Chapter 116
"Tomorrow night, we are away. In the team battle, Wei Chen will be the captain, Jiale, An Wenyi, Qiu Fei, Xiaoyue, and Baozi will be the substitute."

"Tomorrow for the individual competition, Qiao Yifan, Mo Fan, Luo Ji, Xiao Tang, Hu Yu and Xiang Tian for the group arena."

"The commentator on the live broadcast platform, Sun Yaoyang and I, host Yan Cunxin."

"Have you remembered the order of your appearance? Listen clearly and raise your hand. I remember to study the blueprint."

Everyone raised their hands to show that they heard clearly.

At twelve noon, a live advertisement suddenly popped up on the live broadcast platform: "At seven o'clock in the evening, the first broadcast of Heming Xingxin team's live broadcast room, room number 5678, team righteousness VS Heming Xingxin team, welcome to watch."

Before the netizens who watched the live broadcast cheered, a second live advertisement popped up on the live broadcast platform: "At seven o'clock in the evening, Heming Xingxin's commentary live broadcast room premiered, room number 9876, simultaneous commentary of Team Heavenly Swords VS Heming Xingxin team, commentator Wei Chen (Arranging in the Wind) + An Wenyi (Jun Moji), the host Li Yue (Zhiyue Qingcheng)."

Subsequently, the two advertisements turned into scrolling messages and were hung on the homepage by the live broadcast platform.

One stone caused a wave of thousands of feet, and many players who liked to watch Glory began to call their friends and make an appointment to watch the live broadcast together at night.

The playoffs have ended for more than half a month, and there is still one month before the start of the league. It is also good to have a friendly match.

Moreover, Team Heavenly Swords will be a new member for next season. No one knows about the quality of this new team, so of course it's just a sneak peek.

As for what the hell this Heming Xingxin team is, few people really know.

As soon as the live broadcast news came out, Ye Xiu received a message from Huang Shaotian in just 5 minutes.

Troubling Rain: "Lao Ye, Lao Ye, is it you Xingxin who are broadcasting live? Why did you change it to Heming Xingxin? Have you sold the team to Heming Group? Drunk God is your boss now, right? ?”

Jun Mo laughed: "Huang Shen is annoying, you are so annoying, you type a string, and you use the largest characters, you can't read them clearly, and you can't even read them."

Troubling Rain: "You haven't answered my question yet?"

Lord Grim: "No time to watch."

Troubling Rain: "You're useless, you don't even want to use your phone."

Lord Grim: "..."

Troubling Rain: "Okay, okay, you answer."

Lord Grim: "..."

Troubling Rain: "Believe it or not if you dare to send another ellipsis, I'll kill you?"

Lord Grim: "........."

Troubling Rain: "Damn, you're dead, just wait."

Lord Grim: "There's another show tomorrow night, do you want to be a commentator?"

Troubling Rain: "Why did you ask me to be the commentator?"

Lord Grim: "What do you think?"

Troubling Rain: "Get lost, bored."

Lord Grim: "Hehe, I only like it when I'm bored."

Troubling Rain: "Don't talk nonsense, I'll kill you."

Lord Grim: "Accompany me to explain, I will not speak out, otherwise, see you professional players."

Troubling Rain: "You wait."

Lord Grim: "Wait for you, goodbye, Wang Dayan has a message."

Ye Xiu clicked on Wang Jiexi's message.

Wang Buliuxing: "Are you free to play a friendly match with us?"

Lord Grim: "We and Heavenly Swords have two games. Tonight we will play at home at seven o'clock, and tomorrow night at seven o'clock Heavenly Swordsmen will play at home. How many games do you want to play?"

Wang Buliuxing: "Okay, we also have two games, but the players haven't assembled yet, so the match has to be on August 8th, how about it?"

Lord Grim: "Ask Loulan Slash, there are rules for fighting us."

Wang Buliuxing: "Ask about Loulan Slash? Tell me what you want."

Lord Grim: "We are your training partners, and the live broadcast share will not be shared with you."

