Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 119 I Don't Have a Driver's License

Chapter 119 I Don't Have a Driver's License
Wei Chen said from the side: "Quickly tell me what suggestion you have."

Tang Yue said: "The most shining star of our Heming Xingxin team is Lord Grim, who is positioned as invincible in duels. Fans don't understand tactics, so they must understand duels. After joining the alliance, Lord Grim Xiao has always occupied a position in the individual competition, and it is best to win 38 consecutive victories. Including the challenge competition, you can't lose in singles, Lord Grim doesn't have to participate in the team competition, Director Wei should perform more."

Wei Chen nodded: "I have no problem playing in the team competition. By the way, your sharpshooter can't beat this guy?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Sanren has a shield, and there are so many movement skills, the rhythm must be controlled by him, how can a sharpshooter fight?"

After finishing speaking, he smiled and said: "To promote Lord Grim, the current dress of Lord Grim is definitely not good. It is top-heavy and colorful. Watching your team competition, I always feel like an actor wearing a Beijing opera robe, running into armor. Among the warriors."

Wei Chen said: "The metaphor of the moon god is very vivid, this guy is dressed like a clown."

Ye Xiu said: "You all have specializations and suits, and untrained people have nothing."

Tang Yue said: "That's why you can't just mix and match clothes just because you can wear everything. Fortunately, everyone here is not obsessive-compulsive. If you want to team up with Zhang Xinjie to make money, you can't screw him to death."

Zhang Jiale laughed loudly and said, "That's good. If I become an All-Star in the future, Lao Ye will team up with Zhang Xinjie."

Wei Chen said: "Seeing him being such a beast, Zhang Xinjie will definitely throw the holy fire on him."

Everyone laughed when they thought about the picture, it must be beautiful.

Ye Xiu said directly: "Then I will hand over my silver equipment to you, and get me a set for unspecialized people."

Tang Yue rolled her eyes, and said, "I've been thinking about it for a long time. I know how to specialize in professional suits, but I haven't made a good balance yet. What hidden attributes should be added to the specialization as additional attributes for specialization."

Ye Xiu asked, "Where's the Thousand Chance Umbrella?"

Tang Yue said: "Thousand Chance Umbrella is for Guan Rongfei's exam questions, he will help you upgrade, but Brother Guan's research is too expensive. It hurts me to see it."

Ye Xiu asked: "Then you can do it yourself. The Thousand Chance Umbrella's attack power is too low now."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "I said I did it on purpose, do you believe it? You should direct more team games, just save the field, don't work too hard."

Ye Xiu said, "Then you're still saying that the uninitiated will be the first?"

Tang Yue raised her hand: "I promise to help you make a new Myriad Chance Umbrella before the offline match. It is made of all synthetic materials and comes with more than 2 major skills. In addition, it also has skill level +[-] attributes. The basic attack power is better than the market. Shangyinwu is two levels higher, and it is still coordinated with the casual suit, so that your surroundings will look handsome and powerful in the future, and now let Guan Ge help you upgrade this one, it is only an excessive product."

Zhang Jiale asked Tang Yue: "Having said so much, what position do you give yourself?"

Tang Yue shook her head: "Jun Moxiao's wingman. I don't want to advertise anything else. My family doesn't let me shoot any commercials. I don't show my face if I can."

Baozi suddenly said from the side: "No wonder the family portrait is on, you pulled me to the front, blocking most of your face."

Tang Yue whispered into Baozi's ear: "I'm going to be a special soldier, so I have to keep a low profile, understand?"

Baozi nodded seriously, and then drew a line on his mouth, indicating that the zipper was tightened.

Tang Yue said to Yan Cunxin again: "You and Liyue are both elite commanders. To promote these things, there must be a special person in charge. You have to recruit people."

Yan Cunxin smiled and said, "I'm quite interested in this job."

Chen Guo pulled her into her arms and said encouragingly, "Then you should do it first, and use your results to speak for yourself."

