Chapter 195

The indifferent eyes of the two were full of blood, which made Tang Yue's heart skip a beat, and she was even more sure of their identities.It's just that he didn't ask, knowing that the two of them must be restricted by confidentiality regulations, so he wouldn't tell if he asked.

Sun Bing and Li Yun are classmates. They have known each other since they were young. The recruit company is also together, but they are not assigned to the same company. When they were first-term non-commissioned officers, they were selected into the special forces together and became partners in the sniper team. Sun Bing was a sniper, and Li Yun was an observer. Hands, life and death depended on each other for eight years. When they were on the last mission, they were shelled together, and they were injured in the hospital for half a year. Their bodies were no longer suitable for heavy training, and they retired together.

Baozi asked his family to find veterans to be the drivers of the team, and the family found Li Yun, who had just been discharged from the army.

Li Yun had arrived long ago, and after two days of getting to know the surroundings, he confirmed that he didn't need to be a minion for the tiger, so he came to see Baozi.

Tang Yue's arrangement after the meeting was more in line with Li Yun's wishes, so she brought her partner Sun Bing along.

After arranging Li Yun and the others, Tang Yue went home and said to Tang Heming, "Dad, can you help me arrange for someone to enlist in your old army?"

Tang Heming asked, "Who is that bun?"

Tang Yue shook her head: "No, Baozi fell on his head when he was a child, and he was a little out of line. He is not suitable for serving as a soldier. He is from Baozi's hometown. He is 17 years old. I look very smart."

Tang Heming asked: "Introduced by Baozi? Also practiced martial arts since childhood?"

Tang Yue nodded: "Baozi introduced Li Yunlai, a retired non-commissioned officer, as a driver, and the driver introduced two more people. Sun Bing is his monitor, and Li Fei is his cousin. He is in the second year of technical secondary school and has not graduated from nursing. You send him to join the army and become a driver for me after he retires.

The children there have all practiced martial arts since childhood, and being a soldier is the first way out, and the rest will either become fighters or film crews as martial artists. "

Tang Heming asked: "Learn to be a nurse? Is it to become a special soldier?"

Tang Yue nodded: "Yes, it is a tradition for their children to serve as soldiers. They know what kind of talents the army needs. Unless their grades are particularly good and they have no intention of being in the army, they will go to university. The rest will go to technical secondary schools. craft."

Tang Heming smiled and said: "Okay, leave a copy of his ID card and let him go back to school first, and I will let the old army recruit him."

That night, Tang Yue received a message from Chu Yunxiu: "Xiaoyue, haven't you slept yet?"

Tang Yue replied: "No, rest now. Your new Silver Weapon is useless against Tyranny."

Sister Yunxiu: "I don't want to use it for the time being. I lost two games in a row. I'm very depressed."

Tang Yue asked: "The silver weapon is a gift for you, you can use it as you like, you are looking for me so late, what's the matter?"

Sister Yunxiu: "I want to recommend someone to you."

Tang Yue replied in seconds: "Oh, we recruit talents here. After the start of the challenge, our guild has recruited fifteen elite backbones."

Sister Yunxiu: "You recruit talents from the challenge competition?"

Tang Yue sent a smiling face: "Wei Chen and Fang Shiqian are watching the challenge video every day now. When they see good seedlings, they will add friends and send invitations to trial training. Older ones will be invited to join the guild."

Sister Yunxiu: "Is there dozens in your guild?"

Tang Yue: "The [-]-member group hasn't been assembled yet."

Sister Yunxiu: "It's amazing, the professional hundred-member group, only Tyranny, Blue Rain and Weicao are the three giants."

Tang Yue: "We also want to be a rich family, or the number one in Glory. Of course, these basic configurations must be adequate. Tell me, what talent do you recommend, I will definitely accept it, and the treatment will not be bad."

Sister Yunxiu: "Qin Yi, director of our technical department."

Tang Yue: "Skilled man, is he willing to change jobs?"