Wang Buliuxing: "What a big deal, it's fine."

Lord Grim: "The training fee is 20 yuan per session."

Wang Buliuxing: "Hehe, you want to make money."

Lord Grim: "Your family has a great career, we can't afford to lose our silver weapons, and we don't charge training fees, we're at a loss."

Wang Buliuxing: "It's easy to say, I agree."

Lord Grim: "Call on the players of the Chinese Herb Hall to watch, and give the live broadcast room a boost of popularity."

Wang Buliuxing: "I agree."

Lord Grim: "Do you want me to let you too?"

Wang Buliuxing: "You let us? Also? You let Heavenly Sword? We don't need it, we spent money, you have to go all out."

Lord Grim: "That's wrong, Rang means that we have twelve contestants, and the positions are not repeated."

Wang Buliuxing: "How many people do you have?"

Lord Grim: "It's strange, we still have two more, so we can only explain."

Wang Buliuxing: "Okay, we will transfer people from the training camp, and the positions will not be repeated."

Lord Grim: "Then it's settled, should we play the home game first, or should you play the home game first?"

Wang Buliuxing: "Shake it?"

Lord Grim: "Yes."

Wang Buliuxing: "Okay, prepare a set of maps for each, and shake the points before the game. Who will host and who will be away in the first game will be determined on the spot."

Lord Grim: "Agreed, August 8th and August 15th, at seven o'clock in the evening of the two days."

Wang Buliuxing: "Definitely."

Ye Xiu closed the chat window with Wang Buliuxing and directly sent messages in the team group.

Lord Grim: "I just made an appointment with Wang Dayan, on August 8th and August 15th, the two games, Wei Cao will not be divided into the live broadcast fee, and an additional 8 yuan will be paid for a training session."

Facing the wind: "There is a window period of half a month in the middle, which one else is there?"

Lord Grim: "No need, don't worry, Heavenly Sword won't only need two rounds."

Jun Mowu: "Why?"

Lord Grim: "They will lose embarrassingly, and they definitely want to get back."

Cun Yanxin: "Should I talk to the live broadcast platform and let them release the trailer?"

Jun Moxiao: "It can be said, but the platform will release the notice, and we have to wait until the righteous sword game is over."

Cun Yanxin: "Understood."

Lord Grim: "Eat, lunch break until 1 o'clock, don't delay the afternoon to grab the boss of the wild map."

Luo Ji: "On August 8, I have already returned to school to work as an assistant to the professor, so I can't play."

Lord Grim: "It's okay, Yan Cunxin will substitute."

After Qiao Yifan joined the team, Tang Yue still had no chance to play. Whenever there was a lack of players, Ye Xiu would pull Yan Cunxin in as a substitute.

In fact, Yan Cunxin is also very talented. One-on-one strength is in the middle of Xingxin's rookies, which means that Qiu Fei can win her steadily, Hu Yu, Baozi and Tang Rou can't win steadily, but the winning rate is relatively high. Ren and Yan Cunxin were [-]-[-], Qiao Yifan and Luo Ji had never defeated Yan Cunxin heads-up.

As for Lao Wei's studio brothers, none of them are better than Yan Cunxin in duels.

Regarding Yan Cunxin's strength, Ye Xiu commented: "Yan Cunxin's characteristics are similar to Yu Wenzhou's. He uses his brain to PK, and his hand speed is also your flaw. The upper limit is not as high as theirs. You can handle it in the Challenger League. Entering the alliance will magnify it. Your bruise."

Yan Cunxin nodded: "I know, I played games very early, but I never trained systematically. Because I was in school, I didn't have time to play more. My hand speed has always been around 220. If I don't work harder, it is basically the upper limit. If I am four years younger At the age of [-], I can still work hard, and now I am very satisfied with my current job."

Ye Xiu nodded: "That's it. You will be the substitute first in the team competition. If there are enough people, I won't call you."

Yan Cunxin: "It's okay, if you need me to support you, call me anytime."

That's why Ye Xiu let Yan Cunxin take Luo Ji's place.

(End of this chapter)

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