Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 192 I Don't Want To Endure It Anymore

Chapter 192 I Don't Want To Endure It Anymore

After the former general manager retired, the current general manager Wang is a sports star. He didn't like young people playing games. It's just that the Glory team is indeed more profitable than other projects, so he has been ignoring it. The system and management of the Glory team remain unchanged.

After Chu Yunxiu was caught by Vice President Qin this time, other people did not support Chu Yunxiu, so of course he would not support Chu Yunxiu.

Seeing that no one was speaking, General Manager Wang concluded his speech: "Last season, our Glory team entered the semi-finals. It is indeed a historic breakthrough. In order to achieve greater achievements, it is necessary to improve the strength of the team. This time the 75th level Renewal is an opportunity for us. It is said that each profession has five new skills. We should improve the overall strength of the team. Glory is a collective project after all. As the captain of the team, Xiao Chu must focus on new tactical arrangements. Instead of snatching team resources, always make yourself stand out from the crowd.

Regarding the handling of the new Yinwu, I agree with Director Sun’s suggestion to buy it for 100 million. As for the materials, we all know that they are priceless and we don’t have them yet. In terms of improving the overall strength, well, please raise your hand if you agree with my decision. "

Except for Chu Yunxiu, everyone raised their hands.

General Manager Wang nodded: "That's it, the meeting is adjourned."

All seven members of the management committee have voting rights, and the general manager has a veto right in addition to voting rights.

This is only stipulated by the system. Since General Manager Wang is in charge of the overall situation, except for Vice President Zhang who is in charge of logistics, most of the team is his people, so he can basically make a decision with one word.

Now that General Manager Wang has made the final decision based on the on-site speech, and six people raised their hands in agreement, it is a collective decision, and no one has the right to change it.

Chu Yunxiu walked back to the training room depressed. She knew she was in a hurry. Although she had no regrets, she caught up with the opportunity of being defeated by Excellent Era, and was caught by someone showing such a big flaw.

She is the captain of the team and an All-Star of Glory. Most of the contracts of the Yanyu team belong to her. Because the Misty Rain Club is an old club and a subsidiary company of the cultural and sports department. It has a deep relationship in S City. The advertising contracts she can receive are higher than Su Mucheng has much more, even if she and the club split the bill 800/[-], she still gets more money than Su Mucheng, with an annual income of [-] million, which is the highest earner in the club.

She is also one of the seven members of the committee, and belongs to the club executives. She is usually very popular in the club. Anyone who sees her is polite. Because of a silver weapon and more than 100 materials, she can buy it with money. , Why did it go online.

She really couldn't figure out why other executives attacked her collectively.

This matter is actually more difficult than Yin Wu's matter. If she doesn't figure it out, she won't be able to watch TV dramas safely.

The one who started this incident must be the team's head of the technical department. The technical department belongs to the logistics unit, and the direct supervisor is Vice President Zhang who manages the logistics. Vice President Zhang is the oldest management member of the Misty Rain Club. It is not the current boss, but an old bureaucrat who checks and balances the boss.

Although Vice President Zhang didn't express his opinion during the meeting, he raised his hand when he raised his hand to vote.

Director Sun of the Development Department was transferred by the superior department's propaganda, and he was always consistent with Vice President Zhang, because he had to promote stars in his work, and he usually dealt with Chu Yunxiu a lot. This time, he proposed a compromise opinion, which was adopted by President Wang He raised his hand in agreement.

The financial director is not from the sports system, but this person has no position, and he will listen to whoever is the boss.

Vice President Qin, who fired the cannon, was promoted by the Director of the Athletic Department after General Manager Wang was promoted, and the current director of the Athletic Department belongs to Mr. Wang's hard-core subordinates.

Therefore, it was General Manager Wang who wanted to find fault with him.

Because Chu Yunxiu has watched too many dog-blooded dramas, she has seen a lot of intrigue in court dramas. She does not lack political wisdom, but she was promoted by the previous boss. General Manager Wang will target her.

Mr. Wang is targeting her, is it because she took too much?

There are many sports stars in the club, and they also have endorsement contracts, but those people, regardless of gender, are strong, but there are not many handsome and beautiful ones. Bigger contracts are impossible to get. No one earns more for the club than myself , As for the team members, no one can replace her.

Chu Yunxiu couldn't figure out why President Wang targeted her, so she sent a message to Director Sun of the Development Department: "Uncle Sun, why?"

Not long after, Director Sun replied with a message: "Someone is here for a trial training, but you are not here."

Chu Yunxiu's thoughts turned and she asked, "Girl?"

Director Sun replied in seconds: "Twin sisters. That's all I can say."

Chu Yunxiu: "Understood, let's delete it."

Director Sun smiled back.

Chu Yunxiu finally understood the reason. The resources mentioned at the meeting did not only refer to materials, but also promotional resources in the future.

Knowing the reason, Chu Yunxiu no longer hesitated, and directly sent a message to Tang Yue.

Tang Yue was reading materials at school when her cell phone rang suddenly.

Sister Yunxiu: "I'm sorry, let me apologize first."

Tang Yue replied: "What's the matter?"

Sister Yunxiu: "I promised you five times the materials, but I can't get them. I'll convert them into money and give them to you."

Tang Yue replied: "What happened? Can't you get it in a month?"

Sister Yunxiu: "If you get it, you are not allowed to sell it. I only have two choices. Return the silver weapon to you, and I will give you the money."

Tang Yue was able to help Fengcheng Yanyu to make Yinwu, it was because of friendship that the transaction was made, since Yanyu is unwilling, then cancel the transaction and only talk about friendship.

So Tang Yue replied: "I'm not short of money, Silver Weapon doesn't sell for money, I'll give it to you, so you don't need to make trouble."

Sister Yunxiu: "Thank you, I like the new Yinwu very much, and I don't want to return it to you. Since you don't sell it, I owe you a favor."

Tang Yue replied: "You are my sister's best friend, and also my sister, so I honor you, so don't take it to heart,"

Sister Yunxiu: "I'll definitely take it to heart. How about this? In the winter transition, I will transfer to Heming Xingxin. Would you like me? I still have a two-year contract. I can't take it anymore, I don't want to take it anymore." ,tired."

Tang Yue replied in seconds: "Yes, take a half-year break in the Challenger League and then return to the alliance. You are another hero."

Sister Yunxiu: "Then it's settled. There are still two months left. I will try my best to play the game well, but I won't use the new silver weapon. Prepare an account for me."

Tang Yue replied: "No problem, it is guaranteed to be stronger than your Fengcheng Misty Rain. How about I help you practice a guest account again and use your beautiful female account? As for the new Yinwu, you can use it, and bring it with you when the time comes." Just go."

Sister Yunxiu: "Let's see."

Chu Yunxiu was very tired in Misty Rain. If she hadn't wanted to repay the old leader who had retired, she would have transferred and left long ago. She wouldn't care about this establishment, and she didn't want to be promoted, so her cousin wouldn't go to Misty Rain for training. camp.

Heming Xingxin's skill points were a secret. When Chu Yunxiu returned to Misty Rain, he didn't say anything about it, because he had just been promoted to level 75, and the rest of the club didn't even know that Heming Xingxin helped Fengcheng Yanyu clear his skill points.

 Chu Yunxiu wrote this paragraph yesterday, I was not satisfied with it, so I didn't post it. I rewrote it today, hoping it is more logical.

(End of this chapter)

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