Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 176 Tactics of Individual Warfare

Chapter 176 Tactics of Individual Warfare
Fang Shiqian asked Wei Chen, "Fifth gear?"

Wei Chen smiled and said, "If you only have five gears in total, I agree."

Fang Shiqian said with a smile, "I have a total of six ranks."

Liyue looked at the entry form for the competition, and then said: "In the first individual competition, Zhang Wei vs. Ning Yuan, magician vs. Qigong master, two great gods, can you predict the outcome of the competition?"

Wei Chen said: "I am optimistic about Zhang Wei. Heavenly Sword has fought us four times. I still have a good idea of ​​Ning Yuan's strength."

Li Yue asked Fang Shiqian: "Shen Fang, what do you think?"

Fang Shiqian smiled and said, "I sat and watched, and I agree with Wei Chen's statement. Zhang Wei is an old friend, and Ning Yuan is also an acquaintance. The two of them are not as strong as each other." '

Liyue asked: "Excuse me, God Fang, what class is Zhang Wei in? And what class is Ning Yuan?"

Fang Shiqian said: "Zhang Wei should be the weaker in the fourth gear, and Ning Yuan belongs to the sixth gear. Of course, the level of strength is not absolute, it depends on the state of the game, and growth is also very important. Some rookies grow too much. Soon, maybe the first few games of the season and the end of the season will be two grades behind."

Wei Chen nodded: "There is no doubt about it. Rookies are growing fast, and veterans will decline at the end of the season, which will affect the results of heads-up. Another point is the problem of professional competition. Singing and gun-type heads-up, Obviously at a disadvantage."

Fang Shiqian nodded in agreement: "There is no way to do this, just like when a ghost encounters a gunner, there is really no way to fight."

Wei Chen said: "Qigong masters are not easy to fight against magicians. The best way for Qigong is to enter the house, drill underground tunnels, Tiny Herb's home field, and Ning Yuan escape into the woods and fight on trees. It should be a common choice in this terrain. "

Fang Shiqian nodded again in agreement: "No matter what occupation you are in, when you are duel, you must choose the terrain that is favorable to you. Magicians have high mobility. Once they enter a room, their mobility will be lost. On the contrary, Qigong masters can attack through walls. First choice. There is no room to hide in this picture. The canopy is indeed a good choice. The area skills such as dispersing powder and karst flask are difficult to throw on the body. The high mobility of the magician will be affected in the canopy, and the broom can attack in the canopy. are also affected.”

Wei Chen smiled and said, "The qigong master's soaring cannon and thunderbolt reach the canopy of the tree, but instead expand the attack range, the air blade becomes more concealed, and the cloud catcher can pull the magician into the canopy to fight."

Fang Shiqian said: "Zhang Wei is very careful, he would rather refresh than take risks."

Wei Chen said with a smile: "In fact, magicians have a way. Just burn down the big trees to force the qigong down. Zhang Wei chose this map. The terrain is mainly grasslands, with a few big trees separated by a dozen or so figures. It should be saved to lead the qigong master to the big tree, and then set fire to the tree."

Fang Shiqian smiled and said, "It depends on what Zhang Wei does?"

Li Yue said: "It's refreshed again, the qigong master is still running towards the tree, and the magician is attacking in the air."

Fang Shiqian suddenly smiled and said: "The heart of playing tactics is dirty. Zhang Wei didn't intercept him, but let Ning Yuan run towards the tree to take advantage of the opportunity. It's time to burn the tree."

Wei Chen said: "Zhang Wei is a veteran after all, what bad moves have you never seen?"Including respawning, he used a wave first, and then burned the tree. When Ning Yuan came down again, he had only half blood left, and he could win if he rushed up and fought hard. '

When Fudorushan went up the tree again, Sen Luo immediately released a small fireball to burn the tree, and a series of complaints came out on the barrage.

"Play with the heart of tactics."

"Ginger is old and spicy, and people are old and slippery."



The fireball and the karst flask quickly ignited the big tree, and burned it from the bottom up, forcing the qigong master to jump off the tree, and then Sen Luo chased him down and slapped a few broomsticks, dropping one-third of the tree. The blood volume, plus the two times of chasing and beating on the tree, and the fire burned the blood, the qigong master only had 35 grams of blood left.

