherwise, SKT will lose two defense towers in a row in these eleven minutes, which will be too hurt!"

"You must defend. If you don't defend, it will be equal to being directly pushed by SKT. It's better to just go to 15 points. It seems that a wave of team battles will break out."

I remember when I finished speaking, the director also moved the camera to the bottom lane.

At this time, SKT's bottom duo was pinned under the tower, shivering.

Even last-minute strikes must be done with caution.

Excavators were also on hand to help clear the lines of troops.

The three of them will be consumed if they are not careful, which is very uncomfortable.

Unknowingly, the difference between Verus and Kai'Sa's last hits was nearly 20 knives!
  Even SKT fans at the scene couldn't help but worry.

"Teddy, this Verus feels so uncomfortable to play! It's almost 20 dollars, how can I play?!"

"Axiba, the 20 dollars is already calculated. How should we make up for the 3 heads behind?!"

"I can't help it... Originally, their combination was supposed to be strong online, but Xiba and Prince ganked in the jungle many times!! It's normal~"

"No, we can't be suppressed by so many swords, right? Let's fight in a group. The combat capabilities of Verus and Kai'Sa are not at the same level. How can we fight?"

"Every time I go out in the jungle, something goes wrong, Xibal~"

SKT fans were immediately stunned.

At the same time, in the game.

Syndra from faker is also here.
  The pressure on the bottom lane is too great, and Neeko has already provided support.

Under the protection of his auxiliary Braum and Excavator, Verus didn't dare to last any last hits.

If Neeko is controlled by one of her E skills, what awaits is overwhelming artillery fire.

With Syndra's support, everyone in SKT finally feels confident.

Syndra's E skill is a divine skill!
  It can interrupt many skills and has great restrictions on Neeko, Prince and Galio.

At the same time, Ornn, who is on the road, has returned to the defense tower in advance, seemingly ready for TP support at any time.

"The opponent Ornn is preparing to T. The opponent Ornn is preparing to T!" Khan shouted directly in the voice.

Faker frowned, but there was no suitable solution.

If you don’t keep this one and let that one go, it’s really not as good as 15 o’clock~
  "It looks like FPX is going to jump over the tower, and Ornn is ready to TP at any time. And the four people from SKT are going to defend!" I remember looking at the scene on the court and saying, "But the initiative on the court is still with FPX. side."

"Yes, FPX is serious. FPX must take action this time!" Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but said.

"It depends on how the prince starts the team battle first, and let's see how FPX handles it later."

When the explanation is finished, it is only seen on the field.

Chen Mu's prince doesn't want to fight like this with SKT anymore. He can't get past the tower with just a few skills.

The only option is violence.

Chen Mu's signal hit the opposite side Verus's head directly. Then his prince did not hesitate at all.
  Flash to cover the ultimate move!

Verus, Excavator and Bronn were directly covered in place, and Liu Qingsong immediately launched his ultimate move targeting the prince.

Here comes the hero!

Aoun, who was still on the road, pressed his teleport at the same time, and the TP's position was under the opposite defense tower.

"It's on, it's on!" The voices of several commentators suddenly became excited. The direction of this game will all depend on this wave of team battles.

"It's open on the other side! It's open on the other side!"

"Look at the prince! Look at the prince!"

The voice within the SKT team is also extremely noisy.

When the prince took action for the first time, Teddy shouted quickly.

Everyone in FPX is bound to win this wave, but is it not an opportunity for SKT?

After all, it was only a little over ten minutes, and the damage of the defense tower was still very high!

After Chen Mu's prince's ultimate move hit Verus, Teddy reacted very quickly. When he saw the prince running towards him, he didn't panic at all.

He directly used his R skill and tied him to the prince.

But Chen Mu’s reaction was faster!
  The moment Verus raised his hand, when the corruption arrow had already landed on the prince, he directly picked it away with EQ twice.

Taking advantage of the forced displacement effect of Prince EQ's second company, he still moved out.

Although the prince was tied up, it was not under the defense tower, but pulled away from behind the defense tower.

This is critical!

He cannot take any control under the defense tower, especially Verus's ultimate move. If Verus's ultimate move spreads, it will harm his teammates.

After seeing Chen Mu take action, Nicole had already taken action with EQ, dealing a lot of AOE damage while also controlling Braum and Excavator.

