Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 175 Strength Classification

Chapter 175 Strength Classification
Do you think they will find professional substitutes? "

Ye Xiu said, "Probably not, professional players have to compete."

Chen Guo: "You can't be sure, are you?"

Ye Xiu shook his head: "Online matches, who knows who's on the other side."

Baozi immediately responded: "You have no way of knowing whether a person or a dog is on the other side of the network cable. This is the fun of the network."

Everyone was used to Baozi's unconstrained style, and no one answered.

It was Zhang Jiale who answered Chen Guo's question: "Online competitions are used to select teams for offline competitions. Professional players will definitely not play on behalf of them. Since those in the training camp can play on behalf of them, why not sign up directly?"

Chen Guo became even more nervous, and asked Jia Le: "The other party is the Samsara Dynasty, and the nine of them look very formal, maybe they are from the training camp."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "If our second team of Heming Xingxin can't even win the reincarnation training camp, it means that there is a future master in it. At least let us know that we have a strong enemy."

He did it on purpose to scare Chen Guo. The talent in the reincarnation training camp has been poached by Drunken God, and he is now in the second team of Heming Xingxin.

Chen Guo said angrily: "Will you be able to speak? The more you listen, the more nervous you become."

Ye Qiu smiled and said, "Do you want to compete with us for the spot, or what?"

Chen Guo: "We play matches based on our ability. If we really want to enter the offline competition, we will not be soft when we meet you."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and said to Qiao Yifan, "Tell me, what are the rules?"

Ye Qiu faced a match against professional players, and he reminded him as usual. It was an online match, and if there was a problem, he had time to stand behind him and remind him. As a result, Chen Guo became nervous.

Qiao Yifan is still reliable: "Let me talk about the offline competition first. There are referees in the contestants' competition area. Before the competition, the equipment must be checked. By the way, there is also a passive game, that is, there is no offensive intention. If you hide and seek for more than 30 seconds, the referee will warn you. If you continue to violate the rules, you will be directly sentenced to a loss. Others... "

After all, he is a professional player registered in the league, and he is very familiar with the rules. Although the order of the prescribed documents is not correct, every point has been covered.

After listening to the introduction, Zhang Jiale said: "The Drunk God helped Lan Yu get two silver weapons. In the finals, Lan Yu defeated Samsara. This time, Samsara players met our Heming Xingxin second team. The dynasty has made a move, and there are still many who are scolding the drunken god."

"Then beat them,"

"Okay, beat them."

Chen Guo's morale, which had been knocked down by Ye Xiu, picked up again when Zhang Jiale said it.

Zhou Zekai was imprisoned three times in a row by Yu Wenzhou in the six-star light prison, and he couldn't get out for more than ten seconds. Watching the team members being killed was of course the masterpiece of the Drunk God.Of course she knew that reincarnated players scolded Drunken God, but the more reincarnated players scolded her, the more she gloated.

An hour later, the league match started, and Liyue was still the host: "Hello everyone, today we are broadcasting Hundred Blossoms vs. Heavenly Swords. The last round of Heavenly Swords was completely won by Blue Rain, and Hundred Flowers also lost eight points at home to Misty Rain, right? Only strong teams have tactics, we will wait and see. Today, we are honored to invite Master Fang Shiqian to comment together with Wei Chen."

Fang Shiqian greeted the camera: "Hello everyone, I am Fang Shiqian."

Wei Chen also raised his hand towards today: "Hi everyone, I'm an old friend Wei Chen."

When the audience came in and saw that not only Wei Chen was explaining, but also Fang Shiqian, they started calling friends.

Compared to Wei Chen, Fang Shiqian's reputation is much greater. Fang Shiqian is not only the god of healing, he is also a tactical commander.

Wang Jiexi's attacks covered the battlefield, and Fang Shiqian was directing the actions of the other players. Fang Shiqian played a big role in Wei Cao's two championships.

Liyue asked: "Fang Shen, can you guess the outcome of the two teams in advance?"

Fang Shen shook his head: "No, one-on-one, Hundred Blossoms is a little higher, so it's hard to say in the team competition."

Liyue asked: "Grade, can you briefly explain it?"

Fang Shiqian said: "The level I'm talking about is only one-on-one. The first level in the league is of course the strongest five saints. Their god positions are made by fighting, and they don't contain any moisture. They have a very distinctive feature. Even if their hand speed is not lower than [-], even if Han Wenqing is old now, the peak can still exceed [-]."

Li Yue asked Fang Shiqian: "Who is the strongest among the five sages?"

Fang Shiqian said: "Of course it's Ye Shen. Wang Jiexi's strongest magician style of play has also been narrowly defeated by Drunk God. The King of Fighters, Sword Master and Fighting God have fought countless times. So far, there is no record of single-handedly defeating Fighting God. , As for the Gun King, I have never singled out God of War. I didn't dare to say it at first, but God Ye is now using the uninitiated profession. I can say with certainty that Lord Grim is invincible in singles. file, the other four sages are in the same file."

Li Yue asked Fang Shiqian: "Does God Fang respect Sanren so much?"

Fang Shiqian said: "I have also practiced as a samurai, and I have a 50-level scatter account, but I don't have a thousand-manifestation umbrella, so I can't play the characteristics of a samurai. Invincible existence."

Liyue asked: "According to what you said, what about the third grade?" '

Fang Shiqian said: "I also said the level of Conferred Gods. After Zhang Jiale has more Transformation Silver Weapons, his strength has reached the existence of Conferred Gods. Therefore, the next Conferred God of the alliance must be Zhang Jiale."

Wei Chen suddenly said: "I don't agree with this point. Although Zhang Jiale and I have a good relationship, I am sure that the next Conferred God should be the Drunken God. I can say responsibly that the one-on-one battle between Zuiwo and Jun Mo Laughter is comparable, it is half a grade higher than the Four Sages, Zhang Jiale has more Transformation Silver Weapons, so he can be tied with the Four Sages in duels."

Li Yue immediately said: "What Director Wei means is that the first tier of heads-up is Lord Grim and Zuiwo on the battlefield, and the next ones are the Four Sages and Wilderness Ranger."

Wei Chen nodded: "Yes, I can confirm this point, believe it or not, we will wait and see."

Li Yue asked Fang Shiqian: "Fang Shen, do you agree with Director Wei's words?"

Fang Shiqian said with a smile: "I haven't seen the Drunken God yet, so I don't know much about it. I agree with other things. Zhang Jiale is close to the status of the Conferred God. With the addition of the Transformation Silver Weapon, his strength will definitely be better."

Liyue asked: "Then, can you tell me about the players in the next level?"

Fang Shiqian asked Wei Chen, "Should Director Wei speak first?"

Wei Chen said: "One Autumn Leaf, Tang San Da, Sharp Sword, Misty Rain and Wind City, Life Extinguisher and Dancing Rain."

Fang Shiqian asked: "Director Wei is very optimistic about Tang Hao. Will Tang San fight so strong? And Su Mucheng, I don't think they are stronger than Lin Ancaojing and Feidaojian."

Wei Chen said: "Tang Hao's characteristics are similar to Sun Xiang's. He operates quickly and accurately. The strength of the characters of the two is even slightly stronger than that of the other four. It's just that the two of them lack tactical thinking and it's still early to become gods. The other four People play games with their brains, Su Mucheng's operation is slightly inferior, but Su Mucheng's new silver weapon is very sharp, it is not an exaggeration to say that the league's strongest silver weapon. '

Fang Shiqian nodded: "In that case, I agree."

Li Yue asked: "Which grade does Heavenly Sword belong to?"

(End of this chapter)

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