Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 18 Book Friends Happy New Year's Day, Add More

Chapter 18 Book Friends Happy New Year's Day, Add More

After Chen Guo memorized all the numbers, Tang Yue continued: "The shares are over, now is the salary. The salaries of Ye Qiu and Wei Chen's professional players have been invested in the shares, so they can't have no income. They are the coaches who train newcomers. It is suggested that 5 yuan per month, shareholders, is there no problem?"

Baozi immediately said, "No problem."

The others remained silent, Tang Yue said: "The two support it, the others abstain, and it is approved. As the general manager, Sister Chen pays 2 yuan per month. Shareholders, is there any problem?"

Chen Guo said, "I don't want money."

Ye Xiu nodded: "No problem."

Baozi and Tang Rou also nodded: "No problem."

Tang Yue saw that Wei Chen was just listening and didn't object, so she said, "One objected, four agreed, one abstained, and it passed."

Tang Yue continued: "Baozi, Tang Rou, Concealed Light, the three of them are potential rookies in training, compared to Wei Cao's second-line team members, the salary is 8000 yuan, shareholders, is there any problem?"

Baozi continued to nod: "No problem."

Chen Guo also nodded: "No problem."

Seeing Chen Guo staring at them, Ye Xiu and Wei Chen nodded quickly, "No problem."

Tang Yue went on to say: "Then it's settled like this. The rest is my salary. I'm an expert, but I'm not famous, and I don't have much time to participate in training. By the way, I'm going to H University to study for a Ph.D. It takes a lot of energy, the daily training time is not fixed, and I will not participate in the challenge every time. Of course, if I meet a strong team, I will definitely join, so my salary will be [-] a month. Shareholders, I am willing to reward my younger brother Do you want to eat this meal?"

Chen Guo: "Is it low?"

Ye Xiu said, "Fifty thousand."

Wei Chen said, "Fifty thousand."

Tang Rou nodded, and Baozi gave a thumbs up: "Excellent, I agree with you for [-]."

Tang Yue nodded: "That's [-]. And our team still needs an accountant and back office. The general manager Chen Guo is responsible for the recruitment and asked him to help you take care of the Internet cafe's financial work. Ten thousand is almost the same. The internal staff of the Internet cafe Those who have talent in this area, or those who are willing to learn these jobs, will be given priority."

Seeing that Ye Xiu had already clicked on the game to operate it, Tang Yue knew his character, so he was indifferent and didn't care about it, so she turned to Chen Guo and said, "Boss Chen, you are the largest shareholder and the general manager. Things, as well as the legal procedures of the team, need to be implemented by you, my 1000 million can be transferred now, Tang Rou and Sister Chen's money will be in place within a week, is there any problem?"

Tang Rou nodded: "No problem, it will arrive in three days."

Tang Yue said: "The contract will start tomorrow. All the expenses before have been invested by Chen Guo, and the investment amount has been entered. From now on, all expenses of the team will be paid from the team account. If the challenge fails, the contract of each team member will be automatically terminated. Investors who fail to invest, divide the remaining money, and then go back to each family. If the challenge is successful, the team will become a member of the alliance, and the players will sign the contract again. Shareholders, how about this proposal?"

"Of course it can."

"I haven't even passed the challenge, so why are you talking about winning the championship? Let's go to bed early."

Seeing that everyone present nodded their heads, Tang Yue said, "It's not enough for a team to have only six people. We don't have a priest yet, so we need to add more players. We will consider the quality of the later players and give them corresponding salaries, so we won't be listed. Investors. Ye Xiu has good eyesight and is familiar with domestic players, by the way, the captain of the team is Ye Shen, right?"

"Yes, I'm the captain, and Wei Chen is the vice-captain."

"So Ye Xiu is in charge of recruiting. In the end, my suggestion is that as long as you have strength or potential, you can recruit them. Don't be afraid of a large number of people. We may retire soon, and the team will continue to operate. Therefore, the training camp We must also consider building it, we can’t wait until we enter the alliance, we can rent a house if we don’t have enough space, there are still many vacant rooms in the real estate in Heming Court next door, let me talk about it, we can rent it at a low price.”

When Chen Guo saw him mentioning Hemingyuan, she asked, "By the way, Xiaoyue, your surname is Tang, and the owner of Hemingyuan is also surnamed Tang. Is it related?"

Tang Yue didn't hide it either: "Tang Heming is my father."

Chen Guo nodded: "It really is the second generation of rich people."

Ye Xiu said: "Okay, the business is over, Xiaotang and Baozi, it's time to level up, come to the realm of the gods soon."

Tang Yue said to Chen Guo: "Sister Chen, what about the account number, I'll transfer the money to you now, and I have to see my tutor tomorrow, so I might come at night."

Chen Guo: "Don't worry, I have an account, and it's all my personal account. I'll go see what documents I need tomorrow, open a team account, and then you can transfer the money."

Wei Chen suddenly asked: "Xiaoyue, you just said that you are underage, and that you are studying for a Ph.D. Tell me about it. How old are you?"

Tang Yue took out her ID card and handed it to Chen Guo: "Make a copy, I will definitely need it to form a team. In fact, after New Year's Day, I am already 17 years old. I have been a doctoral student at Imperial College for a few months, and I just transferred to H University. , go to school at the beginning of the winter vacation, as for the young, I skipped a grade when I was studying, and I skipped a grade many times."

Wei Chen nodded: "Yeah, Xueba is Xueba. I just met us for more than half an hour, and my verbal team has become a regular team. My old Wei has also become an investor. Hahaha, please call us in the future." I am Director Wei."

Baozi said, "Am I also called Director Bao?"

Wei Chen shook his head, and said profoundly, "You only have a few tenths of shares, so you can only be regarded as retail investors, and I will ask you to buy retail investors from now on."

Ye Xiu suddenly said, "By the way, does the skill point strategy provided by Wei Chen also count as investment?"

Tang Yue looked at Ye Xiu, then at Wei Chen: "What is it? Skill points and strategies?"

Ye Xiu took out a document and handed it to Tang Yue: "This is the result of Wei Chen's research for many years. It was optimized by Concealed Light with a data model and compiled in professional terms. Take a look at it. How much can it be worth?"

Wei Chen got up immediately, took out his experience notes and a printout of the data model provided by Concealed Light from a pile of materials, and handed them to Tang Yue together: "This is my experience, and the data model created by mathematicians. The strategy is based on theory, you should also read it.”

Tang Yue picked up the three materials, walked to the edge of the seat, and compared them.

An hour later, Tang Yue opened a new file on the computer and started typing.

Wei Chen deliberately got up and walked behind Tang Yue. Seeing that there were texts and formulas in the document, he asked Tang Yue, "Are you checking the calculation? We have tested it, and there is no problem."

Tang Yue shook her head: "No, this data model is very powerful, and it has given me a lot of inspiration. In fact, the material dropped by the boss is not random. You can also use this model to sort out strategies to increase the chance of the boss bursting."

Wei Chen immediately said, "Oh, then hurry up and research, we are in urgent need of materials."

After speaking, he walked back to his seat gently.

(End of this chapter)

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