Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 135 Who is the Relative

Chapter 135 Who is the Relative
Xie Meijian: "Would you like to go to Heming Xingxin for a trial training?"

Gentle and Qingqing: "Am I good enough?"

Xie Meijian: "You operate very quickly and have good basic skills, but you lack combat experience and your moves are too standardized. I thought you were a first-year student in the training camp."

Wenrou Qingqing: "I only came into contact with Glory after graduating from high school, and I only played for a year in total."

Xie Meijian: "Then you should have been trained, wild players can't practice such standard moves."

Wenrou Qingqing: "I'm on the university team, and I have to train every afternoon."

Xie Meijian: "No wonder, your movements are very standard, unlike the player Ye Luzi, the person who taught you is quite professional, and he has also undergone formal training from a professional team."

Wenrou Qingqing: "You guessed very well, who are you, Heming Xingxin team has no swordsman, right?"

Xie Meijian: "I am the Drunk God. Today is the third round of the group arena. I have no chance to play."

Wenrou Qingqing immediately stopped, and blurted out: "Drunk God? If you are really drunk, I will go to H city for trial training."

Xie Meijian also stopped, and Tang Yue said, "Look at the spectators, Cun Yanxin is watching the battle. The live broadcast platform has already announced that Yan Cunxin will host the commentary live broadcast tomorrow night."

Gentle and Qingqing turned her head, seeing the ID of the spectator, she was really heartless, and immediately said: "I am from the Glory school team of S University, and our school team is also preparing to participate in this year's challenge."

Tang Yue said: "You guys are just for fun. We want to enter the professional circle. It's different. Although we are a new team, we only participated in the Challenger League, but our team already has a training camp, and the training camp has a monthly subsidy of [-] yuan. You have reached this level after one year of training in the school team, which shows that you are very talented, and after another year of training with us, you will be able to participate in the professional league next year."

Gentle Qingqing: "Our captain also said that I am talented. I have been practicing piano and pipa since I was a child. I used a computer to write songs and compose music in high school, so my hand speed is very fast. I started playing Glory during the summer vacation after I graduated from high school. I just entered college. To be selected into the school team, we have to train for at least three hours every day, and the captain is the senior and also our coach."

Xie Meijian: "You learn piano and pipa, and you also practice composing music. No wonder your hands are so fast. What's your major in university?"

Gentle and Qingqing: "Music major in S Master's College."

Xie Meijian: "Would you like to suspend school and come to our place to train? You don't need to lose the music, you can take it with you to study."

Gentle and Qingqing: "Okay, if I fail the trial training, can you give me autographed photos of God Ye, God Jiale and you?"

Xie Meijian: "Look at my face, why would I give someone else an autographed photo, but I assure you, Ye Shen and Jia Le's autographed photo is fine. I think your talent is good and worth cultivating. Where are you from? "

Gentle and Qingqing: "It's not far from County W in City S, can I go now?"

Xie Meijian: "Now, it's too late, but there is still time for the high-speed rail to take the subway. 13XXXXXXXX, this is our general manager Chen Guo's phone number. Take the high-speed rail to City H, take the subway, get out at Moshan Road Station, and call her. She will send someone to fetch you."

Gentle and Qingqing: "I will drive by myself."

Xiemeijian: "Okay, be careful, just navigate to Heming Building."

Gentle and Qingqing: "It's okay, I'm playing at a friend's house in the suburbs of Da S city, it's very close to H city, my friend's mobile phone navigation, it's only 52 minutes to Heming Building."

Xie Meijian: "Then come here, tonight our team will take promotional photos, and the players in the training camp will also take photos, which will be uploaded to the official website tonight. Don't worry, just drive slowly, there will definitely be time."

Gentle Qingqing: "Huh? Take a picture, get off, we'll set off right away."

Tang Yue stood up, smiled and said to Wang Weimin: "What a coincidence, I met a good seed in a casual fight. You have seen the match, the human face and the computer synthetic face, the God's perspective doesn't look much different , Only when the melee is zoomed in can you tell the difference, as long as the actor is selected, we will prepare a batch of cards, swipe his face to register, and find a booster for more than a month to practice the cards for filming."

Wang Weimin said with a smile: "Your movements are so beautiful. I will definitely shoot this TV series well. I think that even the special effects can be saved. Just export the video directly from the arena. The picture quality is very good, and it is also The special effects are made, so the key is the copyright, but we are a TV series, and we are doing promotion for Glory, so there should be no problem with the copyright. I will find a good screenwriter, and I will definitely write a good script. How about a tentative 5000 million for the money? Special effects You save money, but you have to pay copyright fees, leaving us with more publicity expenses, it’s better to have a few more stars, so that you can make a lot of money.”

Tang Yue thought for a while and said, "Okay, it's settled. You ask the screenwriter to come to me tomorrow. I just thought of a good story and I can share it with him."

Wang Weimin immediately took out his phone and said to Tang Yue: "Why tomorrow, young master Tang's good story, of course we have to share it quickly,

I will ask the screenwriter to come over immediately. "

After he finished the phone call, Tang Yue said: "There is a professional master, who should be regarded as the top one in the Glory League. Because he is old and refuses to show up, and has no commercial value, he was kicked out by the original team and refused to show up. I ask the screenwriter to think about the reason, but he still wanted to play games, so he ran to an Internet cafe, took a new account card, and started leveling from scratch. During the leveling, he met a few new people, just like me In that way, when you find out that the opponent is a good seed, you train them in the game, and finally ask them to form a team in an Internet cafe, participate in the challenge, and after winning the challenge, return to the league again, and finally lead the new team to become a professional player. Tournament champion."

Wang Weimin listened, and when he saw that Tang Yue stopped talking, he asked, "And then?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "That's it. This is the outline of the story. As long as the scriptwriter enriches the content, it will be a very inspirational story, isn't it?"

Wang Weimin said: "It needs to be interspersed with a lot of setbacks. Otherwise, the story will not explode without conflicts. It's too flat. It's okay. When our screenwriters add these contents, they will be professional."

Tang Yue nodded: "Okay, let him stay in our team to experience, he can learn to play games, and then he can write a script that fits the Glory environment."

Wang Weimin thought for a while and said, "Yes, yes, yes, I have to find a young copywriter, preferably one who can play this game, and let him prepare the script with the screenwriter."

While chatting, Ye Xiu and the others finished their summary, so they came in to have a look.

Tang Yue immediately stood up and introduced, "Director Wang, this is our captain Ye Xiu, and our vice captain Zhang Jiale. Tomorrow they will be filming the commercial."

Director Wang stood up, looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "They're both handsome and have a good temperament. Is he a relative?"

Tang Yue: "Ah? Who are the relatives?"

Director Wang pointed to Ye Xiu, then pointed to Tang Yue and said, "You two, your eyes are very similar, but your eyebrows are not the same. He has sword eyebrows. Your eyebrows are slightly longer and slightly curved, making them appear softer. Your hair shape is also different. They are very similar, but the chin is different, Captain Ye Xiu has a rounded chin, which looks very noble, while Tang Shao has a slightly pointed chin, which is more handsome and full of vigor."

(End of this chapter)

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