Sister Yunxiu: "If it wasn't for your new Silver Weapon, he wouldn't have quit."

Tang Yue asked: "Want to come to learn transformation technology? No problem, Baojiabaohui."

Sister Yunxiu: "I heard from Mucheng that you have used the Transformation Silver Weapon to lure Excellent Era Silver Warrior into your team."

Tang Yue said: "How do you say to deceive? He came here on his own initiative. Guan Rongfei joined Excellent Era's technical department just out of interest. Seeing Yinwu's new technology came to study with us. It's your wish."

Sister Yunxiu: "The series of things that happened in Misty Rain recently were all caused by your new silver weapon. If you reason from the fact that the beneficiary is the black hand behind the scenes, you are the black hand that promotes the turmoil in our Yanyu."

Tang Yue laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I'm simple and honest, I really can't afford the heavy responsibility you said."

Sister Yunxiu: "Hahaha, simple and honest? Even if you are simple and honest at first, after following Ye Qiu and Wei Chen for so long, you will also acquire dirty attributes and become scheming."

Tang Yue changed the subject: "Tell me, how could Qin Yi want to change jobs?"

Sister Yunxiu: "I took the silver weapon back. On the list of materials you gave, none of the materials from the Misty Rain Guild were useless. They were stabbed to the general manager. During the meeting, the transaction of exchanging materials for silver weapons was rejected, and they were asked to use 100 million yuan. Buy it."

Tang Yue: "One million? Our valuation of the level 100 transformed silver weapon here is 70 million. Yours is the first level 500 silver weapon I made. Its attributes have leapfrogged. It is equivalent to a level 75 orange weapon. I did it for Earn some materials, make a few more, and only change the materials. If you are willing to sell, I will throw the silver weapon attribute into the QQ group of players, and the price will be 85 million. At most, I will receive the money in one day. Do you believe it? ?”

Sister Yunxiu: "Of course I believe it, not to mention Yinwu, the 270 skill points you added to Fengcheng Misty Rain can increase the value of my account card by 500 million. But the club only treats us as a cash cow, and doesn't care about anything else. "

Tang Yue replied with a smile: "Haha, what's wrong with a money tree, at least hold you in the palm of your hand, besides, besides those of us who are bosses, who is not a money tree?"

Sister Yunxiu: "Hahaha, you really dare to say it, but you are the biggest cash cow of your club, right?"

Tang Yue: "Everyone does their best. God Ye has yet to use his abilities. We are going to establish the Heming Xingxin Dynasty. You come to Heming Xingxin, and you are also the founder of the dynasty."

Sister Yunxiu: "That's great, that's why someone recommended it to you. After reading the list and understanding the attributes of Yinwu, Qin Yi went to the general manager and asked to keep Yinwu at all costs, but was scolded by the general manager. He was so bloody that he was removed from the position of director of the technical department, and Cui Hao, the technical backbone under him, took the top job."

Tang Yue asked: "So he is angry that he has lost his position, so he wants to change jobs?"

Sister Yunxiu: "That's not true. He doesn't care about these things. He looks a little pedantic, but he is actually a really talented person. After being dismissed, he immediately locked the inventory logistics computer, and then gave it to the superior department. Make a report and ask for an exit review of yourself."

Tang Yue asked: "Oh, do you have a problem with the management of Misty Rain materials?"

Sister Yunxiu: "Yanyu's materials are all in the possession of the technical department. I don't know if there is any problem. Anyway, the materials that Director Qin received have no problems at all. After getting the certificate of innocence, he handed in the resignation report immediately. In a fit of rage, Mr. Wang immediately signed the resignation report, and when I got the news, I came to ask you, if you are willing to accept, Heming Xingxin Club can recruit him."

Tang Yue said: "It must be done, come here anytime, and make sure to double his salary."

Sister Yunxiu: "Do you know how much his salary is? Just promise to double his salary."

Tang Yue said: "No matter how much, I can double the satisfaction."

(End of this chapter)

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