Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 193 The Battle of the Drunken God

Chapter 193 The Battle of the Drunken God

Before lunch, Director Qin from the technical department came to the team. When he saw Chu Yunxiu, he asked, "Team Chu, I heard that you bought a new silver weapon. Can you study it for me?"

Director Qin is a technical nerd, a top student specially recruited by the club, only has silver equipment technology in his mind, and doesn't know much about human relationships.

Chu Yunxiu thought that in order to get the blueprint of Yinwu, he could go to the leader to sue, and he could do it.

She was upset, but Chu Yunxiu didn't express it, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "It's gone."

Director Qin was surprised: "Didn't you buy it for 100 million? Why did it disappear?"

Chu Yunxiu said: "Others don't want money, but only five times the materials. We don't have the materials, and of course we don't have the Silver Weapon."

Director Qin said: "What materials do you want? Is there a list? I'll give it to you."

Chu Yunxiu said: "The list is handwritten, and I threw it to the guild leader Song."

Director Qin said: "Why give it to him, the materials are all in our technical department."

Chu Yunxiu said: "All are 75-level materials, 7 wild-map materials, 14 hundred-person materials, five times."

Director Qin was stunned, and then said: "No wonder, our technical department only has materials for level 75 small dungeons, but it's too much to ask for."

Chu Yunxiu said: "So, I don't dare to ask for Yinwu."

Director Qin said: "Then I'll make a copy of the list, at least I know what materials are available at Level 75."

Seeing Director Qin walking away, Chu Yunxiu smiled.

Sure enough, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

There are only eight people in the technical department. Director Qin is the first specially recruited undergraduate, and the other six are related households. The year before last, Cui Hao, a doctoral student, was specially recruited.

Li Hua's equipment is all developed by Cui Hao. Li Hua can enter the All-Stars as soon as he debuts. Not only is his technology excellent, but his equipment is also unique. It has faintly surpassed Fengcheng Misty Rain's equipment.

Cui Hao is not only proficient in business, but also sophisticated in human relations. Everyone likes him, but Chu Yunxiu knows that Cui Hao looks down on the dull director Qin from the bottom of his heart.

For the sake of Xin Yinwu, Chu Yunxiu asked the guild to collect materials to pay back the debt. Of course Cui Hao was upset, so he sued.

What Vice President Qin said at the meeting was very similar to Director Qin's thinking.

If it wasn't for Director Qin's visit, Chu Yunxiu would definitely think that it was Director Qin who played tricks.

The matter was over, and Chu Yunxiu focused on the next match.Misty Rain played an away game against Tyranny on the weekend. After lunch, the team set off. They didn't know that the turmoil caused by this Silver Weapon hadn't subsided.

On the weekend, Heming Xingxin also started the second round match against Yunxiao Pavilion.

Yunxiao Pavilion is a studio team, the players are considered masters in online games, and their average level is close to that of the Grand Guild Elite Group.

Last week, Tang Yue fought with a sharpshooter, but the opponent was an elemental mage. He only had two level 75 purple outfits, and the others were level 70 orange outfits. Tang Yue chased him with an orange weapon pistol. He didn't finish a set of skills. After killing the opponent, Heming Xingxin and the others did not hesitate, and won the game 9.5 to 0 cleanly.

After the match, the audience strongly demanded that Drunk God use the ammunition expert to play. Therefore, in the second round, the first match of the individual competition, Tang Yue was still the starter, but replaced with the account of the ammunition expert Zuiwo.

This time, the opponent was Captain Yunxiao Pavilion, a professional swordsman who was a professional swordsman. He was killed by Heming Xingxin's Baozi in the second round.

Wandering around the world: "Why did you change to an ammunition expert?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "I signed up for three accounts."

Wandering around the world: "Can you still play like this?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "In a match, only one number can be used, and individual matches cannot be played repeatedly."

Wandering around the world: "It's not bad, otherwise you can go up alone."

Drunk on the battlefield: "We have live broadcasts of our games, which are completely official game arrangements and will not violate the rules."

Wandering around the world: "Oh, let's start."

