Chapter 171 Find loopholes

An Wenyi easily installed a countdown on the big screen.

Liyue also started counting down: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, here it is."

Because the shadow cloak hadn't appeared on the count of 1, Liyue added zero, and just as the words fell, the shadow of the shadow cloak flashed, and it bound the flying gun to cover up.

The audience all sent barrage.


Wei Chen wasn't agitated at all, and said flatly: "The most practical way to fight is the standard way of fighting. The sharpshooter is approached by the magician, and this wave should not be able to escape."

Liyue asked: "Do you think you will be beaten to death if you try to hide it?"

Wei Chen said with a smile: "Of course not. Both sides can use close combat and long-distance combat. What is lacking is control skills. Without control skills, it is difficult to kill them in one wave. Sen Luo has the upper hand, and his mobility is higher than that of sharpshooters. , The map was chosen by him again, keep the rhythm of the attack, it is not terrible to be hit by bullets, and you can’t be bombarded in the head by a big sniper, basically there will be 35 grams left after the shot.”

Liyue asked: "What is the calculation of this gram?"

Wei Chen smiled and said: "Hahaha, during PK, the width and length of the blood bar on my computer, if it is replaced with a test tube, it should be 100ml, the blood is mainly water, so I take the full blood as [-] grams, I use It’s much easier to explain than percentages.”

Liyue nodded: "It's really simple and smooth. How did you calculate the 65 grams?"

Wei Chen said: "It's very simple. Sen Luo took the advantage first, about 15 grams. Now it's a duel, and Sen Luo still takes the initiative. Based on the moves that the two exchanged just now, and the decreased blood volume, I estimated the result. Dare to make such an estimate because Zhang Wei is a very stable player, and if he wins steadily, he will never show off his skills. According to the experience of the two, Lu Yining has little chance of coming back."

The situation of the battle was exactly as Wei Chen guessed, the sniper attack and Barrett's sniper attack that were trying to cover it up were all on Sen Luo's body. In the end, when Sen Luo shot to cover up his death, he still had 34% of his HP left, which was a bit more than Wei Chen's 35 grams. The main thing is to shoot indiscriminately with big moves, and hit a few more shots on Sen Luo.

Wei Chen nodded: "This Lu Yining's basic skills are pretty good, but he's too rigid."

In the second round of the individual competition, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms Zou Yuan faced Sun Liang, the subduing tiger Arhat.

Wei Chen looked at it for a while, then explained: "Zou Yuan can be selected as Zhang Jiale's successor. He has good talent. What he lacks is experience."

Liyue asked: "Can Zou Yuan win?"

Wei Chen nodded: "To win, Sun Liang is not bad, but the level of equipment is quite poor. If it weren't for the fact that the attributes of Dazzling Blossoms and Zou Yuan didn't match, Sun Liang would have been unable to fight now."

Liyue said: "Can you talk about it specifically? What is the difference between Dazzling Hundred Flowers and Zou Yuan? I believe there are many fans of Hundred Flowers in the audience. I hope to hear your advice."

Wei Chen said with a smile: "Zou Yuan's basic skills are very good, his marksmanship is not bad, and the timing of the grenade is also accurate, but he can't control Dazzling Hundred Blossoms. My personal suggestion is to replace the jumping attribute of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' equipment with intelligence. There is no Zhang Jiale's marksmanship in the air, so it is better to shoot on the ground to increase the attack power, which may be more suitable for Zou Yuan."

Zou Yuan won as expected, but Bai Hua couldn't keep up later.

When Wei Chen was explaining, he sighed and said: "Baihua has finally produced Tang Hao. I don't understand why they have to sell it. If Tang Hao is kept, at least the individual competition will not be so bad. Baihua lacks a main attacker now. He actually sold a very good main attacker. Is it because Tang Hao doesn't fit Baihua's style of play? Even Zhang Jiale changed his style of play when he joined Heming Xingxin. "

Liyue said: "Team Hundred Blossoms, Hundred Blossoms' style of play, it's not just for one person to change. Maybe the whole team has to get used to it again."

