Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 19 Happy book friends 2023, add more

Chapter 19 Happy book friends 2023, add more

Tang Yue picked up the phone and dialed out: "Mom, I'm at Xingxin Internet Cafe on the next street. I have some materials to research. I won't be home for dinner at night, and I don't know what time I will be home. Let me tell you."

Tang Yue hasn't paid attention to the skill book these years, but she has done some research on the explosion rate of materials. After seeing the mathematical model of Concealed Light, she suddenly became enlightened, and then tried to build a material explosion model for the boss. Described, it is a strategy to increase the burst rate.

"By the way, just now you asked how much this strategy is worth, and whether you want to sell it. I suggest not to sell it for the time being. This is the core of the game program architecture. You can master it yourself. After it is leaked out, it is easy for a math expert to get it. After deciphering a lot of things, once Glory Company is alarmed and a patch is applied, this strategy will be useless. If it is based on the contribution of skill points to the team, I suggest 550 million, and Wei Chen can divide it into 500 million. Concealed Light's model It is worth 1000 million, and the Twilight Body strategy is also worth 50. After I deciphered the explosion rate, the strategy is worth almost 1000 million. Of course, I don’t need to count my piece. I just give an estimate. Wei Chen, this money is converted into shares. Or take cash, whatever you want, I can make additional investment and guarantee that it will be worth more than you sell it.”

Wei Chen thought for a while and said, "Take 100 million in cash, and convert the rest into shares, is that okay?"

Tang Yue nodded: "Of course, Sister Chen, let's recalculate the shares according to the new investment, and add Wei Chen and Concealed Light's shares into it. This Concealed Light is really a genius. This core can be deciphered with models."

Ye Xiu said: "Listen to him, it was his teacher who helped build the model, a mathematician from Sichuan."

Tang Yue asked: "Is it Zhang Yichuan? No wonder, this is the world's top mathematics master. Glory company can't afford to hire such a master to build the core, so it's normal for a mathematics master to be able to decipher the glory core."

Chen Guo suddenly asked Tang Yue: "You can understand these formulas, so what do you study in university?"

Tang Yue said: "I research materials and light weapons, mainly sniper rifles. ANK-2026 is an ultra-long-range sniper rifle I independently designed and made by myself. The distance is 500 meters, a record I personally typed."

Baozi raised his hand: "It's awesome, you can even play with a sniper rifle."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "If you are abroad, I can take you to play, but there is no other way in China."

Ye Xiu suddenly said, "I suddenly feel guilty. If you play games with us, will it affect your research?"

Tang Yue laughed: "What are you thinking? I plan to win the championship with you in two to three years. By then, I will graduate with a Ph.D. and I will join the army."

Everyone's ears are pricked up. There is no precedent for a professional player to join the army.

Tang Yue said with a smile: "I can't help it. My father used to be a sergeant in the reconnaissance battalion. He participated in special forces training twice and was rejected. This ideal has been passed on to me. Since I can remember, he has been training and helping me. Cultivate the habit of exercising every day, don't look at me thin, I can fight very well, taekwondo black belt master, let me look at you, brother Bao is in good health, you and old Wei are too empty."

Baozi stood up, made a few movements, and said to Tang Yue, "Family-inherited martial arts, Bajiquan, it's a pity we don't have a black belt."

Tang Yue didn't stay here for a long time. She was not used to staying up late due to the living habits she had developed over the years. After ten o'clock, she stood up and said, "I'm sleepy. I'm going home to rest."

After Tang Yue left, Wei Chen left the computer, walked to Ye Xiu, and chatted about his feelings for Tang Yue.

"What a miraculous young man. If he hadn't defeated the three of us with strength, I would have thought that what he said was full of nonsense."

"In other words, I was shocked at the time, except that I didn't look the same at all, and my fighting skills and habits were all in the same line as Su Muqiu. I also knew silver martial arts, and I liked to study materials. Everything was very similar to Su Muqiu. My Lord Grim came online. His Zuiwo came to the door on his own initiative on the battlefield, maybe there is Su Muqiu's blessing in the dark."

"It's for sure. Qiu Musu was the only one who could do it with a bullet in his eyes. He's the second one to deal with this old man." After speaking, he patted Ye Xiu's thigh and said with a smile, "With Xiaoyue's help, Even if Excellent Era is eliminated, we won't be afraid anymore."

Excellent Era has been lingering in the elimination zone, constantly provoking Wei Chen. Except for Jun Moxiao, everyone else in this team is much weaker than Excellent Era. He really has no confidence that he can beat Excellent Era. Excellent Era's ability to make it to the end gave him a false alarm.

It's alright now, with Tang Yue and Ye Xiu teaming up, plus him and Xiao Tang Baozi, there's no pressure at all to play against Excellent Era in a team match.

Xingxin has two peerless masters, and the major giants in the league don't have this configuration.

What made Wei Chen happiest was that he suddenly became an investor of Xingxin, accounting for 14.76% of the shares, making him the third largest shareholder. According to the new share ratio, Chen Guo had 29.76%, Ye Xiu 19.05%, Xiao Tang, Concealed Light Both are 12.14%, Tang Yue 11.9%, including retail investors 0.25%.He, Wei Chen, also received 100 million in cash, which is worthy of these years of research, and he will still have a monthly salary of [-]. This trip to H City is really worth it.

Old Wei wanted to sell the strategy for money, but he didn't want to increase his external strength. He was a bit entangled. Now, the strategy was acquired by Xingxin, and the outside world couldn't get it. His benefits were converted into investment. This is really wonderful.

All of this was brought by Tang Yue. It feels great that the successor of the suffering master has become his lucky star.

Ye Xiu despised him: "Xiaoyue came here today, old Wei, you are much more modest, you didn't rely on your elders at all, and you didn't show off your lower limit."

"Nonsense, I scared Xiaoyue away, where did I come from Director Wei? Also, being rubbed in glory, you can't be rubbed in reality, right? This kid is 1.9 meters tall, has a black belt in Taekwondo, and is a sniper rifle. I still want to play games happily, how dare I provoke this fierce man."

Baozi raised his head and said, "I might not be able to do it in the game. His marksmanship is too good. In reality, I think I can try Bajiquan and his Taekwondo."

Ye Xiu immediately said, "Baozi, give up this idea. He'll know the severity if he beats you up. If you beat him up, you'll lose your account."

Baozi nodded again and again: "He said, I still have [-] monthly salary, I can't play, I can't play."

Seeing Wei Chen and Baozi beaming, Chen Guo finally understood why Tang Yue was angry. The two didn't mention it, but it didn't mean they didn't like money. Now that it's all over, Tang Yue straightened things out with a few words. She can also feel at ease.

The next day, Tang Yue went to school to meet her tutor, but was taken directly to S City by the tutor to participate in a technology exhibition, and it took two days to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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