Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 118 The Conflict of Tactics and Endorsements

Chapter 118 The Conflict of Tactics and Endorsements

Seeing that Tang Yue finished speaking, Director Wei immediately took the lead in applauding, and then everyone walked into the canteen box while applauding.

Wei Chen's respect for Tang Yue now comes from the bottom of his heart.

He arrived before Tang Yue. Xingxin had two or three kittens, and now it is full of members. He watched the team change along the way. Every change has Tang Yue's influence.

Tang Yue is fair, generous, and has great leadership skills. She respects veterans like them and is full of care for newcomers. It is easy for people to ignore Tang Yue's age.

Under Tang Yue's influence, Ye Qiu and the others' work and rest schedules have also become more regular. They have to exercise sooner or later, instead of staying up all night, sleeping in the morning until the afternoon, getting up to eat a bowl of lunch, and then continuing to stay up all night.

Tang Yue changed the goal of winning the championship to establishing a dynasty, which is to let the veterans pay more attention to their bodies, and stop thinking about fighting for a fight, exhausting their energy and body.

During the meal, Tang Yue was sitting next to Qiao Yifan, and suddenly remembered something, so she asked Ye Xiu, "The transfer period is over halfway, take a look at the players listed for transfer, are there any players like Qiao Yifan who are suitable to come to Happy?"

Ye Xiu rolled his eyes, and said to Tang Yue, "Qiao Yifan is a member of our Xingxin dungeon team. He has been with us for half a year, and only then did he move from the professional arena to our challenger team. How can the others agree?"

Tang Yue was dissatisfied: "What's the matter with the challenge? Our goal of Xingxin is to establish a dynasty, and the treatment of the players is comparable to that of the standard Weicao, no worse than that of the new champion Lan Yu. As long as you name the list, whether it is of sufficient level or high potential, I can make it a point." He invites."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "Lu Hanwen, or Gao Yingjie is also fine. I don't want anyone worse than them."

"You are exaggerating."

Tang Yue could only shake her head and stop talking.

Seeing that Tang Yue was also deflated in front of Ye Xiu, the others burst into laughter.

Zhang Jiale was playing with his mobile phone, and suddenly said: "Oh, after Lao Lin went to Tyranny, Tang Hao went to Wind Howl to take over Tang Sanda."

Wei Chen asked Zhang Jiale: "This Tang Hao was promoted to the team when you were the captain. It seems that you have never used him until you retired. Why did you suppress him?"

Zhang Jiale shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I want to suppress him, why did I mention him into the team? He has quick hands and a strong head. I asked him to change to a Berserker, but he didn't want to. Later, I found out that he is a hero. Too heavy, not suitable for a team, so I arranged for him to be the second pick in the group arena, and gave him the opportunity to perform through the ring, but he didn't catch it. Last season, since he defeated Lin Jingyan in a one-on-one match, he became more confident, but I still don’t think he’s suitable for the team competition.”

Ye Xiu asked Zhang Jiale: "If he listens to you and replaces the Berserker, he can't lead you, and you can't command him, what should we do?"

Zhang Jiale shrugged, spread his hands and said, "He doesn't even want to change to Berserker, why should I think so much?"

Ye Xiu said: "So, you let him, who doesn't bother to learn tactics, use the Berserker to guide your Blossoming Blood Scene, which is a wrong decision in itself."

Zhang Jiale was silent for a long time before nodding his head: "You are right. I only saw that his characteristics are suitable for training as a Berserker, and ignored his tactical shortcomings."

Wei Chen asked Ye Xiu: "Tell me, Tang Hao went to Wind Howl and took over Tang San's fight. Does he understand obscenity?"

Ye Xiu said: "It doesn't matter if Tang Hao doesn't understand, because Boss Wind Howl doesn't understand either. Boss Wind Howl saw that Tang Hao beat Lin Jingyan single-handedly, so he thought Tang Hao was more suitable for Tang San to fight than Lin Jingyan."