The two sides rushed a few steps, and Wandering Tianya came into the shooting range of Zuiwo battlefield. Tang Yue's automatic pistol shot out an ice bullet, which was blocked by Wandering Tianya's sword.

Wandering Tianya began to move snakeskin, moving quickly or slowly, dodging most of Tang Yue's normal attack, seeing that the distance was getting closer, Wandering Tianya flicked the lightsaber, the figure was divided into four sword shadow steps, and started at the same time Three-stage cut and move.


Wandering in the End of the World had only reached the second step of the three-stage slash, when the real body on the far side was shot backwards by Tang Yue.

Level 75 orange weapon pistol for pursuit of life, with Barrett sniper.

Wandering around the world is not good at micromanagement, and only reached the second step of the three-stage cut, the sword shadow step is a bit blurred, Tang Yue easily recognized the real body, and gave him a heavy blow as soon as he raised his hand.

As soon as Wandering Tianya landed, Zuiwo scattered a circle of grenades around him.

After he landed and bounced, the grenade exploded under him at the same time, wandering around the world was like taking a dirt plane, with a single click, he flew high.

"Da da da, da da da, da da da..."

Zuiwo used his Gatling machine gun on the battlefield and sent him to a higher place.

"Da da da……"

A shuttle of ice bullets chased after him, smashing Wandering World into lumps of ice.

Zuiwo sat on the sidelines and watched the ice bumps fall from the sky, and then fell to pieces on the ground.

The ice shell shattered, and Langji Tianya emerged from the ice lump, and was bounced up again. Before the shock wave he hit dissipated, Zuiwo added another floating bomb on the battlefield, and the silver light that Langji Tianya snatched fell into the air. Blade breaking move.

Zuiwo waved his hand on the battlefield, and a grenade flew right under him and exploded, blowing Wandering Tianya into the air again.





A series of grenades chased his body and flew up, and exploded under him one after another, blowing him even higher than before.

Wandering Tianya had just landed when a stiff bullet flew towards him slowly.

Because of being hit by the stiff bullet, Wandering World couldn't use any moves at all, and fell to the ground in a daze.

Zuiwo stopped again on the battlefield, watching Wandering Tianya falling from the sky again.

After bouncing up again, before the stiffness recovered, a shrinking grenade landed on his stomach, and after a sudden explosion, it smashed him hard to the ground.

Taking advantage of wandering around the world and being bounced off the ground again, Zui Wo threw several grenades with his hands on the battlefield, and another explosion exploded on him, blowing him back to the ground again.

Wandering around the world ate a total of twenty grenades, he ate well, and was thrown four times, leaving only one bloody skin.

On the public channel, Tang Yue typed a line.

Drunk on the battlefield: "Is the audience satisfied with the trampoline play?"

Then Zuiwo made a normal attack with his pistol on the battlefield.


The combo was so exciting just now that the audience couldn't bear to take their eyes away. When they saw Zuiwo send them a message on the battlefield, they immediately started sending barrage, like a large group of sparrows, whistling and flying past the screen.


"Drunk God 666"

"The trampoline is too vivid."


Fang Shiqian, who was in charge of the commentary, said: "Drunken God's micromanagement is too slippery, the timing is too precise, and it doesn't give the opponent any chance to escape."

Wei Chen said with a smile, "Drunk God always plays in a controlling style. Once he is under his control, it's very difficult to escape."

Fang Shiqian asked the audience: "Leave a question for everyone. You can go to the interactive area on Xingxin's official website to answer. How many level 75 ultimate moves did the Drunken God use? The first audience member who answers correctly can get a level 75 purple weapon." .”

An Wenyi, who was controlling the computer, typed the question on the screen: "In this match, how many level 75 ultimate moves did Drunk God use?"

Liyue ended the live broadcast with a smile: "Our Heming Xingxin team scored 9.5 points in the last round. After this individual match, the game is over. After 100 minutes, the live broadcast will restart. Tonight's live broadcast will be Misty Rain For the 301 game, thank the audience, we will see you soon."

(End of this chapter)

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