Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 114 Official Website Completion

Chapter 114 Official Website Completion
Loulan Slash: "Great God, why did you withdraw?"

The phone was placed on the table, and Yan Cunxin could see the content at a glance.

Seeing her idol being so decisive, Yan Cunxin was also dumbfounded.

A lot of persuasive reasons I organized before the meeting, but I didn't say anything.

Seeing that Yan Cunxin was still standing there in a daze, Tang Yue asked, "Why are you standing there, continue with the meeting."

Yan Cunxin came back to her senses and said awkwardly, "Ah, I just didn't expect God Ye to be so decisive."

Wei Chen laughed: "Although this product has no lower limit, the execution ability is still good."

Just when Ye Xiu came in, he said to Yan Cunxin, "Retire, Lord Grim will join Xingxin in five days."

Yan Cunxin pointed to his mobile phone and said to Ye Xiu, "Loulan Zhan asked why you quit the membership."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "Go ahead, I'll tell him."

After finishing speaking, he replied to Loulan Slash.

Lord Grim: "I am the president of Xingxin's guild in the tenth district. Xingxin, the domain of gods, already has a guild. Of course, I, the president, have to go home."

Loulan Slash: "If you need any help, just say hello."

Lord Grim: "Alright, send someone to help us upgrade to level 20."

Loulan Slash was just being polite just now, but Ye Xiu couldn't be polite and asked for help directly.

Loulan Slash hurriedly took it back: "No problem, when you play guard, a few members of our team will change numbers to help you."

The five bosses of the other team came to help you fight in person, what else do you have to say?
Lord Grim: "Okay."

Ye Xiu put down his phone, and said to Yan Cunxin who was staring dumbfounded, "This small building is full of ghosts."

After finishing speaking, he looked back at Tang Yue: "Is your drunk lying on the battlefield still in Lanxi Pavilion?"

The Zuiwo battlefield is indeed still in Lanxi Pavilion.

Chen Guo could encourage Yan Cunxin and Li Yue to come to Happy, but she didn't dare to encourage Tang Yue.

She thought that Tang Yue had other purposes for leaving the Zuiwo battlefield in Lanxi Pavilion. After all, Tang Yue had already poached Xiangtian and the other three from Lanyu, and also poached the number one beauty and the number one female master from Lanxi Pavilion.

The real reason is that Tang Yue has too many accounts. Except for the Junmo X Brothers who entered the Xingxin guild, the other accounts are all bought, and the ones they join are all messy guilds. Thinking about returning.

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Zuiwo Battlefield is now the account of Yinwu. I'm still waiting to trade materials with Lanxi Pavilion in the future. Besides, Zuiwo Battlefield is an ammunition expert, and all the equipment is given to Jun Mowu. , I’m going to use a sharpshooter, of course it’s Jun Mo, what are you doing lying drunk on the battlefield?”

Yan Cunxin immediately said: "Zuiwo Battlefield is also an account with great reputation, and it is also an account that is perfectly matched with Lord Grim. How can you just abandon it casually? Xingxin guild is developing, and it is about to use this character."

Tang Yue looked at Zhang Jiale: "Jiale, are you going to sleep on the battlefield drunk?"

Zhang Jiale shook his head: "I'll just use Jun Mowu, otherwise people will think I'm you, what should I do if they ask me to pay off the romantic debt?"

Everyone else laughed, only Wei Chen said seriously: "What Director Yan said is that the ID of Zuiwo battlefield is very important. You can't just give it up. The outside world only knows that Zuishen is you. Why are you using Junmo?"

Tang Yue realized that Zhang Jiale was willing to be her substitute. The proposal just now was really inappropriate.

So he nodded and said: "Well then, I will ask Mo Qiang to help me practice a batch of accounts. The 25 professional names are all drunk on the battlefield. When the time comes to decide which profession to use for the game, I will choose one to sign up, no matter what profession it is. , everyone knows it's me."