Wei Chen nodded and said, "You're right. The other team members are used to the Hundred Blossoms style, and the Blossoms and Blood Scene are really powerful. It would take a bit of work to change them, but if you want to copy the Blossoms and Blood Scene, you must at least find a good Berserker. A soldier must be the one who can guide the attack."

Liyue asked: "There are quite a few Berserkers in the Alliance. You said that if you want to be able to guide an attack, you must have tactical thinking. It's hard to find, right?"

Wei Chen nodded: "Of course it's not easy to find. If you can meet the requirements, I guess only Lan Yu Yu Feng is competent, but Lan Yu also needs Yu Feng as a frontal attacker. The boss of Lan Yu's brain is twitched, so he will give him to Baihua .”

Liyue looked at the bullet screen and said with a smile: "There are Baihua fans in the bullet screen saying that you are talking for nothing."

Wei Chen said with a smile: "What I suggest is that they change their style of play. There is a Ferrari at home, but you don't have a driver's license. Why don't you get a battery car and ride it? Although it's a bit slower, you can at least get on the road, right? Also, Yu Feng is good." Driver, can they please?"

Entering the team competition, Baihua's performance made Wei Chen shake his head.

"Sun Zheping retired, and the Hundred Blossoms' style of play is already incomplete. It is all thanks to Zhang Jiale's superb skills. Now Zou Yuan can't display the strength of the Hundred Blossoms. They don't even know how to charge, and Misty Rain's line is solid, Chu Yunxiu can play to his heart's content, and an elemental mage who plays well can destroy everything."

"Yanyu became a regular player in the playoffs, mainly relying on the power of Chu Yunxiu, the first element mage. The reason why he couldn't go far in the playoffs was that no one protected Chu Yunxiu. When encountering a strong team, Sun Liang couldn't stop it. , Chu Yunxiu can only escape, and can't perform at all, if Misty Rain can bring Xu Bin from 301 under the account, let him cover Chu Yunxiu, and Li Hua will attack as a surprise soldier, Misty Rain may not have the strength to win the championship."

Li Yue smiled and said: "Deng Fusheng retired, Xu Bin has gone to Weicao now, look, who else can fill Misty Rain's vacancy?"

Wei Chen said: "The knight Xu Bin is the best, and the magic swordsman Liu Hao is also good. Of course, another way of thinking, adding a frontal attacker to Misty Rain, using offense instead of defense, can also protect Chu Yunxiu, Yu Feng, Tang Hao and Sun Xiang. If any of the three enters Misty Rain, Misty Rain will be the favorite to win the championship."

Li Yue said with a smile: "It is impossible for these three people to go to Misty Rain."

Wei Chen said with a smile, "I'm just thinking from the tactical level. Find out the flaws of these teams, and whether they can recruit suitable people in front of Chu Yunxiu is something that the boss of Misty Rain thinks about."

Liyue watched the barrage for a while, and said to Wei Chen, "Some players said that if you place the gun champion in front of Chu Yunxiu, Misty Rain will win the championship."

Wei Chen shook his head and said, "The Gun King and Chu Yunxiu cooperate, of course they are very strong, but they are not the best. The Gun King is a wandering cavalry, and Chu Yunxiu is the artillery at the rear of the position. Both of them need heavy infantry in front. "

Li Yue asked: "Like our Heming Xingxin, we have a complete range of troops."

Wei Chen immediately shook his head: "Now we're commenting on Baihua and Misty Rain. Don't mention our Heming Xingxin team. We, Heming Xingxin, are just a veteran. We can play any position. We don't have the talents they need."

Liyue stuck out her tongue, and quickly changed the subject and asked, "Director Wei, let's talk about their tactics for today's team competition."

Wei Chen said with a smile, "Today's tactical arrangement, the audience understands after watching it, so it's not worth mentioning."

Liyue said: "The audience asked for a few words."

 When I get home from get off work, I rush out a chapter, and there is another chapter tonight, so I can make up for today's three chapters.

  Tomorrow, it should be gone at night, and I will post it after get off work tomorrow.

  I went to work on Sunday, and I haven't had enough sleep recently. After I get full blood and recombine, I will resume updating in the early morning.


(End of this chapter)

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