Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 113 Great God, Why Did You Resign?

Chapter 113 Great God, Why Did You Resign?

With Qiao Yifan's arrival, Xingxin added another young player. After Tang Yue asked Qiao Yifan's opinion, he reserved his account, One Inch Ash, for training, and Tang Yue's trumpet, Guijun Mowei, would be his account for future competitions.

When Qiao Yifan saw that on the contract Yan Cunxin handed him, in the salary column, it clearly stated [-] yuan, he was also quite surprised.

In Weicao, he was paid as a member of the second team, with a monthly salary of [-]. Unexpectedly, Heming Xingxin, a new team outside the league, would give him [-].

When he came to Xingxin, it wasn't someone who invited him, but Wei Cao came to Xingxin to study with Ye Shen after Wei Cao announced that there was no place for him, and he didn't think about how much salary he could get.

Qiao Yifan, as a small and transparent Weicao, lacked self-confidence. Seeing so much salary, he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy, and said to Yan Cunxin, "Director Yan, I'm the only one here. Is the salary too high?"

After all, when he was playing the dungeon, he had already been bragged by some retail investors: Xingxin was competing against the champion Weicao team, and the salary of the novice players was [-].

He should be considered a novice player, and giving him [-] is already enough for him to be happy.

Yan Cunxin smiled and said: "Your salary level is decided by the board of directors and given according to your level, so you are worth so much. I hope you can practice hard, improve your strength, and get a higher level of salary. The highest level of Xingxin's salary is annual salary 1000 million, of course, this standard can only be obtained after entering the alliance, and it is estimated that only Ye Xiu can get it."

Qiao Yifan who got the affirmation nodded vigorously: "Director Yan, I will work hard."

Currently, Xingxin's salary level of [-] is Tang Yue, Xiang Tian, ​​Hu Yu, Sun Yaoyang, Qiu Fei and Qiao Yifan.The basic skills are already very good, only the level of fire is lacking.

Tang Rou, Bao Rongxing, Luo Ji, An Wenyi, and Mo Fan who are in the lowest salary class all need to continue to practice their basic skills, and they can only be regarded as rookie level.

Others are stronger than them, and they have nothing to dissatisfy, but are full of confidence.

Because as long as they work hard to improve, they can get a monthly salary of [-] in the future.

The monthly salary of 20 is at the middle level in the league. It is incomparable with the god-level players. It is far from the starting point of [-] for the All-Stars, but it is a minority after all. Most players in the league earn around [-]. , Counting the appearance fee and the bonus for winning the game, the annual income is mostly around one million.

An annual salary of one million is definitely considered a high-income group in the market. Most of the league teams have less than eight people, which is to control costs. After all, a club has more logistics service personnel in addition to professional players. One less professional player saves money. Can support ten other employees.

The main reason why Xingxin's players can have such a high salary is that they have Tang Yue, who is not short of money, and half of the team members are shareholders. They have already made money, so they don't care about giving more money to other players.

Of course, the scope of the money also includes Liyue and Yan Cunxin who have worked hard for the regularization of the team.

Liyue and Yan Cunxin completed the hype a while ago. After the resolution of the board of directors, they not only got a salary increase, but also promoted their positions. Manager, the monthly salary of the three of them is [-] yuan, and they will be subsidized another [-] yuan for participating in guild activities.

In addition to the players, there are currently 13 professional backbones stationed in Xingxin, all of whom are Wei Chen's old brothers. The main job is to play high-end dungeons, and occasionally participate in the wild map boss fight. You can eat or buy a meal at will.

Xingxin Guild also has members of the elite group, mainly jungle map bosses.

The elite group doesn't just need to have an account card. Not only do they have to live, but they also have to be on call at any time. When Ye Xiu's five-guild alliance is dispatched, they have to follow. Must be playing games full-time, if you are absent three times, you will be directly removed from the list.

Those who can meet the requirements, there are a total of 15 people in the Xingxin Federation of Trade Unions, in addition to Wei Chen's six younger brothers who stayed in G City, there are also Qiancheng, Hindsight, the backbone of Xingxin's guild in the tenth district.

They have now passed the challenge of the realm of the gods and directly joined Xingxin's elite group.

For these members of the elite group, Xingxin paid a monthly salary of [-], because they were not present at the scene and did not enjoy board and lodging subsidies.

At present, there are more than 200 Xingxin guild members in the Realm of Gods. Some of them were recruited by Chen Guo and Lin Shanshui from Excellent Dynasty, and some were promoted from District [-]. Some of them came here by themselves. There are undercover agents from other guilds.

Therefore, as long as the elite group of Xingxin Guild is a full-time player, they will sign a formal contract with their ID card and pay their salary.

With this regulation, even if you were originally an undercover agent, you will be recruited. If you dare to step on two boats and damage the interests of Heming Xingxin Club, according to the provisions of the contract, you will not only have to pay huge sums of money, but also eat you. Lawsuit.

After the efforts of more than 200 people, Xingxin's general guild has only been promoted to level 10. The number of members that can accommodate is only 2000, and it will not be enough in a while.

It is very difficult for a new guild to get ahead. The shortage of soldiers is one aspect, and the other guild suppresses them.

The lack of soldiers does not mean that there are too few players in the Domain of Gods, but that there are too many guilds. For the old guild, new players are a treasure. Every player who advances to the Domain of Gods will be attracted by the original guild to the headquarters.

The development of the Xingxin guild now falls on Chen Guo's head. Li Yue and Yan Cunxin are Chen Guo's second generals. Of course, they are the two of them who work. They are also elite players of Lanxi Pavilion. If you have experience.

Boss Chen is an avid fan of Glory. If Tang Rou hadn't helped with the challenge mission, she would still be in the fifth district.

At the end of July, at the regular board meeting, Yan Cunxin was reporting the recent work situation.

"If the guild in Xingxin's tenth district hadn't been for Lord Grim's strength, it wouldn't have been able to develop at all if it had killed the big guild in Qianbo Lake to seek peace. However, Xingxin's guild in the tenth district only had more than 6000 people, most of whom were novice players. , They want to challenge through the realm of the gods, without two or three years of accumulation, it will be difficult."

"There are no novice players in the Realm of the Gods. There are so many guilds, large and small. Those who can pass the challenge of the Realm of the Gods are considered masters among the players. They have been divided up by various guilds in the old district. We have to find another way."

"Most of the wandering warriors are unhappy in the original guild and want to change guilds, or they haven't played for a long time and their guild has disappeared, or they are wild accounts of various guilds. Anyway, they are not good sources of soldiers."

"We have to continue to build momentum and choose fanatical fans to join."

"When our official website is ready, as long as we drain it, we should be able to harvest another wave of players."

"The target of our drainage is the fans of Jiale Dashen, Ye Shen and Zuishen. The main sources are Baihua, Excellent Era and Lanxi Pavilion."

Speaking of this, Yan Cunxin suddenly asked Ye Xiu: "God Ye, when will Lord Grim return to Xingxin Guild?"

Ye Xiuxiu was playing with his mobile phone, when he heard Yan Cunxin ask him, he raised his head and asked, "Is it very important?"

Yan Cunxin nodded: "Very important."

Ye Xiu nodded, turned around and went up to the third floor, picked up the mouse, and immediately quit the guild.

Before Ye Xiu went downstairs, a VX message popped up on his cell phone on the table.

Loulan Slash: "Great God, why did you withdraw?"

(End of this chapter)

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