Seeing that Tang Yue was about to lose his fortune again, Ye Xiu immediately said: "It doesn't take that much, just ask Mo Qiang to help you re-train a sharpshooter called Zuiwo on the battlefield, this is your strongest combat power."

Tang Yue's biggest feature is that he can aim quickly and shoot accurately, and the sharpshooter has the skill bonus of guns and martial arts to physical skills, so Ye Xiu said that the sharpshooter is Tang Yue's strongest combat power.

Tang Yue nodded, picked up her phone, transferred 20 yuan directly to Mo Qiang, and left a message: "Practice an account in District 70, level [-] sharpshooter, ID drunk lying on the battlefield, and don't do the task. The package comes with a full set of high-sensitivity orange outfits from the realm of God." , no weapons."

In less than a minute, Mo Qiang replied via WeChat: "OK, you are satisfied, and I will send it to you as soon as possible."

Tang Yue showed Ye Xiu a look at the phone, and said, "It's done."

Ye Xiu gave Tang Yue a thumbs up and said, "If you have money, you will cheat."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "The money is earned, 20 account card, if I change the equipment and mention the data, I can sell it for 500 million casually, do you believe it?"

Before Ye Xiu could speak, Wei Chen gave a thumbs up: "Moon God cheats."

Zhang Jiale smiled and said, "You can specialize in this sale."

Tang Yue said, "You're right. I'm in the Y server. When I need to spend money, I change a set of equipment and sell it. I don't bring a silver weapon. I just sell it for 20 pounds."

Zhang Jiale asked: "Like my wilderness series?"

Tang Yue said: "It's definitely better than yours. The wilderness series is refurbished with old orange, and the quality is one level lower. It's worth [-] pounds at most."

Zhang Jiale said: "Then use the domain of gods to help me remake a set?"

Tang Yue said: "No, when you enter the alliance, make sure you have a set of customized silver equipment with the attribute of ammunition expert specialization. The quality is at the same level as Director Wei's. It is definitely worthy of the role of Conferred God."

Heming Xingxin's most silver equipment is Windward Array. Thirteen of them are all silver equipment, eight of which have Warlock specialization attribute bonuses, and two silver weapons: Dark God and Death's Hand.

The hand of death has been used as a hand practice, and it was upgraded to level 70 by Guan Rongfei. The five fingers were replaced by five daggers, each of which had its own skills and additional skills +1, and six skills could be crafted at the same time.

Tang Yue prioritized Wei Chen because Wei Chen's hand speed had deteriorated. After strengthening his equipment, he could replace Ye Xiu and lead the team match.

Wei Chen will be the main commentator of Heming Xingxin's live broadcast in the future, so he can't be said to be a fake trick that only talks but doesn't practice.And his age is here, when he can still play, try to play as much as possible, not only to satisfy his wish, but also to allow Ye Xiu to rest and play for a few more years.

Yan Cunxin waited for the communication with several shareholders to finish before continuing to report.

"Heming Xingxin's official website has been completed, and it is going to be officially launched the day after tomorrow, that is, on August 8. Here I would like to thank Luo Ji and An Wenyi, two professionals who have helped us a lot and saved Heming Xingxin a lot of time. The cost of hiring outside professionals."

Chen Guo interjected, "Yan Cunxin typed a report to me, and applied for a reward of 2 yuan to Luo Ji and An Wenyi. What do you think of the shareholders?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "I agree, Liyue and Yan Cunxin will also be rewarded with [-]."

Wei Chen raised his hand: "Agreed."

Other shareholders also raised their hands in agreement.

Yan Cunxin continued to report: "I chose to go live on August 8st because the shooting time of Heming Power's advertisement has been set. It will be on August 1nd, and the advertising time will be around August 8th. We have to let players know in advance What does God look like, when the advertisement is launched, the publicity effect will be better."

When Yan Cunxin was filling in the content on the official website, he saw Jun Moxiao, the president of Xingxin's [-]th district, who was still in the guild where Heavenly Sword is still attached, and finally couldn't help it anymore, so he asked Ye Xiu at the meeting, Jun Mo When will the laugh come back.

(End of this chapter)

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