Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 181 Carve up the Promise

Chapter 181 Carve up the Promise
Happy beat Promise easily, Happy's second team was easier than Happy's, Samsara Dynasty was formed by ordinary players, its level was not even as good as the dungeon team of Happy's [-]th district guild, and the name was so majestic, Chen Guo was too scared to play.

Yan Cunxin was still in the first battle, and the opponent was the gunner. Chen Guo saw the gunner's operation of jumping a high platform and stumbled, so she realized that she had encountered a rookie, and regretted that she didn't sign up for the competition.

Facts have proved that the player level of Samsara Dynasty is very low, and the second team of Heming Xingxin easily crushed their opponents.

Ye Xiu's post-match summary.

"Wuji's strength is actually not bad. If he hadn't met us, he would definitely be able to participate in the offline competition. Since there is still a home game, we can't waste it. The next individual competition will be Mo Fan, Luo Ji, Baozi, and the group arena will be Tang Rou. Qiao Yifan, Hu Yu, and An Wenyi, Baozi, Luo Ji, Hu Yu, and Wei Chen are the substitutes for Jiale in the team battle. Anyway, if you win one game, you win the game. Take it easy, everyone, you may not be able to play, let's experience the atmosphere. "

A week later, in the second round of the home game, Mo Fan played one game. He used the CD stream to kill Ren Quye, and the game was over.

Aiming at the fact that Mo Fan's mental concentration could not last long, Ye Xiu Lao Wei helped him build a lot of CD flow routines, run away after the skill is cooled down, and continue to fight after the skill cools down.

However, the silver weapon Tang Yue gave him was suitable for the control style of play, and it had a lot of dark night skills.

In order to prove that he can make good use of this silver weapon, Mo Fan actually suppressed the explosion, and fumbled for a nondescript control CD flow.

He An originally wanted to win a game with someone else, so he won the first spot in front of the boss to save face, but he was tricked by this cunning Jun Moren, he lost all face, and couldn't help but swear .

"What kind of game are you playing? You're so obscene, XXX, XXX."

As soon as Renquye finished scolding, he was directly sentenced to lose by the battle system, and a system message popped up: "Renquye's language was inappropriate, he committed a serious foul, and was kicked out of the arena. The game is over, and Team Everlasting will be eliminated."

The Wuji team lost the game and also lost. Facing countless spectators swiping their screens and scolding him, He An left Wuji directly after the game.

After Heming's live commentary ended, Wu Chen contacted Ye Xiu via QQ: "God Ye, I'm here to apologize."

Lord Grim: "Oh, what about Wuji?"

Xiao Qiang: "We will deal with He An seriously."

Lord Grim: "That's not important. I'm asking about your plans for Wuji. Wuji lost again this year. Should you continue to participate in next year's challenge, or just sell it as a package? It is said that a lot of capital wants to enter the market. Is there any People want to buy Wuji at the bottom?"

Xiao Gun: "..."

Lord Grim: "It shouldn't matter if you talk about it. You can just talk about it openly. If you are willing to continue playing, or if someone is willing to buy it in a package, I don't ask. If Wuji wants to split it up and sell it, we are still somewhat interested."

Boss Promise originally planned to sell the team this season, and also contacted several companies.

He continued to participate in the Challenger League this season, but he just wanted to raise the price, but he was eliminated in the second round, and there was a scandal about He An insulting his opponent. Several capitals that were originally interested sent emails to interrupt the negotiation immediately.

They said that they want to package the team to make money. This kind of team with negative news does not conform to the corporate image.

Wu Chen waited until the next day before replying: "The boss wants to split it up and sell it. How much are you going to pay for the glory?"

Ye Xiu replied with a smiling face: "Let's pick the materials first, and then help you contact Heavenly Swords to take over the asset of Glory."

Xiao Qiang: "Great God, don't make trouble, I was picked by you once, will Heavenly Sword still want it?"

Lord Grim: "Let me analyze it for you. We definitely don't want your Silver equipment, let alone any other team in the alliance. Except for Heavenly Sword, they are probably also interested in Miracle, or should you contact Miracle first?"

Xiao Qiang: "Why didn't you contact Heavenly Sword first?"

Lord Grim: "Whether Heavenly Swords should buy it or not, I will definitely ask my opinion, and we will also ask us to estimate the value, so if you want to sell it to Heavenly Swords, we must choose the materials first."

