Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 174 The Everlasting Team

Chapter 174 The Everlasting Team
Fang Shiqian looked steadily at Ye Xiu, then at Zhang Jiale and Wei Chen, then gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand: "Take me."

Ye Xiu and Wei Chen looked at each other and said with a smile, "Okay, if you want to stay for a long time, Wei Chen and I will each give you 2% of the shares."

After speaking, he took Fang Shiqian's hand, and Fang Shiqian shook it tightly.

Wei Chen nodded and pushed his hand up.

Zhang Jiale said: "Okay, I will also give you 1% of the shares. From now on, you and I will both be 5% shareholders."

Lin Jie immediately said, "What about me, what about me?"

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "Why are you an actor joining in the fun?"

Chen Guo walked over at this time, and said with a smile, "How come I, the chairman, is right next to you, and you don't even ask, but you just gave the shares privately?"

Ye Xiu introduced: "Chen Guo, Chairman and General Manager of Heming Xingxin Club."

Lin Jie said to Chen Guo, "I'm sorry, we thought Drunken God was the boss."

Wei Chen said from the side: "Drunk God is only a minority shareholder, ranking fifth."

Chen Guo, Lin Jie and Fang Shiqian shook hands respectively, then smiled and said to Fang Shiqian: "The share distribution plan they just said is invalid. I will transfer 5% to you, and their shares will remain unchanged. I am the chairman, and I have the final say. Lin If the team is willing to stay, I can also transfer the shares to you."

Lin Jie immediately said, "Forget it, Lao Ye and I were joking, I have studied acting for four years, and I want to be an actor."

Ye Xiu said to Shiqian, "Arrange you to stay here right away. You won't be needed in the Challenger League. You can still play TV dramas. Lao Fang usually brings newcomers. On weekends, he will partner with Lao Wei and comment on the live broadcast platform. How about it? Lao Lin should experience life."

Fang Shiqian nodded immediately: "Okay, I'm fine, I've hired a hotel manager for the TV shoot."

Lin Jie smiled and said, "I'm even more okay."

The second game will be next week, and they have already won one game. If they score another point next week, they will win. Therefore, Happy and the second team of Happy have already passed the first round.

The Xingxin players still mainly fight for bosses during the day, and they will continue training without bosses, and it just passed for a week.

This time, the opponent had a neat six players, but after the first round of the individual competition, the game ended.

The masters sent by the other party couldn't even beat Luo Ji. Of course, after such a long period of special training, Luo Ji's level has surpassed that of elite players. Going to the arena to beat players is like abuse, otherwise I would be sorry for so many coaches.

In the second game of Xingxin's second team, the opponent unexpectedly became seven people, and the one who was added was also an acquaintance of Chasing Haze, whose ID was hanging around the bank.

This time, the blue battlefield of the players in Lanxi Pavilion was completely won by the second team of Heming Xingxin, and Chuiyang around the bank took the initiative to find it, asking to join the blue battlefield, and came to seek revenge from Zhu Yanxia. Chuiyang around the bank was known as the sixth in Lanxi Pavilion Master, Blue Battlefield certainly agrees.

The game was refreshed. The blue chariot was the first to appear on the stage, and the second team of Heming Xingxin sent Jun Mo to kick. In the last round, Qiu Fei's boxer was ranked in the group arena, but he did not appear on the stage, so the first The second round was arranged to play first.

The game was refreshed, and Chui Yang asked on the public channel: "Where is Chasing Haze?"

Jun Mo kicked: "She participated in the group arena today, you won't have the group arena until you win the individual competition."

Chui Yang around the bank: "Then I will win you first, then I will talk." '

Jun Mo kicked: "Come on, the Juggernaut talks a lot, but he doesn't win by talking."

Chuiyang around the bank started with a three-stage chop, and after the third step, he directly opened the sword shadow step, and the four sword shadows kicked towards Jun Mo together.

Jun Mo kicked forward, then took off, dodged the sword shadow, stepped on the eagle directly, and trampled the third sword shadow over with one kick.

Chuiyang around the bank received his body, and just got up, he was hit in the back of the head with an uppercut, and Chuiyang around the bank was lifted into the air. As soon as Jun Mo kicked the ground, Gao Fei kicked after him, and kicked Chuiyang around the bank even more. high.

After Hanging Yang around the bank controlled his body shape in the air, the silver light fell on the blade, and he slashed down with one knife.Jun Mo kicked up and threw a handful of sand on his face.

