Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 170 An Ordinary Veteran

Chapter 170 An Ordinary Veteran
Today is the opening match of the ninth season of Glory, and the live TV broadcast is Blue Rain's away match against Heavenly Swordsman.

This is the benefit of the new team. Last season's champion came to teach, and it was broadcast live on TV. No matter how they played, at least let all players know about the new team in the league.

Popularity is one aspect, and there is interest.

There are 38 teams in the Glory League, a total of [-] rounds of home and away games, so the tickets are not divided, and the home club gets all of them.

If they are on the live TV broadcast, the income will be divided in half by the two parties.

For the new team, these two benefits are equivalent to picking up a big watermelon just after entering the arena. As long as they manage the home court well, the ticket revenue alone can support the team.

As for the income on the live broadcast website, it is settled separately by the team and the live broadcast website. Because of the high ratings, the strong team does not know how many times more than the weak team.

Because the match of Heming Xingxin team ended too quickly, everyone rested for half an hour, and the live broadcast of Heming's commentary kicked off. They staggered the live TV broadcast and chose Misty Rain to commentate on Baihua's match.

Blue Rain, Wei Cao, Tyranny, and Samsara's four powerful opponents are all weak teams. In the first round, it can be said that they are evenly matched, and it is only Hundred Blossoms vs. Misty Rain.

Because Luo Ji participated in the competition at school, An Wenyi still acted as the camera switcher for Wei Chen, and Li Yue was the host. When the live broadcast room started, the three of them were already in place, and Li Yue made the opening remarks first.

"Heming Xingxin's commentary room, today's premiere of the official game, the commentary is still in charge of everyone's old friend, Wei Chen, and An Wenyi is in charge of switching the camera. Let's end again, Wei Chen's ID is set up against the wind, An Wenyi's ID is not in a hurry , They all just finished the Challenger League and got off to a good start for Team Heming Xingxin, winning 9.5 to 0, and I would like to say hello to everyone."

Some of the audience watched the Heming team's match, and they all sent barrages of complaints.

"After watching the game, there are only four opponents."

"After refreshing Windward Formation, I went out for a walk, then went back to the substitution area, went to smoke, and did nothing else."

"Jun Moji only bled the ninja."

"In the team match, the ninjas played beautifully, and the rest were abuse."

"To be clear, is smoking allowed in the substitution area?"

"You have water in your head."


An Wenyi quickly switched the camera to Wei Chen. Wei Chen raised two fingers, waved them lightly three times, and then said with a smile, "Hi everyone, I'm Wei Chen."

Someone complained in the barrage: "Wei Chen is two fingers short of a cigarette."

An Wenyi waited for Wei Chen to let go of his hand, then zoomed out the camera, covering all three of them, then raised his hand, waved, and said with a smile, "Hi everyone, I'm An Wenyi."

Liyue continued to introduce herself: "I am Liyue, ID Zhiyue Qingcheng, and I am a player of the second team of Heming Xingxin. Our second team also got off to a good start. The opponent is still my old friend, a player from Lanxi Pavilion."

There are more bullet screens.

"Is it your suitor?"

"You are their dream lover, and they didn't fight back the whole time."

"You and Cunyan are so cruel."

"You are the girl of my dreams, Lanxi Pavilion should be hit."


Liyue glanced at the bullet screen on the tablet, she had nothing to say, so she pointed to the website in front of Wei Chen and started to advertise.

"The website in front of Director Wei is the official website address of the Heming Xingxin club. There will be links on the official website for all the games of the Heming Xingxin team. There are also links to the Heming Xingxin commentary room, all commentary videos, and the website. I want to watch it easily. If you want to understand the tactical design of league games, interpret tactical changes, and find tactical loopholes, please scan the QR code and follow us.”

"Okay, the list of players from both sides has been reported. In the first row of the individual competition, Sen Luo Zhang Wei VS Lu Yining who is trying to cover up. Director Wei, can you guess the result of the battle in advance?"

Wei Chen said with a smile: "To be honest, I don't know these two people, and they have no direct PK experience. Since it's a guess, I'll guess Zhang Wei wins."

"Zhang Wei debuted in the third season. When he debuted, he was surrounded by a scene of flowers and blood in full bloom. As a magician, he had Wang Jiexi who debuted at the same time. Therefore, he was rarely noticed."

"His role is as ordinary as his name. Hundred Blossoms' lineup has changed a lot over the years, but Zhang Wei is as stable as Mount Tai, always occupying the main position. He has participated in two finals and both are runners-up. The runner-up is sensitive, but among the players in the league, how many have won the runner-up? Or two."

"Misty Rain player Lu Yining made his debut in the sixth season. The situation is similar to that of Zhang Wei. In the fifth season, Zhou Zekai came out, the best rookie in the sharpshooter profession. In the sixth season, Zhou Zekai won the title of gun king. Lu Yining will not be able to shine It's understandable, looking at the Misty Rain team, Chu Yunxiu is a master who can't lose to Zhang Jiale, but Misty Rain has never made it to the finals. Ninja Li Hua, who made his debut in the seventh season, entered the All-Star team half a year after his debut, and won the second season. The best newcomer shows that Misty Rain has no shortage of opportunities."

"So, I compared it based on the status in the team and the team's past record. Zhang Wei obviously has a greater role and should be stronger."

"Okay, the game is refreshed. The ruins of Baihua's home map are selected. This map is suitable for magicians, and it is also suitable for sharpshooters. Moreover, this is an old map. Zhang Wei prepared it before the game. Lu Yining has to rely on memory, and Zhang Wei slightly accounts for it. Advantage."

"Zhang Wei went up into the air, and Lu Yining also flew his gun on his way. Here I have to say that Lu Yining is still sloppy. As a sharpshooter, he has a big sniper move, so he can do a sneak attack. Does he think he is sure to win or something? That's it. Heming Xingxin's Drunken God is also a sharpshooter. In addition to a pistol, he also carries a ninja sword. He can reach anywhere without a sound. The sharpshooter is the most practical style of play."

"Okay, both sides have entered the other side's field of vision, raising their guns and rushing forward to cover up. The marksmanship is still good, and they fired crossfire."

"Look at Sen Luo. After being shot twice, he fell into the ruins and disappeared. Obviously he didn't want to be a living target."

"Zhang Wei's characteristic is stability. He has played for 6 seasons. He has never seen any style of play, and he can't play any skills. He should be able to win steadily if he doesn't meet amazing talents."

"Xiao An, switch to Sen Luo's perspective. If you watch the game from God's perspective, you will miss many details."

"Sin Luo's angle of view is very low. This is advancing at the pace of a thief. He wants to turn his back to sneak attack on Yukai Mizhang. Because Sen Luo hid in the ruins in front of Yukai Mizhang, Yukai Mizhang will only think that he is hiding there and preparing to ambush. It should be I didn't expect Sen Luo to turn around."

"To cover up the anti-tank artillery, bombard the most suspicious ambush point, trying to force Sen Luo out.

Do you think it's the best ambush spot, doesn't Zhang Wei, a veteran, understand?Will he be hiding there waiting for you to catch him? "

"For this kind of players who don't use their brains to play games, I can only hehe."

"The coordinates where he fired the cannon now are only 45 spaces away from Sen Luo's position just now. Sen Luo is almost in place, so within five seconds, a shadow cloak will fly out."

An Wenyi easily installed a countdown on the big screen.

 Migraine, affecting the effect of code words.

  I went to bed early today, there is only one chapter, and the rest will be updated tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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