Xiao Qiang: "I'm just the captain, I don't care how to sell it, but I will tell the boss what you want."

After talking with Wu Chen, Ye Xiu asked Lou Guanning directly.

Lord Grim: "Xiaolou, has Wuji talked to you?"

Loulan Slash: "They wanted to give us the glory part, and they asked for 3000 million yuan, but we rejected it."

Lord Grim: "Their silver equipment is of the same grade as yours, so it's not worth buying. I suggest you only need the materials."

Loulan Zhan: "As you know, we spent a lot of money to get more than [-] pieces of silver equipment. I really want to eat their silver equipment, but they want to sell it with the account number. We don't want the account number."

Lord Grim: "Trust me, don't buy silver equipment. As long as there are materials, it's best to let us pick 100 million materials first."

Loulan Slash was stunned for a moment, but still agreed: "Okay, I believe you, as long as you have the materials, you can pick 50 first."

Lord Grim: "Trust me, you won't suffer."

Because Miracle only needs characters and silver equipment, the boss of Promise knows that Yizhan and Xingxin only need materials, so he sells all the silver equipment and a few characters to Miraculous.

The studio was ready to take advantage of the fire to rob, and the price offered made Wuji's boss very angry. In the end, Wu Chen asked Ye Xiu to act as a middleman and contact Team Heavenly Swordsman.

Ye Xiu first selected 50 materials, and the remaining materials were taken by Heavenly Sword with 500 million.

After such a dismantling, part of the Promise owners of Glory returned close to 3000 million, and the club real estate can be used for other purposes, which is basically enough.

After Lord Grim picked out the materials, he contacted Wu Chen again: "What are your plans?"

Xiao Qiang: "I haven't considered it yet."

Lord Grim: "Come to Heming Xingxin. Our Heming Xingxin's goal is a dynasty, and the guild needs a lot of backbones."

Xiao Qiang: "Okay."

Wu Chen is an old man of glory. If Wuji is still there, his final destination will also be the Wuji guild. Now that Wuji is gone, it is of course a good choice to join the Heming Xingxin guild.

Wu Chen arrived at Heming Court on the third day, and he actually brought a stack of Wuji guild leader numbers with him.

These president numbers represent the Promise Guild, but there are only heads and some low-level equipment left in the guild, which may be scattered if not managed.

After calculations by Wei Chen and Ye Qiu, they gave an estimate of 300 million, mainly the potential value of 10 divisions and two full-level guilds in the Domain of God.

It is the potential value of strengthening Heming Xingxin Club's weaknesses. If it is given to other teams, no one wants 50.

The boss of Promise heard that Wu Chen joined the Heming Xingxin guild, so he gave it to him. Wu Chen is the only hero in the Promise team from the beginning to the end, and he is worthy of the boss's dowry.

Heming Xingxin Club took over twelve guilds, and of course it wouldn't lose Wu Chen.

Chen Guo took the initiative to give up 1% of the shares to Wu Chen, and appointed Wu Chen to continue to serve as the president of the Promise Guild. The account was still using Xiaoqiang, and Wu Chen was drawn into the second team of Heming Xingxin.

Wu Chen thought that the 1% share was just a symbolic meaning. When he received Liyue's financial statements as a shareholder, he realized that Heming Xingxin's total assets were close to 700 million, and the shares that Chen Guo gave him were worth [-] million. I was a little overwhelmed, and I was so moved that I didn't want to.

After Ye Qiu helped Wu Chen's Xiaoqiang brush up his skill points to 4890, Xiaoqiang realized that the game account cards of Xingxin's first team were all worth 5000 points, no wonder beating someone was so painful.

The Promise Guild was taken over by the Heming Club, which did not have a big impact on the players. After all, the Heming Xingxin team is much more famous than the Promise team. With a new boss, the guild system is better than before. It is only good for the players, and the Promise team Captain Wu Chen is still there, and Xiao Qiang has become the president of the Wuji guild, making most of the fans of Wuji stay.

Afterwards, under Wu Chen's coordination, six guild backbones from the Promise Guild came to Xingxin Internet Cafe and became the elite backbone of Heming Xingxin's [-]-member group.

The days passed by so quickly. When Tang Yue came back, the two teams of Heming Xingxin had already run over their opponents in the fourth round. They were all ordinary players, and they were not worth mentioning at all.

(End of this chapter)

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