Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 201 Where is Jun Mo Ren

Chapter 201 Where is Jun Mo Ren

When Tang Yue came home from school, she saw only Wei Chen on the third floor, and asked in surprise, "Where is he?" '

Wei Chen asked, "No one told you?"

Tang Yue said, "No, where did you go?"

Wei Chen smiled and said, "I thought the driver would say that."They all went to Team Heavenly Swordsman.Then wait and see All-Star Weekend. '

Tang Yue said: "The driver is a veteran, so he won't talk too much. Why don't you go?"

Wei Chen said, "I'm going to do a live commentary tomorrow night."

Tang Yue said: "Okay, you are busy, by the way, give me your weapon, I have some ideas, and help you upgrade."

Wei Chen immediately smiled and said, "Thank you so much, I was the first to think of me, Old Wei."

Tang Yue said: "The materials in hand are only enough for you alone, so I will help you upgrade first."

Wei Chen traded the God of Darkness to Zuiwo Battlefield. Tang Yue opened the equipment editor, selected the blueprint, put the God of Darkness into it, and clicked Dismantling. The silver weapon that was originally a whole was directly dispersed, and all became parts of the smallest unit. .

This is the function of the drawings. If there is no drawing, the welding seam must be found if the laser is used for hard demolition.

It's just that Tang Yue's silver weapons are all synthetic weapons, with multiple parts installed to prevent laser hard dismantling.If anyone does not listen to the advice and forcefully dismantles it, it will be scrapped as soon as it is dismantled.

Tang Yue opened the material box, took out the synthetic materials according to the number, and fused them with the corresponding parts. After shaping them according to the drawings, they cut and polished them into the original shape again. Gathered the scraps, fused them into balls again, and put them into the material box.

Wei Chen looked at the back for a while, and said with a smile: "Synthetic materials are the top technology of Yinwu production. All teams and clubs in the alliance have mastered some, and the formulas are different."

Tang Yue said: "The key to synthetic materials is to decipher the elements. In Glory, I imitate the periodic table of elements in reality, and set up a periodic table of elements. At level 70, there are a total of 312 elements, all of which are deciphered by me. At level 75, I will add some more elements." Elements, currently I have cracked 15 kinds, and in my material box, there are 68 kinds of synthetic materials synthesized with these fifteen kinds of elements."

Wei Chen asked: 'How many kinds can I use? '

Tang Yue said: "There are eight kinds of synthetic materials that can be added to your silver weapon and replaced with the parts just now. In the future, your ninja sword will be equipped with the poison of coldness and coldness. It can't freeze the opponent, but a single cut can make you die." The opponent continues to lose blood for 15 seconds, no matter how many times you slash, the time is 15 seconds, counting from the first slash. But the more you slash, the faster the blood loss."

Wei Chen smiled and said, "If this attribute is installed on the lightsaber, wouldn't it be bloodletting?"

Tang Yue said: "The lightsaber is of the light attribute. The poison of Yin and Cold cannot be installed on the lightsaber. It can only be used on ninja knives and daggers, not even short swords."

Wei Chen said: "Is this also on my dagger? '

Tang Yue shook her head: "There is no need to repeat, your dagger is still improving towards the thief. The new skill of the 75-level thief is empty-handed. You can steal a skill from the opponent and immediately return it to the opponent. If you use it, the opponent will be useless." , can only be used after cooling.”

Of course Wei Chen knew about the thief's new skill, and asked, "Can my dagger come with this skill?"

Tang Yue said: "Wonderful hands +1."

Wei Chen smiled and said, "As long as it works."

Tang Yue said: "Okay, don't bother me, you can see it when I fix it."

"Okay, you do it." Wei Chen immediately turned around and left.

Tang Yue used eight pieces of synthetic materials to upgrade eight parts. The other parts did not move. They were reassembled, welded, and then polished until the welds could not be seen. Finally, the runes she had just learned from the level 75 orange weapon were painted on. Click OK.

"Director Wei, you can come and get it." Tang Yue greeted, took the God of Darkness in her hand, first drew out the ninja sword, then attached it to the staff in reverse, put the ninja sword back into its sheath, and put the little finger's dagger Pull it out, put the little finger back into the sheath, then pull out the cross, and finally install the cross back to open the overall property.

After Tang Yue traded the God of Darkness to Wei Chen, she smiled and said, "It's time for dinner, I forgot to exercise today, let's go, watch it after dinner."

Wei Chen wanted to check the attributes, but Tang Yue stopped him: "It won't change again, I'll check it after dinner."

When I arrived at the cafeteria, I saw the members of the second team and the children there, so I asked, "Didn't you go to City B?"

Yan Cunxin said: "The first team only has director Wei and you, and the second team only left Mr. Chen, and everyone else is here. Next Friday, I, Liyue, and director Wei will go with you, and the others will not go. "

Tang Yue nodded: "Alright, let's hurry up and practice for the second team. Next year we will be able to enter the arena without buying tickets, and sit in the player seats."

On the weekend, the Heming Xingxin team played against the Digital Age at home. Because they had won their opponents in the previous game, they only need to win one game in this game to end the game.

Heming Xingxin arranged for Mo Fan to play, and the opponent was the captain of the digital age, a battle mage wandering the world.

In the last round, wandering around the world defending the ring, was killed by Baozi, the second pick of Heming Xingxin.

When the competition started, Wei Chen looked at the map and said with a smile, "Mo Fan's choice of map is interesting."

Fang Shiqian said: "The big arena map is suitable for battle mages, but it limits the ninja's sneak attack. Do you know why Mo Fan chose a map that is not conducive to ninjas?"

The big arena map is a commonly used map for arenas. It is surrounded by woods, and in the middle is a large grassland. There is a big stone arena in the middle of the grass. It is as tall as two people. There are ladders at the four corners. If you jump well, you can jump directly go up.

Wei Chen said: "Although Mo Fan is introverted and doesn't like to talk, he is a ghost and a ghost. He deliberately chose a map that is not conducive to the ninja's position, just to let the opponent relax his vigilance. As for the reason, I will talk about it after the two sides fight."

Because Mo Fan turned off the viewing angle, the audience cannot watch the game from his perspective. The audience can either choose the perspective of God, or use the perspective of Wandering World.On the big screen here, Wei Chen uses the perspective of wandering around the world.

After Wandering in the End of the World refreshed, seeing the map of the big arena, he ran out of the woods and headed for the big arena in the middle.In order to seize the ring, Wandering Tianya didn't take the stairs, but directly jumped up with a long stick on the ground.

After Langji Tianya jumped onto the ring, he looked around, but didn't see any figure.

Wei Chen asked Fang Shiqian in the commentary room: "Old Fang, where do you think Jun Moren is?"

Fang Shiqian said: "He hasn't talked to me, I don't know much about Mo Fan yet."

Because Mo Fan turned off the camera and used stealth, even the players watching from God's camera didn't know where Mo Fan was now.

Countless viewers on the live barrage asked Wei Chen to speak out.

Liyue, who was watching the bullet screen on the tablet, gave Wei Chen a look at the bullet screen.

"Boss Wei, speak up."

"Boss Wei, don't pretend to be profound. If you say it, I will convince you. I will watch your live broadcast from now on."

"Yes, if you say it, you will obey, if you don't say it, you will be pretending."


Wei Chen smiled and said, "Just say it, there's no pretense here. Jun Moren is right under the ring."

(End of this chapter)

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