Chuiyang around the bank fell to the ground and was blinded, the shock wave of the silver light falling blade dissipated, Jun Mo kicked and landed on the ground, raised his hand and punched Chuiyang around the bank on the face, Bahuang Fist, knocked down Chuiyang around the bank Flying out, Jun Mo kicked and chased after him, Tongbei fist, punching fist, and collapse fist, all hitting from the bottom up, knocking the chuiyang around the bank upside down, and then kicked the chuiyang around the bank flying again .

The blindness ended after the weeping poplar flew around the bank. Look at yourself lying on the ground, getting hurt again, and then having a brick in the back of your head.

Jun Mo kicked the tiger and danced wildly, hitting the weeping willows around the bank like sandbags, sliding forward on the ground, then catching up with the tiger and soaring, holding down the weeping willows around the bank to finish the set, and finally using the whirlwind legs to lift the weeping willows around the bank Yang kicked away.


Jun Mo kicked the ball and won the Chui Yang around the bank. The second game ended and the second team of Heming Xingxin eliminated the blue chariot.

Not long after the Heming Xingxin team's match ended, the second round match against their opponents was completed. Heming Xingxin played against Wuji, and the second team of Heming Xingxin played against the Samsara Dynasty.

Promise appeared in the league in the fifth season. The tail of the crane finally sank after three years. Last year’s challenge was unsuccessful. This year’s comeback is nothing special, but being able to stay in the league for three years is not comparable to ordinary player teams. Regardless of whether the characters and players are professional backgrounds, even if some players transfer and leave, the background is still there, and Xuan Qi, who was relegated this year, can still fight with a light cut, but in the second round he met Heming Xingxin, I have to say Bad luck enough.

Ye Xiu arranged manpower: "I checked, and there are many changes between the players who signed up for Wuji and the players who were relegated the year before last, so let's forget about the targeted training. We should be more cautious in the first game, maybe they will find some rookies, personally Sai Baozi, Hu Yu and Wei Chen, Tang Rou in the group arena, Mo Fanjiale, Xiaoyue, Hu Yu, Qiao Yifan, An Wenyi, and me, Tang Rou in the team competition. Our veterans are staggered to save some effort. If Xiaoyue doesn’t come back, Jia Le top up."

Wei Chen shook his head and said, "I'll take the lead. Baozi is in the second round, and Hu Yu is in the third round."

"Oh, why are you so positive?"

"As an example for young people, although they played a lot of professional players during the holidays, but there are priests behind them, they play very aggressively, and they can't be careless with Wuji. I will go up and suppress their morale first."

"Okay, save you from being nervous."

"Fuck, who is nervous?"

"After the match list, you have already smoked three cigarettes in a row."

It's the second round against a professional team. It doesn't matter if you're young. Wei Chen is really nervous. He's been retired for six years, and his hand speed is incomparable to what he was back then. He usually trains in the team, and his victory depends on his experience to make up for it. There was nothing he could do against an opponent like Xiao Tang Qiufei who relied on his quick hands to charge.

Ye Xiu said that the opponent might have a rookie. Old Wei was startled, and he was going to fight the first game immediately, because he estimated that Wuji's first game should be a veteran who is mainly stable.

Although Ye Qiu was more cautious in arranging troops, but after setting up the battle list, everyone in Heming Xingxin still had to do whatever they wanted.

Ye Qiu thought for a while, looked at Jia Le and Wei Chen, then at Qiao Yifan, and then said, "Qiao Yifan, explain the rules of the competition to all the newcomers, especially Mo Fan, there is a difference between a group arena match and a scavenger hunt Yes, follow Qiao Yifan to get to know him better."

Baozi immediately said: "Little brother, listen carefully."

Ye Xiu: "Baozi, listen to it too. Don't make low-level mistakes. When it comes to offline competitions, if you violate the rules, the referee will directly disqualify you."

Baozi nodded: "Okay, I'll just listen to it together. I'm not around, so I won't be serious."

Because it was against a professional team, Ye Xiu remembered to remind them. Among these players, only Baozi and Mo Fan needed to be reminded.

Chen Guo just came in with Hum Ha Second General, and said to Qiao Yifan: "Yifan, the three of us should listen together. Our opponent this time is from the Samsara Elite Team. Do you think they will find professional substitutes?"

(End of this chapter)

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