Chapter 182 Script Change
Team Heming's competition was not exciting, but what attracted the audience was the commentary room of Heming. Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale and Lin Jie also participated in the commentary recently. The more, the settlement data has increased a lot.

Of course, there are still many viewers who are using barrage, calling for Drunk God to appear.

Because Drunk God has not yet participated in any competitions.

When Ye Xiu saw Tang Yue, he said, "The next match, you must participate in the first individual match. Many fans want to watch your match."

Tang Yue nodded: "Okay, let's play a game. By the way, I have to ask, is my sharpshooter account ready?"

Ye Xiu took out a card: "Alright, Mo Qiang has sent it to you."

Hearing about Tang Yue's return, Director Wang personally sent the script to Tang Yue for review. After all, it is a TV drama customized by Tang Yue, and the script must meet the requirements of the sponsor.

After flipping through it, Tang Yue asked Director Wang with a smile, "Why did you write that the Jiabao team was relegated? Tao Xuan, the boss of Excellent Era, will be pissed off when he sees it?"

Jiabao is the home team of the protagonist Ye Chen. In order to emphasize the conflict, the screenwriter deliberately relegated Jiabao to become Heming Xingxin's competitor in the Challenger League. In the final battle, he was defeated by Heming Xingxin.

Director Wang smiled and said, "Excellent Era is Excellent Era, and Jiabao is Jiabao."

Tang Yue pointed to the script and said, "I would like to make some suggestions, replace the Heming Xingxin team with the Xingxin team, otherwise the traces of advertising will be too heavy, and fans of other teams will not like it.

Also, my role was cancelled, the roles of Zhang Jiale and Qiu Fei were cancelled, and the role of the teenager in the Blue Rain training camp was cancelled, only the characters recruited by God Ye in the online game remained.

In this way, Xingxin's strength is not comparable to Jiabao's. We can exaggerate the difference in strength between the two sides. It seems that Xingxin is a mayfly and Jiabao is a big tree. There is no hope of winning. "

Director Wang asked Tang Yue: "I know that the drama effect is better this way, but you are sure not to add He Ming and your affairs, you still have a lot of roles."

Tang Yue nodded: "Sure, Xingxin and Heming will not be short of money, plus me and Jiale, the strength is too strong, playing the challenge is like playing, it's meaningless, and there will be no climax in the TV series."

Director Wang said: "Okay, I'll ask the screenwriter to revise, these online game teenagers have improved their tactical skills by leaps and bounds under Ye Shen's training, and it was under very difficult circumstances that Ye Shen and Wei Chen used weird tactics to barely defeat Jiabao. "

Tang Yue nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, that's it. It is necessary to highlight the ingenuity and irreproducibility of this tactic. It is definitely impossible to fight another game. Only by winning the thrilling ending can there be drama."

Director Wang said: "Then, I have to trouble you to prepare this ingenious, weird, and irreproducible tactic. With our screenwriters, we should not be able to create such a tactic."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Of course, the tactics must at least be reasonable and logically self-consistent. We have talents in this area."

Tang Yue pulled Director Wang and came to Wei Chen and Ye Shen: "The script is out, but there are still a few tactics that are missing. I can only ask you for help in this regard. Our TV series focuses on showing newcomers in online games, under the guidance of the master, use tactics reasonably, fight Winning a professional team requires weakening strength and emphasizing the role of tactics. This will not only make the plot ups and downs, attract more viewers, but also stimulate more players to have ambitions for the professional league.
They were not strong enough, but they had a lot of ideas. Team Xingxin used tactics to defeat professional teams, which gave them a strong sense of substitution, so that they liked to watch TV dramas, and with more people watching, they could make a lot of money in TV dramas.

Therefore, these tactics must be able to defeat the strong with the weak, so please Director Wei. "

Wei Chen smiled and said, "That's not a problem. Let's study it and provide it to you in three days."

When Heming Xingxin's team's roster was changed from an ammunition expert to a sharpshooter on the Zuiwo battlefield, the official website of Heming Xingxin was also updated simultaneously.

As a result, not long after the website was updated, many fans of Lanxi Pavilion protested: "Zuiwo must be an ammunition expert in the battlefield, and I strongly urge Drunken God to use ammunition experts to sign up for the challenge."