For Zhang Wei, a stable veteran, he will not fight hard, even if he has the upper hand in blood volume.

Wei Chen said with a smile: "Zhang Wei is getting more and more stable, and he can bear his temper. He has been practicing seagull warfare, and there is really nothing to do with qigong."

Seagull warfare is to learn the bad tricks of seagulls attacking humans, attacking with bird feces at high altitude, or suddenly pounce on them, take a broom and run away, anyway, they will never love to fight.

After persisting for 5 minutes, the immovable mountain finally collapsed, and Sen Luo still had 89 grams of blood left.

Li Yue asked Fang Shiqian: "If Fang Shen uses a qigong master, how will he deal with Sen Luo?"

Fang Shiqian said, "Walk around the tree."

Liyue asked Wei Chen, "Where's Director Wei?"

Wei Chen said, "Bring a pistol and go around the tree."

Liyue smiled bitterly and said, "Great God, Niu."

Hundred Blossoms' second battle was Summoner Feng Ke, and the players who played Heavenly Sword were across the sea.

Liyue asked the two of them to predict again, but they both guessed that Heavenly Sword would win.

Wei Chen said with a smile: "Before the game, I reminded Heavenly Zhan that it is best to bring a pistol, but they didn't inform Ning Yuan. I believe that there should be a pistol in front of the sea. Elemental mages use long-range to fight summoners, and they are most afraid of thunder." Eagle Raider, as long as you bring a pistol, you can kill Thunder Eagle."

Fang Shiqian said with a smile: "War-changing style is very common among the elderly, and newcomers are not used to it now. Think about the first season of the year, which team member didn't carry more weapons." '

When the game started, Gehai in front of him really started to move around with a pistol. When Lei Ying appeared, he killed him with a pistol, and then he changed into a staff and charged up, washing the ground with a big move. , can only flee for his life.

After finishing a set of long-range battles across the sea in front, he also escaped and moved away. This wave of raids took advantage of 30 grams of blood volume, so he was not in a hurry, Feng Ke ran first, and he moved to intercept. A big cooldown.

Fang Shiqian asked Wei Chen, "Kite training, CD training, and martial arts training. Did you arrange it?"

Wei Chen smiled and asked, "How is it?"

Fang Shiqian nodded: "Very good, the strength is not as good as the opponent's. If there is no strategy yet, it will be like the first match."

The civet was harassed in the second round, and was also shot to death with a pistol across the sea in front.

Because it is a mage system, the pistol can only attack normally, but no matter whether it is a civet cat or a Thunderhawk, their blood volume and defense are very poor, and the pistol is their nemesis.

In the second game, the sea ahead won without any surprise.

In the third round, Hundred Blossoms DeLillo faced Yi Zhan Yexi.

Fang Shiqian asked Wei Chen, "Did you help Yi Zhan arrange the troops?"

Wei Chen said, "Give me a suggestion, and I just guessed right."

Fang Shiqian said: "Judo versus hooligans, both of them are newcomers, do you think judo will win?"

Wei Chen smiled and said, "Bring a hand cannon, that's enough."

After refreshing, the audience saw that Ye Xizhen was holding a hand cannon, and kept firing barrages.

"Despicable, really despicable."

"Boss Wei cheated."

"Switching martial arts is actually so easy to use?"


When Zeng Xinran rushed over at the beginning, he was a little confused after being hit by a shell.

He remembered that the other party was judo, how could there be shells?

Hooligans have medium-range attacks, while judo is close combat. When a judo character is holding a hand cannon, rogues throwing sand and flying bricks can't compare with cannonballs. It seems that there is no other way except melee.

Fang Shiqian said with a smile: "This Baihua rookie is still too young. In close combat, how can a rogue beat judo? The best way to deal with it is to fight hard and get splashed by shells, and also throw sand, needles or bricks to get the effect." Come on, can't you get closer? I have no experience."

Wei Chen smiled and said, "Sand is useless, don't you see that you are wearing glasses?"As long as you are facing each other and keep shelling, you are not afraid of being hit by bricks, and it is nothing to lose some blood, as long as you don't get hit on the back of the head, so you just need anti-numbing needles. '

(End of this chapter)

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