Then the big move came in.

But at this time, Faker's Syndra was already waiting for her.

The E skill directly pushed Neeko away, preventing Neeko from hitting Syndra and Verus in the back row.

"Oh... the prince has entered the field! But the effect is average, and he is also hit! The effect of Neeko's ultimate move is also average, only hitting the Excavator and Braum, but not Verus and Syndra in the back row. bump into!"

Seeing this sudden scene on the field, Guan Zeyuan's eyes were stunned and he explained quickly.

"SKT's defense is very good. The entire formation is not broken at all. Can this wave of FPX's tower jumps continue?!" I remember getting angry and shouting passionately.


in the game.

Chen Mu's prince has been separated from the rest of FPX, and SKT is planning to turn back and deal with the prince first.

But right now.

I saw a handsome boy falling from the sky!

It's Galio! !
  Originally, the four-person SKT formation was very tight.
  But as Galio's hero appeared, Galio suddenly fell to the ground, like a bolt from the blue!
  Here comes the hero!

Galio's appearance also brought this wave of tower jumping to a climax.

  Galio's ultimate move was aimed at the prince's ultimate move. At this time, Verus and Syndra were still in the midst of the prince's collapse!
  If it was just the prince's ultimate move, there would be no need to flash.

But at this time, Galio’s ultimate move won’t work~
  The cross should be flashed, the cross should be purified, and the cross should be purified.
  SKT's originally tight formation was split into two parts.

But the next moment, Aguang's Ornn also landed in the center of the battlefield through TP teleportation.

Landing is a big move.

A sheep moo sounded in the void, and a huge sheep head pointed towards everyone in SKT.

This is the lore!

"Oh... SKT originally wanted to deal with the lonely prince, but Galio's ultimate move failed, and SKT's lineup was divided instead!"

"Eh? Wait... Galio's ultimate move has fallen! Ornn's TP has also fallen!! Oh my God, the second wave of FPX's entry is about to begin?!" Looking at the twists and turns on the field, I remember that the explanation was a bit conceited. Dry tongue.

"That's right!" Miller nodded: "The first wave of princes entering the field is to deliberately deceive Verus and Syndra's key skills, so that they can prepare for the subsequent entrance of Galio and Ornn. Create conditions! I have to say that Chen Mu played very well as a team in this game, not thinking about himself at all!" Uzi also nodded in admiration.

"In that case, FPX's Kai'Sa will also move!"

Several commentators were shouting passionately.

At the same time, the audience off the field and in the live broadcast room were all excited.

With the entry of Galio and Ornn, the entire situation turned upside down again.

Galio forced out Verus' summoner skills, and Aguang's Ornn was not greedy for more.

There is no requirement to recruit as many people as possible, but it must reach the C position.

in the game.

Aoun's sheep head hit Verus steadily.

"Expect your great wisdom!"

"I'm flying, I'm flying!"

Among the voices in the FPX team, each one is louder than the other.

Especially Lin Weixiang shouted while operating.

This wave was finally what he had been waiting for!
  Verus was left alone and was hit by the sheep again.

next moment.
  Flying dragon riding face!

Although SKT's people want to try their best to rescue, Ping A can't stop it!

Verus has eaten so many AOE skills, and his health is very low.

The flying-faced Kai’Sa, AQAA
  "Kasha, the daughter of the void, killed Verus, the arrow of punishment!"

For a moment, ADC was killed in an instant, which also caused SKT and the others to be defeated!

Although Syndra immediately poured her ultimate move on Kai'Sa, Kai'Sa, who was full of blood, still had a shield on her body and was not afraid of Syndra, who was not fat at this time.

At this point, SKT's double C has all the skills, and ADC is dead!

What remains is how FPX can expand its results!
  "Ka'Sa, the daughter of the void, kills Syndra, the leader of darkness!"

"Braum, Heart of the Freljord, killed Galio, Colossus of Justice"

"The void burrowing beast Rek'Sai killed the Demacian prince Jarvan IV!"

SKT's Double C took the lead to the end, but Prince and Galio, who were the first to resist the tower on FPX's side, were also killed one after another.

But it was not SKT's double C Syndra and Verus who took the kills, but the support and jungler.
  However, the lone support and jungler immediately fell under the concentrated fire of the remaining three people from FPX.

Two for four! (End of chapter)

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