LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 50 Officially Joining IG

Chapter 50 Officially Joining IG
The next day, Chen Mu appeared in IG's training base.

Su Xiaoluo is showing Chen Mu a preliminary tour of IG's training base, training room, bedroom, office area, bathroom, and cafeteria.

Since yesterday, Chen Mu researched the transfer information, spotted the IG team, and without hesitation, immediately sent a trial training request to IG.

And IG is also in urgent need of a top laner to serve as a substitute for their top laner TheShy. At least when TheShy's hand injury has not fully recovered, there is one person who can rotate with TheShy.

So both parties were bastards looking at Mung Bean, and they saw it right in an instant. They hit it off, and the next day, Chen Mu had already arrived at the IG base, planning to talk to the management of IG.

After visiting IG's base, Su Xiaoluo brought Chen Mu to the office.

As soon as he entered, Chen Mu found that Wang Sicong was also in the office.

Chen Mu found that Wang Sicong's speech was not as arrogant and reckless as on the Internet. When it came to business, he still seemed humble.

However, Wang Sicong is not involved in the daily management of the IG team. This time, the interview will focus on Su Xiaoluo.

Su Xiaoluo spoke first: "Chen Mu, before we talk."

"May I take the liberty to ask first, what caused you and RNG not to renew your contract?!"

Chen Mu felt that RNG's contract was not an unreasonable reason, but he still had some reservations, and said very implicitly: "The main reason is that the development philosophy of the RNG team and I do not agree. unacceptable."

And when Chen Mu said this, Su Xiaoluo and Wang Sicong understood in seconds. RNG's contract is relatively well-known in the circle. It is foolish to fool those young people who have not read much and are still young. Can.

But they were originally business people, and they knew a lot about various contracts, so they naturally knew what Chen Mu meant.

After understanding the real reason why Chen Mu and RNG did not get along, Su Xiaoluo also opened the door and said: "At present, our IG team mainly wants to recruit a top laner position to rotate with TheShy. In the mid laner position, There is no plan to recruit players, so I don’t know if this is different from what you think, Chen Mu.”

And Chen Mu originally planned to try out the top laner position, Chen Mu still has this self-knowledge, he is not the invincible TheGod now, and now Chen Mu's level is the level of the national uniform master king.Not to mention the starting players like IG, even any youth training player from IG can beat Chen Mu.

So with the current state of Rookie, Chen Mu has no possibility of replacing Rookie at all.

When Chen Mu came to IG for trial training, he originally took advantage of the loophole when TheShy teacher lost his hand, and wanted to see if he could find his own opportunity in this loophole.

So Chen Mu said: "No problem, I originally planned to try out the top laner position."

And Su Xiaoluo and Wang Gongzi looked at each other, thinking in their hearts that there was something wrong!

Su Xiaoluo continued: "By the way, Chen Mu!"

"I don't know what kind of contract you are in RNG, what kind of contract RNG has offered you, but now our IG budget is not that much, and your contract can only be given a basic contract of 100 million a year. Of course, if you perform If it’s good, there must be basic things like tournament bonuses, and the live streaming contract team will try their best to help you negotiate.”

But Chen Mu agreed without hesitation: "There is no problem, but I think the contract will only be signed until the end of this year, and we will talk about next year!"

And IG was so happy, Su Xiaoluo: "Okay, no problem"

They originally wanted to find a temporary substitute for TheShy, and they didn't want to sign a long-term contract, but IG saw that Chen Mu also wanted a short-term contract.

It's the bastard looking at the mung beans again, and they hit it off immediately.

Su Xiaoluo saw that the most important issues between the two parties had been negotiated, and it was extremely smooth. The Chen Mu in front of him basically had no requirements in the contract, and he agreed to it all the way.

He was also very curious in his heart, why did RNG fall out with Chen Mu who is so easy to talk to? !
So Su Xiaoluo also sold a favor, and said to Chen Mu: "Chen Mu, if there is no big problem, we can prepare the contract according to what we talked about, and tomorrow you can come to our base to officially sign .”

Then he paused and said: "According to the truth, everyone who enters the first team of the IG team should have a trial training first, but Chen Mu, everyone can see your performance in the MSI mid-season game. And the transfer did not happen. A few days are coming to an end, and the official trial training may be too late, as for the team’s running-in problem, let’s slowly get in the way in the following games.”

When Chen Mu heard that there was no trial training, he felt relieved.

Originally, he was still worrying about how to pass his trial training. After all, he is not possessed by the God of the World Tournament now, and he does not have that kind of god-level buff.

Don't wait for Chen Mu to pull his hips in various ways during the trial training, and he will be directly beaten by shy brother or any IG youth training member, that will be embarrassing!

The next day, Chen Mu came to the IG base again, and the IG team also prepared the contract. Chen Mu opened it and looked at it.

IG's contract is much more normal, the liquidated damages are only about the same as the contract amount, there is no series of exaggerated zeros like the RNG contract, and there are not so many restrictive clauses in the contract.

Chen Mu looked through the contract and found nothing wrong.

Finally signed his name on the contract.

The next day, the news that Chen Mu and TheGod joined IG spread throughout the entire LOL circle.

"True Galactic Battleship!!"

"Wuhu! Take off!"

"Chen Mu, come on! IG, come on!"

There are those who are optimistic about Chen Mu and the IG team, and naturally there are those who ridicule IG and Chen Mu.

"I can understand why Chen Mu left RNG, but I don't understand, why did he go to IG?!"

"Eighteen-game winning streak overall runner-up?!"

"Have you watched the video of Ao En and Big Chongzi before, Chen Mu is just a world jb!"

"The traitor must die!!"

"Let me put it here. Chen Mu is nothing if he leaves RNG. Without Uzi, he is a shit."

Of course, there are also people who eat melons who don't know the truth.

"Chen Mu, when you go to IG, what position do you play?! Is it mid laner or top laner, but IG's mid laner is the god of chicken!"

Immediately below, a big hand began to popularize it to everyone.

"According to the recorded contract, Chen Mu went to IG to play the top laner position and substitute for TheShy."

As soon as he heard it, there was another burst of ridicule under the post.

"I can't fucking understand. Is this Chen Mu mentally ill? He was already able to replace Xiaohu in the starting line-up in RNG, why did he go to IG to play as a substitute?!"

"It is estimated that IG gave too much, and Chen Mu also went to hug Wang Sicong's stinky feet!"

(End of this chapter)

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