Xingxin guild players also began to respond: "Zuiwo Battlefield is now the guild leader of Xingxin's second branch. Which green onion is Zuiwo Battlefield of the sharpshooter?"

Chen Guo said: "Jun Moxiao is the account of the two great masters of Xingxin guild. In the hearts of players, the ammunition expert's Zuiwo battlefield is the authentic one. After all, the invincible videos they saw before were all played by ammunition experts. .”

Tang Yue looked at Zhang Jiale, Zhang Jiale smiled and said, "Plus, it's impossible to return the equipment to you anyway."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Then add it. To conform to the righteousness of the people, you have already been called the drunken god. Of course, you have to let the alliance recognize it. Anyway, the equipment of my sharpshooter Zuiwo battlefield, and the ammunition expert Zuiwo battlefield It works. I will report two, and when my sharpshooter becomes famous, players will naturally recognize my sharpshooter."

After Liyue added the ammunition expert Zuiwo to the battlefield, the players from the Lanxi Pavilion and Happy guild seemed to have won a battle, and they all congratulated the drunk god on becoming a god as soon as possible.

On the fourth day after Tang Yue returned home, Glory officially announced the suspension of server updates, and then released the expansion pack.

Level 70 has been suspended for three years, and finally upgraded to level 75, with six new maps and six cities.

The level 75 map is the main gathering place for players in the future, so each map has five-player, ten-player, 20-player, 50-player and 75-player raids, which is convenient for players to replenish blood after being killed, and it is also convenient for level [-] equipment and acquisition of materials.

If the main city of the guild can be moved, it is estimated that many guilds will move here.

Because the server was shut down, Glory couldn't be played, and everyone in Heming Xingxin didn't know how to spend the next 24 hours.

Tang Yue immediately contacted Director Wang: "Director Wang, you have 24 hours. You can come and film Xingxin's daily routine. When it is updated, you can also add the content of the team's dungeon. This is a rare opportunity."

Director Wang: "Great, I'll go there now,"

Director Wang personally coordinated, and an hour later, the TV station's shooting machines were moved to Xingxin Internet Cafe.

Because of Su Mucheng's guest appearance, Tao Xuan knew that Tang Yue was going to use Ye Xiu's experience to film a TV series, so he immediately approached him.

He was too nervous, and Tang Yue didn't want to see him. In the TV series, Excellent Era must be a negative example.

Tao Xuan asked Ye Xiu to make a deal, and then sat down with Tang Yue in the leisure room on the first floor of Team Heming to negotiate.

He had learned through Ye Xiu that the TV series would use Team Jiabao instead of Team Excellent Era.

Even the main character of the TV series was changed, and Excellent Era did not appear. Of course, he had no right to interfere with the filming, but after the broadcast, everyone in the know knew that Jiabao was Excellent Era.

Tao Xuan simply used Excellent Era to cooperate, so that the script could be merciful.

Tao Xuan: "Young Master Tang, can you directly use Team Excellent Era instead of Jiabao for this TV series?"

Tang Yue said with a smile, "Mr. Tao, the Jiabao team is a bad example. It was relegated by the scriptwriter in the ninth season."

Tao Xuan said: "Young Master Tang, everything is negotiable. I, Tao Xuan, can be the villain and take on the responsibility of abandoning Ye Qiu. Please let Excellent Era go. I am me, and Excellent Era is Excellent Era. The script can be written by Excellent Era." The boss, Tao Xuan, was obsessed with ghosts for a while. I will give you the authorization to sign. The protagonist is Ye Qiu, and the account is One Autumn Leaf. If Liu Hao, Chen Yehui and others change their names, their affairs can also be included. Fire, please, give Excellent Era a positive image, Excellent Era is always a positive team."

Tang Yue looked at Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu said: "After all, Excellent Era is the first dynasty of Glory, whether it is in the alliance or in the hearts of players, it has a lot of weight, so think about it seriously."

Even if Ye Xiu said that, Tang Yue would not insist on it anymore, so she nodded and said, "Since Mr. Tao is willing to wrong himself, then please continue to revise the script."

 I was on a business trip yesterday, and I just got back tonight, so I finally caught up with uploading today's content.

  Please forgive me for any omissions.

(End of this chapter)

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