Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 134 Female Assassin

Chapter 134 Female Assassin

Tang Yue said to Wang Weimin: "I can guarantee the investment, and you can decide how to shoot the rest. Let's go upstairs to watch the game video, and let you have an intuitive impression of the Glory game."

Wang Weimin nodded again and again, this handsome young man is Mr. Heming Tang, he is still so generous, as long as he gets involved, is there still a shortage of investment in the future?
Upstairs, Tang Yue invited Wang Weimin to his computer and played him the friendly match that he just played. Director Wang watched it for a few minutes before saying, "Yes, yes, this is what I want to shoot. People are playing games. Fight in."

Tang Yue knew that he preferred gunfights, so when the first individual match was over, she pulled the progress bar directly to the team match.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Jiale appeared on the stage, Director Wang became excited: "Great, this is the effect I want to shoot, it's so realistic, I will shoot the game of Glory, this is better than the chicken I saw, the picture quality is more delicate, The action is more exciting."

After watching the team match, Tang Yue played back the live video of Wei Chen's commentary, and explained to him that Glory can be watched with multiple cameras.

Director Wang muttered while looking at his mouth: "This is good, glory is good, not only PK, but also team tactics, and the picture quality is also good. In fact, just change the faces of the people in it."

Tang Yue remembered that her accounts were all computer-generated faces, so she said to Director Wang: "Our competition accounts are all computer-generated faces. In fact, players can directly use their own faces. I scanned my face. Let me find an account card to show you."

Tang Yue found the Xiemeijian account card from the drawer, and after swiping the card to log in, Tang Yue said to Director Wang: "I won't show you the video, and go directly to the arena to find someone to fight. What do you mean by martial arts?" Let me help you do the action, how about it?"

"Okay, okay."

Opening the personal panel, the Xiemei sword uses the face that the player scanned up. Although it is not handsome, it is not ugly, but it looks like a real face. Director Wang is very satisfied.

"Who is this man?"

"The account I bought is the original owner of the account. After registration, it cannot be changed."

"Oh, oh, if we make a TV series, we can use the actor's own face to scan in all of them, as the protagonist's account."

Tang Yue entered the arena. When someone came in, he would look at his face first. If it was a synthetic face, he would be kicked out immediately.After kicking for eight times, I finally got a real face. She is still a female player, her ID is gentle and green, and her face is much prettier than Xie Mei Jian. It is probably a P photo. The key is that the female assassin is under the tight leather armor, and her figure has been adjusted very well. Enchanting, very alluring.

Opening the other party's personal panel, Wang Weimin was very satisfied: "This glory is really well done. It looks like an actor wearing armor. No, this is more perfect than shooting an actor wearing armor. It is not easy to make props so exquisite."

Tang Yue asked Yan Cunxin, who had been following him, to take the number and enter the spectator mode. When Yan Cunxin appeared in the stands, Tang Yue said to Wang Weimin: "Director Wang, I have my perspective in my computer. The 3D image shakes a lot. Don't play it." People in the game can’t see clearly, you can go to that computer and watch the battle from the perspective of God, just like watching a movie.”

Director Wang had watched the live broadcast of the commentary just now, and knew that the content would be different depending on the camera, so he immediately sat next to Yan Cunxin.

The map selects the arena, and after refreshing, Xie Meijian first sent a text bubble: "I am showing people how to PK, can you play a few more rounds?"

Wenrou Qingqing directly opened the voice: "Why do you need words? If you beat Miss Ben, I will fight with you a few more times."

Tang Yue also turned on the voice: "Okay, do you want to keep fighting me if you don't win me?"

Gentle and Qingqing: "Yes."

After speaking, he rushed over.

Tang Yue flicked the mouse, and directly used the sword shadow step. Six figures lined up in a row, raised their swords and rushed towards them.

Wenrou Qingqing shouted: "Wow, you are a super expert, I can't tell which one is the real body."

Tang Yue: "Of course, you won't be able to escape today."

Gentle Qingqing asked: "Are you Huang Shaotian?"

Tang Yue quickly denied it: "I'm not Huang Shenfan, do I talk a lot of nonsense?"

While speaking, the six sword shadows had already surrounded, and with one move, Wenrou Qingqing fell to the ground. As a result, Wenrou Qingqing rolled on the ground, stabbed instantly, flew up obliquely from the ground, and stabbed at the real body of Xiemei Sword , this trick is very neat.

She took this blow because she wanted to find her real body, and whoever slashed her would stab her real body.

I have to say that this is a very reasonable choice without knowing the real body of Sword Shadow Step. Being able to do her immediate counterattack shows that she reacts very quickly and her hand speed is also very high. The key is that her movements are very precise. Right-handed mouse micromanagement is fine.

Tang Yue also quickened her hand speed in an instant. Xie Meijian raised her sword horizontally, blocked it, just blocked the dagger with the spine of her sword, and then raised her foot to kick Wen Qingqing into the air, then raised her hand and stabbed with the sword.

Wenrou Qingqing suddenly launched an air leap, dodging the lightning-fast sword of Xiemei Sword.

Tang Yue thought she was sure to hit it, but unexpectedly missed it, so she praised: "The hand speed is not bad, are you a master among the players? Which team's training camp?"

Gentle and Qingqing: "You are amazing. You can actually use six shadow steps. Except for Huang Shaotian, I have never seen anyone use such realistic six shadow steps. Are you also a professional player?"

Wenrou Qingqing was talking, but the character didn't stop, she started like a shadow, turned around and jumped down, piercing Xiemeijian's head with the dagger in her hand, and swung the other hand at the back of Xiemeijian's head. The sword is changed to the main and auxiliary dagger.

This is a very powerful style of attack, stabbing the face with one hand, blocking the opponent's vision, and attacking with the other hand around the back, people with slow reactions can't defend at all.

Of course, the threshold for being able to play two-handed swordsmanship is also very high. You must have extremely fast hand speed to command two hands to attack at the same time.

Tang Yue's assassin is also playing two-sword style, so how could he get hit? He leaned back and jumped slightly, drew his sword and slashed to block the secondary dagger in front of the door, and then canceled it halfway through the operation, followed by rising dragon slash to block the main dagger behind him, and at the same time raised his foot Kick towards Gentle Qingqing's lower abdomen.

He also sent a text bubble: "Yeah, I'm from the Heming Xingxin team, have you heard of it?"

Tang Yue wanted to block her sight with words and let her eat her own foot, but she had already suffered a loss just now. When she was caught off guard, she swiped down with the dagger in her left hand and parried Tang Yue. feet.

Wenrou Qingqing also said: "I'm guarding your feet. Are you really from the Heming Xingxin team? I just watched the match between you and Heavenly Swordsman."

Tang Yue stopped texting and said, "What a coincidence, you haven't said which training camp you're from yet."

Tang Yue's surprise attack on her was to test her. Just now, Gentle and Qingqing's hand speed must be at least 300+, and her movements are very precise. Only after serious professional training can she have such precise micromanipulation.

Tang Yue is very interested in this kind of training camp teenager, it would be great if he could be lured into it.

Wenrou Qingqing said: "I'm not from a training camp. I'm studying at a university in S City, and I'm about to be a sophomore."

"Oh?" Tang Yue said oh, and suddenly sent out a text bubble: "Let's chat while typing, chat with text, let me see your extreme hand speed."

While Wen Rou Qingqing fought back, she was able to send out text bubbles: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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