Chapter 194 Two Drivers
When Tang Yue returned to the training room, Baozi walked over and said, "Master, aren't you looking for a driver? I asked for you. A veteran from our village came to me just now. I will arrange him on the first floor. Have an interview?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go down with you to have a look, and we just happened to have dinner together."

Turn around and say to the others: "Don't play any more, let's go eat."

In the leisure room, there was a middle-aged man with a short cut and dark skin sitting in front of the teahouse. He leaned on the back of the chair listlessly. When he saw Tang Yue walking in with Baozi, he immediately stood up and walked a few steps forward.

Tang Yue walked and said, "Hi, I'm Tang Yue."

When she got closer, Tang Yue realized that this person should be under 30 years old, and he must have sunburned too much in the army. His skin was not only dark, but also rough, which made him look old-fashioned.

The man nodded with a smile and said, "Hello, my name is Li Yun. I heard from Baozi that you want to hire a driver, so I'm here to apply. I learned to drive in the army."

Tang Yue said: "Welcome, welcome, it's time for dinner, we're in the cafeteria behind, shall we chat while eating?"

Li Yun said, "I ate it."

Tang Yue said, "It's okay, just eat some more, how many years have you served in the military?"

Li Yun said: "Ten years. I just got out of the army."

Tang Yue asked: "Is your leg okay to drive?"

Li Yun walked a few steps just now, and his right leg was a little uncoordinated.

Li Yun said: "No problem, I broke my leg and it has been cured, so I am sure there will be no problem driving."

Tang Yue said: "It doesn't matter, if you haven't been cured, I can send you to be cured, and then drive after the cure. Since you are here, you are an employee of our team, and you must not be allowed to work while sick."

Li Yun said: "It has been cured, and I will retire after being discharged from the hospital."

Tang Yue said to Baozi: "Package retailer, you go to eat first, I will go in after chatting with him."

Baozi nodded and said to Li Yun, "You guys talk, I'm going to eat first."

Tang Yue took care of Li Yun and deliberately slowed down her pace. When Baozi left the building, Tang Yue asked Li Yun, "What do you want for salary?"

Li Yun said, "How much can the driver ask for? It's fine if you can get a meal."

Tang Yue said: "You are a master, and you have to protect the safety of passengers while driving, so you can't be treated as an ordinary driver."

Li Yun smiled and said, "I heard from Baozi that you are a black belt in Taekwondo."

Tang Yue shook her head and said, "I'm exercising to prepare for joining the army in the future. I'm not the passenger I'm talking about. Our team's finances have to go to the bank. In the future, the stars will make announcements, and the team will go out to compete. Someone will pick you up. You By the way, protect them from the sidelines so that they will not be harassed by others. If you have trusted comrades in arms, you can also introduce them together, and you will be given two places, and the three will come in rotation."

Li Yun asked: "Do you trust me?"

Tang Yue said: "I trust the soldiers. My father is a retired non-commissioned officer. I will also serve in the military in two years."

Li Yun nodded: "No wonder your guards are all retired soldiers."

Tang Yue pointed to the building behind and said: "Heming Group has many experts, the kind of high-level experts who will attract the attention of multinational companies. The safety issue should not be underestimated. There is a platoon of retired non-commissioned officers in this yard as security. Our team It’s a place here, of course we need to find reliable people, and we can’t make trouble for them.”

Li Yun said: "I only have one suitable person. I don't have high salary requirements. If I ask him to come, I have to ask for more for him before I can feel comfortable hiring him. How about 15 a year?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Okay, 20 for you and 18 for him."

Li Yun said, "I'll do with a little less."

Tang Yue said: "You are the leader, he is your soldier, and there will be more people in the future."

Li Yun said: "We were soldiers of the same year. He was my squad leader. He was always better than me. He retired with me."

Tang Yue said: "Well, I don't care who you are, so let's start with 18, the team [-], and I personally pay [-]. I work here for a long time. It's best to wait until you retire, and the salary will increase year by year. "

Li Yun nodded: "Okay, I agree, I'll go find him."

Tang Yue said: "Then go to dinner first, and then contact him after dinner, we will provide board and lodging here."

After eating, Li Yun left.

This Li Yun looks listless, and with his dark skin, he seems to be an inconspicuous middle-aged man, but he is actually a disguise. His squinted eyes can't fool Tang Yue. His temperament is very similar to that of guard Li, and he must have participated in actual combat. The veterans are either frontier guards or veterans. The latter is more likely to be discharged because of disabilities.

Two days later, two electric cars powered by Heming parked in the yard as the daily vehicles of the Heming Xingxin team.

Two days later, Li Yun came back, followed by a half-grown man and a man with the same temperament.

Li Yun introduced his monitor to Tang Yue: "Young Master Tang, this is my monitor, Sun Bing."

Sun Bing nodded to Tang Yue: "Hello, Young Master Tang."

Tang Yue said: "Don't call him Young Master Tang, it sounds like a dude, follow them and call him Xiaoyue, or Drunk God."

Sun Bing smiled and said, "Drunk God, Li Yun said you are a game master."

Tang Yue nodded: "Yes, you don't have to be modest. My account is Zuiwo Battlefield. Netizens call me Zuishen."

Li Yun pulled half a child over and said: "This is my cousin, Li Fei, who is also 17 years old this year. Drunk God, you are going to serve in the army. He will go with you, so he can take care of you."

Tang Yue asked Li Fei: "Do you want to be a soldier?"

Li Fei nodded: "Thought."

Tang Yue said: "From now on, I will subsidize you 6000 yuan a month, and I will send you to join the army this year. Can you come back to work after you leave the army?"

Li Fei said: "I also want to be a special soldier, and I won't be discharged so soon."

Tang Yue said: "It doesn't matter, you can be promoted as a soldier. No matter how many years you have served, you can come back to work after you retire, okay?"

Li Fei asked: "You have been subsidizing me?"

Tang Yue nodded: "I'll give it to you all the time, and I'll give you a formal salary when you come."

Li Fei said, "What if I don't come?"

Tang Yue said: "When you retire, if you don't come to work, I will stop paying the subsidy, and I won't ask you to return it."

Li Fei smiled and said, "I just asked on purpose, I'm sure I'll come."

Tang Yue said: "Then it's a deal. You go to get a bank account card, and I will pay you monthly. When you enlist in the army, the account card will be handed over to your parents."

Sun Bing and Li Yun looked at each other, and there was no doubt in their hearts.

Children from rich families looking for personal bodyguards, of course, are the most intimate ones that they have been friends with since they were young.

After the two were settled, Tang Yue found a lounge for them on the second floor, and arranged rooms for the three of them on the fifth floor.

"The second floor is your office, and the fifth floor is temporary. I bought another house and it hasn't been renovated yet. Once it's done, I'll arrange a dormitory for each of you."

Sun Bing said: "Too thoughtful, we will definitely work hard."

Tang Yue said: "The team's security tasks are entrusted to you. You don't want to bully others, but we must ensure that our people are not harmed."

Both Sun Bing and Li Yun straightened their backs and nodded respectfully.

At that moment, the momentum of the two of them changed, and the iron-blooded and sturdy temperament was completely released.

(End of this chapter)

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