Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 136 I Trust My Eyes

Chapter 136 I Trust My Eyes

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Director Wang can still read faces?"

Director Wang said with a smile: "It's not about looking at looks. The old directors of our generation must choose actors in line with the role of the script. It's not just about being handsome. Just like Captain Ye Xiu, if you shoot Three Kingdoms, He can play the role of Zhou Yu, who looks as gentle as jade, has a noble air, has bright and dark eyes, has a deep chest, and is resourceful."

Tang Yue said: "This is very vivid. Our captain is the first of the four major tactical masters in the league."

Director Wang pointed to Tang Yue and said, "You have a straight body and sharp eyes. You look very aggressive. You are very suitable for a domineering president and a special soldier. If you join the Three Kingdoms crew, you can play the little bully Sun Ce or Zhuge Liang."

Tang Yue wondered: "Isn't Zhuge Liang a feather fan? He should be a gentleman."

Director Wang smiled and said: "The Feather Fan Lunjin is Zhou Yu. Zhuge Liang is so wise and close to a demon. He just came out of the hut, and he will divide the world into three parts. He borrowed Jingzhou, robbed Hanzhong, occupied Sichuan, left Qishan six times, and entered the Central Plains nine times. How can you tell? Sven? You and Captain Ye Xiu have complementary personalities, he has a gentle personality and doesn't like to fight for power, while you are determined to forge ahead and like to control your own destiny."

Dao Wang said so much, of course, to show off his talent and learning, and impress Tang Yue deeply. If he wants to invest in the future, he will still go to him.

Tang Yue smiled and said, "It's really similar."

No matter the original Su Muqiu or the current Tang Yue, they don't like others to control themselves.Otherwise, she wouldn't have brought the young Su Mucheng out of the orphanage to make a living by herself. As for the current Tang Yue, she knew what she wanted, what she should do, and planned her goals clearly.

Director Wang smiled and said: "My eyes are very good. Let me tell you something. Last year, we had a variety show in our station, where the contestants showed off their talents. One contestant was looking for parents through photos of children. He was there. Repeated comparisons made me anxious, so I came out of the backstage, scanned around, and found the parents of the four children among 200 people.

These assistant actors who are parents each bring photos of their own children, and put them together after being mixed up on the spot. The guests randomly selected them, and there is no way to cheat. It took him a full two hours to find them all, and the audience thought he was awesome. , I thought it was very simple, so I eliminated him. He was still not convinced, so I showed him the video of my answer two hours ago, and he was convinced. "

Ye Xiu said, "So amazing?"

Director Wang said with a smile: "It's nothing special, it's also related to our work. I graduated from the China Film and Television Department with a double degree in the Department of Directing and Photography. If there are too many, a little feature change can be found.”

Tang Yue asked: "Really? So, we do have relatives."

Dao Wang pointed to his eyes: "Believe me, my eyes are really good when you look at people's characteristics."

Director Wang suddenly saw Tang Rou who was watching the fun from behind, and immediately pointed to Tang Rou and said, "Young Master Tang's chin is very similar to this beauty, and her nose and mouth are also similar. You must have relatives, I can guarantee that they are close relatives, and the blood relationship does not exceed Five generations."

Tang Yue asked in surprise: "Really? Her surname is indeed Tang, but we didn't know each other before. Maybe we were a family 100 years ago. By the way, my mother's surname is Ye, and Ye Xiu may be related by blood." .”

Director Wang said firmly: "It seems that you don't know, you should ask your elders carefully, my eyes will not deceive me."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Then we really have to ask the family, okay, let's go down to take pictures and wait for the screenwriter by the way."

Tang Yue turned to Ye Xiu again and said, "Just now I recruited a training camp student, and it took me an hour to get here. It was a coincidence. I want to show Director Wang the action effects in the game, so I went to the arena to find someone to PK." In the end, she met a master, her hand speed was about the same as Tang Rou's, but her right hand was more accurate than Tang Rou's. She said that she only played after high school graduation. In [-], she was a female assassin, her combat experience was a bit poor, but everything else was pretty good, I think she should be a very good player after training with us for a year, and she can make it to the All-Stars if she works hard."

Ye Xiu nodded: "If you are a music student, you can play the piano, no wonder your hands are fast."

Tang Yue said: "She not only played the piano in elementary school, but also played the pipa. The movements of her hands are different when playing the pipa. Also, she has been composing music and composing lyrics on the computer in high school, and she is often used to touching the mouse. Her movements are really flexible. Let me play two moves, I didn't save it just now, otherwise I can show you."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "It's okay, when she comes, try it and you'll know."

Tang Yue said: "She said that if you fail the trial training, you will be satisfied if you can get autographed photos of Ye Shen and Jia Le."

Ye Xiu said, "No problem."

Yan Cunxin said: "Drunk God, you lied to her just now, saying that Xie Meijian's face is yours, and it will depend on how you round it."

Tang Yue said: "What's the point of this? She hasn't come yet. Of course I can't tell her what I look like. I'm not yet an adult. When I meet a strange woman, I have to be careful."

Director Wang laughed when he heard that: "Hahaha, yes, young master Tang is such a handsome little brother, you have to be careful."

The next step is to take pictures of the contestants, because Tang Yue just mentioned the matter of the dresses, and Chen Guo hasn't prepared yet. Wearing a black suit brought by the TV station, followed by a special makeup artist, everyone is very satisfied with their photos.

Director Wang watched silently from the sidelines. He was already selecting actors, trying to figure out their personalities through their personal expressions, and silently set up characters for them in his heart.

Soon, the scriptwriter of the TV station arrived, and six people came together. Except for the scriptwriter, the others were all young people who like to play Glory.

They didn't know it before, but today they all watched the friendly match, and only then did they know that Ye Qiu and Zhang Jiale were going to shoot the commercial, and they all came to chase stars together.

It wasn't until the six of them arrived here that they realized that Director Wang had asked them to prepare the script.

I heard that Tang Shao invested in the filming of a glory-themed TV series, and needed editors and copywriters to stay in the Heming Xingxin team to experience life.

The five young people rushed to stay, regardless of whether they were copywriters or not.

Director Wang smiled and said, "It's impossible to keep them all. I'll give you three days to submit your ideas for the Glory plot. Then you'll be judged. In the end, two people will stay with the editor to create here."

Tang Yue said to Yan Cunxin: "Accompany them to the Xingxin Internet cafe in front. The second floor of the Internet cafe was originally the team's base when it was first established. I also told them the outline just now, their ideas must be able to be integrated into the story."

Director Wang nodded: "Okay, okay, let's go and have a look now, and then we will go back directly. Tomorrow, your people will come to our station to shoot commercials. When the commercials are completed, we will send people to come over and create, and strive to get the script as soon as possible." Take it out and set up a project."

Chen Guo immediately said, "I'll take you there. Xiaoyue's words are dry. I know best. I'll tell a story."

(End of this chapter)

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