Chen Guo really likes Yan Cunxin, this girl is full of energy all day long, what she didn't expect, Yan Cunxin helped her, and she didn't delay her part-time job to grab the boss.

Yan Cunxin glanced at everyone, and said to Chen Guo: "I think it's better to start with Ye Shen and Jia Le, the two great gods have good fan bases, and the idea of ​​the electric car advertisement has been decided. Le Dashen rode a battery car with no battery, and rushed on the road, let the audience laugh first, Ye Shen came over in his electric car, said hello, praised his car, and then asked him, do you want to come together? Jiale Great God lost the battery car and followed Ye Shen."

Creativity is of course a good idea. Before Chen Guo praised it, Yan Cunxin said: "It's a pity that the director killed him. He wants to change to a fuel car. Master Jiale wants to repair the car, but he is afraid of oil. God Ye came to take him away." gone."

Tang Yue laughed: "Listen to the director. I also think the director's setting is better. Although the battery car is down-to-earth, it will affect Jiale's image if it is funny, and it will not be conducive to the promotion of high-end brands in the future."

Yan Cunxin thought about it, and immediately blushed and said to Zhang Jiale: "I'm sorry, I only care about the comedy effect, I really didn't mean it."

Zhang Jiale said with a smile: "It's okay, I can also ride a battery car at home. I have a driver's license, but I don't have a car yet. It's not that I can't afford it, but I can't use it."

Ye Xiu reached out to pat Zhang Jiale and said, "I remember when I invited you, I also said about giving you a ride, isn't it a coincidence? Would you mind letting my brother give you a ride?"

Zhang Jiale said: "No problem, we are paying off the debt. As long as Heming Group is willing, it doesn't matter if I ride a broken battery car."

Ye Xiu said, "Okay, there is one more thing left, that is, I don't have a driver's license, how can I drive?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Yan Cunxin went to help Ye Shen sign up for car training after dinner. I will hand over the filming to the director as a stand-in. You have to learn to drive as soon as possible. I also plan to let you continue to help brand electric cars." What about the endorsement?"

Ye Xiu nodded helplessly: "Okay."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Don't do this, I allow you to use the training time to learn how to drive, okay?"

Ye Xiu nodded immediately with a smile: "I think this will work."

Tang Yue asked again: "Who among you wants to learn how to drive? I will be in charge of inviting a coach to come over. Let's learn together. We will study in Heming Garden."

Zhang Jiale said, "I have a photo."

Wei Chen nodded: "I will drive too."

Baozi: "I want to learn."

An Wenyi, Xiang Tian and Hu Yu also raised their hands.

Tang Yue looked at the rest and found that Mo Fan was an adult, so she asked, "Mo Fan, do you want to learn how to drive?"

Mo Fan raised his head and looked at Tang Yue. Seeing that Tang Yue had been staring at him, waiting for his answer, he finally nodded.

Qiao Yifan said with a smile: "When I reach the age, I want to learn too."

Tang Yue said: "Let's talk about it when we are old, there is a chance."

After lunch and break, everyone practiced for less than 5 minutes in the afternoon, when Wei Chen suddenly spoke in the boss fight group: "I received the news that the level 60 Sandworm King has been refreshed."

The message is an order, everyone immediately changed their numbers and went online, and went straight to the location.

Ye Xiu took God to say that there must be light online, and asked Loulan Zhan on QQ: "What's the matter? Sandworm King, the three major guilds have opened bosses, and none of you have seen it?"

Loulan Slash said ashamedly: "Master, our four guilds only have a few members, how can we compare with the three major guilds, this is the level 60 boss Sandworm King, how can we keep an eye on it, isn't this normal? Boss refresh big Most of them were discovered by the three major guilds first, and when we arrived at the scene, the three major guilds would have already fought together. Let’s go right away. By the way, God, we will play a friendly match tonight and fight for the boss in the afternoon?”

Lord Grim: "The friendly match is just training, is it a matter? The most important thing is to win the boss."

Loulan Slash: "Understood, Great God, I was wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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