Chapter 117
Seeing a large group of team members walking towards the cafeteria, Tang Yue suddenly asked Ye Xiu: "By the way, is there a limit on the number of people registered for the challenge? And the number of teams in the future. Is there any limit for the alliance?"

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, "Whether it's a challenge match or an alliance match, there is only a minimum of six players, and there is no upper limit."

Tang Yue said: "That's good. Except for the training camp, all will sign up at that time, and try to give the newcomers as many opportunities to exercise. As for who can become famous, there is still one month before the start of the challenge. It depends on their progress."

Ye Xiu nodded: "One year's Challenger League was too much. Our tactical coordination should have been proficient. Whether we can integrate into the team depends not only on this month, but also on the entire Challenger Season. There are also opportunities in the group arena. In the challenge competition, we try not to repeat the game."

Then he changed the subject and said to Mo Fan: "You need to communicate more with your teammates, otherwise, after a year, you still don't fit in so well, you can only play in the individual competition. Baozi, you need to help him more and care about him."

"No problem." Baozi turned his head and said to Mo Fan: "Little brother, did you hear that, the boss gave you to me."

Mo Fan can ignore Ye Xiu, but he is a little afraid of Tang Yue and Baozi. These two big men both have martial arts. Real people PK are no match at all. The key is that one is overbearing, and the other is off-line. He is powerless resist.

Ye Xiu also said: "You don't need to use your professional account when you play a dungeon. I have a lot of account cards here. You can borrow them. I don't want you to change careers. Watching others play is worse than playing by yourself. Learn more about the characteristics of other professions. It’s only when you’re fighting with ease.”

Ye Xiu finally looked at the two therapists and said: "Sun Yaoyang and An Wenyi need to communicate more. Sun Yaoyang has received formal training and has a solid foundation. An Wenyi has a good view of the overall situation and precise techniques. In complex situations, it is not as good as Sun Yaoyang. Standing therapy, An Wenyi Handle it better. Both of you have advantages and disadvantages. This is caused by different experiences, so you have to learn from each other and improve each other. Remember, you are not competitors, but comrades-in-arms. The priest is more attacking, and the guardian is more defensive. Playing depends on team tactics.”

When they heard Ye Xiu call him, they both stood up honestly, and nodded after hearing what Ye Xiu said.

After Luo Ji arrived, he made a statistical table for the opponents. After so many days of internal team competitions, Ye Xiu's winning percentage was far ahead. Wei Chen and Zhang Jiale were tied together. As Ye Xiu's opponent, his winning percentage was the lowest. Because they were mixed, it was easier to win when they joined Ye Xiu's group. They also won with Wei Chen and Zhang Jiale, but the winning rate was not high.

Of course, Luo Ji's table is not only about winning percentage, but also through the post-match summary, let the three coaches give everyone a score. The scores are accumulated every day. After each day's summary, everyone can look at their scores to know how much they have improved.

Except for Qiu Fei and Qiao Yifan who came last, Baozi's score is currently the highest among the rookies, because only Ye Xiu can command him well, and he usually follows Ye Xiu.

Ranked second is Hu Yu. He is indeed a good player in frontal charge. The captains of the two groups are very comfortable with it, and he is rated well.

Sun Yaoyang and An Wenyi were ranked behind Hu Yu, Sun Yaoyang was slightly taller, and Tang Rou Xiangtian was below. Although Luo Ji was the worst in heads-up, his performance in the team competition was not at the bottom.

The one with the lowest score was Mo Fan, so Ye Xiu had Baozi to help Mo Fan, because apart from Tang Yue, only Baozi could communicate with Mo Fan.

Faced with daily score fluctuations, the three of Lan Yu also put away the arrogance they had when they first came. They just had a high starting point, while Baozi Tangrou and An Wenyi made rapid progress. Regardless of status or team performance, they are no worse than them.

In the Xingxin team, they have no capital to be proud of.

Tang Yue waited for Ye Xiu to finish before standing up and adding, and said to Tang Rou and Hu Yu, "Tang Rou consulted Ye Shen more often, and Hu Yu consulted Jia Le more often. Your temperament is suitable for battle mages and Berserkers. You are in this profession. To improve, we should compete with other professions more, and leave a video to ask the two coaches to point out the shortcomings."

Both nodded.

Tang Yue looked at Xiang Tian again: "Xiang Tian has learned from Director Wei a lot, so don't be ashamed to ask, Director Wei looks wretched in PK, and he has a purpose. In fact, he is very bold. When you entered the training camp, he had already retired. Now, look at the respect Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou have for him, and you will know that Director Wei's love for his juniors is out of sincerity. Warlocks tend to control, talk about tactics, and are not obscene. There are not many twists and turns in their hearts. Yes, Yu Wenzhou looks gentle and doesn't have a stomach full of bad things, how could he become a master tactician."

Xiang Tian's brain is very bright, otherwise he wouldn't be able to play as a Warlock, and he is still a Warlock from Lan Yu, but he learned Yu Wenzhou, only learned the surface, but didn't learn the essence, because he didn't have the city of Yu Wenzhou, so it's better to follow Wei Chen to learn without limit,

Walking towards the sky, he bowed to Wei Chen, Wei Chen waved his hand, and then patted him on the shoulder.

For Xiang Tian, ​​Wei Chen is still optimistic. Now the alliance's jungle map boss team is generally handed over to Xiang Tian to command, just to cultivate his command and dispatch ability.

Tang Yue also said: "In addition to basic training, Luo Ji should study more tactics. After the battle, you will be responsible for sorting out the summaries. If you don't understand, you can ask God Ye. I am very optimistic about you, Xingxin's future tactical master, Kind of like Xiao Shiqin."

Chen Guo asked: "After following Ye Xiuxue, how did you become Xiao Shiqin?"

Ye Xiu said: "The other three tactical masters all studied my tactical growth, but they have different personalities, so they formed different styles."

Wei Chen said: "Although these words are rather silly, they do make sense. Everyone has different visions and understands differently. Those three are able to stand out because they have their own things."

Baozi put his arms around Mo Fan, muttering to himself all the time, and suddenly raised his hand: "Report, I said that my younger brother wants to learn from Luna, but he still said no."

Tang Yue thought for a while and said: "Mo Fan has already formed his own characteristics, there is no need to learn my control flow, you just play CD flow, you only know to wait for the opportunity now, you have to learn from Director Wei to create opportunities and create murderous opportunities, Director Wei training Huang Shaotian knows how to train you to make your explosive power even stronger."

After Mo Fan finished speaking, he turned to Baozi and said, "Brother Bao, I have basically taught you everything I can teach you. You don't need to learn from anyone. After you finish the basic training, you can use the account of the fighting department to PK. Learn more The skills of these professions can be integrated into your fighting consciousness, and then you can fight by instinct."

Baozi was eager to try it immediately: "Okay, I like PK the most. Brother, let's go to the cafeteria to eat quickly and finish PK."

Tang Yue immediately said: "After lunch, take a break, and go PK between fighting the boss."

Baozi immediately stood at attention and saluted the military: "Yesuo, master."

After observing for a period of time, Tang Yue basically figured out the characteristics of each person, and solemnly gave suggestions to let them avoid detours.

(End of this chapter)

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