Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 20 2 female sparring partners

Chapter 20
Everyone in Xingxin waited for two days, but Tang Yue did not show up. On the third day, Wei Chen was fidgeting and asked Ye Xiu, "The boss's account is ready, and Xiaoyue said that the account will be credited at any time. This is full of words. It's gone, is it to amuse us?"

Ye Xiu despised him: "With his skill, it will be boring enough to entertain you, what good is it?"

Wei Chen immediately said, "Why is it no good? He has read all my strategies."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "Believe me, my brother's eyesight is absolutely fine."

Wei Chen immediately turned back his contempt: "Speaking of your eyesight, I panicked even more. Liu Hao was taught by you, and those team members were also taught by you. After you retire, they will come to hunt you down in online games." , is this your eyesight?"

Ye Xiu could only be speechless. He was the team leader in Excellent Era, and his teammates regarded him as an enemy. We can't blame others, he really didn't do a good job.

After dinner, Tang Yue finally appeared in Xingxin Internet Cafe, and Wei Chen and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, I went to see my tutor the day before yesterday and was taken directly to S City to participate in the science and technology exhibition. I just came back this afternoon. I didn't have your phone number or account card, so I couldn't notify you. Are you afraid that I will let you go? .”

Ye Xiu nodded: "Director Wei is very scared, but the others are fine."

Wei Chen said hastily: "Fuck off, I just miss Xiaoyue, get out the dungeon boss explosion rate strategy earlier, and we can get more materials."

Tang Yue is a straightforward person. After getting Chen Guo's team's exclusive account, she immediately transferred 1000 million into it with her mobile phone, and then signed her name on a stack of documents after reading it once.

The shareholdings on the document have changed slightly, Chen Guo 28%, Ye Xiu 20%, Wei Chen 15%, Xiao Tang, Concealed Light and Tang Yue all 12%, retail investors become 1%, there is no decimal point anymore.

After Tang Yue received 1000 million, Chen Guo immediately transferred 200 million, and then Tang Rou also received 1000 million. Wei Chen finally got 100 million, and the joint-stock team was formally established.

Chen Guo proposed to go to supper together to celebrate. Tang Yue glanced at her and said, "What's there to celebrate? My account is still level 45, and I have to go to the Lanxi Pavilion friends to level up."

Chen Guo said: "Join our own guild, we already have a guild."

Tang Yue shook her head: "Do you have a tuba to accompany me to level up? Leave me the monster opening and the last blow? As long as I want wild map materials, they will give me them. Do you have any? I enjoy the super president in Lanxi Pavilion. Treatment, do you think it's appropriate to leave?"

Ye Xiu asked him: "Brother didn't enjoy this treatment, how could you have it?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "You are doing hard work, trading records for materials. I helped Lanhe make a level 55 silver weapon. They produced five times the materials. You can count on me to upgrade in the future."

Ye Xiu raised his thumb: "You're awesome, help Baozi and Xiao Tang get Yinwu when you have time."

Tang Yue nodded: "No problem, just let them provide the materials themselves."

As soon as Zuiwo went online, Lan He sent a message: "Brother, why haven't you been online for three days?"

"School will start soon. I went to S City on a business trip with my tutor. I didn't bring my account card and I didn't have a phone number, so I couldn't notify you."

"13XXXXX, this is my phone number. If you need to find me and you can't contact the account, just call me."

When Tang Yue saw it, she called and said, "This is my phone number, please contact me if you need anything."

"Brother, school has started, and your online time is very short, I'd better find two high-levels to take you, how about coming to the Realm of God earlier?"

After school starts, Tang Yue's online time will definitely be greatly shortened. Blue River's level is already level 58, and he will be able to reach level 60 in a few days. If Chuanchen Yingxue can upgrade to level 60, of course it will be the best result.

"Alright then, thank you."

Not long after, there was a female swordsman at level 55, Nong Xinshang, who became a drunk friend on the battlefield: "It's still me, Mu Rucunxue, let me tell you, I will use Mu Rucunxue right away, this is a borrowed account , give it to others immediately, and they will guide you to level up in the future."

When we arrived, Mu Rucunxue was already level 51, and Nong Xin was waiting at the gate of the instance with a level 56 female magician named Zhiyue Qingcheng. , we two beauties are here to accompany you. When we arrive at the Realm of God, we will change our numbers to accompany you.

Zuiwo showed a charcoal-burned face on the battlefield, and said to Mu Rucunxue: "You, Lanxi Pavilion, are trying to use a beauty trick."

Mu Rucunxue replied: "I'm an acquaintance, I'll bring them to meet you today, the three of us will accompany you today, and tomorrow will be the two of them. Cun Yanxin is a master of the General Assembly, so I specially changed the ten area code to bring you. Zhiyue Qingcheng is the backbone of land reclamation in the tenth district, both of them are more skilled than me, so you need to level up faster."

Zuiwo Shachang nodded: "Understood, you are a coolie, and you are used as a livestock. This kind of stress-free job is basically not your turn."

Mu Ru made an embarrassing expression: "Master, don't be so direct, it's very offensive."

With three high-level flying, the leveling efficiency is indeed much higher. In just a few hours, all the copies that can be accessed have been wiped out. The Zuiwo battlefield level has risen to level 47 and a half. We have made an appointment to continue together tomorrow afternoon After brushing the book, Zuiwo will be offline on the battlefield.

"Everyone, I'm going home too, try to come as early as possible tomorrow, probably in the afternoon."

For a few days, Tang Yue went to the second floor of Xingxin around four o'clock to study the strategy for an hour, and then leveled up. Finally, she reached level 50, and immediately went to receive the trial task of the Domain of God.

Then after playing a few times in the arena, stop in the arena, open the equipment editor, and start drawing drawings. Each part must be drawn in three views, with the dimensions of each side on it, and then what material is used to synthesize each part , and how the ratio should be clearly marked on the drawings.

Designing blueprints is a very cumbersome job, because Tang Yue has already successfully made it in the Y server, and everything that needs to be modified has been revised, so the progress is very fast.

Nong Xin still and Zhiyue Qingcheng successively sent news about forming a team to level up, but they were all shirked by Zuiwo's research on Yinwu in the battlefield.

At nine o'clock in the evening, even the assembly drawing was completed, Tang Yue raised her head and said to Ye Xiu, "My silver weapon drawing is ready, do you want to appreciate it?"

As soon as Ye Xiu moved, the others heard about the Yinwu blueprint and walked behind Tang Yue to watch.

Baozi looked at it and immediately asked, "Luna, this is a submachine gun. Does Glory have a submachine gun?"

"Assault rifle, with a grenade launcher attached, the gun is a special weapon for unmanned people. It is made of ordinary materials at level [-]. It has already taken shape. When it comes to the realm of gods, as long as the parts are replaced with rare materials, it can be upgraded all the way to level [-]." .”

"Is it a claw or a knife under the barrel of your gun?" Ye Xiu asked.

"Three slots for swords and swords, which can be used to insert knives and short swords. They can be pulled out and used alone, or turned up to fight with bayonets. The two short swords can be used as supporting legs when not in use."

Baozi said: "Can you brush blood? Look at where to change it to a cross. It will be better if you can get the skills of a priest. You won't brush blood and blue. I'm sorry for being an uninitiated person."

Old Wei despised: "Don't take your ignorance as a joke. It's too shameless to brush blood."

(End of this chapter)

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