LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 51 The first live broadcast

Chapter 51 The first live broadcast
After the news of Chen Mu joining IG leaked, the most discussed news in the entire LOL circle was this explosive news.

And De Yunse, who has always regarded himself as an IG old man, also expressed his views in a live broadcast.

The bald man smiled and said: "Chen Mu's going to IG must be a big boost for IG. TheShy's hand is not injured now. Chen Mu's going to IG just happens to be in rotation with Brother Shy."

Naturally, there was a lot of opposition on the bullet screen.

"Hehe, in the video of Chen Mu's previous training match, his Ornn and Big Chongzi were directly beaten!"

"xswl, don't start RNG well, go to IG to play as a substitute, is this the brain circuit of the MSI MVP?!"

"Substitute for the top laner?! Eighteen-game winning streak and the final runner-up?! Chen Mu is an idiot!"

But when they saw the barrage that belittled IG in the live broadcast room, the fat man and the bald man were not happy.

The bald man smiled and said: "What's wrong with the training match, what's the use of the training match?! If the training match is useful, Lu Benwei and Faker are still in a [-]-[-] match. What's the use?! It's not because the World Championship was blown up!"

Fatty Xika said more directly: "Let me just say this, if Chen Mu can still play the three MSI mid-season games, 50.00% of his strength, whether it is TheShy or rookie, even if it is Faker, You must obediently go to the substitute."

At this time, the RNG office.

Bai Xing slammed the water glass in his hand against the table, tugged at his collar, and cursed:

"Fuck, are these IG people stupid? I even released the video of Chen Mu being beaten up in the training match, and they even recruited Chen Mu to be the top order."

Standing by the side, Heart had no choice but to persuade: "It may be that TheShy is in an unstable state, and duke hasn't played for a long time, so IG wants to recruit someone to be TheShy's substitute, and Chen Mu naturally into their eyes."

Hearing Heart's persuasion, Bai Xing heaved a sigh of relief again, cursing: "Fuck, and this Chen Mu, wouldn't it be good to start in my RNG? Going to IG to play as a substitute, does he have brains too?" Sick?"

Then Bai Xing shouted to Heart: "Heart, I don't care, the next time you meet IG, you prepare well for me, and you must teach me a good lesson!"

But between Bai Xing's words, he didn't feel that there was any problem with his contract with RNG.In short, it is not you who is wrong, it is always the other side who is wrong!

After Chen Mu signed the contract with IG,
The LPL Summer Split will officially start on June 6, and it is now the end of May, which is the offseason between the Spring Split and the Summer Split in the LPL Division.On weekdays, the training of the players is also very boring, just taking advantage of this offseason, they can rest.

Therefore, the IG team has already had a small long vacation. Whether it is a team member or a member of the second team, many people are not in the base.

The team members who live in Shanghai will naturally not continue to be crowded in the IG dormitory, and they all moved out to live outside.

So the last time Chen Mu visited the IG base, there were not many people in the LOL branch of the IG base, and only a few players who did not have a place to live in Shanghai lived in the club base.

And after Chen Mu signed the contract, the management of the IG team did not immediately ask Chen Mu to report to the IG club's base, but continued to let Chen Mu take a short vacation.

The IG management only needs Chen Mu to move to the IG base a few days before the start of the summer split and participate in the team's daily training.

As for the problem of running in with the team in advance, Chen Mu is originally TheShy's substitute rotation. Whether Chen Mu can play depends on the recovery of TheShy's hand injury, so there is no need to prepare in advance for the team's running in.

Afterwards, the IG club also moved quickly, and negotiated a live broadcast contract for Chen Mu the next day, and the live broadcast platform was chosen as the Dousha live broadcast platform.

This is the advantage of having a good team. If Chen Mu negotiates a live streaming contract with the platform as an individual, he will be squeezed mercilessly by the platform.

But if we negotiate in the name of the team, we can naturally get more favorable conditions.

Not only does the live broadcast not need to be that long, but it can also talk about a good gift share.

As a professional player of LOL e-sports, he naturally doesn't have much time to broadcast live, so the live broadcast contract of a general team will not be too long for each month of live broadcast.

After Chen Mu signed the live broadcast contract, he naturally needed to fulfill the contract.

However, live broadcasting is really a novel thing for Chen Mu. In his previous life, Chen Mu himself was just an ordinary office worker, and he really had no experience in live broadcasting.

And in this life, when Chen Mu was watching the water dispenser at RNG, he also tried to broadcast live.

But the result is something that Chen Mu will never forget!
Except for two or three robots in the live broadcast room, only Chen Mu was left there alone, chatting, saying that in the end, Chen Mu himself had become autistic!
And Chen Mu's live broadcast room still has the title of the RNG team, but you, a person who doesn't even have RNG makeup photos, once a tourist enters Chen Mu's live broadcast room, do you think this person is a liar? !
"Is the anchor really from the RNG team?!"

"The anchor is not a liar, is he?!"

"Can the anchor turn on the camera?! I want to see Uzi!"

This is the barrage that appeared the most in Chen Mu's live broadcast room.

And simply Chen Mu no longer broadcast live.

Now that the broadcast was live again, Chen Mu naturally couldn't be so hasty, and since he had already signed a contract with the Dousha platform, he had to show some professionalism and deal with it seriously.

Chen Mu even configured a computer in his small apartment for this purpose.

As for this apartment, after Chen Mu's careful consideration, he did not intend to withdraw the rent.

One is that I really need a small nest in Shanghai, although Chen Mu will live in the team's base on weekdays.But in addition to the spring and summer seasons, there are long offseasons and vacations throughout the year.

During this period of time, Chen Mu didn't want to be crowded in the dormitory of the team base all the time, he also needed a little private space of his own.

Second, with Chen Mu's savings for a year, Chen Mu also has some spare money. Although the rent in Shanghai is still prohibitive, there is no pressure for Chen Mu to rent a small apartment.

The computer was also supplied through the special channel provider of the IG team club. It took Chen Mu less than half a day from placing the order to delivering the computer to the apartment.

And there are special masters to help debug it.

At [-] o'clock that night, it was the prime time for the live broadcast, and the computer and network had been deployed.

Chen Mu opened his live broadcast room.

As for the title of the live broadcast, Chen Mu thought about it for a long time.

This is my first live broadcast, so I naturally have to choose a gimmick name that can attract enough tourists.


After thinking about it, Chen Mu typed a line.

"Chen Mu's substitute career!"

(End of this chapter)

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