Tang Yue said from the side: "Tactics are easy to learn but hard to master. Most of the players in the league know a little bit and can be called masters of tactics. But for the top four, Lin Jingyan can create a sleazy style, and their tactical literacy should be at the top of the league players. It's on the same level as Jiale Sun Zheping's senior, but obscenities are not pleasing, and Boss Wind Howl may have replaced Lin Jingyan with Tang Hao in order to open up commercial promotion channels."

Tang Yue's words are clear and strange, and they are beyond the standard for these professional players.

Wei Chen said: "Not only Lin Jingyan, Fang Rui, but also Hu Xiao are obscene. Oh, there is a best newcomer, what is it called?"

Ye Xiu said, "Zhao Yuzhe. What does Xiaoyue mean, boss Wind Howl wants to rebuild the team?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Yeah, when fans mention Lan Yu, they will only think of the sword master's deadly sword style, because it is very touching. Boss Wu Xiao went out to get sponsors, what are you boasting? We have a criminal group in Wu Xiao? We Wu Xiao Is the style of play obscene? Will it be popular?"

"For the sake of money, do you have to abandon the style of fame?"

"So what about the famous style of play? Only by conforming to the orthodox values ​​can you get more money. Look at Samsara, how popular it is with sponsors, because fans like Zhou Zekai's bravery and skill in fighting. He can do anything except increase blood. During the Excellent Era Dynasty One Autumn Leaf also has this image, how cool it is to destroy the scene of flowers and blood with one shot."

Wei Chen: "What Luna said was that in the first three years the limelight was taken away by this guy, and even the King of Fighters was a foil. In the fourth season, Han Wenqing relied on Ji Leng to sacrifice his life to kill the God of Fighting, and then became the God of Conferment. Now Zhou Zekai has become the No. 1 in Glory before he won the championship. Back then there were as many battle mages as dogs, but now there are sharp guns everywhere."

Tang Yue said: "Director Wei is right. As soon as Wang Jiexi made his debut, he singled out Invincible and won the title of magician. When he slowed down and almost built the Weicao Dynasty, fans still miss that treacherous magician." , I think Tang Hao will go to Wind Howl. If he can be the captain, I think it is still very suitable. The most important thing he lacks is courage. He takes his brothers together to be reckless. It looks very passionate. Apart from not being able to win the championship, there is nothing wrong with it. OK."

Wei Chen immediately followed up and said, "That's true. Anyway, the wretched style can't win the championship. Hot blood is better than wretched positive energy."

Ye Xiu said: "Old Wei, do you also think that being wretched is not a positive energy? Your wretched upside-down is very classic, and you have kept it for so many years, and successfully made Xiaoyue recognize you at a glance."

Wei Chen wanted to extend his slender middle finger to him to see the beautiful woman beside him, so he changed his index finger and nodded without saying a word.

Tang Yue said: "Excellent Era replaced Ye Shen with Xiao Shiqin and Sun Xiang, and Wu Xiao replaced Lin Jingyan with Tang Hao. The purpose is nothing more than to make stars. It is worth learning from. Therefore, if you want to win the championship, you must also make stars. Our goal at Xingxin is A dynasty must be star-studded."

Wei Chen shouted, "Well said."

Then lead the applause again.

Although everyone was eating, they were all listening to the words of the great gods, and applauding when Wei Chen moved.

Tang Yue continued: "Okay, let's continue eating. Let's chat while eating. It's not a meeting. Don't applaud. Our ammunition experts are modeled as Wilderness Rangers. I don't know if you have watched this TV series. Anyway, Country Y was at the time It’s quite popular, and the character image is very positive, as long as Jiale Dashen shows up in the official arena, not only can you attract your original fans back, but also attract more fans, and when you become popular, there will be no shortage of advertising endorsements.”

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "We're talking tactics, why did you bring up the advertisement?"

Tang Yue chuckled: "Shareholders, for the long-term development of the team, not thinking about income, how can you afford to support so many masters? As long as you can grasp the tactics, you don't understand business, no, you performed very well today and succeeded Got two orders. I have an idea."

Wei Chen said from the side: "Quickly tell me what suggestion you have."

(End of this chapter)

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