Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 137 Heming Xingxin Team 2

Chapter 137 Heming Xingxin Second Team
Tang Yue sent Wang Dao and others to evacuate, but at the gate, he ran into guard Li Ge talking with two girls.

Brother Li said: "Young Master Tang, these two girls said that Drunken God invited them to try out training."

Tang Yue nodded: "Yes, Brother Li, thank you, they came by car, let them go in."

A tall, long-legged girl said, "No, we're just here to take a look. We have to go home tonight. Just park the car at the door."

The tall and long-legged beauty is 1.7 meters eight, with a long ponytail and light makeup. Because of the mixed race, the face is very three-dimensional, the eyebrows are slender, the eye sockets are a bit sunken, the nose is straight, and the lips are warm, but she is also an Oriental. She is wearing a tight-fitting desert camouflage T-shirt on her upper body, cropped desert camouflage pants on her lower body, and desert camouflage sneakers on her feet, showing her figure at a glance.

Director Wang recognized at a glance that she was the female assassin from the PK just now. He rushed over and pointed at the tall, long-legged beauty, and said to Tang Yue, "Young Master Tang, keep her here. assassin."

Tang Yue nodded: "Of course, I have tried her strength, and she is completely qualified."

Director Wang was so excited because Wen Wen Qingqing almost came out of the game.

Her face has never been photoshopped, the real person looks better than the photo, and the female assassin's figure is also set to simulate a real person. Putting her on the assassin's equipment, she is just as gentle and green as ever.

When Tang Yue saw Ruan Qingqing for the first time, what she thought in her heart was: if she entered the alliance, Su Mucheng could only be the number one gunner in the alliance, and the number one beauty in the alliance must be Wen Wen Qingqing.

Gentle and Qingqing looked at Tang Yue: "Are you Xiemeijian?"

Tang Yue nodded: "Yes, I am the Drunken God, and I was the one who PKed you with the Xiemei Sword just now."

Wenrou Qingqing rolled her eyes: "You are much more handsome than Xiemeijian, why do you use such an ugly photo?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "I bought that card online. At that time, I just wanted to find someone to PK, but in the end I met a master like you."

Gentle and Qingqing asked Tang Yue: "Are you sure you'll keep me?"

Tang Yue nodded: "Sure, but she needs to test her strength."

Gentle Qingqing shook her head: "She is my roommate Xue Qing, she doesn't play Glory very much."

Her roommate is about 1 meters tall, with a good figure and good looks, but against the background of Wen Qingqing, she is much more ordinary. When Wen Qingqing introduced her, she nodded and said, "Wen Qingqing helped me to register my account. , After she joined the school team, my account has not been touched, and it is still level 65. I am not at ease today, so I came with her."

Tang Yue said: "Okay, welcome, but it's too late, you guys stay for one night and go back tomorrow."

Wen Qingqing looked at Xue Qing, Xue Qing nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call home."

Tang Yue said to Wen Qingqing: "By the way, you said that your school team is going to participate in the challenge. Are there any masters? You can let them come to us for trial training together."

Wen Qingqing nodded: "Our captain is very powerful. Others used to think that they were powerful, but now they can't beat me in singles."

Tang Yue said, "Really? Can you contact the captain and ask him to fight me?"

Wen Qingqing said, "Of course."

Director Wang immediately bid farewell: "Then you play, we will see you tomorrow."

Chen Guo and Yan Cunxin got on the bus with the people from the TV station, and went to the Internet cafe in front together, Xue Qing got on the bus again, drove the car in, and then went back to the third floor together.

In the elevator, Tang Yue asked, "What is your captain's occupation?"

Wen Qingqing said: "Sharpshooter, the spear technique is very powerful. I have never won a single fight."

Tang Yue also took out the sharpshooter's account card, and then sat down on a computer in the lobby on the third floor. Luo Ji then connected his computer to the projection and waited to watch the battle.

Wen Qingqing called the team leader, who happened to be playing Glory, and asked him to go to the arena: "Speed, Drunk God wants you to PK."

In the Tangyue arena, a few people came in soon, and others went to the viewing platform. The captain ID Cowboy accepted the challenge without riding a horse.

The captain's equipment is not bad. He has six orange equipment from the domain of gods, and the others are orange equipment from the old district. Both pistols are orange weapons from the domain of gods. This kind of equipment is definitely considered high-end among players.

When Tang Yue looked at the opponent's equipment, Wen Qingqing glanced at the interface of Mercenary World, and said in surprise: "Your account card has such a high skill point?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "This is also bought, we are people who want to play professionally, of course we have to buy a good card."

Wen Qingqing said: "You guys are really rich. This kind of skill points cost at least hundreds of thousands."

After the mercenary world was cleared by Tang Yue, the skill points were 4820, of course hundreds of thousands cannot be bought.

Tang Yue smiled and said, "It's more than a few hundred thousand, this card is worth 200 million."

Wen Qingqing asked: "It's so expensive. My Gentle Qingqing is only 4320, which is exactly 500 points less than your account. Do you have an assassin account with high skill points?"

Tang Yue nodded: "Yes, I will find it for you after I finish fighting with your captain."

When the game started, Tang Yue sent a text bubble.

The mercenary world: "Wen Qingqing said that you are good, so I found you to compete."

While walking, the cowboy didn't ride a horse and sent a text bubble: "She said you are a drunken god, why don't you lie drunk on the battlefield without an ammunition expert?"

Mercenary World: "We are in the same profession, shouldn't it be better to check your level?"

Cowboys don't ride horses: "PK is always possible, but the inspection is fine. I'm 26 years old. I just graduated with a master's degree and will be studying for a Ph.D. next semester. What kind of training camp will I be in?"

Mercenary World: "Oh, I heard that you guys are going to play a challenge match, so I thought you were interested in the professional circle."

Cowboys don't ride horses: "Our school team participates in the challenge every year. It is a club activity. This year there are newcomers like Wen Qingqing. She is the only one who is qualified to represent the school team. She is very talented. If there are more rounds, maybe Will be favored by professional teams."

The mercenary world and the cowboy not riding a horse are both sharpshooters, shooting at each other, texting and chatting while fighting, and the conversation is very speculative.

Mercenary Tianxia: "What guild do you belong to? With her level, no guild executives would recommend it to the team?"

The cowboy showed the name of the guild without riding a horse, and it was actually called the S Major League: "Our guild members are all classmates in our university. We are both a club and a guild. It was established in the second season, and I am already the third president."

Mercenary Tianxia: "No wonder, she is now a member of our Heming Xingxin team, and you are welcome to come and play, we can even play friendly matches with you, or broadcast live."

Cowboys don't ride horses: "Friendly games, don't you charge money? We can't afford it, and we're far from it."

Mercenary Tianxia: "It doesn't matter, then we won't broadcast live, we will use the second team to accompany you to fight, no money will be charged."

Cowboys don't ride horses: "You still have a second team?"

Mercenary World: "Yes, it was just established tonight. It is composed of the backbone of Xingxin's guild, and their level is about the same as yours."

Tang Yue wasn't talking nonsense, the second team of Heming Xingxin was indeed formed tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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